Naked Theft

This story was inspired by something somebody posted on CFNM Village, a true story about a woman who stripped a burglar naked in the attempting of a robbery of her, and I thought that that would make for a good naked story. It reminds me of another story I wrote, the first story actually that I wrote in my first naked collection, Robbed of Dignity where women with guns humiliate men and get the better of them in a naked situation. It contains CFNM, only one naked and embarrassed nude male with a little bit of small penis humiliation for anyone who is into that.

Naked Theft
Gumbo, as people tended to call him, wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, which is probably why he had to resort to becoming a criminal in the first place. He was unable to keep much of a job and he wasn't really having that much luck with the ladies either, but he figured if he wanted to start having luck with the ladies soon he needed a little bit of spending cash so that he could wine and dine them.
    Being far from the master criminal, not even possessing a sufficient weapon more impressive than a knife seeing as he had a criminal history and couldn't legally obtain a gun, nor was he smart enough to find out how to obtain one illegally, he decided on a clear strategy, that in his mind he felt was brilliant for thinking of, for deciding what was the best house to rob.
    "Nope not this one," he said as he went to the first door to find that it was locked.
    "Not this one either," he said as he went to the next house and found that it was also locked.
    "This one looks just right," he said as he found that the door was unlocked and he got inside rather easily and he soon found himself in the home. He looked around and he had to admit that there wasn't anything especially valuable to steal, but if he went through the family jewels he might find something valuable, or might find some money hidden stashed away somewhere.
    He started rooting through the drawers and found what looked like a necklace that probably wasn't worth a fortune but would probably pay for at least a couple of nice dinners for his lady friends.
    "Find everything you were looking for," a woman's voice said as he felt a gun poke his back. "I want you to turn around very slowly."
    Gumbo turned around and standing there was a relatively attractive woman holding a gun pointed right in his direction and there he was standing there holding this woman's necklace.
    "Well well well, what do we have here, it seems like I have caught a thief," she said. "I hope that you know that nobody gets away with robbing Lucinda Jones. I guess it just goes to show you that even if you're just going to be leaving the house for a moment to mail a letter you forgot to mail during the day and that couldn't wait until tomorrow to send, someone could get into your house if you don't lock the doors. I always felt it was a pretty safe neighborhood but I guess it's good I have old reliable here."
    Lucinda tapped her gun with her other hand as she continued to point it right at Gumbo.
    "Look I didn't mean anything by it, I'm sorry I was desperate," he said as he dropped the necklace back in the drawer and closed it. "See look, I put it right back, let's just forget all about this like it never even happened, nothing lost nothing gained."
    Lucinda smiled. "I really should call the police on you as it would serve you right to go to prison, but maybe we could reach something of an agreement."
    "An agreement," he said now visibly shaking wondering if this woman was going to blow his brains out.
    She nodded. "Look the way I see it you saw my family jewels, so why don't I see yours in exchange? You tried to steal from me so why don't I take something from you in compensation, that seems fair doesn't it?"
    "Well I'm afraid I don't really have much to compensate you with other than the clothes off of my own back," he said laughing nervously thinking that maybe she would have pity on him.
    "Well I don't think that you are my size, but you know what I think that's what I had in mind, why don't you let me have them."
    "What do you mean?"
    "What are you deaf and/or dumb, take your clothing off and give them to me. And don't try anything because remember I have a gun."
    Knowing that he only had a knife he very slowly took off his shirt and threw it on the floor.
    "Okay keep going, no shoes, no shirt, no shoot, I guess would be my motto," she said as he slowly pulled down his pants until he was standing there in his underpants, socks and shoes. "Keep going," she said as she kept the gun trained on him.
    He swallowed deeply and she could see that he was visibly shaking and covered in goosebumps, not just because he was being held at gunpoint, but because he was also rather cold and chilly. Very reluctantly he pulled down his underwear and then while he had his hands at his feet slipped out of his socks and shoes and stood there covering himself up as Lucinda burst out laughing.
    "It's actually funny because I can see your naked ass reflected in the mirror at the same time I can see your family jewels hanging out," Lucinda said as he realized he was indeed in front of a mirror, so she was getting an extra good look at him.
