The Amazing Colossal Nude Dude

This one is pretty straightforward, earlier tonight I watched The Amazing Colossal Man on YouTube for the first time in many years, and as I was watching that I was thinking if he was growing faster than his clothing that he would probably just end up having to go naked, realistically speaking, and then I thought that that would make for a pretty good CFNM story, with a nice bit of commentary on 1950s sexual prudishness, sexism and military incompetence on top of that like I would in my serious science fiction under my own name, so all in all I am pretty happy with the results and I hope you are as well. I am very happy with it as it turned out to be a really nice naked comedy satire of a 1950s classic sci-fi movie. This story is entirely a CFNM story involving and embarrassed nude man and only one naked in public.

The Amazing Colossal Nude Dude
In the Nevada desert sometime in the 1950s.
    "I know that we shouldn't be unpatriotic and question the military, but I seem to find myself have misgivings about the idea that they are putting us in a shallow trench and detonating a nuclear bomb not that far away from us, it seems like kind of a dangerous thing to do to your own soldiers, and how do we know that there aren't going to be side effects," Glenn said.
    "You know I think you think too much, you question every little thing and can't just seem to go with the flow of things," Jack said. "You should just be like me and follow orders."
    "I think that maybe you don't question things enough like at all. Wait a minute where are you going?"
    Jack started getting out of the trench so Glenn followed him out.
    "We were ordered to stay in the trench," Glenn said as he grabbed Jack by the arm to lead him back to the trench.
    "I thought you just said that we should be questioning orders all the time," Jack said. "Anyway I have to take a piss, it will only take a minute and then I will get back in the stupid trench."
    "I think that we should question the idea of what we are doing and the wider implications it has for our place in the world, and of the runaway military-industrial complex and its unchecked power that Eisenhower warned us about, as well as the potential effects it has on our health, but I don't think that we should question the order not to get out of the trench and get directly in line of the nuclear bomb that is about to detonate!"
    "What I'm hearing is mixed messages here," Jack said as he began unzipping his fly.
    "Get back in the trench you idiot," Glenn said as he pushed Jack into the trench and wiped off his forehead. "That was a close one."
    Glenn was about to get back into the trench with Jack when all of the sudden the bomb exploded and a big gust of wind ended up blowing off his clothing as well as taking off most of his skin with it. As Glenn's irradiated body fell down on the floor and back into the trench right next to Jack who was taking a whiz, Jack shook his head.
    "You probably should've stayed in the trench," Jack said as he finished relieving himself.

    Glenn was immediately taken to a hospital where it was pretty much assumed that, having suffered a direct hit from a nuclear bomb, that things were probably not going to turn out very well from him, so they figured that they would leave him for the night and check on him in the morning, where they figured they would have a lot of PR work to do over the fact that he was almost certainly going to die.
    Much to their surprise the next morning the doctors unwrapped his bandages and found that his skin grew back.
    "Well how about that, I never would have thought there could have been a positive benefit from being hit by a nuclear bomb and having your skin ripped off by deadly radiation, but I guess I was wrong," Dr. Roy said as he laughed. "Well I can say that's definitely a relief as it's going to be a lot less PR work we have to worry about doing to smooth this over with the population who are already a little bit antsy about us detonating lots of dangerous nuclear weapons into the atmosphere like that."
    "What happened?" Glenn said as he rubbed his eyes.
    "Well for some reason you decided to be an idiot and get out of the trench right when the nuclear bomb was exploding, but the good thing is despite the fact that all of your skin was melted off by radiation it seems like it grew back overnight, just the same I think that we should strip you naked and let the nurses examine you," Dr. Roy said.
    "Do they have to," Glenn said as he was blushing.
    "Well it looks like we got us a shy one," nurse Stephanie said as she came into the room with a perverted smirk on her face as she indicated that he should get undressed so she could check his body for signs of radiation burns.
    "Well I don't see any radiation burns but you have a cute ass," Stephanie said as Glenn stood there blushing.
    "Can I get dressed now?" Glenn said covering up his body with his hands.
    "Okay shy guy, you can get dressed, I will check on you in a few hours."

