Naked Selfies in Other People's Houses

 I have another naked story for everyone, this one involving female nudity. This sort of took the unique premise of an idea of someone who gets off taking naked selfies in other people's houses without them knowing as sort of a means of titillation and means of proving herself to her friends to win a bet. However she continues to escalate this and inevitably ends up in humiliating naked situations involving CMNF, embarrassed nude female, and only one naked. Enjoy!

Naked Selfies in Other People's Houses
"No way, I don't think that you would ever do it," Jenny said. "There's no way you would take a naked selfie in somebody else's house, you are far too shy for that. You are bashful even getting changed in the locker room."
    "Hey I have done my share of wild and crazy things before," Adriana said.
    Amber shook her head. "No she's right, I don't think you would ever do that in a million years, I mean you of all people are probably the last person I would ever think of doing something like that."
    "Want to bet on it?" Adriana said as she put her hands on her hips defiantly. She thought that maybe she was getting in over her head on this one, but she wanted to prove to her friends that she wasn't a coward and that she could do something a little bit wild and crazy sometimes.
    "How much do you want to bet?" Amber asked.
    "I'll bet you each $50," Adriana said. "You tell me where to do it and I will do it. And if I take a naked selfie in somebody else's house you have to each give me $50, agreed?"
    Amber and Jenny looked at each other before looking back at Adriana and nodding their head in agreement.
    "But we are not going to make it easy on you," Jenny said. "You need to take a naked selfie in Brad's house."
    "You mean the captain of the football team?" Adriana said realizing that he was one of the horniest guys on the entire campus, they called him pussy hunter. Brad was a real alpha male type and the prospect that there was a naked woman in his room would probably send him through the moon. She certainly wouldn't want to be caught naked by him of all people.
    Jenny nodded and Amber nodded in agreement.
    "And you have to do it in his room, not just in his bathroom or something where you can easily get naked in privacy," Amber said as Jenny continued nodding. "That would be too easy for you to do, it wouldn't involve any type of risk."
    "Okay sure, I will get you that naked selfie picture of me in Brad's bedroom, no problem."
    Amber and Jenny burst out laughing as they pointed at Adriana mockingly.
    "I'm going to make you eat your words, you'll see, I will take that naked selfie and then you are both going to owe me $50 each."
    The two girls continued laughing at Adriana, assuring themselves that there was no way in a thousand million years that she would ever even think of getting naked in another person's house, let alone taking a picture as evidence for that.

