The Naked Girl in the College Shower

 Hey. I guess this is my first naked story in nearly a month but it was not for lack of doing them because I have been busy on a larger project, a full-length novel called Naked Corona, about a couple who are dealing with Covid in an alternate world where Covid renders people allergic to clothing! Another favorite theme of mine, so I have been mostly working on that and haven't been working on shorter stuff about the same topic, but I thought that I would take a break from the novel and do this one quickly tonight.

I have to admit that this one was directly inspired by that old show Boy Meets World, right down to the character names and everything. There was an episode where he went to college and he felt really awkward about using the shower with other people in there since it was a unisex shower. From there I just sort of thought of this whole idea for a story like that, so I hope you enjoy. Although it contains CMNF this is mostly a CFNM story as you will see as it progresses, so I hope you enjoy!

The Naked Girl in the College Shower
Corey was looking down the hall and he saw a beautiful smoking hot blond woman with long legs and the perfect figure walking towards the bathrooms.
    "Who is that smoking hot woman?" Corey said his eyes practically bugging out of his head.
    "That's Topanga, she's pretty hot isn't she?" Sean said.
    "You're telling me, I wonder what she looks like naked?"
    "Is that the first thing you think of whenever you see a woman?"
    "Isn't it the first thing that you think of when you see a woman?"
    "Yes, but only the really attractive ones, like 75% of them tops. But hey if you want to see her naked why don't you follow her into the bathroom, they are unisex here at college you know."
    "Get out of here, seriously? You mean that the bathrooms are for both men and women, including the showers, men and women showering in the same place together completely naked?"
    "I'm not lying my friend, so if you want to end up seeing her naked I would just suggest that maybe you go take a shower now while she is taking a shower. She just got back from running the track and she is all sweaty and soon she will be wet and naked."
    Corey swallowed deeply. He had never been naked in a shower room with men and women before like that. Even if they were concealed through some type of flimsy shower curtain there was something really intimidating about that.
    "If I take a shower in there, couldn't that mean that somebody might end up seeing me naked?" Corey said feeling a nervousness in the pit of his stomach.
    "Sometimes you have to give a little naked to get a little naked, but I forgot how pathetically shy you are, so you probably won't go through with it. Oh well, it's your loss."
    As Sean wandered off Corey approached the bathroom door and slowly went inside and could see that it was getting steamy inside. He didn't want to seem like some type of pervert who was just in there to watch people in the shower, but on the other hand it was irresistible. He started looking at the showers and then he decided that he had better make it seem like he was there for some other purpose, and he did have to pee, so he decided that he would go and use the urinal, but then he was having a hard time going to the bathroom because of the possibility that somebody could see him, that was why he always preferred stalls, although if he used a stall he wouldn't be seeing anybody coming out of the shower.
    "Calm down you just have to relax and it will come," Corey said as he tried to take a piss in the urinal but was finding he was coming up blank. Finally he was just about to relax and begin going to the bathroom when he felt a tap on his shoulder.
    "Hey, Corey isn't it," Topanga said as she stood there naked next to him as his jaw practically dropped to the ground.
    "I think so," he finally managed to squeak out in a voice that made him sound like a mouse. He couldn't believe that Topanga was standing there completely naked right next to him and it didn't even seem like it was bothering her.
    "I just wanted to say hi because I think that I remember seeing you in my history class and I was thinking that maybe I could copy your notes sometime," Topanga said standing there, still dripping wet and naked.
    As Corey stood there at the urinal now far too aroused to even get a drop of urine coming out anytime in the near future he simply nodded his head as he continued looking at Topanga standing there naked next to him.
    "Well anyway I just wanted to say hi and everything," Topanga said as she grabbed a towel and began drying off.
    Corey wanted to stay and stare at her but he didn't want to make it obvious that he had a huge throbbing erection, so he figured he had better get out of there before he started seeming like some type of leering pervert.

    "No way, and she was just standing there completely naked like it was nothing?" Sean said later that evening. "You honestly expect me to believe that?"
    "But I swear to you it's true, I couldn't believe it either, I couldn't even piss!"
