The Naked Broad on the Top of the Empire State Building, Also Seen Giant Monster Ape

 I was reading about King Kong and Godzilla because the new Godzilla versus Kong movie came out and I started thinking of all the King Kong movies and then I suddenly got an idea for a good naked parody involving Fay Wray's  character basically being snatched up by King Kong while she is naked, and then the focus of attention becomes the humiliating naked situation she is in with everybody finding a giant ape attacking the city to be of only secondary interest when there is a hot naked woman around.
This one involves CMNF (clothed male, nude female) and ENF (embarrassed nude female) as well as naked in public and only one naked. This is probably one of my more comedic naked stories, and I actually thought about publishing it under my own name as a serious sci-fi parody, but then in the end I determined it was ultimately still mostly an embarrassing nudity story, so I will publish it here under my pseudonym for writing naked erotica. Enjoy!

The Naked Broad on the Top of the Empire State Building, Also Seen Giant Monster Ape
Anne was glad to finally be back in New York City after spending time in the savagery of the jungle on that island where they encountered a giant ape that they had managed to capture and bring back to put on display in New York City as the eighth wonder of the world.
    "I have to admit I'm really glad to be home, and I honestly couldn't think of what could possibly be more embarrassing than being stripped naked on that island by those natives so that I can attract some type of big disgusting ape," she said shaking her head. She had to admit though she felt pretty bad for King Kong, being put on display himself, but it still wasn't as humiliating as being on display naked, that was for sure.
    Anne realized that she needed a shower as she still felt dirty from her experiences in the jungle and figured that she had to wash herself extensively before she could get clean fully and to her satisfaction. She stripped off her clothing and got into the shower and began scrubbing her body with big soapy suds and had to admit she was feeling a lot better. There was something nice about being naked in the warm water of her shower in the comfort of her own home rather than naked in the savagery of the jungle. She still couldn't believe that all of those natives on the island got to see her naked but she sure hoped that she would never experience humiliation that public ever again.
    As she was washing herself in the shower she looked out the window and she couldn't help but notice that it seemed like a gigantic ape was climbing up the side of the building.
    "Okay now you're just seeing things because you are suffering flashbacks from your time in the jungle," she said as she continued washing herself and singing in the shower. As she continued singing the giant ape started going up the building until it looked in the window and she could see it's big eye looking at her, at which point she screamed.
    She ran to get out of the shower but before she knew it the ape's gigantic arm burst through the shower wall and grabbed her.
    "Let go of me you big disgusting ape!" she said as she pounded on its arm. "And preferably put me back in my house before anyone sees that I am completely naked!"
    It didn't take long for the authorities to realize that King Kong was running through town carrying Anne in his hand. The only good thing was that as long as he kept a tight grip on her maybe nobody would see her naked or realized that she was naked underneath the hand of that big gigantic disgusting ape.
    "But just please don't make this into a big public spectacle," Anne said as all of the sudden King Kong started climbing up the Empire state building as she shook her head. "I know it would be considered unbecoming of a woman of this time and place to say, but fuck!"
    Soon King Kong had ascended to the top of the Empire state building and now it seemed like he was being circled by all sorts of biplanes.
    "Please just let this resolve without me being publicly humiliated," Anne said, glad that she was at least still in the palm of the beast's hand perfectly covered up and concealed.
    One of the pilots of the biplane was zooming in to get a better look at what was going on as he noticed that King Kong was putting down Anne.
    "What's the situation up there?" his radio asked.
    "Well you're not going to believe this but the ape just put down a naked woman, a really hot naked woman, I mean I can see everything right out on display, it's pretty awesome!"
    "Please focus on the mission here, wait, did you say a really hot naked woman, I have to inform the media, because it's the public's right to know."
    "You mean that a giant ape is attacking New York City?"
    "Actually I was talking about the naked broad, but you know whatever, people have a right to know that as well!"
    "Oh just kill me now," Anne shouted as she realized that all of the biplane pilots were too busy looking at her naked body rather than trying to shoot down the gigantic ape that had perched itself on top of the Empire state building.
    A reporter on the ground floor was making sure to cover the most important aspects of this case as it developed.
    "Breaking news," the reporter said. "There is a naked woman on the top of the Empire state building! Word has it she was brought up there by some type of giant monster ape or something, but the important fact remains, she is up on the top of the Empire state building completely utterly buck naked, no clothes at all! We will continue to report on this as the case develops."
    "I'm getting really cold up here," Anne said as she rubbed her body feeling goosebumps all over it. "I mean for Christ's sake I'm freezing my tits off up here!"