    That Friday there was going to be a party at Brad's house and she knew that that would be her best possible opportunity.
    "Adriana, so nice that you could make it," Brad said as he licked his lips. Adriana knew that Brad had sort of a crush on her and he would probably freak out of his mind if he knew that she was planning to get naked in his bedroom without even letting him know it. She was feeling especially devious, like she was doing some type of secret mission of some kind to get naked in his bedroom like that, like she was some kind of undercover agent, or rather uncovered agent as the case may be.
    "Thanks for inviting me, it looks like you had a pretty good turnout," Adriana said as she realized the place was pretty crowded. Brad would have to be one of the most popular guys at their university. She wasn't exactly sure how she was going to find a way to slink away to his bedroom and take a picture of herself naked without anybody interrupting her or figuring out what she was up to, but she was determined that she was not going to lose this bet.
    "So have you had the opportunity to get naked yet," Jenny said as Adriana elbowed her in the side.
    "Well don't announce it to the entire world, I'm serious, if I do this is just to prove it to you and I don't want anyone else knowing I did this," Adriana said shaking her head.
    "Of course not," Amber and Jenny said simultaneously while suppressing giggles.
    "I'm serious you guys, I will never forgive you if you share this photo with anyone," Adriana said shaking her head as she realized that the door to Brad's room was open and that nobody was in there at the moment.
    "Well here's your chance nature girl, get in there and shake your naked booty," Jenny said as she gave Adriana a playful smack on the ass as she slowly started walking towards Brad's room before hesitating.
    She didn't want to lose the bet, but she wasn't sure she really wanted to do this. Did she want to do something perverted like take a naked picture of herself in somebody else's room? Then on the other hand nobody ever had to know about it, and what was really so perverted about it? It's not like anyone was going to see her naked, except for Jenny and Amber, and they had seen her in the gym locker room.
    She waited until the coast was clear and then slowly and carefully walked over to Brad's room before going inside, closing the door and locking it. She felt nervous, like she was committing a crime by being there, although as far as she knew it wasn't a crime to take a naked picture in somebody's house, or was it? Was taking a naked picture in somebody's house without their permission like that an actual federal crime? She had never heard of anything like that, but she figured that one way or another nobody would ever have to know except for Jenny and Amber.
    Once she had double checked to make sure that the door was indeed fully locked she started getting undressed until she was standing there completely naked. She had to admit that she felt really naughty about being naked in somebody else's room like that, let alone the captain of the football team. Again it was not like he was in the room at the time, but it was a room that he had been in, and something about that made her feel almost self-conscious.
    "Okay I had better hurry up because I don't want to get caught in the act and had better get this over with as quickly as possible," Adriana said as she put her photo on timer and put her phone on Brad's desk and stood there posing naked with her hands on her hips smiling and no doubt blushing. She really didn't like the idea that there would be photographic evidence of what she had done, but she also knew it was the only way to win the bet. And it wasn't even about the money, she just wanted to prove to her friends that she could do something bold and daring like that, to prove that she wasn't a total wimp.
    Once she had taken a couple of pictures of herself in various poses from in front and behind to get the full experience and to really show her all around the room, she made sure to check her phone to see that the pictures came out and when she was satisfied that they had done so she smiled to herself.
    All of the sudden she heard a knocking on the door as she was still standing there naked.
    "Hey Brad are you in there," shouted Brad's friend Chris from outside the door.
    Adriana froze, there she was standing there naked with her phone and somebody was knocking on the door. She didn't know exactly how to respond, and she thought that maybe she should try going out the window. Then she remembered that first of all she had better get dressed and get dressed as quickly as possible.
    As Chris continued knocking on the door she thought that maybe she should hide in the closet, but she knew that if she did that eventually that would just lead to more questions if she got caught. What if Brad came back and found his door locked? Reluctantly she unlocked the door and opened it and standing there was Chris.
    "Adriana, what are you doing in here?" Chris asked.
    "Oh nothing, I guess I just got lost looking for the bathroom," she said realizing that her clothing looked rather ruffled as she had gotten dressed in a hurry. "But anyway I had better get back to my friends and everything."
    Adriana ran back over to where Amber and Jenny were standing and they were smiling.
    "Did you get it, did you get the picture?" Jenny said beaming with excitement.
    "Well I guess she probably did seeing as she put her shirt on backwards," Amber said as she laughed.
    "What?" Adriana said as she realized that she did put her shirt on backwards and she quickly began adjusting it and blushing.
    "So anyway, did you get it?" Jenny asked. "Send it to us."
    Adriana nodded her head but shook her head. "I'm not going to send it to you, I'm going to show it to you on my phone and then I am going to immediately delete it so that there is no evidence that this ever took place, got it?"
    "Okay fine, I guess all we said was that you had to show it to us, not that you had to send it to us," Amber said as Adriana ushered them over to the corner where she brought up the pictures on her phone and showed it to them as they struggled to not burst out laughing.
    "Hey ladies what are you laughing about," Brad said as Adriana immediately put her phone behind her back. "It wasn't something embarrassing was it?"
    "No, not at all," Adriana said already blushing at the prospect that Brad knew something was up.
    "It was porn," Amber said trying to cover and causing Adriana to blush even more.
    "Oh yeah," Brad said with a fiendish looking smile. "Nothing wrong with that. Can I take a look?"
    "No!" Adriana blurted out shaking her head. "I mean you wouldn't like it, it's you know lady porn, naked guys and stuff like that."
    Brad couldn't help but smirk. They knew that he was notoriously homophobic and that saying that they were looking at naked guys would be enough to get him to stop asking questions. So he simply nodded his head and walked away.
    At the end of the day Amber and Jenny paid Adriana the $50 they each owed her and she was glad to have it, but she was even gladder to finally have their respect for knowing that she would be willing to do something like that and that they could never say that she was a coward ever again. She went to delete the pictures from her phone but as she reached to hit delete something inside her stopped her. She didn't know what it was, but something about the fact that she had that picture, even though she didn't want anyone else to see it, just the fact that it existed was eternal proof that she was not a coward. She decided that she would save it and that she would put it in a folder where nobody else would look. There was no harm in that she figured.

