This was a story that I added to my list and originally thought of back in April 2015. I had completely forgotten about the story until last year I made a post about the idea of the concept on the CFNM Village message board and then completely forgot about it. But then today or the other day somebody revived my thread and that reminded me that I never got around to writing this story, so I figured I would write it today and everything like that as I think it has a pretty good concept and everything. Incidentally the same day I thought of this story I also thought of that idea for the Emperor's new clothes CFNM story that I wrote some time last year, and that I had totally forgot had already been on my list for several years, so I guess when you don't get around to writing the stories you tend to forget about them until you think of them again thinking that you thought of them for the first time only to realize you'd already thought of the idea long ago and just never got around to writing it. In my defense I have more stories than I can ever write in 10 lifetimes so it's easy to forget when you already have stories on your list like that. But it finally got written at least.

Essentially this is about a guy who goes to a special bar the turns out to have a ladies night policy where women drink free as long as they bring a naked man with them. As usual I have a really shy guy who is awkward at the idea but he doesn't want to let his girlfriend down and it ends up bringing him into lots of embarrassing naked situations involving CFNM. But I have to admit I named the bartender Alexandra after my political crush Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, as she had once been a bartender and I feel like this is a type of brilliant idea that someone like her would appreciate, and I always pictured what somebody like her would do in a CFNM situation. I hope that wasn't more than you wanted to know about me... Anyway enjoy!

"I really heard about this great new bar that has like a great ladies night deal and I can't wait to see what it is, I heard that women can get free drinks Friday nights like this," Tiffany said. "Isn't that such a great idea?"
    "Oh yeah, what's the catch?" Arlen asked. "I sure that they are not offering free drinks for nothing, nothing is free, there's no such thing as a free lunch and no such thing as a free beer."
    "I don't know what the catch was but I heard that women can drink free all night, but I heard that to get the free drinks you had to bring a guy with you."
    "Isn't ladies night sort of a sexist idea?"
    Tiffany shook her head. "Guys have the entire world basically handed to them on a platter, with the entire world revolving around them and their needs and desires, let us have one thing for Christ's sake! Besides, you would be the one paying for my drinks normally anyway."
    Arlen shook his head. "Maybe we have the world handed to us on a platter but you women sure find a way to have us hand it all over to you just as easily and just as quickly."
    They soon arrived at the bar where Arlen noticed something rather strange pretty much the second that he walked in the door.
    "Tiffany do you find something kind of different and off about this bar, something that is sort of unusual," Arlen said as he looked around suddenly feeling really awkward and uncomfortable.
    Tiffany shook her head. "No not really, I mean aside from the fact that all the guys in the bar seem to be walking around completely buck naked. Why, does that make you feel uncomfortable?"
    "I'm kind of wondering why I seem to be the only one wearing pants right now."
    "Hey I'm wearing pants," Tiffany said as she smacked her ass. "I'm wearing those really tight jeans that you always want me to wear, you know the really revealing ones that are formed sitting and really show off my ass."
    Arlen shook his head. "Well don't be self-conscious about that, I think that you aren't the only one who is showing off your ass here tonight, in fact I am seeing a disturbingly large amount of naked man ass right now."
    Tiffany went up to the bar where the bartender smiled and looked at Arlen as though something were wrong. "Are you going to take it off?" the bartender asked with a smile.
    "Are you talking to me," Arlen said pointing to himself.
    The bartender nodded. "Aren't you aware of our policy?" she said as she pointed to a sign.
    "Ladies drink free as long as they are accompanied by a naked man," Tiffany said as she read the sign which had a little silhouetted image of a woman in a dress and what looked like the silhouette of a man covering up and looking embarrassed. "Seriously, is that really true?"
    The bartender nodded. "It certainly is, weren't you kind of wondering why none of the guys around here were wearing clothing?"
    "What type of crazy person thought of that idea?" Arlen said shaking his head.
