Get Interviewed by a Naked Chick

 I wrote this story yesterday but didn't get around to posting it because I was getting ready to go to sleep but it was actually based on a dream that I had yesterday where there was this naked woman going around interviewing this elderly naked man, and I thought that would make for a good story, although in this story I decided to keep the man dressed to create that CMNF dynamic. I think I had a longer idea for a story like this that I never got around to writing but it's possible I will expand on this idea in a future longer work. But anyway enjoy this one now that involves naked in public, only one naked, embarrassed nude female, CFNF and CMNF!

Get Interviewed by a Naked Chick
"I don't know how I am going to get through all of these reporters to get an interview with Mr. Landon," Carrie said as she saw a throng of paparazzi swarming around the big movie star. "You know if I was able to land an interview with him it would be a big boost for my career but I don't know how I am just going to be able to stand out among that crowd of reporters."
    "Well you know you could always just strip naked that would probably get you lots of attention from Mr. Landon," her best friend Sybil said as she began laughing. "With all of those reporters and paparazzi being fully dressed you go over there naked and you will really stand out like a sore thumb, or a blushing red tomato!"
    "Yeah like I am just going to go completely stripped naked to get the attention of some type of elderly movie star like that, do you think anyone will take me seriously if I did that? Trust me the headline wouldn't be the fact that I interviewed him, the headline would be the fact that I was naked. Besides aren't there laws against going naked?"
    Sybil shook her head. "Nope not in this town, remember when I did that article about how they repealed the public nudity laws so that now people to go naked without fear of being arrested. It's freedom baby, flaunt it!"
    "You do realize that I am a professional reporter and that it would be very unprofessional and perhaps detrimental to my career if I just stripped naked in public like that."
    Sybil shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just saying, I'm trying to brainstorm some ideas here, you don't seem like you are very open to these ideas. I don't see how else you are going to catch the attention of an elderly movie star like that. In fact I think if he saw a reporter go naked he would probably end up having a heart attack or something like that."
    "Well I certainly don't want that to be a headline, reporter strips naked and gives famous actor fatal heart attack, now I would never live that down!"
    "Well you would certainly be famous, that's for sure!" she said once again laughing hysterically. "But I know you would never do it because I know you are too bashful to actually go naked in public, especially with all of these paparazzi around. You just don't have the guts to do something like that."
    "What, you mean I don't have the guts to completely publicly humiliate myself and perhaps ruin my career before it even gets started?"
    "You've been a reporter for five years now and how many really great interviews have you landed? That old guy who feed the ducks in the park? That woman who built the world's biggest dollhouse? That really fat guy who won that eating contest? These aren't exactly things that make your resume look truly stunning. But trust me if you interviewed Mr. Landon while completely naked that would probably make your career. Nobody would ever forget that, it would be a bold move and I think that he would probably admire the guts of anyone who did that. But like I said I know that you're obviously not going to do that, so I'm not going to pressure you into doing something that I know you would never do."
    Carrie thought that her friend had perhaps gone completely insane but as she looked at all of the reporters crowding around Mr. Landon she realized that her odds of getting his attention were pretty much nothing, and she figured that she should probably just get the hell out of there and call it quits. Maybe she really didn't have what it takes to be a reporter after all.
    Or did she, could she actually do something like strip naked in public just so that she could conduct an interview, the whole notion was patently absurd. And yet as crazy as it sounded maybe it wasn't the craziest thing in the world.
    "Do you want me to give you a ride home as it doesn't look like anything's going to be happening here today," Sybil said.
    Carrie looked defiantly often Mr. Landon's direction and shook her head. "You know what sometimes you have to do what you have to do to get the story of your life."
    "What are you talking about?"
    "Sometimes to get people to bear it all you have to bear it all yourself," Carrie said as she began unbuttoning her blouse and slowly slipping out of her clothing.
    "Oh my God you actually took me seriously for once," Sybil said shaking her head not able to believe what she was seeing in front of her eyes, as it only took a few seconds until Carrie was standing there completely utterly buck naked.
    "So what do you think?"
    "Well I can see that the carpet matches the drapes, but wow, you never take my advice to heart and this is the first time you do, this is the instance when you say, let's listen to Sybil for a change?! I think that you have probably completely lost your mind."