    A few days later Adriana was having lunch with Amber and Jenny who were smiling at her really wide and smirking to themselves.
    "Okay guys what is it, you obviously have something that you are not telling me," Adriana said. "So out with it already."
    The two of them looked at each other before looking at her again.
    "How would you like to make $100 from each of us?" Jenny asked.
    "You don't want me to get naked again do you?" Adriana said with a frown, hoping that they would never bring this up again.
    "What, are you getting bashful all of the sudden naked selfie girl?" Amber asked.
    "No, it's just I thought that I already proved myself to you guys," Adriana said shaking her head. Although she didn't want to get involved in another bet at the same time the thought of being naked in another person's house like that, something about that was making her feeling a tingling in her loins. She didn't know what it was but something about the prospect of a dangerous naked situation like that was getting her really excited.
    "Well I am just saying is all, if you would like to make another $200 there is going to be another party this week at Chris's house and everything, and we just thought that you might be interested," Jenny said. "But I understand, if it was just a one-time thing and you just did to get us off your back. We can understand that you don't want to make it a habit of going around and taking naked selfies of yourself in other people's houses all the time, I suppose that is rather weird."
    Adriana knew that she should probably quit while she was ahead. She knew that this could potentially be leading her down a dangerous path and that if she kept this up she could find herself getting caught or worse. But at the same time the prospect of $200, to say nothing of the thrill of being naked in someone else's house without them knowing, she was finding it irresistible.
    "What exactly would I have to do?" Adriana asked.
    Jenny looked at Amber before looking at Adriana. "Well we feel that last time was definitely ambitious and daring for someone like you, but we definitely feel that if we are going to be giving you twice as much money we should up the stakes a bit. Essentially we want you to get naked in Chris's house and take a picture of yourself completely naked and splayed out on his bed. Think of how crazy that would be, a beautiful naked woman just lying around taking photos on his bed and he won't even know it."
    "You want me to get naked in his bed?" Adriana said feeling that this was getting a bit crazy now.
    "It's really not that much different than taking a naked selfie of yourself standing up in Brad's room really," Amber said. "This just involves getting a little bit more creative and artistic. But we don't want to pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do. We probably sort of pressured you into getting naked in Brad's house, and you proved us wrong, so you know you don't have to prove yourself to us again."
    "Well I didn't say no exactly," Adriana said as she sort of shifted around and looked nervously at her feet.
    "Great, so you'll do it?" Jenny said as she put her hand on Adriana's shoulder and smiled at her.
    Adriana shook her head. "Fine, I don't know how you guys talked me into this, but I'll do it."
    Amber and Jenny high-fived each other and started laughing hysterically making Adriana begin thinking that she had already gotten in over her head and that she was probably going to regret this.

