Strip the Rich!

 Hey everyone it's been a while since I have updated this blog or written one of these. I have an unfortunately really sick and distracted for the last month, so I don't really usually write fetish stuff or erotica when I am not feeling that well, but then tonight I just was feeling better and I saw this story about Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, who is sort of like my political idol, who some criticized as being a hypocrite for going to a big expensive gala event wearing an outfit where it said she was going to tax the rich. I disagree with that as you will see in the story, I didn't really feel it was hypocritical, but then I got this crazy idea for a naked story that I think works really well both as a naked story and as sort of a minor work of political satire addressing nudity in regards to class issues. 

Again I'm not usually very political in my fetish writing and stuff like this, although in my serious stuff that I publish under my own name I am actually a very political writer, and sometimes I can even come through in stories like this having little to do with politics. The story isn't about the actual Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, but the character is more or less exactly based on her, and I think that it works pretty well, so I hope you enjoy it. The story contains embarrassed nude female, CFNF, CMNF, only one naked and naked in public.

Strip the Rich!
Alexandra was looking forward to the big gala event for a long time as it was a big event that would allow her to mix with a lot of the nation's finest. Admittedly she sometimes felt out of place among them, as a very vocal socialist and a huge advocate of ending economic inequality attending a gala event with lots of the wealthy elite of the country made her feel that she was out of her element and among the very people that she was often trying to bring down.
    There were some who even accused her of hypocrisy, saying that mixing and mingling with the wealthy elite of the country would be unbecoming of a socialist, but she felt that by reaching out and mingling with them maybe she could encourage them to be more charitable towards the less fortunate, and maybe the fact that she was wearing an outfit that said tax the rich and then eat them would show that she had a sense of humor, and she hoped that they had a sense of humor as well.
    "Well if it isn't our local socialist who is trying to take all of our wealth to give it to the undeserving," Megan said as soon as Alexandra approached, walking through the doors in her elegant flowing evening gown.
    "Hello Megan," Alexandra said. The two of them went back a really long way as Megan was sort of the stuck up rich girl in her school who was always putting her down, and she thought that Megan might even have been instrumental in actually turning her into a socialist in the first place, as she saw the corrupting power of the wealthy and the effect it had on people no more perfectly than it was represented by Megan. She was the ultimate rich stuck up bitch, the stuck up bitch of stuck up bitches.
    "What business do you even think that you have being here as a socialist, doesn't it go against your personal creed to even associate with the wealthy like us?" Megan said shaking her head. "If you ask me coming to a big gala event like this goes against your supposed socialist principles. And that fancy outfit that you are wearing, that is sort of an insult to your wealthy hosts as doesn't look cheap if you know what I mean."
    "Well Megan if that is your way of apologizing for saying that I was a poor piece of trash who always dressed like I had done my shopping in the church poor box or the Salvation Army or the thrift store, or wherever else you think that poor people exclusively get their clothes, every single day in high school for my entire educational career, then I will take that as a compliment on my good fashion sense," Alexandra said shaking her head as she took a sip of wine.
    "You know that wine you are drinking now probably costs more than the average middle-class person makes in a year, just saying is all," Megan said as she smirked and shook her head putting her hands defiantly on her hips. Megan for her part was dressed in a evening gown that had so many jewels on it that it probably cost more than the average home of any middle-class person. "Maybe you should be a little bit more thankful to the generosity of us evil rich people for inviting you to this thing at all in the first place."
