The Naked Crystal Ball

 I guess I am getting back into the groove writing my naked stories even though I have been meaning to try and get back to work writing my more serious stuff under my own name. But whatever reason it has been on my mind lately and I just sort of thought of this one a couple of days ago and thought that it was a short one that I could write since I didn't have much time left last night before I went to sleep.

This is another one containing a bit of a supernatural twist about a guy who finds a magic crystal ball at a garage sale that can show him things, and he uses it to spy on a neighbor woman that he finds really hot so that he can see her naked through the crystal ball. Of course it's another one of those cases where the person who is being a perverted jerk ends up getting his comeuppance from a clever woman. The story involves CFNM and CMNF. Enjoy!

The Naked Crystal Ball
"What the hell is this piece of junk," Arnold said as he went to the yard sale and found a crystal ball.
    "That is a mystical device that can see into the divine, it can show you anything past, present or future and can tell you your fortune," the woman said as she held up the crystal ball.
    "If it's so valuable why are you giving it away for only three dollars? The way I see it if something like this worked it would be a lot more valuable than three dollars. In fact if you had something that had the power that you claim this had you wouldn't need to have a yard sale because you would be the richest and most powerful woman on the face of the earth."
    "Okay you've got me, it doesn't really do anything all that special, but it does allow you to spy on naked people," the woman said.
    "Did you say that allows me to spy on naked people?"
    The woman nodded. "That is indeed what I said, it allows you to look into the mystical secrets of the universe, but mostly just lets you see naked people."
    "Well that is a very oddly specific power that it has, why would you want to even give something like that away?"
    "Well let's just say that using the power of this ball you end up seeing many things great and wonderful, but there are a couple of people that you think you want to see naked but you don't. Just let's say I have seen things with this crystal ball that I cannot unsee, and I just simply do not want that to happen ever ever again. So what do you say, do you want to use the mystical powers of the universe to watch people naked when they don't even know about it?"
    Arnold looked at the crystal ball and thought that this woman was most likely some type of a raving lunatic, but it seemed like she was rather poor, and he was feeling rather generous and decided to take pity on this poor woman, so he gave her the three dollars and took the crystal ball home.
    As he was walking home he ran into Ivy, a woman that he had a crush on for the longest time. As she was jogging by in that tight spandex he couldn't help but wonder what she looked like naked.
    "Hey, what have you got there Arnold," Ivy said as she stopped jogging and looked at the crystal ball. "Are you going to tell my fortune?"
    "Oh this, it's just something I got at a garage sale and I decided to take pity on this old woman. Obviously the thing doesn't work but I just felt really bad for her, so I guess it was an act of charity."
    "Well that was really nice of you Arnold, if only there were more nice guys like you in the world."
    Arnold thought to himself that he really was a nice guy, and then he thought to himself that being such a nice guy maybe would win him some points with Ivy, maybe even enough for him to get in her pants.
    "Well it was nothing really, anyway I guess I will see you later Ivy," Arnold said as he realized that she had to be going. As he watched her jog off he stared at her ass and he couldn't help but think that she must look positively stunning completely naked.
    Arnold went to his bedroom and he plopped the crystal ball down on the bed and looked at it. "I really am a nice guy to have bought this piece of junk, but I guess three dollars isn't a lot of money for the secrets of the universe." He laughed and shook his head. "A magical crystal ball that lets you see what people look like naked, what a load."
    Arnold push the ball aside and thought that it was idiotic, but then he just had a sudden thought to himself.
    "Well it is idiotic, so I guess it can't hurt to try," Arnold said as he looked into the crystal ball and shook his head. "Oh crystal ball, show me what Ivy looks like naked right after she gets out of the shower."
    Arnold began laughing as he gazed into the crystal ball when all of the sudden that was when he saw it, right there in the crystal ball was an image of Ivy as clear as day coming out of the shower, dripping wet and naked. He immediately started masturbating and when he finally blew his load that was when the image in the ball went away.
    "I must be doing drugs or dreaming or something," Arnold said shaking his head staring at the crystal ball in front of him but knowing full well what he had been watching for the last several minutes.
    Arnold decided that he would try to see if it was a fluke or if someone was playing some type of a trick on him, so he decided to ask the crystal ball what Ivy looked like when she was naked in bed or standing in front of the mirror and a whole host of other situations, and it showed him one after another as he continuously jerked off until he was so exhausted that he fell asleep.
    As soon as he woke up in the morning he immediately used the crystal ball to again look at images of Ivy naked and found he was starting to become addicted to it. He knew that he could never show this to anybody else because that would make him a true creep.