    That weekend the party at Chris's house was an even bigger party than the one in Brad's house. Chris had a really nice big house that could accommodate a huge party like that, and Adriana had to admit that she was feeling intimidated by the situation.
    "Not getting cold feet are you?" Jenny asked as she could see Adriana looking around nervously.
    "No it's not that, it's just there are a lot more people here this time," Adriana said as the three of them looked ahead at the door to Chris's room.
    "Well the coast is clear, it's now or never I think," Amber said as she pointed to the door which was wide open. "Now just hurry up and get your naked ass in that room!"
    Amber gave Adriana a playful slap on the ass as she started walking towards Chris's room, trying to look as nonchalant as possible, but speeding up her pace as she got closer to the door. As soon as she was in the door she quickly closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief.
    She looked over at Chris's bed and she had to admit it looked rather inviting, so she shook her head and breathed another sigh of relief.
    "Well I guess it's time to do my stuff," Adriana said as she took out her phone and put it on the dresser across from Chris's bed to set it up. She put the timer on so that it would take a picture every 10 seconds as she quickly got undressed and put her clothing in a neat pile on the floor.
    Adriana took a couple of pictures of herself waving standing up before walking over to the bed and sitting her naked ass down on the bed. She had to admit that once again she felt something exhilarating about the fact that she was naked and somebody else's house and that they had no idea. She thought the Chris was rather attractive and to be sitting naked on his bed, it wasn't the same as being naked in bed with him, but there was something about it that was titillating in its own way.
    Adriana laid back on his bed with her hands behind her head as she put her feet up and took a couple of naked poses as she smiled and laughed. That was when something very important occurred to her that she had completely forgotten about.
    "Wait a minute, did I ever lock the door?" Adriana said but before she could get up to check she got her answer in the worst possible manner.
    "Hey everybody come and check out my room, I want to show everybody my new trophy," Chris said as he burst into the room followed by a bunch of men and women who all froze in their tracks with their jaws practically dropping down to the floor as they saw Adriana sitting there on the bed.
    Adriana screamed as she crossed her legs and covered up her breasts with her arms and began blushing profusely. She quickly grabbed one of the pillows from the bed and tried to cover herself up as she was just about ready to die of embarrassment.
    "Dude, there's a hot naked girl in your bed, high five," Brad said as he high-fived Chris.
    Adriana slumped down on the bed trying to cover herself as best as possible with the pillow that she wrapped around herself as she saw the two most attractive guys that she knew staring at her completely naked on Chris's bed.
    "Adriana, this is a side of you I have never seen before, but I have to say I like what I see," Chris said as he noticed that her phone was still taking pictures from the dresser. "And it looks like you are taking some selfies as well?"
    Adriana had no idea how to respond to a situation like this. Why didn't she check to make sure the door was locked? At least then she could have perhaps crawled out the window never to show her face in public again. But as she sat there with her phone still clicking away taking picture after picture she knew that she couldn't just sit there saying nothing all night.
    "Hey let's take a group selfie," Brad said as he and Chris stood on either side of Adriana and put their hands on her shoulders.
    As Adriana saw herself in the mirror as her phone continued clicking photos, with the two hottest guys that she knew with their hands on her naked shoulders, all she could do was shrug her shoulders, look at the camera and smile.
    After they had had their fun they could see that Adriana was looking distinctly uncomfortable, and Chris, to his credit, decided to be really nice about it and not even ask any questions. They closed the door on her and allowed her to get dressed and as soon as she was dressed she knew that she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, because everybody at the party knew that she had been naked in Chris's room, and she knew that there was video and pictorial evidence of it that could never be deleted.

    "Well for what it's worth you totally won the bet," Jenny said as she and Amber gave Adriana the hundred dollars they each owed her.
    "How could I have been so stupid, I can never show my face in public again," Adriana said as she slumped down at the table.
    "But hey you got a naked selfie taken with the two hottest guys in town, that's quite an achievement," Amber said.
    "Hey maybe next time you guys can take some naked selfies in someone else's house," Adriana said as she looked at them.
    Amber and Jenny looked at each other before looking at Adriana, shaking their heads and laughing.
    "Well I guess for what it was worth it was a little bit exciting, even if I will never be able to live this down if I live to be 100," Adriana said.
    "You have to look at the bright side, if you do live to be 100 and you are all old and wrinkly, at least you still have some pictures of yourself completely naked when you are young and attractive still," Amber said.
    "Don't remind me!" Adriana shouted admitting the whole time that she didn't erase her version of those pictures either.
    "Hey Adriana, do you think I can talk to you alone for a moment," Chris said as he appeared out of nowhere causing Adriana to begin blushing and causing Amber and Jenny to look at each other and slowly back away.
    "Look Chris I know what happened was really weird and I can explain," Adriana said. "Okay so maybe I can't really explain in a way that is not going to make me sound crazy. Well let's put it like this, have you ever made a really stupid bet that you regretted?"
    Chris laughed. "As a matter of fact I did. Remember that time at the football game where that crazy guy ran through the field naked wearing that stupid clown mask and high top sneakers?"
    "Oh my God, how can anyone forget, that guy must have been humiliated, he's lucky that nobody knows who he was, but at least he was wise enough to wear a mask, unlike me," Adriana said.
    "It was humiliating, even if nobody knew it was me."
    "No, that wasn't you was it, really?"
    Chris nodded. "Indeed it was, not one of my proudest moments, but I have to admit that there was something really titillating, something really exciting about it. All things considered I don't really regret what I did, even the fact that lots of people got it on video. So I totally understand where you are coming from."
    "I just realized that I was really very stupid and I shouldn't have violated the sanctity of your bed like that."
    Chris smiled and looked at her before putting her on the shoulder. "Hey I don't mind, no guy is going to complain about having a hot naked girl in his bed. Maybe next time you can join me in bed and we can both be naked together."
    Chris winked at her as she began blushing profusely again as he patted her on the shoulder and left.
    Adriana wasn't sure how to respond to a situation like that, and it was only when Amber and Jenny had returned and watched as Chris walked away and waved to her that she waved back and smiled.
    Maybe someday she would take him up on that offer after all.


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