    "Well there's only one explanation, she must be a budding exhibitionist, someone who likes it when people see her naked. I guess that you are just a very lucky man in that regard. I guess you will be stopping by the showers a lot more often now won't you?"
    "I can't go back in there, she will think I'm some type of pervert or something."
    "Dude she obviously didn't mind you seeing her naked if she was just standing there naked right next to you like it was nothing."
    "Yeah but I get as hard as a rock when I see that obviously, there's no way I can possibly face her after seeing her naked like that. Now whenever I run into her in class or something like that as soon as I see her my mind is going to be filled of that image of her standing there naked in the shower room, and then I will get all aroused and it will just be really super awkward and weird."
    "So you're saying that you know a place where you can see an uninhibited hot naked women in the shower all wet and naked and you are going to avoid that like the plague? Well hey you know I have no problem with homosexuality, I mean if that is your thing I am totally down with it, it's not my personal preference but I'm not going to judge you for it or anything like that."
    "I'm not gay, I'm just really shy and awkward uninhibited in situations involving naked people. You know that I didn't even really liked getting undressed and the boys locker room back in high school, now unisex showers in college, well if I haven't mastered undressing in the boys locker room I'm certainly not going to be able to master getting naked and showering in a unisex shower in college."
    "Well Corey I'm afraid you are going to have to take a shower at some point, so I guess you had better get used to the idea of showering with lots of hot wet naked women around not more than a few inches away and separated potentially by nothing except a flimsy shower curtain, or a wall, or absolutely nothing whatsoever. But again if you are gay I totally get how that would make you uncomfortable. Anyway I have to get going."
    "Where you going?"
    "Well I'm going to take a shower of course!"
    Sean patted Corey on the back and ran off to go take a shower, which he knew was just code for try to get a peek at the naked girls in the shower room. But Sean was right, at some point he would have to get used to going into the showers and being naked in a situation where other people were naked not far away. Besides it wasn't like he had to come out of the shower naked like Topanga did, he could shower behind the curtain and everything would be fine.
    Corey laughed nervously as he slumped down on his bed. "I think I have a major problem here."

    Over the next couple of days Corey tried to avoid going to the bathroom as much as possible, and although he was beginning to smell rather bad he knew that he couldn't work up the nerve to take a shower in the shower room knowing that there would be women there in various stages of undress. He always thought that he was something of a gentleman but at heart he knew that he was a perv just like anyone else, especially in a situation as enticing and irresistible as that. How is he supposed to be a gentleman in a situation like that surrounded by so many hot naked women?
    "Hi Corey how have you been, you aren't avoiding me or something are you," Topanga said coming up behind him one day as he was staring at the shower room.
    "Oh Topanga, hi, no I'm not avoiding you or anything like that," Corey said trying his best not to blush.
    Topanga smiled. "This isn't because of that time you saw me naked in the shower room was it?"
    "What, no, of course not, you look fine naked, you look great naked, I mean I wasn't looking, I swear!" Corey shouted.
    Topanga laughed. "You know you're really funny Corey. I just thought that maybe you felt uncomfortable because you had seen me naked or something like that or that it was really weird, but I don't want things to be weird between us just because you might have felt a little bit awkward seeing me naked in the shower like that. The fact is I have no problem with being naked, the human body is a beautiful thing and not something we should be ashamed of or have to hide from the world. I guess just not everybody is used to that attitude."
    "No it's a good attitude to have and everything," Corey said now feeling sort of nervous and uncomfortable at how deeply inhibited he felt in front of this attractive woman who didn't have the slightest inhibition about appearing naked in front of a guy that she barely even knew in a college shower. In fact he thought he was being downright cowardly and not very open-minded.
    "Well anyway Corey I am sweaty and gross and everything like that after running the track, so I desperately need to take a shower," Topanga said as she waved and started walking into the shower room.
    Corey waved back and that was when he knew that he wasn't going to take this sitting down, he was going to march himself into that shower and prove that he was a man, not a pervert, just an ordinary guy who had no problem getting soapy, wet and naked in a shower stall next to a beautiful uninhibited woman who was doing likewise.
