My Awkward Experience with a Game of Naked Hide and Seek

I stopped working on my naked novel for a while hoping that I would get to work on my serious stuff that I write under my own name, but I guess I am still in the mood for naked regardless, because instead of doing that I have been writing more naked stories each night! This is one that I thought of a couple of days ago where I thought of a funny idea for a game of naked hide and seek. This one has a nice variety of nudity, everything from CMNF & CFNF to ENF and a little bit of CFNM towards the end. I don't want to give anything away but it just has a large variety of different nudity, but it's mostly about one woman who is playing a game of hide and seek trying not to be found because she is naked. Enjoy!

My Awkward Experience with a Game of Naked Hide and Seek
"Come on Gina, it will just be us, when are we ever again going to have our own mansion to ourselves just for the weekend," Scott said. "It will just be me and Bill and Gwen. We will take turns playing naked hide and seek where one of us will look for the others who are naked and see if we can find you while completely naked. If you hide long and effectively enough no one will even see you naked. But I can understand if you don't want to do it, I know that you tend to be chicken about these type of things."
    Gina didn't really like the idea of playing naked hide and seek but she thought that maybe Scott did have a point, maybe she was too uptight about these things, and if she managed to hide well enough they wouldn't even find her and see her naked.
    "Okay fine I will play naked hide and seek with you guys," Gina said. "How exactly do you play naked hide and seek?"
    Scott smiled. "Well one of us will count to 60 while the other three will get undressed, leave their clothing here and then we'll go hiding. We will all wear watches and if nobody finds you within a half hour you have won the game and get to put your clothing back on without anybody seeing you."
    "While I have to admit I don't like the idea of anybody seeing me naked I guess just a small game between us would be fine," Gina said. "But you promise that you are not going to invite anybody else once the game has began will you?"
    "Of course not, why would I do something like that," Scott said with his arm behind his back and his fingers secretly crossed. "You know you can trust me."
    Reluctantly Gina agreed that she would play the game, and as Scott began counting down from 60 the three of them stripped down and began running off in different directions, or so Gina thought anyway. Once Gina was comfortably out of view Gwen and Bill decided to get dressed again and then when Scott was done counting they knew it was time to begin the hunt.
    "She's not going to be getting this back very easily," Scott said as he picked up Gina's skirt and top before making a whistling noise as a bunch of people started coming out of the various rooms in the house all smiling. "Hey everybody there's a naked girl out there hiding somewhere and the first person to find her gets to take their picture with her and wins the grand prize of $100!"
    Gina meanwhile was running naked into the forest hiding behind a tree thinking that it was the perfect hiding spot as it was fairly remote and she didn't think that anybody would find her on such a large mansion ground like that.
    "I really think Scott's going to be disappointed that he's not going to get to see me naked today," Gina said suddenly feeling naughty at the fact that she was outside naked like that. There was something almost liberating about the fact that she was outdoors naked and exposed like that, even though she felt confident that nobody was going to find her in her current state of undress.
    Gina continued hiding behind the tree as she looked at her watch, the only article of clothing anywhere on her body, if a watch even counted as clothing, which she wasn't sure if it did, and it certainly didn't conceal much, only her wrist, and she wasn't worried about anyone seeing her wrist naked! It had already been 10 minutes and nobody had found her and she was growing increasingly cocky about the fact that she felt that she was going to win this game easily. And then soon it would be Scott's turn to have to hide his naked ass and she thought that she was a lot better at finding him then he was at finding her.
    "Hey have you seen any signs of the naked girl yet," an unfamiliar man's voice said as Gina peered around from behind the tree to see that there was a group of men and women that she didn't recognize standing there.
    "Well I'm not as interested as seeing a naked girl as you guys are but it will be funny to see how humiliated she's going to be when she finds out that there is an entire party of people here who are hunting her down and are going to see her naked," one of the women said.
    "That bastard," Gina said under her breath as she realized that she now seemed to be surrounded by an entire group of men and women who were looking for her naked self. She knew that Scott was a jerk but she didn't think that he was that big of a jerk, but now she realized the fact that he was, and that she was going to be in a world of very public humiliation if she didn't find some way to hide from this group of people who were now hunting her down.
    Slowly and carefully she scrunched down until she was sitting on the floor now hidden by the bushes. She figured if she crawled on her hands and knees along the bushes that nobody would catch a glance of her naked body and maybe she could hide long enough that nobody would see her all together.
