Strip Ouija

I have another story to share on the same day that I already updated my blog with my preview for my novel. Like many of my naked stories this one involves supernatural forces conspiring to get people naked. Originally I was going to have it be a story about mutual nudity but then decided to turn it into a solidly CFNM story where a guy who is trying to trick some women into getting naked using a Ouija board finds himself getting his comeuppance from the supernatural! Enjoy!

Strip Ouija
"I don't know I think the idea of a Ouija board is kind of ridiculous, you actually think you can talk to the dead using a Ouija board?" Todd said.
    "I don't know I try to keep an open mind but it would probably still be a lot of fun as sort of a party game," Lakisha said.
    "Yeah I think it's some pretty good honest fun and everything like that," Felicity said.
    "I don't know maybe we shouldn't be playing around with the supernatural like that," Marjorie said. "Once you open up forces that you don't understand you might end up regretting it."
    "You aren't actually scared are you," Todd said as he started making ghost noises. "Come on Marjorie I think you will find that it's a whole lot of fun."
    Todd suddenly remembered a perverted idea that he had heard somewhere before and that he had mentioned to his friend David, even though his friend David said that it was a stupid idea and that nobody with half a brain would ever fall for it. Todd didn't believe in the whole idea of contacting the dead using some type of cheap toy that he got from Mattel or from Parker Brothers or whoever made Ouija boards in this day and age, but he knew that Marjorie was kind of a gullible individual, a gullible individual that nonetheless was pretty damn hot. She would be the perfect type of hot gullible sap to try out his idea on.
    "You know I just sort of had a great idea," Todd said. "Let's try to contact the ghosts and ask what they want us to do."
    The four of them sat around the Ouija board as they took out the planchette and put it in the center of the board.
    "Oh spirits tell us what you want us to do," Todd said as they sat there looking at the planchette with nothing happening. Then he started trying to move it himself.
    "Come on you are the one moving it, you aren't actually letting the spirits do anything," Felicity said as she shook her head.
    "Spirits who are we talking to," Lakisha said as the board began moving and spelled out the word Victor.
    "Okay even I'll admit that's a little bit weird," Felicity said. "What do you want us to do Victor?"
    The planchette moved and spelled out the word strip.
    "Well how about that, it looks like Victor wants one of us to strip naked," Todd said.
    "You know I heard that these things supposedly work on your unconscious impulses, so I'm thinking that maybe this dead man named Victor doesn't want us to strip naked, I am thinking that maybe one of us wants to get everyone else to get naked," Lakisha said as the three of them looked at Todd.
    Todd pointed to himself and shook his head. "Ladies I'm appalled, are you actually accusing me of using this spiritual device for communicating with the dead just as a way of trying to get you to strip naked? Do you think that I would really fake that I was communication with the occult as a way just to see some naked women?"
    "Yes," they all said simultaneously as he suddenly realized it seemed like they were on to him. He wasn't very good at doing subtle and he realized that he had been outed, but maybe he could still get people to go along with it. He wasn't licked yet.
    "Well let's just see what Victor wants, maybe Victor isn't going to want one of you to strip naked, maybe he will want me to strip naked, which honestly is kind of gay, but hey I'm not going to judge the dead for their sexual proclivities, I'm an enlightened guy like that," Todd said as they all put their hands back on the planchette. "Now come on Victor, I hope that you have good taste in women the way that I do. Which one of us do you want to strip naked Victor?"
    They started moving the planchette and Todd very subtly moved it as a way of moving it towards the M. He didn't get much further than that before it seemed like the other women were trying to move the planchette in a different direction.
    "Wait he said M, M stands for Marjorie," Todd said as he looked at Marjorie. "She's the only one with an M in her name, at the very beginning of the name as well."
    "Hey that's just one letter, he didn't spell out my whole name," Marjorie said. "If you think I'm going to get naked just because some type of ghost told you using the letter M you've got another thing coming, I'm a very modest woman you know."