    "I did, I'm Alexandra, and I am the owner of this bar and I decided to open the world's first CFNM bar," Alexandra said.
    "What the hell is a CFNM bar?" Arlen asked.
    "It stands for clothed female, naked male," Alexandra said. "It's a concept that not many people have heard of but it sort of a reversal of the double standards. There are plenty of bars where men can go and see all sorts of scantily clad or completely naked women, but I wanted to have a bar where women could feel nice and comfortable, comfortably dressed while getting to see lots of naked guys. I figured it would be fun for them to bring their boyfriends here and drink for free at their expense."
    Arlen shook his head. "Okay this is crazy, this has to be like some type of weird candid camera thing and people are going to jump out and ask me to sign some type of a release form or something aren't they?"
    Alexandra shook her head. "Nope it's 100% legitimate, the world's first and only CFNM bar. I think a lot of people are shocked when they hear that, but why should they be, can't women get drunk and rowdy around a bunch of naked guys once in a while?"
    "So basically I drink for free as much as I like as long as he doesn't wear any clothing?" Tiffany said. "That's a pretty cool idea!"
    "Tiffany!" Arlen said as he knew by now he was probably blushing in a really obvious manner.
    Tiffany laughed. "What's the matter, suddenly got shy all the sudden? You weren't shy about getting undressed last night."
    Tiffany and Alexandra sort of exchanged glances and smiled at each other causing Arlen to blush even more.
    "That is sort of different, not sort of, very different, it's one thing being naked in our bedroom together when we are being intimate, it's a different thing to be completely buck naked in a bar filled with dozens of drunk women," Arlen said hardly believing that he was in this situation right now.
    Alexandra shook her head. "You see this is what I am getting at with my whole ladies drink free as long as they have a naked man with them policy. When a woman is naked and around a lot of drunk men she has to be terrified, but a bunch of naked men around a bunch of drunk women, I can guarantee it's not the same thing. And we have a strict policy here if anyone gets out of line we kick them out of the bar. We just want to create a safe place where women can just come back and have a drink with their boyfriends or male coworkers, you know without them wearing any clothing."
    "I have to admit it's a really novel concept and I really like the idea of it," Tiffany said.
    "You know I think I can pay for your drinks without having to strip down completely naked," Arlen said as he looked at the menu and saw that the drinks were outrageously expensive. "Holy crap are these your prices?"
    Alexandra nodded. "Believe me it's quality alcohol that you aren't going to find for this price anywhere else on a Friday night. Of course there is a discount, as I have already told you about our new no shoes, no shirt, no pants, free service policy. All you have to do is strip down naked and her drinks are free for the night."
    Tiffany looked at Arlen and licked her lips and started making noises like she was dying of thirst. "I'm getting awfully thirsty Arlen, I think I could really drink this place under the table."
    "Those drinks are awfully expensive," Arlen said as he checked his wallet to realize he didn't bring all that much money with him.
    "All it will cost you is the feeling of freedom of getting out of those clothes," Alexandra said. "If you're not going to comply with our ladies night dress code I'm afraid you'll have to pay full price."
    "Oh come on, live a little, don't be shy, you have nothing to be embarrassed about," Tiffany said as she looked Arlen over as though she were undressing him with her eyes.
    Alexandra nodded and smiled. "I can assure you it's a perfectly safe atmosphere and that you have nothing to be embarrassed about. The women at my bar have high standards and they aren't just a bunch of drunken lowlifes. They will treat you with dignity and respect and we won't let them harass you against your will."
    Tiffany looked at Arlen with a big smile but also a pleading look. She had just gotten a promotion and Arlen knew that she really wanted to live it up big time, as he began gritting his teeth at the prospect of being naked in a public place like that.
    "How about drinks half-price if I get down to my underwear," Arlen said. "That seems like a fair compromise doesn't it?"
    Alexandra shook her head. "It's not an underpants policy, it's not half-price for being in your underwear, it's completely and utterly buck naked and her drinks are free, otherwise it's full price. What's it going to be?"