    "I know you're not going to understand this Megan, coming from a life of absolute privilege and never having to struggle for anything or work an honest day's job in your life, and thinking that occasional showy displays of philanthropy makes up for a life of complete wonton excess and exploitation of the poor, but being a socialist doesn't require taking a vow of poverty. In fact you can actually still be wealthy and be a socialist, and yes you can be a socialist and also have a good sense of fashion, the two things aren't mutually exclusive. Being a socialist simply means that you believe in economic equality. You can enjoy the good things in life while wanting other people to have an equal shot at enjoying those good things. I can have a nice house and have nice things and nice clothing without abandoning my socialist principles. I simply believe that people like us who have been successful in life and who have been granted more should have to pay our fair share to help out the less fortunate. It doesn't mean you have to give away all of your wealth and live the life of a pauper, it just means that you want a society where everybody has the equal opportunity to have their basic needs met, and an equal shot at having the good life that you have been so fortunate to have. I did not grow up rich, and although I have done well for myself in the world I realize it's not easy to get to this place in life for the average person, and I just want to level the playing field."
    "Well I still think that you are a hypocrite for even being here," Megan said as an evil smile started to grow across her face. Alexandra knew that look on her face, it was that evil look that she always had when she had a nefarious plan in mind that usually resulted in her being humiliated back in high school.
    "But if that was the case why did you even invite me to such a fancy event like this," Alexandra said as she swallowed deeply and started feeling extremely nervous, now feeling that she had fallen for one of Megan's tricks by being stupid enough to be accept her invitation thinking that it was entirely in good will, how foolish she must have been! At that moment she felt like she should run out of there but she knew that she was now caught like a deer in the headlights, as all of the sudden Megan whistled and everybody at the event turned and faced forward as a light shined down on Megan from above.
    "Welcome to all of my wealthy supporters to this philanthropic event, this great grand gala event, in which we are trying to raise money to clothe the homeless," Megan said barely able to contain her excitement as her evil smirk grew even more menacing in Alexandra's eyes. "I can see that a lot of us are wearing clothing that probably cost quite the pretty penny, so they are some who would say that we are hypocrites for arranging an event like this. In fact for the price of one single outfit here we could probably afford to clothe entire families of homeless people for the rest of their lives. And that is what brings me to one of my good long-term friends since high school, Alexandra. We were just talking a few minutes ago and she made the most generous offer that I have ever heard anyone make in my life. You see Alexandra is well known as a socialist, and sometimes we laugh at her for that since she is trying to bring down us, as supposedly our excess wealth and the inequality that it generates in society is the cause of all of the world's ills, but she has proven that her principles are genuine and true. Please come up here Alexandra, I really think you should be up here for everybody to see and get a good hard look at you."
    Alexandra knew she probably shouldn't, but at the same time she knew if she ran out of there she would be seen as a coward, so even though she knew Megan was probably setting her up for some type of mockery or humiliation, she knew that she had to face her directly or be thought a coward or a hypocrite.
    "Alexandra and I go back a long time," Megan continued saying. "And although I don't think she understands basic economics I think that her heart is definitely in the right place."
    "I simply believe in a different form of economics than you do Megan," Alexandra interrupted her. "I simply believe that we should have an economy that works for everybody and not just the very wealthy. The fact that you can't seem to distinguish between a government that cares for its people and their welfare, and can't see the difference between a Stalinist dictatorship and a country that makes sure that everybody has their basic needs met and doesn't have to sell their house to afford healthcare, I think just says a lot about your personal character and intelligence perhaps."
    She could see that Megan was trying not to scowl at her, but she could also see that Megan was still smirking underneath all of that, and that she had something evil in mind.
    "Well look, we disagree on politics and economics, but I think that we all want to clothe the homeless, and I think that what you said to me a few moments ago really said everything about how your heart is really good and in the right place, even if you may be a little bit politically naïve and misguided about economics," Megan said as she shot Alexandra an evil glare that let her know that she was about to pay for her remarks or daring to challenge someone of her high status. "Anyway I was just talking to my good friend here and she was saying how all this extravagant clothing really is kind of out of place at a benefit to clothe the homeless, even more so than when Jerry showed up wearing that puffy shirt on that episode of Seinfeld."
    Alexandra couldn't help but laugh a little bit. An episode of Seinfeld was about as politically astute as Megan could possibly muster, but she knew that Megan still had something evil in store.