    "A naked crystal ball party," Craig said as he looked into the crystal ball. "Why did you gather all of your friends here today for something this asinine?"
    "Wait until you see for yourself fellows," Arnold said as he conjured up all sorts of images of Ivy on the crystal ball as they all sat around drooling.
    "This is the greatest thing in the history of mankind, what is this like a secret camera or something," Marty said. "We even saw her naked on the toilet!"
    Arnold shook his head. "But I know as ridiculous as it sounds it seems like it actually does have magical or supernatural powers. I can see any woman in the world naked that I want simply by asking the crystal ball to show me it."
    So what followed over the next hour or two was Arnold and his friends using the crystal ball to give them a human peep show that they could be wanking off to. The guys didn't want to leave at the end of the day but Arnold knew there was such a thing as too much of a good thing, and besides he jealously wanted the ball all to himself so that he could watch Ivy and jerk off to her in private.
    Once all of the guys were gone Arnold sat there in the backyard watching all sorts of private scenes of Ivy in her intimate moments in a state of undress, when all of the sudden he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around and practically had a heart attack when he saw it was Ivy.
    "Ivy, what the hell are you doing here?!" Arnold shouted realizing that the naked image of her was still in the crystal ball.
    "Well I saw that your backyard door was open and I thought that I would ask you if you were doing anything this evening and maybe wanted to go out, but now that I see this, that you have been somehow spying on me, I am afraid that that offer is rescinded," Ivy said.
    "But Ivy it's not what you think, I don't have a secret camera in your house or anything like that, it's a magical mystical crystal ball that can show me anything in the world! I'm not a pervert, really, I'm a nice guy."
    "Yeah sure, that's what they all say, but like most supposedly nice guys you just wanted to get into my pants, I can't believe you Arnold," Ivy said shaking her head. "And I think that it says a lot that if you really think that this could show you anything in the universe that you would use it just to spy on me in my intimate moments. You really are a pig."
    "Wait Ivy, if it bothers you that much I will get rid of it," Arnold said.
    "Yeah, sure you will," she said shaking her head.
    "If you don't believe me why don't you take it yourself and get rid of it for me," Arnold said realizing that he actually did care about Ivy, so much so that he would even be willing to giving up his own personal window to all the naked women in the world. "I don't want to see any more women naked with this thing, just take it and do whatever you want with it, destroy it, use it as a bowling ball, I don't ever want to see it again. The only way I ever want to see you naked is in person. Wait a minute that came out wrong I think."
    "Fine I will take this because I don't know how you are managing to see me naked, but I don't want you to have this one way or another," Ivy said as she started walking away.
    Arnold knew that he had blew it big time, and this time he wasn't talking about his load. He knew that he had lost any chance he had of being with Ivy and now he had lost his window to the world of naked people as well. That evening he was feeling so low that he decided he would just take a shower and go to bed and hope that everything was better in the morning.

    The next morning Arnold was going out when he saw Ivy jogging by waved to him and he thought that that was a good sign.
    "Ivy, I thought you weren't talking to me, should I take this as a sign that you might have forgiven me," Arnold said as he walked over to her in her tight body suit that was already making him try to remember what she looked like completely naked.
    Ivy nodded and smiled. "You know Arnold I was really mad at you the other day when I found out what you had done, but then I went home, I had some time to cool down and I really had some fun with this magical crystal ball."
    "What kind of fun?" Arnold said wondering what she was getting at.
    Ivy smiled. "Let's just say you look really funny when you are singing in the shower about how lonely you are. My girlfriends and I all thought that that was a lovely thing to watch."
    Arnold couldn't believe it, Ivy was spying on him, she must have figured out how to use the crystal ball.
    "So I guess now we are even and that you forgive me don't you?" Arnold said hoping this was his chance to set things right. "Maybe we could still go out together later."
    "I forgive you Arnold, but I don't think I will be going out with you, however I will thank you for the lovely gift, and let's just say I will be seeing you around, all of you around, every last nuke and cranny of that body of yours right down to that birthmark on your butt, every single night from now on, with my girlfriends and my thousands of followers on the Internet. Just one word of advice, you need to work on your tone, you had a lot of flat notes when you were singing in the shower to yourself last night, and I just hope you will do better tonight. Anyway like I said, I'll be seeing you."
    As Ivy winked at him and skipped off, her perfect ass going up and down within his field of vision, he simply shook his head, blushed and thought to himself that he had better work on his singing and get his ass to the gym, because if everybody was going to be seeing him naked in the shower from now on, he at least wanted to look and sound good while he was doing it.


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