A Naked Day at the Beach

 This story was inspired by something that almost actually happened to me. I found this woman who liked the idea of going to a nude beach with me but where I would be naked and she would get to keep her clothing on. Ultimately nothing came of it and we never met up or anything like that, even though for a while it seemed like it was close to that actually happening, but that was more or less the idea behind this story. I was just thinking about that recently and then I thought I could make that into an interesting story.

This is another story that involves a woman tricking a guy out of his clothing and into a CFNM situation. The story involves CFNM, CFNF, embarrassed nude man, naked in public and only one naked. Enjoy!

A Naked Day at the Beach
"I totally think that we should go to the nude beach together," Cameron said. "We would get to see all of the naked people there."
    Katrina laughed. "In your dreams buddy. For one thing I think that you know as well as I do that most of the people who get naked on the nude beach are people that you wouldn't want to see naked, and I know that you wouldn't want to see naked either, mostly a bunch of guys who are going there getting naked hoping that they will see lots of women like me naked and always ending up disappointed."
    "But that's what I'm saying, if we went to the nude beach and you got naked, well a lot of people wouldn't be disappointed!"
    Katrina shook her head. "Once again, in your dreams buddy. That would be like your fantasy wouldn't it, to go around with a naked woman on your arm like that showing off to all of the people on the beach. Well it's not going to happen. Do you have any idea how degrading it feels to be nothing more than arm candy, to be flesh on display like that?"
    "Are you saying that you wouldn't like a hot naked guy like myself to be walking around naked with you on the beach on your arm?"
    "You mean me parading around with you naked on the beach showing you off to all of the other women on the beach. I mean I suppose that would be rather entertaining, everyone seeing you naked while I get to keep my clothing on, that actually would be pretty funny." All of the sudden an idea occurred to Katrina. "How about this, I know this card trick, if I can't guess your card I will go to the beach naked with you, but if I do guess your card you will go to the beach naked with me."
    "This sounds like a trick!"
    Katrina shook her head. "I promise you this is not a trick." It was totally a trick but she realized that he was probably too stupid to realize that, and she felt in the mood to teach him a much needed lesson.
    Katrina started shuffling cards and asked him to pick a card and write down what the card was so that he couldn't lie after the fact.
    "Is this your card," Katrina said as she pulled the queen of hearts out of the deck.
    "No way!" Cameron said as Katrina demanded that he give her the piece of paper where he wrote down which card that he picked.
    Katrina laughed. "Sorry buddy but this queen gets to keep her clothing on tomorrow and you are going to be my pawn!"
    "Wait, there are pawns in cards?" Cameron said as he scratched his head.
    Katrina shook her head. "You are just lucky that you are really attractive, and tomorrow you are going to be really attractive and naked on the beach as I parade you around as my arm candy."
    "Nuts," Cameron said as he slumped down.
    Katrina smiled and nodded. "Yes, I suppose you are right, everyone will be seeing your nuts tomorrow!"

    Cameron had to admit that his fantasy of parading Katrina around naked on the beach was something that he always wanted, but the idea of him naked on a nude beach with lots of naked guys while she got to keep her clothing on was less than appealing. In fact the idea of being on a nude beach naked himself was actually rather intimidating for him. He had never gone naked to the nude beach before, he had just gone there hoping that he would find some naked women on display, which is exactly why Katrina wasn't thrilled at the idea of going to a nude beach in the first place, but now that she knew he would be the one getting naked she suddenly seemed to be a lot more amenable to the idea.