    "What are you seeing up there," the biplane pilot's radio asked.
    "You mean about the giant ape or the fact that the naked woman has her nipples standing up from the cold?" the pilot said.
    "Breaking news as it seems that the naked woman on the top of the Empire state building has gotten hard nipples from the cold," the reporter said on the ground. "Also the giant killer ape is also still at large, but more importantly naked frozen tits!"
    "If they don't rescue me soon I think I'm going to freeze to death and leave a really naked corpse," Anne said as she struggled for warmth on the top of the Empire state building while contemplating the humiliation of everybody seeing her naked corpse. Sure she wouldn't be alive to be humiliated by it, perhaps the one good aspect of that whole situation, but just the thought of it was kind of disturbing under the circumstances. "At least if I freeze to death I won't die of humiliation before that!"
    "What are you seeing up there," the radio operator said to the biplane pilot. "I want to see some action up there."
    "Hey I want to see the action as well but it looks like she's just standing there trying to rub her naked body for warmth," the pilot said. "Wait are you talking about action with the girl, or do you want me to start taking action by shooting the gigantic ape?"
    "The giant ape? Oh right, I completely forgot about that part, as soon as you mentioned that there was a naked woman up there with the giant ape the giant ape suddenly became like the less interesting aspect of this whole quagmire. But yes I suppose you should be trying to kill the giant ape before it ends up destroying the entire city, but for God's sake don't hit the naked broad!"
    The pilot started shooting the ape who started swatting at them and managed to knock down several of the airplanes simply because the airplane pilots were more distracted looking at the naked woman than they were with trying to shoot down the giant primate who had perched himself up there with her.
    "Dammit are you looking at me or are you trying to stop the giant ape?!" Anne said as she shook her head realizing that question was rhetorical, as when there was a naked woman on the top of the Empire state building a giant ape was suddenly of only secondary interest.
    Finally the planes had successfully caused King Kong to fall off the Empire state building plummeting to his death.
    "Finally, I can get down from here!" Anne said before she suddenly remembered that she was completely buck naked. "Oh crap, but the hell am I going to do about this situation?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I guess I will just have to get inside the building and hope that reporters haven't found their way inside yet and that I can find myself something to cover my naked body with before anybody sees me."
    Anne started going down the ladder and opened the door and as soon as she did she was blinded by a bunch of flashbulbs from all of the reporters and members of the media who were waiting eagerly to see what happened to her.
    "Fuck!" she shouted as she struggled to cover up her naked body but it was too late as the reporters had already gotten a good glance and lots of really good really revealing pictures.
    "Miss Anne, I have to ask, what was it like being up there completely buck naked with that giant monkey?" the reporter asked.
    As Anne stood there blushing and covered in goosebumps from the cold she simply shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. "How the hell do you think I felt?! Look, I was just kidnapped by a giant ape, I'm freezing my tits off, I have been humiliated in front of the entire city, I just want to get home and finish my warm shower."
    As the reporters continue taking naked shots of her as she made her way to the bottom of the building, before finally somebody gave her a towel to cover herself up with, she couldn't help but look at King Kong's naked corpse on the street and think that he was the lucky one in this whole situation because at least he wouldn't have to deal with the media fallout from this the next day. She also noticed that Kong had a really gargantuan size Dick, but nobody cares about some dead naked monkey Dick when there was a live naked woman around.
    A reporter looked at King Kong's corpse and shook his head. "You know in a lot of ways he was just as human as we all are, a typical guy, he sees one naked woman and he goes totally ape for her. You know some say it was the airplanes with their heavy barrage of machine gun fire into the beast's body and vital organs that killed him, but I think it was that hot naked broad who killed the beast! And did you see the tits on her, damn!"
    Anne finally managed to get home only to realize that her shower was now missing because the gigantic ape had ripped it apart.
    "The perfect end to the perfect day," she said as she sat down still feeling filthy and dirty from having her naked body pawed at by that giant ape. "But I'm sure that everything will look better in the morning."

    The next morning Anne woke up to eat her breakfast and looked at the paper which had the headline naked woman at top of the Empire state building, says that she couldn't wait to get home to take hot sudsy shower naked, with a picture of her struggling to use her hands to cover up her naked body. A smaller article on page 4 briefly mentioned that a giant killer ape was also killed in vicinity of the naked broad.
    Anne threw the paper in the garbage and shook her head. "You know I probably should have just taken that job to be a stripper, it would have saved me a lot of trouble, such as the natives, the island, the kidnapping by the giant ape, and I bet I probably would have gotten better tips!"


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