    Quickly he marched into the shower room and knew that it was now or never, if he couldn't do this now he knew that he would never get up the courage to do it later. He marched himself into the nearest open shower stall, closed the curtain around him and slowly got undressed. Even though he was hidden by the shower curtain just the fact that he could hear people showering right next to him, including women, possibly Topanga, was making him feel vulnerable and he was starting to feel a tingling feeling all throughout his body, particularly through the genital area.
    "Okay it's just a shower," he said as he slowly reached around and put his clothing on the hook outside of the shower stall and decided it was time to get down to business. Slowly he turned on the shower and adjusted it until it was the level of warm that he felt was comfortable. As he felt the warm water hit his body he had to admit it did feel rather refreshing, and he did desperately need a shower after several days without having one, pretty much not since he arrived at college.
    Finally he finished up a shower and breathed a sigh of relief. That was when he realized being an idiot that he didn't even think to bring a towel with him. He shrugged his shoulders, he figured he would just have to get dressed and hope that his clothing dried off afterwards. He started feeling around outside of the shower stall for the hook but as he felt the hook he did not feel his clothing on it.
    For a moment he began to panic and his heart began to race, what had happened to his clothing? Then he decided that he would feel the opposite side of the shower figuring that maybe he had just put it on the other hook but he didn't feel anything on that hook either.
    "Okay calm down Corey," he told himself giving himself a little pep talk trying to think what to do until it occurred to him that it probably just fell off the hook down on the floor. All he would have to do is get out of the shower for one minute, grab his clothing and it would be no problem.
    The only problem was that if he stepped out of the shower completely naked people might see him. That was okay though, he figured he would just wait until he didn't hear anything and figured that the coast was clear. Finally when it sounded like the shower room was quiet he took a deep breath, opened the curtain and got out of the shower, turned around and looked to see that his clothes did not seem to be on the hook or on the floor outside the shower either.
    "Oh great, now what the hell am I supposed to do," Corey said as he shook his head and tried to contemplate his next move.
    "Hey Corey," Topanga said as she tapped him on the shoulder as he quickly turned around and quickly covered up his genitals as he could feel the goosebumps going all over his flesh.
    "Oh Topanga, hi, what are you doing here?!" Corey said practically ready to die of embarrassment as he could feel all the blood rushing to his genitals. He couldn't help but notice that Topanga was already fully dressed again, so to compound the problem he wasn't even getting a glance of her naked body again this time, at least then they'd be on level playing ground.
    "Well I came here to take a shower silly, just like you, is something the matter?" Topanga said with a big smile.
    "The matter, who said anything was the matter, nothing's the matter," Corey said now panicking.
    "Oh well that's good, it looked like something was bothering you, like something was on your mind," Topanga said with a big smile as she stood there looking at him naked as he found his body trembling in place right before her, probably making him look like a deer caught in the headlights.
    "Well actually," Corey managed to squeak out practically mumbling. "I was taking a shower and I put my clothing on the hook and, silly me I can't seem to find it."
    He now felt like a complete idiot as he was standing there covering himself up with his hands, blushing like a ripe melon and trying to have a conversation with a woman that he expected to see naked and now who at the moment was fully dressed, practically covered from head to toe.
    Topanga laughed. "Oh well is that all, that's no problem."
    "It, it isn't," Corey said now definitely mumbling and shaking with total embarrassment.
    "Of course not," Topanga said as she put her fingers in her mouth and whistled as a bunch of likewise dressed women came over until they practically had Corey surrounded.
    "Who are all of you," Corey said now feeling like he was a prisoner of at least five other women.
    "Oh these are my friends Angela, Tiffany, Shawna, Amber and Lillian," Topanga said. "We always come to the showers together after gym class like that. Listen up ladies, Corey here can't seem to find his clothing, none of you have seen a guys clothing have you? What about you Tiffany?"
    "I haven't seen any guy's clothing, on a guy or otherwise," a tall black woman said with a smirk.
    "What about you Angela?" Topanga asked.