    "I could really use a drink," Tiffany said as she sat on the barstool looking impatiently at Arlen tapping her foot waiting for him to get undressed.
    "Don't worry I'll put your clothing in a safe place where you can get them at the end of the night," Alexandra said.
    "All night?" Arlen said. "Can't I just get naked while she has her first drink and then get dressed when she is done?"
    Alexandra shook her head. "I'm afraid not, you have to stay completely naked until the moment you leave otherwise you will have to pay full price."
    "Please," Tiffany said in that baby talk voice that drove him crazy and that he could never say no to.
    Arlen was already cringing but as he looked into Tiffany's eyes he realized that if he didn't go through with this that she would probably never let him forget it, and that he would totally disappoint her. In fact he wasn't even sure if she would want to stay with him after that.
    "Okay just give me a minute, I feel a little bit weird about getting naked in a public bar like this," Arlen said as he slowly started taking off his shirt.
    "Hey not bad," Alexandra said as she whispered to Tiffany and elbowed her in the side. "But let's see what he's packing downtown."
    "Oh he won't disappoint," Tiffany whispered back as she began giggling with Alexandra.
    "Hey are you ladies laughing at me," Arlen said feeling self-conscious.
    "No we are laughing at the hilarity of the situation and how uncomfortable it is making you," another woman said behind him. He didn't know who she was, but with any luck he would never see her again after that night.
    Arlen slowly began slipping off his belt and his pants and underpants as a bunch of women in the bar started clapping and whistling as he then gathered up his clothing and his shoes and handed them to Alexandra who put them in a little cubbyhole and smiled.
    "What's your poison," Alexandra said as she took a rag and began cleaning out a mug.
    "Well if the drinks are on his naked ass I might as well live it up," Tiffany said as she pointed to the most expensive drink on the menu.
    Alexandra began serving Tiffany her first drink and Arlen had to admit that she seemed to be pretty happy. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, he thought to himself. There was something liberating about being naked in public like that, and if it was making Tiffany happy he was sure that she would probably make him very happy later on. So let her have her ladies night.
    Arlen sat on the barstool next to Tiffany as she had her drinks, figuring that if he stayed seated fewer people would see less of his anatomy, as he still had to admit there was something uncomfortable about being naked in public like that, especially with all of these women getting to keep their clothes on. He also try to keep his eyes trained strictly on Tiffany as well as Alexandra, because he felt uncomfortable looking around and seeing naked men in every direction. It definitely was a new experience for him, but he had to admit that all of the women in the bar looked loose and easy, looked really relaxed in a way he had never seen women in a bar relax before.
    Maybe it really was a good idea after all. With all of the guys being naked and the women being able to drink to their hearts content they could relax and kick back. But as he looked around, even though he tried not to make eye contact with any of the other naked men, he could see the naked men looked as distinctly uncomfortable as he did. There were a couple of exhibitionists among the crowd, but mostly he saw that the other men, deprived of clothing, were being remarkably well behaved and rather passive.
    As the night went on however the women started getting rowdy and whistling and hollering a lot more. Arlen had to admit he still felt uncomfortable with the whole situation but as he saw Tiffany enjoying herself he didn't want to deprive her of that. There was just one thing that he worried about, even though he realized it was unlikely that anyone that he knew would probably run into him there.
    "Arlen, is that you?" a woman said as she tapped him on the shoulder. For a moment he didn't recognize her until she smiled. "It's me, your date to the high school prom, Rhonda remember, rowdy Rhonda?"
    "Rhonda, it's nice to see you," Arlen said now feeling more uncomfortable than ever as he turned around on his barstool before covering up his junk as Rhonda laughed.
    "Well Arlen this is a side of you I never got to see, it's a good look on you," Rhonda said. "I had to admit I didn't recognize you at first because, well I guess I am used to seeing you wearing clothing!"
    Rhonda began laughing as some other women came over.