    A few hours later nurse Stephanie came into the room where she practically dropped her jaw when she came to check on Glenn,only to find that he was several times his normal size and that he had torn completely out of his clothing as he sat there trying to cover himself up, and she couldn't help but smirk.
    "Well well well, this seems unexpected," Stephanie said as Glenn sat there blushing. "Are you honestly so shy that the thing that bothers you most about the fact that you seem to be 18 to 20 feet tall is the fact that you don't fit in your clothing anymore?"
    Glenn sat there nodding and blushing over the fact that his naked body was pretty large and in charge, and that she could see every single inch of it. He wanted to cover himself up with a sheet but he couldn't find a sheet big enough to cover up most of his body.
    "I'd better better go get the doctors," Stephanie said as she left the room and came back with a bunch of women in lab coats.
    "I thought that you were going to go get the doctors," Glenn said sitting there on the floor naked and covering up his junk with his hands and blushing profusely.
    "Women can be doctors you know, I'm Dr. Candy," one of the women in the lab coats said as the other women all sort of nodded and smirked.
    "I didn't mean to imply that women can't be doctors ,but women doctors are usually uncommon," Glenn said.
    "Well it's true at this time and place in history it is rare for women to be doctors, but hey I guess you got lucky in that all of the doctors attending today just happened to be female," Dr. Candy said as she laughed. "Now you just stand still as we take pictures of every inch of your naked body as we examine it in detail, I promise that we will be strictly professional about it."
    As Dr. Candy and the other doctors walked out of the room and closed the door behind themselves they couldn't help but burst out laughing.
    "See I told you that if we got jobs as doctors that we would see something interesting," Dr. Florence said as she looked at the naked pictures that they took of Glenn and started giggling.
    "Now hey ladies, as we want to prove that we are serious doctors we have to be strictly professional about the fact that we just saw a man with the world's largest penis," Dr. Jacobs said as she stood there smirking before they all began laughing again.