    "Right now I am not seeing any guys covered up by clothing," an attractive redhead said.
    All of the women sort of nodded in agreement as Corey continued standing there trying to feebly and with great futility to cover himself up, trembling, wet and naked before a group of at least six women who were surrounding him in a circle.
    "Well isn't this a quandary, I guess we could help you look for your clothing," Topanga said. "Or maybe somebody took it by mistake, I could get my phone and call some of my other girlfriends to come in on this."
    "No that's okay," Corey said thinking that this couldn't possibly get any more embarrassing until just that moment when Topanga had gone and said that.
    Topanga nodded as they all started looking around for his clothing. For a moment Corey thought maybe he should use this opportunity to make a run for it, but then that would mean running out into the hallways completely naked, which would be even more humiliating than just being seen naked by the six attractive women. No matter which way he looked at it he was stuck in that room completely sopping wet and buck naked with a bunch of women who were all comfortably dressed, and for some reason that entire situation was making him even more excited than he would have been if they were the ones naked, strangely enough.
    "I could maybe go back to your room and get you some clothing," Topanga said smiling.
    Corey thought that this was his best way out of that situation as soon as possible, so he nodded and told her where his dormitory was and told her to knock on the door and ask for Sean.
    "Don't worry, I'll be right back, my friends here will keep you company until then," Topanga said as she waved and walked out the door as her girlfriends stood there smiling and smirking at Corey who simply stood there not exactly sure what to say and trying his best to conceal the fact that he was getting more excited by the moment.
    "First time naked in the shower room huh?" Tiffany asked.
    "What gave it away," Corey said gritting his teeth as Tiffany laughed.
    Although it seemed like an eternity, fortunately it did not take more than five minutes for Topanga to come back holding up some clothing for Corey which he gratefully grabbed and he found himself hugging Topanga before realizing it was weird that he was buck naked and hugging her like that.
    "I can see that you're happy to see me," Topanga said as it was now impossible for him to hide the fact that he had a throbbing stiffy. Corey quickly grabbed the clothing and went behind the shower curtain to get dressed and didn't know exactly what he was going to say or how he was ever going to face the world again when he came out.
    Finally he came out of the shower fully dressed and still blushing profusely. All of the women started clapping as Corey came out triumphantly wearing his clothing and looking a lot more comfortable for having been able to put something on.
    "I can walk you back to your dorm if you like," Topanga said still smiling widely.
    "You know I think I'd like that," Corey said as they walked back to his dorm.
    "You know this was really great Corey, maybe I will catch you again sometime, in class or in the shower," Topanga said as she winked at him causing him to once again blush and feel weak at the knees, so he simply nodded before closing the door and letting out a deep breath as he pressed his back against it.
    "So did Topanga get your clothing?" Sean said with a smirk.
    Corey nodded. "Thanks for being there buddy, although there is something that is curious about that which I hadn't really noticed until just this moment."
    "Oh what's that?"
    "Well the clothing that you gave to Topanga to give to me were the exact same clothes that I lost in the shower room that I had put on the hook, so how exactly were they back in the dormitory room for you to give them to Topanga?"
    Sean laughed. "I guess you've got me on that one, but the question is not how that happened, but how do you feel now that you have finally gotten over your fear of the shower?"
    "Well I feel a lot cleaner, and you know I think that Topanga and her friends took a real liking to me, and I think that maybe I will maybe see them again in the shower sometime in the near future."
    Sean laughed. "Well before you thank me I should let you know that Topanga was the one who put me up to the whole thing." Sean patted Corey on the back, opened the door and went laughing into the hallway.
    As Corey sat back down on the bed contemplating this whole turn of events, that it was Topanga who had stolen his clothing and given it to Sean to set up that whole situation she had planned, there was only one thing that he could think of to be derived from this knowledge.
    "That sneaky bitch wanted to see me naked!" Corey said as he once again felt goosebumps all throughout his body and smiled as he thought to himself that she was a pretty amazing girl, and he wasn't going to let her out of his sights anytime soon, clothed, naked or otherwise.


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