    "Who's this Rhonda," one of the other woman said with a big smile on her face.
    "Remember Arlen from high school," Rhonda said.
    "Oh right Arlen, hey remember, it's me Lisa, Lisa Garabedian, I used to sit behind you in history class but I don't think you ever noticed me, it's really good to see you, and I mean really really see you," Lisa said as she couldn't help but laugh making Arlen feel more uncomfortable as he slumped down on his stool. At this moment he could practically die of embarrassment. Lisa was that nerdy girl that he never gave the time of day to, but now that she had gotten a little bit older she really grew out and now she was a full-blown hottie. He would have done anything to have it be her who was naked at that moment rather than him.
    "It's nice to see you to Lisa," Arlen said as he reached out his hand to shake her hand, which he just then realized left him completely exposed and revealed the fact that he was sprouting a big throbbing erection.
    "Well looks like you're happy to see me as well," Lisa said as she burst out laughing with all of her friends. "I hope that I see you again around here, you're certainly worth being seen."
    For a moment Arlen thought that maybe Tiffany would be jealous but she was already drunk and didn't seem to mind all that much. As Lisa and her friends walked away Arlen had to admit that it was by a wide margin one of, if not the most embarrassing moments of his life. He kind of wondered if Lisa was still in touch with lots of other girls he knew and whether she would tell them that she ran into Arlen naked in the bar.
    "But it's always fun to run into old friends isn't it," Tiffany said as she patted Arlen on the back and laughed. "I don't think we've seen any of them since high school, probably been like 10 or 15 years or something like that. They were looking pretty good though."
    "Yeah they were," Arlen said. "And they were looking over me pretty well as well."
    "Oh don't be self-conscious, you are too uptight sometimes you know," Tiffany said. "You gotta let loose and just enjoy being naked sometimes. I'm enjoying you being naked. Aren't you enjoying being naked?"
    "Oh absolutely, naked is a very good look on him, that's why I started ladies night in the first place, for stuff like this," Alexandra said. "I lose a lot of money in free drinks but I make it up by all of the people who come back to the bar afterwards on other days. It's like come for the naked men and return for the drinks. Among women in town this is probably one of the most popular bars and business is booming ever since I introduced ladies night."
    Arlen had to admit that Alexandra was a bright woman, she was definitely an entrepreneur and was going places. Although he wasn't enjoying ladies night as much as Tiffany was, he had to admit that Alexandra had found a winning business model and that she had really put one over on him. There he was sitting there naked as the entertainment in her bar while she had his clothing locked away, almost as though she were playing keep away with him.
    "I just can't believe that I ran into somebody that we knew," Arlen said. "I just hope that we don't run into anyone else that we know."
    "Oh my God Arlen is that you," a woman said as she came by with about six other women that Arlen knew from the office.
    "Oh hi Rochelle," Arlen said barely able to form words. He couldn't believe that his boss and about six other of his coworkers were getting to see the full Monty so to speak. "What are you doing here?"
    "You know the same thing everybody else is, just to have a drink after work and scope out all the eye candy," Rochelle said.
    "So this is where you go every Friday then," Arlen said. He was just hoping that they were as embarrassed at being seen there as he was, although seeing as he was the one who was completely stark naked and they were dressed professionally he very much doubted that that was the case.
    Rochelle nodded. "Oh yeah this is a great place, and ladies night is the best. I just wish we could find some guys to bring with us some time so that we could drink for free as well."
    Tiffany laughed. "I bet if you asked nicely that plenty of guys would come to the bar with you."
    Rochelle and the girls began chatting with Tiffany and Alexandra as Arlen sat there and tried to meditate and pretend that he was somewhere else. He couldn't believe that he had been seen by a bunch of women from high school, his boss and six of his other coworkers. He didn't know what was coming next but he felt like he should get out of there while the getting was still good.
    Arlen stood up and turned around and just at that moment he was met face-to-face with Julia, his ex-girlfriend that he had been dating right before Tiffany.
