Stripped by the Bark

I wrote this story last night and I might end up writing a longer one later today. This was just a short one that I thought of the yesterday when I didn't have time to write very much and decided to go with it. I can't remember what initially inspired it but I have to admit that I think that I based the character of Gabrielle off of the Xena warrior Princess character. Essentially this is just sort of like a brief fantasy story involving a woman getting stripped naked by trees involving CMNF and embarrassed nude female. Enjoy!

Stripped by the Bark
Gabrielle noticed that it was almost nighttime but she was determined that she would get home and she wouldn't let herself be caught outside after dark.
    "You can't go out there in the dark forest after dark, don't you know what happens to women who go out after dark in the dark forest?" Zoey asked.
    Gabrielle shook her head. "Look I am not intimidated by the dark forest as there is nothing out there that could be so frightening to me that it's going to keep me from trying to get to my destination tonight. There is nothing that a warrior like myself cannot handle, nothing that is too brutal or too difficult."
    "What about the living trees?"
    "So what about the living trees, I'm not afraid of living trees, I am a great warrior, why should I be intimidated by trees? I don't think that any true warrior would be intimidated by a little bit of wood."
    "They do terrible things to women, things that you may never be able to live down, things that will haunt you until your dying days."
    "But like I said Zoey I am a great warrior and I will seem like a coward if I don't manage to get to the other village before the end of the night. If I want the male warriors to respect me the only way I can do that is making sure that I make my way all the way to the warriors lodge in the town across the forest before nightfall. If I don't do that they will never allow a woman like me to join their ranks. You know it's hard enough to be a female warrior but to try to win the respect of your male peers is even more difficult, guys just see us as sex symbols and we need to show them we are more than that, more than just jiggling flesh."
    "You're not listening to reason, I didn't tell you about the horrible things that the trees will do to you!"
    "Zoey look whatever the trees have in store for me it's nothing that I can handle and nothing that I can't live down no matter how long I live. I am sure that whatever the trees do it couldn't be that terrible and I am sure that I will be able to stop them before they do anything."
    "But Gabrielle –" Zoey shouted but her friend was far too headstrong and arrogant to ever listen to her. Zoey liked to think of herself as the voice of reason who would sometimes keep Gabrielle from doing things that she would regret from being too foolhardy just because she thought that she was such a great warrior.
    "She's going to be stripped to the bark," old Thor said as he drank from his mug of beer.
    Zoey shook her head. "No even worse, she is going to be stripped by the bark! And I know that I don't want to be there when it happens."
    Gabrielle darted out of the tavern wearing her golden breastplate and armor. She had to admit that she looked pretty good in it but sometimes she felt the fact that even though she was a great warrior that her attire still made her look like some type of sex symbol. What was it about a female warrior's clothing that always made it look like she was a scantily clad stripper and being sexually objectified?
    "Oh right the blacksmith who forged this was a guy," Gabrielle said as she began running through the forest realizing that the sun was going down and she didn't want to have to deal with the trees, but she shook her head and laughed to herself. "That Zoey gets so paranoid about everything. Doesn't she know that I am a great warrior. Sure I can be overly prideful and sometimes I can be arrogant and foolhardy, but I've always managed to get myself out of any type of situation that I find myself in. Zoey always seems to think that I would humiliate myself one day taking on the wrong opponent but I have total confidence in my abilities.
    However as she rode through the night on her horse she realized that if she didn't hurry up she wouldn't be able to make it to the tavern by nightfall and she wouldn't want to be embarrassed in front of all the powerful men who didn't think that she was up to being the great warrior that she always said that she was.
    As Gabrielle started riding through the thick of the forest it looked like she was about to be home free when all of the sudden she got hit by a branch from the tree and getting knocked off of her horse who started running off without her.
    She tried to get up but that was when she felt that the tree branches were grabbing her and they were trying to do something to her. Unfortunately they had managed to take her sword away from her but worse than that she felt that they were doing something else entirely.
    "Hey hands-off the equipment," Gabrielle said as she realized that the trees were gradually stripping her of her armor. She tried to fight back but the trees were much too strong for her and before she knew it she was popped completely out of her armor, and she could see that the trees were handing her armor back down a row going off into the distance until her armor was far away from her.
    As Gabrielle stood there naked in the forest watching the trees looking at her and laughing and pointing their branches at her she had never been more humiliated in her life. Her horse had ran off and left her alone, she was now completely unarmed and completely undressed, and worse it was a rather cold night so she could feel that she was getting goosebumps all over her naked flesh.
    "Hey give back my armor!" Gabrielle said as she covered up her breasts with her arms and put her other arm between her legs.
    "Nice ass!" one of the trees said before it whipped her in the ass with one of its branches causing her to jump forward and rub her ass.
    "You trees are going to be sorry one day!" Gabrielle said but she realized that she was blushing and without her suit of armor she didn't realize just how vulnerable and humiliated that she felt. It was not just that she had been bested in combat by trees, it was the fact that the trees had literally stripped her naked and were now laughing at her for it. She didn't think she should feel self-conscious around trees, seeing as trees didn't even wear clothing themselves, but at least they were covered by bark, she didn't even have that, making her defeat all the more humiliating.
    As Gabrielle stood there trying to think what she was going to do next that was when she realized that now the moon was almost full, and she knew that once the moon was completely full all of the monsters would come out. Given that she didn't have any weapon, didn't have her horse and didn't have her armor she knew that there would be no way she could fight off the legions of dark monsters that would come out once the moon was full and the night was complete.
    "Great Goddess dammit!" she shouted as she began running through the forest as all of the trees pointed their branches at her and made laughing noises mocking her nudity, and she thought she could hear off in the distance some of them were making sexually objectifying comments about her body that were making her feel even more self-conscious by the moment, despite the fact that they were just stupid fucking trees and had brains that were made of wood.
    Finally the edge of the forest was in sight and she quickly ran out of the forest just as the moon started rising fully. She turned around and put her hands on her hips and looked triumphantly at the forest that she had managed to escape from before all the denizens of the night emerged and she began laughing. "Well it looks like I beat the full moon," she said laughing hysterically.
    "Hey I see a full moon," a man's voice said pointing at Gabrielle's ass as Gabrielle turned around screaming as she saw all of the male warriors waiting at the edge of the forest, and then she began screaming and covering herself up as she found herself surrounded by men completely and utterly buck naked.
    "Well hey it looks like you made it, I guess we can introduce you to our lodge now and you can join us as a fellow warrior," the man said as he put out his hand and Gabrielle, not knowing what else to do, decided to shake it.

    "So how did things go at the warriors lodge, did you gain the respect of all the men," Zoey said. "Did you manage to get through the trees without living through a dark and humiliating night that would make it hard to live down for the rest of your life?"
    "Let's just say I saw a lot of hard wood last night," Gabrielle said and decided to leave it at that double entendre and not elaborate on anything before she left the bar smiling and looking really confident that they would never figure out what had happened last night, because otherwise she would never be able to live it down. She also thought that after her experience she was considering becoming a lumberjack.
    "So your friend was the one who totally got naked and stripped by the trees and gave all those guys hard ons," old Thor said.
    "Yep," Zoey said. "But trust me she is too proud to ever admit that!"


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