    "So are you satisfied now, do you think I can get dressed and go?"
    "Why would I be letting you get dressed, the whole agreement was that since you wanted to steal from me I will get something of yours. Since all you have is those cheap looking clothing, even though I don't think it would look good on me, I'm sure that somebody at the homeless shelter would appreciate it, although I feel kind of bad for them given the your total lack of fashion sense."
    "Well given how bad my finances are that I had to resort to robbing someone maybe I will end up going to the homeless shelter and getting my clothing back."
    He stood their blushing hoping that maybe she would have sympathy for him if he gave her some type of sad sounding sob story.
    "Maybe they will, I wish you luck, but for tonight you're leaving here with nothing, you came here intending to steal from me and now you are going to leave with not even the clothing on your back," she said smirking as she took her cell phone out of her pocket with her other hand and began dialing.
    "You're not going to call the police are you?" he said realizing that given his previous record you would be in big trouble if he got arrested for armed robbery, even though all he had was a pocket knife, and she didn't even really notice that he had a weapon since it was in his pocket.
    "No I'm totally calling all of my friends who are going to really enjoy this," she said. "Yeah I know it's late at night but call all of our friends, they have to come here and see this."
    Gumbo smiled gritting his teeth. "Who did you just call?"
    "Ghostbusters," she said with a laugh. "No I just called my friend Latoya who is going to all of our girlfriends in the local neighborhood and they will soon be gathering here shortly, so get comfortable, you aren't going anywhere. Also smile."
    Before he could say anything she took a picture of him with her phone.
    "Look I'm not such a terrible guy, I just wanted to get a little bit of money so that I can wine and dine a nice woman, as I haven't really been having much luck with the ladies lately."
    "Oh Gee I wonder why, you're such a charming man and such a classy guy," Lucinda said as looked down at his crotch and smirked fighting back laughter.. "Well I don't think it's entirely due to your finances. They say you can judge a man by the size of his wallet, but you know how the old saying goes, small bank account small –"
    He instinctively tried covering himself up with his hands but she motioned with her gun to keep his hands at his sides. This was the most humiliating moment of his life, not only was he caught botching a robbery but now he was at the mercy of a woman who was seeing every inch of his naked body, which was far from impressive.
    Lucinda led him down the hallway until she was at her front door, which she ended up opening and standing there were about seven or eight women all with smirks on their faces who began laughing as soon as they saw him.
    "Okay you've humiliated me enough, can I please put on my clothing and go?" he said, now practically begging.
    Lucinda shook her head. "I guess I have humiliated you enough so you can go, but like I said the clothing stays with me. I hope that is not too long for you to get home because it's an awfully cold night out there and I can see you're already getting goosebumps."
    Gumbo sort of slinked off as all of the women cat called him and pointed at him and made whistling noises. He was really eager to get out of there with what little of his dignity remained.
    "So you're not even going to call the police," her friend Latoya said.
    "I certainly am, but I'm going to give him a break," Lucinda said as she dialed 911. "Yeah police, there is some type of crazy naked guy running up and down the street."
    After giving them her address Lucinda hung up the phone as all of her friends and neighbors began laughing holding their stomachs as she showed them the picture she took of him naked. She felt confident that he wouldn't say anything about having his clothing taken at gunpoint, because getting arrested for running up and down the streets naked was a lesser crime than armed robbery, but she firmly hoped that he would learn a lesson.

    "I swear they only come out at night," police woman Daphne said smirking with laughter back at the station as she booked Gumbo and took a couple more pictures of him, still sans clothing, for his police record.
    As he sat there in his prison cell looking at Daphne laughing at him he had to admit that it was a low point for him, but at the same time he thought that he should look on the bright side.
    "This is probably the most fun I have had with women in a long time," he said laughing before his laughter was cut short when a large muscular man was seated down next to him in the cell by Daphne, and that was when he realized that any fun that he was going to be having in the near future certainly wasn't going to be with the ladies.


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