    She continued crawling along the bushes until she heard somebody coming and decided she had better be as still as a statue so that nobody would notice her there.
    "But I need to take a leak," a guy said as he started peeing on the bushes and incidentally on Gina who did not appreciate it. She wanted to scream but she knew if she screamed that this whole embarrassing situation would be even more humiliating. "There that's better," the guy said as he started walking away from the bushes.
    "Scott I'm going to kill you," Gina said under her breath as she started wiping the pee off of her body. That was when she noticed that there was a lake not far away, and she felt like she needed to wash herself off after that disgusting incident, so after carefully looking around to make sure no one was coming she jumped into the lake.
    "Hey I thought I heard something over in that direction!" a guy shouted as Gina realized that people were coming, so she quickly put her head underwater and started holding her breath as long as she could take it until she could take it no more. Luckily when she came up from the lake she could see that people had their backs turned to her.
    "Come on if she was here we would have seen her by now," a woman said as the group of people started walking away.
    Gina had to admit that now she was rather cold and wet in addition to being naked, and it was an unpleasant feeling. Why did she ever believe Scott when he said that he wouldn't do anything like this, this is exactly the type of Dickish thing that he tended to do.
    She looked at her watch, which fortunately was waterproof, and she could see that 15 minutes had already gone by. She had already gone half of the time that she needed in order to win the game, but then all the sudden it occurred to her that they weren't exactly playing by the rules.
    "And it's not like I can go back to the mansion to retrieve my clothing if there are going to be other people there," Gina said as she continued walking in the forest hoping that nobody would catch up with her.
    "I think I heard something over there!" a guy shouted as she heard the sound of feet charging towards her.
    "Shit," Gina said as she crouched down behind a large rock. She could hear somebody leaning on the rock on the other side and she tried her hardest not to breathe very loudly.
    "Hey is anybody out here!" one of the women shouted as her voice echoed.
    Gina could feel a sneeze was coming on and she struggled with all of her powers of focus and concentration to suppress it before sticking her fingers up her nose until she heard everybody had safely left the vicinity and she could get up from behind the rock.
    "Jesus Christ how many people does he have hunting my naked body!" Gina said as she looked around. She had to admit as embarrassing as the situation was the fact that she managed to avoid being seen so far was making her feel really confident, and the thrill and excitement of possibly being caught was making her adrenaline rush like never before.
    Still she thought she heard somebody off in the distance approaching so she quickly began darting through the bushes trying to make as little noise as possible until she came to the edge of the mansion, and that was when she shook her head. The rules were that nobody could leave the mansion during the game, but then she remembered that nobody was playing by the rules and she started walking towards the street.
    For a moment she thought that she had a brilliant plan, she would simply hitchhike to some place where she could find clothes and get dressed, but then she remembered that she couldn't hitchhike without somebody seeing that she was naked, and as the headlights of a car came she dove back into the bushes to conceal herself.
    Gina struggled not to laugh as she could feel the leaves tickling her naked body but she could hear that the car was stopping and she started shaking her head. No no no, she thought to herself, this wasn't happening.
    "But I swear I thought I saw a naked woman standing on the side of the road," a man said as his foot came down right in front of Gina's face at the bottom of the bush but luckily he did not seem to see her crouched down and well hidden.
    "Yeah sure, you saw naked woman on the side of the road, you wish," the woman with him said. "I swear you guys are so perverted, all you can ever think about is naked women, thinking you are seeing them everywhere. I doubt that there is a naked woman within 100 miles of here." The woman stomped her foot down right on Gina's fingers and she struggled not to scream by biting down on her other hand.
    "Okay let's get out of here, I guess I didn't see anything," the man said as the woman picked her foot off of Gina's hand.
    Once she heard the car driving away she started whimpering at the fact that her hand was really hurting from that woman stepping on it, but she didn't want to cry out in pain because then she would draw attention to herself.
    "But maybe if I stay around the perimeter of the mansion nobody will think to look for me there," she said as she slowly inched her way around the perimeter of the mansion until she had found her way back to the mansion itself.
    She was about to go inside of the mansion figuring that everybody was looking for her outside, but then she thought what if there were people waiting for her inside?
    Still at least inside of the mansion she wouldn't be as exposed as she would be outside, at least in the mansion she could find some place to hide and maybe find some place where she could get some type of clothing. Slowly she crept around the back of the mansion and started walking down the hallway. She heard somebody coming so she went behind a column and put her back to it and hoped that nobody would find her there.