    "Well anyway my good friend here was telling me that she could probably make a real powerful political statement by donating her clothing to the drive to clothe the homeless," Megan said as Alexandra started to breathe a sigh of relief, as that wasn't the worst possible thing in the world for her to have to do as a means of saving face. "And to really drive the point home she is willing to donate her clothing right now and spend the rest of this gala event completely buck naked to make a bold statement about how clothing boxes us all into a class to based system of thought. She wants to prove that she really is a woman of the people by dressing like a homeless person, completely buck naked!"
    Alexandra was about to say something, say that she didn't say any of that stuff, point out that most homeless people still did actually wear clothing, even if it wasn't the nicest outfits in the world, or even make a speech about her socialist principles, and how being a socialist doesn't mean living like a pauper and all of that, but before she could say anything everybody in the audience started whistling and hollering before she could get a word in edgewise.
    Alexandra knew that there was no way out of the situation. It was more humiliating than that time that Megan had stolen her clothing in the girls locker room and pushed her out naked into the hallway and all the boys had seen her naked and humiliated. But this was a more public form of humiliation than she could ever imagine, there were potentially millions of people watching this at home and she would never be able to live it down. However if she didn't go through with it everyone would be calling her a hypocrite for the rest of her life, and her political career was basically down the toilet.
    As much as she hated to admit it, especially given that she was so painfully shy that she didn't even like getting dressed in the girls locker room back in high school, Megan was stupid but she was smart enough to rope her into this situation. Once again she made the mistake of underestimating the arch nemesis.
    "Hey maybe her outfit should say strip the rich!" a guy in the audience shouted as everybody started whistling and hollering even louder, and everyone started chanting "strip strip strip" over and over again very loudly.
    "So Alexandra are you going to make your bold point about clothing the homeless or was that just all talk," Megan said standing there triumphantly with her hands on her hips on her bejeweled outfit worth probably more than the GDP of some of the world's poorest countries.
    Once again she felt that she should try to make a grand speech, but she saw the audience that she was in front of, and she knew that the only way to save face and avoid even greater humiliation was, ironically enough, to strip completely naked in a public event.
    For a moment she felt like she was going to faint or be sick or pass out, but as she saw Megan glaring at her that was when she realized that Megan had never intended for her to get naked in the first place. Megan had intended to humiliate her by making her seem like she didn't really believe in her principles and having her slink away in humiliation unable to go through with it. That's when she knew exactly what she had to do.
    She had to call Megan's bluff.
    "Well I guess I have to give the people what they want don't I, I wouldn't be a good socialist otherwise, would I," Alexandra said laughing loudly and trying not to sound so nervous that she was about to pass out.
    As her eyes made contact with Megan she could see that Megan still didn't think she was going to go through with it, so Megan continued smirking.
    "Well we are all waiting," Megan said still standing there with her hands defiantly on her hips as everybody continued chanting strip repeatedly.
    Although she could feel like it was slowly killing her inside, Alexandra very slowly started undressing, so slowly that it could very well be considered a striptease. She slowly slipped out of her dress until it was down at her ankles and she was standing there in her underwear, and then she sort of smiled and took a bow. Maybe stripping down to her underwear would be enough. But as she looked at the audience she knew that it wasn't going to be enough, so very reluctantly she took off her bra and panties and stood there covering herself up blushing profusely but taking another bow as the audience went completely wild.
    "Let's hear it for the naked socialist everybody!" said Megan's sister Alana who was finding this whole thing amusing, but she could see that Megan didn't seem to find it as amusing that now all attention was on Alexandra. Truth be told is Alexandra would much rather all attention be on anybody but her right now, but she knew that she had won the moral victory over Megan, and for her that almost felt like enough, at least until she remembered that the gala wasn't going to be over for another three or four hours, and that there was a large number of photographers and other media folks there.
