Naked in the Cave

 I came across this story on my list of story ideas and supposedly is based on a dream that I had in December 2017 looking at my journals I can see no such dream that anything resembles this! At any rate I have to admit it's a little bit similar to the other story that I just posted the other day from October 2019 about the stolen swimming trunks. So maybe it somewhat similar to the other story and not the most original or groundbreaking, but some ideas are sort of classic and they work in all sorts of different settings and situations and I think that this makes for a pretty decent CFNM story about a guy who goes skinny-dipping in some underground caves and comes to regret it. It involves CFNM, embarrassed nude male, naked outdoors and an element that I don't think I had put in any previous of my CFNM stories about a guy being forced to masturbate for a dressed woman. Enjoy!

Naked in the Cave
Jack had to admit there was something about being out in nature that was really nice and relaxing and he started to wonder why he hadn't done something like this sooner. He had wanted to go explore those caves on his own for a really long time, and he knew that those underwater caverns were supposedly a sight to behold. When he arrived and saw that he was all alone he suddenly had a fiendish idea.
    "Well I seem to be completely alone, maybe I should go skinny dipping in these caves," Jack said as he laughed to himself. It was a crazy idea, but was it really? He looked around and he knew that he was as far from civilization as possible and his chances of encountering anybody were pretty slim to none, so what was there to actually worry about?
    Jack slowly slipped out of his swimming trunks and carefully placed them down on a rock right at the front of the caves. He had to admit it felt weird being outside in nature completely naked like that as he had never tried something like this before, but he figured that there was a first time for everything.
    Jack started walking through the caves and it didn't take him long to dive into the water and begin his skinny dipping session. He didn't know how many people could say that they went skinny dipping in an underground cave system, but he figured it was probably relatively few people, which made him feel almost like he was a trendsetter, although this didn't seem like something that would become a trend, if he was fully honest. Naked skinny dipping in caves, not exactly something that he figured would go mainstream anytime soon.
    At any rate he was enjoying himself and he found that the time was passing really quickly. But after swimming through the caves for probably an hour or more he figured he had better start getting back since it was a long walk back home. He began swimming his way back to the front of the caves where he remembered that he had left his swimsuit. He came to the rock where he remembered leaving it but that was when he noticed something very wrong.
    "Where did my swimming trunks go?" Jack said as he looked around. He was positive that rock was the exact rock that he had left it on. But what if some type of animal had come and wandered off with his swimming trunks? He knew he probably should have kept them with him and now he felt like an idiot for just leaving them there. Or maybe it wasn't that rock, maybe it actually was a different rock and he was just confused, at any rate he had better figure something out soon and had better start looking for them.
    He started looking around for his swimming trunks figuring that maybe he really was wrong, maybe he had placed them on a different similar looking rock. He didn't have to get back for a little while so he had plenty of time to look for them, and how far could they have possibly gotten?
    "Hey Karina, look what I found," he heard a female voice say as all the sudden he got nervous because he could hear the voices echoing through the caves.
    "What is that?" a different female voice said.
    "I think I found some guy's swimming trunks just sitting around on a rock," the first voice said.
    "Really what kind of guy would just leave his swimming trunks sitting around on a rock in the cave?" Karina asked. "I guess a pretty careless one. Do you think that somebody is in these caves with us?"
    "I don't know if anyone's in the caves with us, as whoever left these here has probably long gone by now," a third female voice said.
    "Just the same I don't think that I would feel comfortable getting naked knowing that there could be some guy around," Karina said.
    "Do you think that there is some guy around, some guy around who is completely buck naked right now?" the first voice said.
    "I don't know Tracy, do you really think that some guy is going skinny dipping in the caves?" Karina said. "I suppose great minds do think alike, although he would be kind of stupid to just leave his swimming trunks in the middle of nowhere like that as it would be pretty easy to lose them."
    "Yeah I suppose he would have to be a pretty big bonehead to do that," Tracy said as she laughed.
    Jack had to admit that at the moment he really was feeling awful stupid and he wasn't exactly sure how he was going to get his swimming trunks back, now that there were women in the vicinity. Why had he been so careless and stupid?
    As Jack heard the voices of the women growing louder he knew that he had better hide himself if he didn't want to find himself in an embarrassing and awkward situation.
    Jack quickly managed to scurry behind some rocks and as he peeked carefully around the rocks he saw the three women standing there off in the distance. They were all wearing one-piece bathing suits but he had to admit they were all rather attractive. He could see that the one named Tracy was a tall brunette, well proportioned, and the one named Karina was a tall black woman. The third woman whose name he still did not know was a redhead, and all three of them were standing there with their arms crossed.
    "So do you want to go swimming now," Karina said.
    Tracy nodded. "Yeah but I don't really want to get naked now I don't think."
    Jack cursed his luck that there were three attractive women there and simply because they had found his swimming trunks they had reconsidered their own plans to go skinny dipping. If only he hadn't been so careless he would be the one with swimming trunks right now and they would be the ones slipping out of theirs.
    "You guys can go swimming, I think I'm going to explore the above ground caves for a little while," the redhead said as she started walking off into the distance.