    "Well well Arlen, fancy seeing you here," Julia said with that cackling laughter that always pierced right through him. "What are you doing here on ladies night?"
    "Hello Julia, I'm here with my girlfriend Tiffany," Arlen said as he pointed to Tiffany who waved before letting out a big belch and hiccuping because by now she was completely tipsy.
    Julia nodded and smiled. "Well it's good to know that you are back out there playing the field and that you have found a really great girl like, what was it again, Tiffany?"
    Tiffany belched again and grabbed her mouth as though she were trying to fight back vomiting.
    "Well anyway it was nice that I got to see you here, and I saw a lot more of you that I did while we were dating," Julia said as she patted him on the shoulder. "This bar really is the greatest. Come on Konrad."
    A naked guy walked behind Julia sheepishly while looking like he was struggling to cover up his junk. He met a glance with Arlen and the two of them didn't need to say anything, they both knew that their women had totally had them wrapped around their little fingers and were very firmly in charge of the situation.
    "You know Tiffany, I think maybe you have perhaps taken a little bit of an advantage of all the free drinks," Arlen said. "We should probably be heading home and everything like that. I'll drive of course."
    Alexandra gave Arlen back his clothing and reminded him that every Friday night was ladies night and that she hoped to see him there again, preferably wearing the same thing. He said he would definitely think about it, although he didn't think you would ever be coming to this place again, as he had had more embarrassment there in one night than he had had anywhere in his life previously put together.
    By the time they got back home Tiffany was too wasted and fell right asleep. Whatever thing that she was hoping to reward him with he knew it would have to wait until another night.

    Arlen tried to put the night behind him, and Tiffany said that she had a great time, even though she got so wasted that all she could remember was a bunch of blurred vision asses of a whole bunch of lots of guys standing around sheepishly as their women increased their blood alcohol levels to new heights never dreamed before.
    Ultimately Arlen felt that he and Tiffany, while they had some good chemistry, he didn't think that it was going to work out in the long run and they agreed it was probably for the best that he break up with her. He didn't want to say that it was because of the embarrassment that he had suffered at her hands at the CFNM bar, but he had to admit that was partially it. Although he also didn't want to admit to her though, that it was all he could think about for the last week, it was haunting his memories and his fantasies and he found himself furiously masturbating to thoughts of that night every night as he went to sleep by himself.
    As he was getting ready to leave the office that Friday Rochelle came by his desk with a smile on his face.
    "Hey Arlen, sorry to hear that you broke up with your girlfriend, but some of the other girls and I were going to be going to have a few drinks after work and we thought maybe you would like to join us," Rochelle said, undeniably smirking but trying to keep a straight face.
    As Arlen sat there for a moment he thought that this was sort of a power-play, or her subtly mocking him, but as he sat there thinking about his experience last Friday, and seeing Rochelle in that fashionable and really formfitting outfit that she was wearing at the moment, he had to admit that she was rather attractive, and if the price of seeing her dressed like that was him being dressed a little bit, shall we say less, he thought that it was actually worth it.
    "You know what Rochelle I think that I would like that, and you know what, drinks are on me tonight!" Arlen said as they all had a good laugh.
    And who knew, maybe he would even run into Lisa again.


  1. Can you post the story from Cfnm Village called Give Me Back My Swimming Trunks! It’s pretty good from the previews, though I can’t access it, what do you think?

  2. I suppose I could post that one. I think it's one that I wrote before I started this blog and I plan to publish it in a collection of naked stories that I have to just get around to reading and editing and doing the publication process for, which admittedly I'm a terrible procrastinator with.

  3. Since you requested it here it is by popular request. Enjoy!

  4. Also I see that you sent this message over five weeks ago so sorry for taking so long to get back to it, as I didn't realize that anyone was commenting on my blog as you are the first one to do so and it doesn't send me an alert or anything to let me know when people respond to my blog, so I hope that you see this.


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