    The next day when they arrived at the beach Cameron found himself getting really nervous. He had never actually been naked in a public situation like that before, and as they grew closer to the beach he could see that Katrina was getting even more chatty by the minute. She seemed like she was positively glowing at the prospect that he was going to be naked on the beach for her.
    "If it makes you feel any better I'm going to be wearing that skimpy bikini ensemble that you like so much," Katrina said. "Although I suppose I will be more covered up than you're going to be! But hey look at the bright side, you're going to get a better tan than I am!"
    Cameron found his nervousness growing even more rapidly as they started actually walking towards the beach. He looked around and he saw several people naked but very few women naked. It seemed like his dream of parading around his girlfriend naked on the beach would have to remain a dream for now. He figured that maybe it was fair though, he was trying to trick Katrina out of her clothing and she had managed to trick him out of his, but he was still nervous about it.
    As Katrina laid out the blanket on the sand she started taking off her clothing revealing her really skimpy black bikini ensemble.
    "Well I'm as undressed as I'm going to be getting, now it's your turn," Katrina said as she stood there with her hands on her hips smiling and laughing.
    Cameron sheepishly pulled at his shirt and pulled it off as Katrina kept motioning for him to pull down his pants, which he eventually did until he was standing there completely naked and covering up his genitals with his hands.
    "Wow, I can't believe that you are blushing and bashful, you are the one who always wanted us to come to the nude beach," Katrina said shaking her head. "Although I guess you just wanted to see me naked on the beach, I guess you never intended on getting naked yourself. Oh well, there is this thing called poetic justice, I guess you are experiencing it now."
    "But I just really hope that we don't see anybody that we know," Cameron said as he saw a group of women coming over, most of whom were wearing one-piece bathing suits that covered themselves up pretty well, but he could recognize them just as easily.
    "Okay ladies, I'm glad that you could make it to the beach with us," Katrina said as the women came over.
    Cameron was practically ready to die of embarrassment as he held one hand over his genitals and waved sheepishly to the women with the other hand.
    "I thought this was just going to be a day just between you and me," Cameron said as he whispered to Katrina.
    Katrina smiled. "Yeah but I figured why not invite all of my friends over, it's such a nice day and everything, and the beach is more fun with a crowd don't you think?"
    "Hey Katrina, hey Cameron, nice bathing suit," Caitlin said as she began laughing.
    "Yeah I think that it looks really good on you," Marissa said.
    "And I thought my bathing suit was revealing," said Shelley, the only one who was wearing a two piece bathing suit.
    Cameron was getting angry but he didn't want to let his anger show. It was bad enough that Katrina was getting to parade him around naked but he figured that she probably wouldn't find that as appealing if she was doing it among strangers. He knew that the thing that had changed was the fact that as soon as he was naked she decided to invite all of her friends over. The more annoying thing was that he wasn't going to get to see them naked, and he honestly would really like to!
    "Well come on let's get all on the blanket together and sunbathe," Katrina said. "Although I think that Cameron is probably going to get the best tan of us all!"
    Cameron had to admit that this was rather embarrassing. Katrina had seen him naked before in private, but Katrina's friends had never seen him completely naked like that, certainly not in a public situation, and he could tell that they were all just tickled pink at seeing him in that situation. He always kind of felt her friends were uptight snobs, so the fact they were seeing him in that vulnerable state like that was extra humiliating.
    Cameron tried to forget the fact that he was naked as they all laid down on the blankets together. It was actually nice being there was a lot of attractive women like that, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel like this was the opposite of what he was hoping. His fantasy was to parade around with lots of naked women and show it off to all the guys on the beach, now it was kind of the opposite, where he had a bunch of women who were dressed sexy, but who were nonetheless pretty covered up in contrast to him.
    After they had been sunbathing for a while Katrina suddenly stood up. "Hey why don't we walk around the beach, you know get some fresh air and everything like that, we don't want to just stay in one spot all day do we?"
    "Actually I think this is a pretty nice spot," Cameron said not eager to be seen by a large number of people.
    "What's the matter you don't want everyone to see your pee pee," Caitlin said as she burst out shrieking in laughter. Cameron never really particularly liked Caitlin as she was always really sarcastic and always seemed to be making jokes at his expense.
    "Ha ha, real mature," Cameron said as he stuck out his tongue.
    Katrina shook her head. "Now you promised me that I would get to show you off, that's what you wanted to do with me, but you lost the card game so now I want you to know what it feels like to be naked arm candy."
    Cameron wanted to protest but he didn't want to seem like a whiny bitch in front of all these other girls, even though he could tell that they were all snickering and just enjoying every last minute of the situation.
    As they started walking around the beach Cameron had to admit that he actually didn't look too bad when he was going around with all of these attractive women, but he knew that everybody who was looking in their direction was staring squarely at him. As they passed by groups of women who were all comfortably dressed in bathing suits he couldn't help but notice that a lot of them were staring at him and laughing.
