The Naked Speech

 I have been sick a lot lately for most of this month, so I haven't been writing as many stories lately, but last night I just sort of thought of this one off the top of my head as one that I thought I could write rather quickly. This one is basically based on that whole idea of if you have to give a speech in front of a class or a large group of people that you should try to picture everybody in their underwear, of course then I thought it would be funny if you had to give a speech about fear while completely naked, to be sort of ironic, in which case picturing people in their underwear would still involve them wearing more clothing than you were! This one has sort of a strange premise I suppose, as I couldn't really see a classroom actually doing that in most colleges that I know of, but again you have to give some suspension of disbelief. This is a story involving only one naked, embarrassed nude female, embarrassed nude male, CMNF and CFNM. Enjoy!

The Naked Speech
"Okay class we are going to be trying something new for our next assignment, our next assignment is that next time in front of class you're going to have to get up here and give a speech," Mrs. Florence said.
    "I don't know what could possibly be more anxiety inducing and embarrassing than having to get up in front of the class and give a speech," Giselle said shaking her head.
    "But that's not all, you are going to do it completely naked!" Mrs. Florence said as she began clapping and laughing.
    "Okay maybe that would qualify, are you serious Mrs. Florence?" Giselle said shaking her head. "I mean what does that have to do with our class?"
    "This is a class about conceptual acting, and if you're ever going to act in front of an audience you have to learn to overcome fear in any type of situation, and in fact that's what your speech is going to be about, you are going to give a speech about overcoming fear while in front of the class completely naked."
    "Do we have to?"
    "If you want to get a passing grade then you certainly do, and I expect everybody to be ready to go when they are called upon."

    Giselle couldn't believe that she actually got an assignment like this, but when she told her boyfriend Lemuel later that evening he couldn't help but burst out laughing.
    "It's not funny, I don't want to get up on a stage in front of all of my classmates naked, do you have any idea how embarrassing that would be?!"
    Lemuel shook his head. "Well they say that if you feel nervous in front of a large group of people to just picture them in their underwear."
    "Well that would be helpful if in this case them wearing their underwear still didn't involve them wearing more than I was!"
    "Yes that's a good point I suppose, I hadn't considered it from that angle," Lemuel said as he began laughing.
    "It's not funny, stop laughing, if you think it's so funny let's see you do it!"
    "What do you mean, do what?"
    "What do you mean what, I mean strip naked right now and give me a speech on overcoming fear while standing in front of me completely naked, and then picture that I am with about 50 other students on top of that."
    "Well I mean I would and everything, but I don't know, it just seems kind of weird," Lemuel said.
    "Oh really, you think it's weird to have to get up in front of all of your classmates completely naked, no shit Sherlock! But again if you think it's so funny why don't you put your money where your mouth is? If you think it's so easy then the least you could do is get naked in front of me and give me a speech on overcoming fear, I mean unless you are chicken."
    Lemuel knew that that was a direct challenge to his manhood and if he didn't do it that she would never let him live it down. He had been naked with her before, but something about this just seemed strange and a little bit more awkward than simply being naked together.
    "Well I'm waiting," Giselle said as she crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently. "If you can't get naked for me then there is something wrong with you, and you have no right to laugh at me for being equally anxious. I'm not even asking you to get up in front of all of my classmates, I'm just asking you to get up in front of me naked and give a speech, me who has seen you naked numerous times before."
    "Well are you going to get naked as well," he said smiling at the prospect of them perhaps having some naked fun together.
    Giselle smiled. "Actually, you know my classmates won't be naked when I'm giving the speech in front of them, so I shouldn't be naked while you are giving the speech in front of me. So come on Mr. tough guy, off with those clothes if you really think that you are up to the challenge."
    Lemuel knew that if he didn't do this he would never hear the end of it, and he knew that his relationship might very well even depend on it. So slowly and reluctantly he stripped out of his clothing until he was standing in front of Giselle completely naked, where she looked rather comfortable in her long dress that covered most of her body.
    "Well go ahead, give your speech about overcoming fear," Giselle said looking him up and down. "You don't look like a person who is overcoming fear right now, in fact you look positively covered in goosebumps!"
    Giselle started laughing at him and poking fun, and he didn't know why he was so embarrassed in front of her naked, until he realized that this was the first time he was in front of her naked without her likewise being naked, and something about that made him feel that there was some imbalance of power, but there was something strangely exciting about that, the fact that she held all the cards this time.
    However he swallowed his pride and very slowly and surely was able to give his speech on overcoming fear, rather ironically while he was trembling the whole time and stuttering here and there. Finally it was over and, exciting as it was, he felt relieved to get dressed as Giselle started clapping.
    "So now are you going to get naked and give a speech for me?" Lemuel said.
    "No I don't think that I am up for that now, but thank you, I enjoyed watching you squirm up there while you were giving your speech, all of those goosebumps and ripples appearing on your naked flesh. You look rather cute when you are caught like a deer in the headlights embarrassed out of your mind."
    "But you know you not getting up in front of me naked isn't going to make it any easier for you to do so in front of all your classmates tomorrow."
    "Well I'll worry about that tomorrow, but for right now that just gave me a little bit of a confidence boost that I needed, thank you for that," she said as she kissed him. "But don't worry I am sure that I will be fine tomorrow."

    However the next day while Giselle was sitting in class she was practically struck with terror as she saw student after student go up in front of the class only to fail to be able to give their speech effectively, running off the stage embarrassed. She knew that when her turn came that she was as good as a goner, but she didn't want to get a failing grade, as she was the perfect student in this class, so when Mrs. Florence called her up she reluctantly got on the stage and slowly stripped out of her clothing as everybody in the class began snickering and smirking, especially the guys.
    "Overcoming fear," she said as she found her whole body shaking and being covered in goosebumps, she knew she must be blushing like crazy and already humiliating herself. She could barely even form words as her mouth grew extremely dry.
    She tried picturing everybody in the class in their underwear, and despite the fact that she had just seen numerous members of the class naked, the fact that she was now the only one naked was making her situation all the more embarrassing, and she couldn't find herself able to form the necessary words. She was just about ready to give up when all of a sudden Lemuel came into the room with a big smile on his face, and it turns out that that was the only thing that he was wearing!
    As Giselle saw Lemuel sit down in the audience completely buck naked, as everybody in the class turned to him before turning back to her, suddenly she had that boost of confidence she needed.
    "Sometimes the only way you can overcome fear is when somebody else takes the first step," she said as she began her speech. She couldn't even remember most of what she was saying but by the time she was done she was the first person in the class to be able to get through the entire speech without running off the stage in humiliation, and when she was done she got a standing ovation.
    "I couldn't have done this without my very considerate boyfriend Lemuel who gave me the confidence that I needed to come up here, why don't you come up here and take a bow yourself," Giselle said as Lemuel sat there in the audience blushing and holding up his hands and shaking his head, before everybody in the class sort of pushed him up to the stage with Giselle as they took a bow.
    "Now that my class is what I was trying to teach you, that's how you overcome your fear, A+!" Mrs. Florence said.
    "Thank you again Lemuel," she said as she kissed him on the cheek as he began blushing.
    "If this was your midterm I have to admit there is one thing that I am already starting to worry about."
    "What's that?"
    "I just hope that whatever you have to do for your final exam involves being more heavily dressed!"


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