    It was true, Marjorie was one of the shyest girls they knew and she was very self-conscious about the fact that she was very well endowed physically. Pretty much every guy on the campus wanted to see her get naked but as far as they knew nobody had had the pleasure up until then.
    "I don't know, you wouldn't want to displease the spirits would you," Todd said. "You don't want to make Victor angry now do you?"
    "Well I hardly believe that there is a ghost who is commanding me to get naked right now," Marjorie said shaking her head. "It is going to take more than spelling out the letter M on a Ouija board to convince me that a ghost wants me to get naked. If a ghost really wants me to get naked I want a better sign than simply a letter like that."
    At that moment all of the sudden the lights started flickering and there was a lightning bolt outside as a cold chill went through the room and the curtains of the windows started flailing in every direction and a loud moaning noise echoed through the room.
    Felicity jumped up and screamed as the lights came back on and looked at Marjorie. "I'm not saying I believe in ghosts or anything," Felicity said shaking her head. "And I'm also not saying that I'm really eager to see another woman get naked right now, but wow, I mean damn, if that's not a sign I don't know what is!"
    "I hate to agree with Todd but I think that there is something going on here," Lakisha said. "I'm a little bit psychic myself and I can feel something in this room, sort of like an evil supernatural force. I don't want to see you naked any more than Felicity does, but I also don't want to displease the denizens of the spirit world."
    The lights continued flickering as Marjorie sat there and felt a chill going through the room. The fact that she was already feeling a chill didn't make her more eager to take her clothing off, and she didn't want to seem like she was gullible, but she had to admit that she felt something creepy in the room as well, and now she was afraid to disobey the spirits.
    "Why did I ever agree to play with the supernatural, I knew it wouldn't lead anywhere good," Marjorie said. They knew that she was a true believer and Todd was getting excited as it looked like she was actually going to get naked. "Now we are going to be victimized by perverted ghosts."
    Marjorie was about to get up as all of the sudden the doors blew shut and it sounded like they locked.
    "I think that Victor is getting angry Marjorie," Todd said. "I definitely don't think that we should keep him waiting any longer as we don't know what an angry ghost is going to do to us if it doesn't get what it wants."
    "Do I really have to," Marjorie said as the planchette moved to the word yes as she began looking upset. "Please Victor don't make me do this, isn't there something else that I could do?"
    The lights once again began flickering as the curtains continued blowing and the loud moaning noise began growing louder as Marjorie began whimpering.
    "Okay okay, I will do as you demand spirits," Marjorie said as Todd couldn't help but snicker as he looked at Felicity and Lakisha, who suddenly seemed to be believing as well, it was perfect. Even Todd had to admit that it looked like things were going in his direction, he didn't know if it was because there was a real supernatural force, but he wasn't about to try and dissuade Marjorie from getting naked.
    "Well are you going to get naked?" Todd asked getting impatient as he felt all of the blood rushing to his genitals.
    "Hey just give me a minute, I'm very modest and this is going to be very difficult for me," Marjorie said as she stood up blushing and looking intensely upset by the whole situation. "I can't believe I'm about to get naked for a perverted ghost. I should have listened to my mom when she said the college would lead me down a destructive path and corrupt me."
    Todd began licking his lips and running his fingers through his other fingers as he could barely contain his excitement. He was going to be the first person on the entire campus to get to see Marjorie completely buck naked. This was probably the best day of his life.
    Just as Marjorie began unbuttoning the top of her blouse that was when suddenly something seemed to push her down in the chair and pushed the chair back up to the table with her in it. The other three felt their chairs move forward into the table as well.
    Then something happened that none of them were expecting as the planchette rapidly started moving across the Ouija board without any of them even touching it.
    "Okay am I the only one seeing this," Lakisha said as they watched the planchette running wild.
    "What is it saying, what does Victor want now?" Marjorie said suddenly terrified that maybe he wanted her to do something even more vile and perverted than just strip naked.
    "Wait it's moving slowly so we can follow it, let's write down everything that it says," Felicity said as she took out a pencil and began slowly writing down each word as the planchette slowly spelled out its desires until it finally stopped moving.