    The next day, as Glenn sat naked in a tent because he was growing faster than his tailor could make clothing for him.
    "Glenn you'll be glad to know that we brought your fiancé Carol here to see you," Dr. Jacobs said as she came into the room as Glenn instinctively covered himself up.
    "Carol I didn't want you to see me like this," Glenn said blushing.    
    Carol couldn't help but smile. "Well Glenn don't worry you have nothing to be insecure about, you are literally the biggest man around on the entire planet," she said staring directly at his genitals.
    "But it's terrible Carol, I'm growing so fast that I can't even manage to wear any type of clothing because my accelerated growth would just cause me to rip out of them shortly, although I suspect that the doctors examining me kind of just don't want to spring for clothing for me for some reason."
    "What makes you think that?"
    "I don't know, just something about their demeanor, and the fact that I overheard them standing outside of my door and snickering and saying that he's growing so fast that it would be pointless to get him clothing, plus then we wouldn't get to see his big naked body all day."
    "Although it will be okay Glenn, you shouldn't be so shy, I am sure that they will find some way to reverse this accelerated growth to the point where you can wear clothing like a normal man again."
    "But what if I can't Carol, what if I just keep growing and growing until I am so large that people can see my naked body from miles away?"
    "Look Glenn I am not a jealous fiancé, if other women and even men see you naked so what, is that really the biggest problem right now? I mean the fact that you're 50 feet tall and that you seem to be growing by several feet every day should be more of a concern than the fact that you can't get any clothing that fits you. I mean I knew you were bashful, but good God!"
    "I couldn't blame you if you didn't want to be with me anymore, I mean I know I'm a big man, but now we can't even have sex because my penis is probably bigger than most of your body. Everyone always said it would be great to be a guy with a really huge penis but they forget that if everybody else is a normal size that it doesn't really do you any good."
    "I think that I should give you some time alone Glenn, you probably still have a lot to process, and the fact that you haven't gotten past the stage where you are mostly still fixating on the fact that everyone is seeing you naked, rather than the fact that you are one of the most astonishing things to have ever happened in the entire history of the world and who has the potential to change and even rewrite all known medical science for all of human history, really shows that I don't think you have your priorities straight in your mind right now. Don't worry I have total faith in your all-female scientific crew of doctors who will try to find a cure for you."
    As Carol left Glenn had to admit that he didn't really look forward to the prospect of growing larger and larger, literally too big for his own britches. If they didn't find a way to stop him from growing soon there would be no way he could hide his nudity from the world.
    The embarrassment of the situation was slowly driving Glenn completely and utterly insane.
    "I brought you your lunch," nurse Stephanie said as she came into the room with that same big smirk on her face as she stared directly at him.
    "You mean you just came here to make me feel awkward and embarrassed, come to stare and gawk at the naked guy, the 65 foot man with a gargantuan genitals," Glenn said.
    "The 65 foot tall blushing naked man," Stephanie said as she couldn't help but continue to smile.
    "Get out of here, you're making me feel really uncomfortable and self-conscious right now," Glenn said as he started shouting at Stephanie, causing her to run away in fear at the giant man who she was worried might end up crushing her or eating her.
    The embarrassment had grown too severe, Glenn could take it no more, and he figured that he would have to get out of there and go someplace where nobody would see him naked. He would go out into the middle of the desert until he found some place where he could have some privacy, where not everybody would be staring at his naked body all day.
    Unfortunately Glenn had no sense of direction or the slightest idea in hell where he was going, so after wandering around in the desert for a few hours he came to Las Vegas.
    "It's a giant naked guy!" a woman shouted as a bunch of cameras started flashing in all directions as Glenn shouted and growled.
    "This is obscene, even for Las Vegas in the 1950s," another woman said as she covered up her daughter's eyes. "Don't look dear, I am protecting your innocence."
    "Mom I grew up in Las Vegas, and even though this is the 1950s and is a more sexually repressive era I am not as naïve as you think. I guess what I am saying is let me see the giant dingdong!"
    As Glenn ran up and down the streets dodging all manner of people trying to take his picture he was being driven completely mad by the fact that everybody in the city was seeing him naked. He tried hiding behind buildings but it was no use, no matter where he went in the city, no matter what your vantage point was you could get a nice glimpse of his naked body in every direction. Soon people were coming out from every single direction pointing and  laughing at the naked man, to say nothing of taking pictures which would be in every paper by the next morning, fortunately just in black and white so it wouldn't be as obvious how much he was blushing.
    "We were worried that Glenn could lose his mind," Dr. Candy said shaking her head. "The fact that we were all sort of whistling and pointing at him every time we came into his room and poking fun at how incredibly and insanely shy he was, well that probably didn't help that much either, so that's on us I suppose. But the good news is that we have proven that women in science are just as competent as men, because after only a few days of experimenting on animals and whatnot we have found a way to reverse the shrinking process and get him back to normal size."
    "Well that's wonderful," Carol said as she scratched her head. "Look I would be glad to have him back at normal size, but do you think maybe you could make him just slightly above average size, you know down there where it counts. I mean I love him one way or another, but he was a little bit small down there before this incident, so if you could maybe, you know let him be a little bit bigger than he was before, that would be kind of nice."
    Dr. Candy smirked. "But you just proved my next scientific thesis that women in the 1950s are not as sexually uptight as some people seem to think, am I right?"
    The two of them had a good laugh as they got a giant hypodermic needle and decided that they would take it to Las Vegas to hopefully get to Glenn before he grew so big that it ended up killing him, because Carol knew that if more people saw Glenn naked he would probably end up dying of embarrassment even before he got too big for his heart to handle his size and explode.
    "Look everybody it's the gigantic blushing man!" a woman in the street shouted as Glenn stood there in the middle of the city covering up his genitals with his hands.
    "Hey stop, everybody stop looking at me or I will go insane with embarrassment and kill everybody who is staring at my naked body," Glenn said as he stood there continuing to blush.
    "Geez and they say that women are the more irrational, emotional and uptight sex," Dr. Candy said as the helicopter approached Glenn.
    "Glenn, we have the cure for your condition, we just have to give you a shot and hopefully it will end up shrinking you back down to normal size," Carol shouted through a bullhorn. "Everything is going to be okay!"
    Dr. Candy and the other doctors working on Glenn's case stabbed him with the hypodermic needle and a helicopter led him back to the base where they could monitor his condition.

    A few days later.
    As Dr. Candy and the other doctors left the room still smirking and snickering that's when Carol came in to see Glenn sitting there completely naked in his hospital bed.
    "Don't look at me Carol, I can't stand being some type of freak," Glenn said as he stood there covering himself up with his hands and blushing. "You said that everything was going to be okay."
    "But Glenn I will still love you no matter what, and don't blame Dr. Candy, this was one of those inoculations that was whipped up in a couple of days as an emergency, so they didn't have time to test the side effects extensively, who would have known the shrinking agent would have also rendered you permanently allergic to clothing!"
    "You're probably going to get the Nobel Prize for this," Dr. Florence said looking at Dr. Candy standing outside of the door to Glenn's hospital room. "Although it's too bad you couldn't cure him completely and that the inoculation somehow rendered him permanently allergic to clothing."
    "Yeah it's too bad, that was a really terrible 'accident' I guess you would say," Dr. Candy said as the two of them smirked and burst out laughing, as they knew that they would be studying him and his case for a long time in the future, and they were thoroughly looking forward to it.
    Dr. Roy shook his head disapprovingly. "If only they could have made a 50 foot tall naked broad instead, oh well back to the drawing board I guess!"


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