    "Sometimes crazy is what gets things done," Carrie said as she began pushing her way through the hordes of paparazzi who surprisingly started standing back as they noticed that there was a completely nude woman pushing her way through the crowd with nothing but a microphone on her person.
    Although Carrie knew that thousands of cameras were going off at that very moment as well as videos she didn't even care, she realized that she had caught Mr. Landon's attention as he could see that his eyes looked like they were about to bug out of his head. She also knew that she must be blushing profusely and that this was the most embarrassing moment of her life, but she knew this was the moment that would make or break her career, so one way or another she was going to get that interview.
    "Well there's something you don't see every day," Mr. Landon said as everybody began laughing. "You know I never expected that I would see a naked chick coming up to me wearing nothing but a microphone, but it certainly isn't an unwelcome a sight to see!"
    "Mr. Landon I am a reporter and I would really like to interview you, if that is okay with you," Carrie said smiling and blushing profusely as at that moment she felt like she really had lost her mind. What on earth was she thinking?
    Mr. Landon laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "Hey I've never said no to a naked chick in the past and I am not going to start now. Ladies and gentlemen you can put your cameras and microphones away, I have chosen this young lady here to be the one to interview me. Just one question though, why are you naked?"
    Carrie smiled. "Who's interviewing whom, I think I'll be the one asking the questions here."
    Mr. Landon nodded. "You know you have a high degree of professionalism for somebody who's not wearing any clothing. Please let's sit down and I will answer all of your questions."
    And as Carrie sat down with her legs crossed and her arm across her breasts she had to admit that although she knew that she was probably covered in goosebumps from the fact that she was cold and naked and embarrassed, and she knew she was blushing bright red the entire time, somehow she managed to focused on the task at hand and she interviewed Mr. Landon all about his career, and strangely enough he answered honestly and openly everything that she asked him without ever making a single further comment on the fact that she was completely buck naked.
    "Well I am glad for this interview, you know I really opened up to you in a way that I haven't before, maybe because you are willing to open up to me by, you know, not wearing clothing," Mr. Landon said as he laughed. "At any rate I see you really going places as this is a fine young reporter the world has got here, dressed, naked or otherwise!"
    Mr. Landon stood up he held his briefcase in front of his groin area and nobody was in any mystery as to why he was doing that as he really was quite happy to see Carrie, to really see her, all of her.
    "Well I gotta hand it to you I will never call you cowardly ever again," Sybil said shaking her head. "And you know what I think that this interview actually did make your career, I think that you're going to be top news tomorrow."
    Carrie nodded. "This is the craziest day of my life but at least now I can finally get dressed and move on with my life." That's when she looked around and she didn't see her clothing in the spot where she had placed it. "Sybil have you seen my clothing?"
    Sybil nodded and shook her head. "But look on the bright side, the way I see it you're already going to be seen by millions of people during your interview, so it's not like anyone's going to see something that they won't be able to see anywhere else, seeing you naked is something that nobody has an exclusive on!"
    Carrie laughed and nodded. "Hey do you think you can give me a ride home?"
    "Sure, just put a towel down on the seat as I don't want your naked ass staining my upholstery."

    One month later.
    "So do you ever regret the way you became famous for and how you became famous?" Sybil asked as Carrie stood there naked on the street holding up a microphone.
    "You know I never knew when I got naked that first time that it would become a gimmick that I would always have to be naked to be taken seriously and to get an interview, but what can I say, a little bit of naked flesh goes a long way," Carrie said laughing while still blushing at the fact that she now had the reputation as the naked interview lady. "People really open up to you when you are completely naked, something about being so raw and vulnerable and exposed I guess. But now I have a whole bunch of interviews to conduct including the Queen of England and I am still waiting to hear back from the president. At least one good thing came out of this aside from the boost to my career."
    "What is that?"
    "Well thanks to my new reputation I don't have to stress about what I am going to wear to interview all of these people!"


  1. Nice story, is it possible to do a cmnf scenario where a girl gets tricked out of her swimsuit in a public lake and tries to hide it in the water?


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