    Jack knew there was no way he could retrieve his swimming trunks now without being seen by these women, so he figured that he would do the next best thing and watch Karina and Tracy splashing each other. Sure they weren't naked but they were still attractive in those tight body hugging swimsuits, and he found that there was something about the fact that they didn't know that he was watching them that made him feel rather excited. In fact he was so excited he couldn't be help but play with himself a little bit as he watched the two women playing around in the cave.
    This wasn't actually so bad, he thought to himself. Sure he couldn't go get his swimming trunks but in the meantime he had something to entertain him, and the fact that he was naked and feeling vulnerable sort of heightened the whole sensation. That he was naked there and masturbating as he was watching these two women somehow enhanced the entire experience of it, there was something insanely naughty about it, and it was really getting him excited.
    "So you like watching in secret as well don't you?" a voice behind him said as he turned around seeing the redhead and immediately covering himself up. The fact that he was already sprouting an erection was making it even more awkward.
    "Who are you, what are you doing here?" Jack said not exactly sure how to respond to the situation as the redhead stood there in her one-piece bathing suit fairly well covered and putting her hands on her hips and smiling.
    "My name is Robin and I think that I am exploring the cave, and it seems I found something interesting and a totally unexpected but not unpleasant surprise, a naked guy jerking off as he secretly watches my friends swimming," she said with an evil smirk. "Let me guess, you're the one who owns the swimming trunks aren't you?"
    Jack knew by now he must be blushing profusely so he simply nodded his head meekly trying to think of any possible way he could get himself out of this embarrassing situation but coming up completely blank.
    "But I'm betting that you regret taking them off now aren't you," Robin said as Jack continued nodding awkwardly as she continued standing there smiling widely.
    "I'm hoping that maybe we can keep this just between the two of us," Jack said as he continued covering up his genitals but was unable to disguise the fact that he had a clear erection.
    Robin laughed.
    "What's so funny?" Jack finally asked.
    "I mean I could keep this secret but it's kind of a juicy secret to keep to myself, don't you think," Robin said shaking her head. "And fair is fair, you got to peek at my friends and I am sure that they wouldn't mind getting a peek at you, and you are wearing something that leaves a lot less to the imagination, and I say that as a person with a really dirty imagination!"
    "Please, it's not like your friends were naked or anything like that."
    "No, but you were secretly watching them and jerking off to it. How about this, let me watch you finish and I will keep this just between us."
    "Watch me finish?" Jack said as he could feel his heart beating faster but all the blood still rushing totally to his genitals.
    "Yeah, let me watch you finish jerking off and I will not tell my friends that there is a naked guy watching them from behind the rocks."
    "Hey Robin what are you doing over there by the rocks?" Karina shouted as the two of them waved at each other. "You find anything interesting over there?"
    "Did I ever!" Robin shouted as Jack started waving his hands and muttering the words no no no before she looked back at him. "So do we have a deal?"
    "Okay okay, you've got me," Jack said finding this to be the most awkward but perhaps also the most exciting situation he has ever found himself in.
    "Nevermind I thought that I found some interesting cave paintings but it just looks like some gross graffiti or something, almost looks like a Dick right in front of me," Robin shouted back as her two friends continued swimming. She stood there looking at Jack with her hands on her hips tapping her foot impatiently. "Well?"
    "Well what?" Jack asked.
    "Are you going to finish jerking off, I got to see the beginning, and now I would like to see the finale," she said laughing.
    "Okay okay, just give me a minute," Jack said as he grabbed himself but suddenly found it hard to continue.
    "What's the matter, performance anxiety, never jerked off in front of a girl before?"
    "I'll do it I'll do it, just give me a minute," Jack said as he slowly began stroking it.
    "If you want I can get my friends and maybe they would help," Robin said as she looked like she was about to shout but Jack shook his head and continued slowly stroking it. "You know this is actually nice, do it really slowly, I really want to savor the experience."
    Jack tried to go as slow as possible but for whatever reason he was finding this situation intensely arousing and he felt like he was about ready to explode, and it didn't take him much longer until he blew his load all over the place as Robin clapped.
    "And we have the grand finale, the money shot!" she said smiling. "I have to admit I was enjoying it more for the five minutes that I was watching you in secret that you didn't even notice. Something about watching people when they don't know, it really does give you kind of a buzz doesn't it?"
    Jack had to admit that this was the most humiliating experience of his life but he found himself uncontrollably excited at the moment. At the same time though he was eager to have this whole little hostage situation come to an end so he simply nodded. "Do you think I can have my swimming trunks back now?"
    "Well I suppose a deal is a deal, I will go get your swimming trunks, you just wait here," she said as she started walking over to the rock where his swimming trunks were. As she held up the swimming trunks triumphantly Jack gave her a thumbs up as she smiled as she started walking away.
    "Where are you going Robin, what are you doing with those swimming trunks?" Tracy asked.
    "Well I promised I would get the swimming trunks for this guy that was watching you swimming secretly if he would stand there naked and jerk off for me, but I think that this will be a nice souvenir of our visit," Robin said, her voice echoing through the caves as she laughed in triumph holding up the swimming trunks. "He's over there behind the rocks hiding his naked ass if you want to get a peek."
    Jack let out a scream of terror that echoed through the cave and began running away before diving in the water and began swimming away as the three women pointed at him and laughed, and he knew that this was the last time he would ever leave his swimming trunks unguarded because this was beyond humiliating, and he couldn't picture anything more humiliating until he remembered that it was a very long walk home.


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