    "But I can't believe that we haven't managed to find her yet," Bill said as he put his hand on the other side of the column. "I mean where the hell could she be hiding?"
    "Hey we saw her running off into the forest, that must be where she is, she must be hiding behind a tree or something," Scott said.
    "What if she came back inside of the mansion when we weren't looking," Gwen said.
    "Well that would be against the rules," Bill said.
    "Something tells me she has probably found out by now that we aren't playing by the rules," Gwen said. "I mean the game is almost up already, in another five minutes she will probably come back to claim her clothing, so now we just have to wait for her."
    The three of them departed and luckily none of them realized that Gina had her naked ass pressed against the other side of the column that they were standing in front of.
    Gina quickly ran down the hall and when she thought she heard somebody coming again she hid behind a suit of armor.
    "Maybe she hid inside of the suit of armor," one of the women said as Gina's heart began beating like it was about to rip bright out of her chest.
    "How would she even get inside of that, you're just being silly," one of the other women said as Gina breathed a sigh of relief before the group departed.
    Gina continued running up and down the hallways dodging every so often when she thought she heard someone coming. Fortunately the hallways were full of plenty of things for her to hide behind, and luckily most of the people were too stupid or too lazy to look behind every little object in the mansion.
    Finally Gina made her way into the dining room where she hid behind a curtain and that was when all of the sudden she heard what sounded like a large number of people piling into the dining room all at once.
    "Well everybody I don't know what happened to Gina but it looks like she might have outsmarted us, I don't think that there is any way we are going to find her because there are only a few seconds left before the game is over and then she will have to find her way back here eventually," Scott said.
    "But I just can't believe that we didn't manage to find her, we had like two dozen people looking for her all throughout the grounds of the mansion and none of us were able to find her," Gwen said standing directly on the other side of the curtain, not even aware that just a few inches of fabric separated her from Gina's naked body.
    Gina was euphoric, she was standing there on the other side of the curtain and none of them even knew that she was there, and it looked like they were all about to give up looking. There was nothing that could ruin this moment for her, at least until her watch started making a beeping noise indicating that the half hour timer that she had put on it was now up.
    "Hey I thought I heard something beeping," Gwen said as she pulled back the curtain as Gina screamed and covered herself up with her hands blushing profusely.
    "Got you!" Scott said as he clapped and all of the people in the room started laughing as Gina stood there covered in goosebumps with embarrassment that about two dozen men and women were staring at her naked in the middle of the room like that.
    At that moment she just wanted to die, now she really did want to hide, hide from the world forever, but then she thought to herself that she wasn't going to be chicken this time, she was going to show that she was made of sterner stuff.
    Very reluctantly she began laughing as everybody shook their heads and shrugged their shoulders and scratched themselves wondering why she was laughing.
    "What's so funny," Gwen eventually asked, thinking that maybe Gina had gone completely and utterly insane from the very public humiliation that she was experiencing.
    Gina pointed to her watch, still the only article of clothing on her body, and smiled. "That watch had a 30 minute timer and it just went off right now. You didn't find me naked behind the curtain until after the timer went off, which means that I won the game!"
    Gina stood there with her hands on her hips throwing her head back laughing maniacally as everyone stood there staring.
    "Well we still all got to see you naked," Bill said. "So I don't know why you're the one laughing."
    Gina smiled. "Don't you remember the rules of the game? Scott failed to find me so that means now it's his turn to get naked and hide."
    "What are you serious," Scott said laughing as he looked at all of the people surrounding him, many of them smirking and nodding their heads. "Come on guys we were just having some fun at Gina's expense, you don't really want to hunt me naked do you?"
    Some of the women in the crowd started snickering and nodding their heads.
    "Well Bill and Gwen cheated, they should have to get naked too," Scott said suddenly turning on them.
    As the crowd started circling around Scott, Bill and Gwen they started looking really nervous as people started browbeating them, until they slowly and reluctantly started slipping out of their clothing while Gina whistled loudly as their naked asses ran off into the distance.
    "The hunt is on!" Gina shouted as the mob started preparing to take off after the three naked people who were running off to go hide. In fact Gina was so enthusiastic as everybody started running off to catch Scott, Bill and Gwen she even forgot that she hadn't even yet put her clothes back on, because she never asked what they had done with her clothes before they were stripped naked themselves.
    Gina looked down at Gwen's clothes sitting on the floor and shrugged her shoulders and reached down to pick them up and put them on. "Well Gwen I'm afraid that you are my size so you will have to worry about this after we find you!"


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