    "Wow that took a long time, but it seems like it finally stopped though," Marjorie said. "I'm almost terrified to ask, what does the spirit say it wants of us now?"
    "Okay this is a lot to go through, let me slowly see what I have written down here," Felicity said as she scanned over with her eyes before she began smiling and snickering.
    "Oh what, what's so funny," Marjorie said looking terrified and white as a ghost herself.
    Felicity shook her head. "I honestly can't believe this and I wouldn't believe this if I didn't see this spelled out with my own two eyes, but here's what it says. Dear ladies, I apologize for Victor, he is my perverted husband from the Victorian era. He grew up in a very repressive time and never got to see any women naked, and when he saw a table leg on our wedding night he became so overwhelmed with sexual excitement that he suffered a heart attack and died before we could consummate the marriage."
    "Holy shit, it said all of that," Lakisha asked as she looked at what Felicity had written down. "I mean I knew you were writing stuff down for a while, but wow. What exactly does the spirit want?"
    Felicity grabbed the paper back and continued smiling. "Here's the good part, you're going to like this part Todd. According to the spirit Todd decided to play this game as an elaborate way of trying to get Marjorie to take her clothing off, but the spirit of this Victorian woman says that she never got to see a man naked either before she was sent to an asylum as hysteric for freaking out over her husband's death, and she was rather disappointed by that. So she commands Todd to get naked and strip down to nothing, take his clothing and throw it in the fireplace and light it on fire and spend the rest of the night naked for our amusement."
    "Okay that is totally bullshit, there is no way that the Ouija board spelled out all of that," Todd said shaking his head.
    "I don't know, she took a really really long time to write that and we saw the Ouija board moving of its own accord, are you really denying that," Lakisha said.
    "Okay ladies you got me at my game, I was trying to get Marjorie naked, but I am sure that now you are just playing the same joke on me, and I honestly don't know how you are doing it, but it's going to take more than that for you to fool me as I am not quite so gullible as Marjorie is," Todd said as he stood up before a mysterious force slammed him back down in his chair. "Hey this isn't funny now, let me up."
    "We're not doing anything," Felicity said as the other two women nodded.
    "Yeah like I believe that," Todd said as his chair began levitating in the air before crashing down on the floor and causing him to fall over backwards.
    "I don't know, I'm getting kind of frightened, maybe we should do what the spirit wants," Marjorie said.
    "Okay this is funny but I think that we all had our fun and now it's time that we probably should get going," Todd said as he began walking towards the door but as he did so his chair went flying across the room and blockaded the door which suddenly made a locking noise as the curtains began blowing rapidly, the light bulbs all went out and suddenly the fireplace spontaneously burst into flames lighting up the room with an eerie glow.
    Todd swallowed deeply as the three women stared at him and he suddenly felt very uncomfortable as he pulled at his collar.
    "Wait it looks like the Ouija board is spelling out something else," Felicity said as they watched the planchette moving over the board by itself for a few minutes before she finished writing everything down. "The ghost said that she wants you to take it off, but do so very slowly, like sort of like a striptease."
    "Can we negotiate?" Todd said once again pulling out his collar and blushing.
    The planchette rapidly moved as all three of the women looked at it before looking at Todd. "No," they all said simultaneously as they stared at Todd.
    Very reluctantly and very slowly Todd started stripping out of his clothing, first taking off his shirt and shoes, then his pants and then hesitating as he reached for his underpants.
    The planchette began moving as Felicity quickly wrote down what it said before looking at Todd. "She said take it all off, right now!"
    "Even the underpants?" Todd said blushing intensely as he put his hands on the bands of his underpants.
    "Yes," all the women said as the planchette started moving wildly around.
    "But it actually spelled out yes, even the underpants, instead of just saying yes," Felicity said. "I think that was meant for emphasis."
    Todd moved his hands away from his underpants and shook his head. "No I'm sorry I can't do it, not the underpants, I'm not going to do it, I don't care if a ghost is telling me to do it, what's the worst she can do?"