    For a very brief fleeting moment she almost caught herself thinking that maybe the journalists and the media really were the enemies of the people, but that feeling passed rather quickly as she remembered they were the vanguard of keeping our democratic institutions healthy and secure, plus they had no idea that they were going to get lucky enough to see a prominent individual on display completely buck naked! She hadn't seen that coming either, otherwise she would have avoided this event like the plague.
    Alexandra stood there as it felt like every single camera phone and video in the entire audience was going off at once. She was kind of wondering how many millions of people were going to be sharing her naked pictures on social media later, and how she would never be able to erase those pictures no matter what she did.
    Although she was ready to die of embarrassment, she knew that it wouldn't be a good look for her to just stand there blushing for the rest of the evening, so very reluctantly she took another bow and got off of the stage and figured that it was time for her to mingle.
    She tried her best to ignore the fact that America's wealthiest elites were now looking at her naked body free of charge, and for a moment she felt like maybe this made her seem rather lower class, but then that's when she realized that maybe she was being a bit of a hypocrite. Was there a problem with being a member of the so-called lower-class? If there was anything that proved that she was a woman of the people and that class didn't matter it was going completely naked, completely vulnerable and exposed.
    She remembered what the great socialist Eugene Debs had once said and that Kurt Vonnegut had frequently quoted. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element, I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
    Although then she thought to herself that Eugene Debs probably never had to get completely naked in front of the nation's wealthy elite to make a point about his ideology, and he certainly didn't have to get naked as a woman in the age of social media, but if being naked is what it took then that is what it would take.
    Once that occurred to her she tried her best to relax, and although she was pretty sure that she never stopped blushing the entire evening, and she had more extremely embarrassing selfies with anyone that she thought humanly possible, she had to admit that something about it felt good, and every time Megan looked over in her direction at all the attention she was receiving and scowling about it, well that made her feel even better.
    "You know I never really believed in socialism but after seeing this bold display I think I want to contribute to your next campaign for reelection," said Roy, one of the wealthiest men in the state. "Something about how raw and bold and everything that this was, well that proves to me that you really do have guts, I certainly couldn't get naked like that, I don't think anybody else here could get naked like that, certainly not Megan."
    Megan was standing right there and she was going to say something but then she just shook her head and walked away. Megan may still have humiliated her a little bit, okay so maybe Megan humiliated her a lot in front of the entire country and planet, but Alexandra had won the moral victory, and there was no way Megan could take that away from her, and would never be able to live down the fact that, for all of her expensive plastic surgeries, she was still far too self-conscious to ever even attempt something like Alexandra had just done.
    The rest of the evening she was the life of the event and she found that she won over more fans among the nations wealthiest and most influential people with her naked ass than with any speech that she had ever given. And at the end of the night she felt good about what she had done until she realized that she didn't have anything to wear home, seeing as she had donated her only outfit to the cause, to the people.
    However as she was preparing to leave and trying to think what to do that was when a couple of people came forward holding what looked like a bejeweled evening gown.
    "There's no way I could possibly accept that, that's worth too much," Alexandra said realizing that if she was seen leaving the gala event in an outfit that cost more than the GDP of an entire country that she would lose any of the credibility that she had just gained through her night of naked humiliation.
    "Consider it a loaner," Roy said as he helped her into the outfit and called for a private limousine to escort her home without anyone seeing what she was wearing, which at the moment she was happy that she was wearing rather than nothing.

    A few weeks later the election took place and she ended up winning by a landslide but couldn't help but be blushing as she was holding up the newspaper article about how the naked chick had managed to win over a nation overwhelmingly.
    As she stood there in public, this time fortunately completely dressed, holding up the newspaper announcing her victory something occurred to her, the old saying was true, you could win over more people with a naked chick than you could with all of the didactic ideological speeches and appeals to people's better nature in the world, and if that's what it took to win and make the world a better place having her naked ass over the Internet for the rest of her life was something that she could live down after all.


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