    Todd stood there with his hands folded defiantly over his chest as he looked away contemptuously as a mysterious force jerked down his underwear, tore them off of his body and, along with the rest of his clothing sitting in a pile on the floor, floated into the fireplace causing a thick cloud of smoke to go up as they began to burn.
    Todd stood there covering his genitals up with his hands and blushing profusely as all of the women began laughing hysterically. Todd had never felt more humiliated in his whole life but he was hoping that this would be over soon. He knew that the Victorian era was extremely repressive sexually and that led to people having a lot of kinks, but what more could this Victorian woman's frustrated ghost possibly want from him?
    "Okay spirit, you've had your fun, now let me go!" Todd said as the planchette once again began moving as he stood there nervously shivering. "What did it say now?"
    Felicity smiled. "Remove the hands and dance!"
    Todd cringed as the ghostly sound of moaning and shrieking started to grow louder, and he reluctantly removed his hands and started doing a little dance as the women began clapping and laughing. Todd continued dancing for a very long time as the women shrieked with laughter. He couldn't believe that he was dancing naked for a bunch of women just because some type of disembodied spirit was telling him to do so. He thought that the women must be faking it somehow but every time that he tried to defy them something came along to scare him out of his skepticism.
    "Okay this is getting kind of ridiculous now," Todd said as he served the women drinks before kneeling down on all fours so that they could use him as a footstool.
    "Hey the planchette wants what it wants," Felicity said with a big smile. "If anything this should teach you not to mess with the spirit world. Just be glad that she doesn't want to cover you in ectoplasm!"
    "Cheers to that," Marjorie said as the three of them clinked their glasses together and put their feet up on Todd's naked behind.
    When the night was over and Todd was thoroughly humiliated the doors finally opened to let them out.
    "Wait what am I supposed to do, my clothing all got burned in the fireplace, remember?" Todd said as the four of them stood in front of the door.
    The three of them heard the planchette scraping across the Ouija board and they walked over to see what it said.
    "It spelled out walk of shame," Felicity said as the three of them looked at Todd as he shook his head.
    As Todd walked home naked with his three female companions he had to admit that it seemed like the spirit world had gotten the best of him, and that was the last time he would toy around with supernatural forces for his own perverted desires.
    The women for their part knew that they would be able to hold this over Todd forever, because they had managed to get a couple of photographs as well, photographs the curiously enough when they looked at them seemed to have five people in them, the three women, Todd completely buck naked and what looked like a spectral image of a woman dressed in Victorian garb.

    "So how did that whole Ouija board scam go, did you get to see Marjorie naked?" his friend David asked the next day.
    "Yeah, I totally did," Todd said not wanting to admit the truth.
    David laughed. "You liar, no way that you got to see her naked with that stupid scam. I mean I know Marjorie is gullible and everything like that and superstitious, but no way did she get naked just because you tried to fool her into thinking that a ghost wanted to get her naked."
    Todd didn't like being laughed at by David in that arrogant manner that he typically did, but that was when all of the sudden Todd had a wickedly evil idea to get the last laugh.
    "Well David if you don't believe me why don't you get together with the girls and ask them to experiment with the Ouija board with you, trust me you're in for a time you will never forget," Todd said trying to suppress an evil smirk.
    "You know what I think I will," David said as he went over to the three women and smiled. "Hey ladies, I heard you are into Ouija games, think I can join you next time maybe?"
    The three women all nodded and smiled.
    "But I warn you though," Marjorie said." Don't tell us we didn't warn you, but trust me, I have a feeling it's going to scare the pants off of you!"
    As the three women continued bursting out laughing at David all he could wonder is what exactly they found was so funny. And although he thought that maybe he was just imagining things, he couldn't help but think that he heard the cackling of another female voice off in the distance as a chill went through the hallway. The women simply smiled knowing that very soon he would be a lot chillier and wishing that he had something nice and warm to wrap around his naked body to cover all of his goosebumps.


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