    "Hey loosen up you look like you are so uptight," Katrina said as she gave Cameron a playful smack on the ass. "Let it all hang out!"
    "It is all hanging out," Cameron said as he once again became really self-conscious and began covering himself up with his hands.
    "If you keep covering yourself up you're not going to get a good tan all around," Katrina said. "Hey why don't we go swimming?"
    "Hey yeah, swimming, that actually sounds like a good idea," Cameron said. At least if they were swimming in the ocean he would be covered up by the water.
    They began walking towards the ocean when all of a sudden something, or rather someone, caught his eye. It was like a vision from heaven, it was a beautiful naked woman running towards them, her enormous breasts swinging back and forth as she jogged towards them. At last he was seeing some woman on the beach who was actually naked, and not just that but perhaps the most beautiful woman on the entire beach.
    Cameron could see that Katrina was looking at him and that she did not approve of the fact that he was looking at that woman, but she was already making her way towards them.
    "Hey, didn't we go to high school together," the naked woman said as she ran over to them. That was when Cameron noticed who it was, it was Pamela, the head of the cheerleading squad, the girl that he had a crush on all through high school, not that he wanted Katrina to know that, because otherwise it would seem like he had simply settled for her.
    "I don't know did we go to high school together?" Katrina asked.
    "Maybe you don't recognize me because I am not wearing a cheerleading uniform," Pamela said. "It's me, Pamela!"
    "Oh hi Pamela," Katrina said trying not to hide her lack of enthusiasm.
    "Well I can see Cameron looks happy to see me," Pamela said as all of the women suddenly started staring at Cameron who was now sprouting a huge erection which was just making him feel even more humiliated by the entire situation. "Hey I am flattered, did you know I always had the hugest crush on you back in high school, but you were so shy that you never tried to ask me out. It looks like you are not so shy anymore!"
    Cameron was trying hard not to stare at Pamela's perfect body but the revelation that she had a crush on him was causing all of the blood to rush to his genitals.
    "So what are you all doing here today?" Pamela said. "And why is he the only one who is naked? You ladies aren't bashful are you?"
    "Well my boyfriend here," Katrina said emphasizing the word boyfriend. "My boyfriend here wanted to have me parade around completely naked but we sort of played a card game and he lost, so now he has to go naked today."
    Pamela smiled. "Oh so you're trying to like frustrate the hell out of him, that's pretty funny actually!"
    Cameron was about ready to die of embarrassment over the fact that Pamela seemed to be picking up on the fact that he was really frustrated and really really humiliated.
    Pamela nodded. "Well I don't want to ruin things for you then, I certainly don't want to be rude. I mean here you are with your boyfriend on the nude beach and here I am parading around completely in the buff."
    "Hey there's nothing rude about being naked on a nude beach," Cameron said.
    Pamela shook her head. "No no, I want to be appropriate, I will get dressed."
    As Pamela got dressed in a one-piece bathing suit that covered up her perfect body, Cameron had to admit that probably was the most disappointing aspect of the day, although he could see that Katrina was smiling and shooting him sort of a hostile glance for having looked at her, which he didn't think was fair because they were at a nude beach and she was right in his line of vision. He didn't know what was more disappointing, the fact that she was getting dressed now, or the fact that she could still see him naked when he could no longer see her naked.
    Pamela smiled and nodded. "There, now I feel much more modest. It actually feels kind of nice to be dressed."
    "Yes it does," Katrina said as she touched her bathing suit and shot another glance towards Cameron as if to rub it in the fact that she was getting to wear clothing. "But anyway we were going to go swimming in the ocean now."
    "Hey that sounds like fun," Pamela said. "Maybe I will see you there."
    Cameron couldn't help but notice that she sort of looked him up and down and sort of smiled when she said I will see you, as in see you naked.
    As Cameron went off with Katrina and her friends and began swimming in the ocean he had to admit that he felt a little bit better, mostly because while he was under the water or was swimming in the water his nudity wasn't readily apparent to everyone on the beach, and he could see several people looking with binoculars towards the ocean.
    As Cameron was swimming around that was when he noticed that Pamela was swimming around not far away in her one-piece bathing suit. Even in the one-piece bathing suit she still looked smoking hot. At first he was trying to picture what she looked like naked again, but as he looked at her in that really tight bathing suit clinging to her form he thought that she actually did look maybe even a little bit better wearing clothing, as strange as that sounded to him.
    While Cameron was swimming and staring at Pamela he couldn't help but notice that Katrina was looking over at him angrily. He could tell that she noticed that he was looking at Pamela, looking at Pamela a lot more than he was looking at her. He was about to swim over to Katrina so as to seem less suspicious, when all of the sudden a wave came and he felt himself going under the water.
    He came up for air and was struggling to catch his breath but that was when he noticed that he was being pulled out to sea and began furiously swimming.
    "Help, I think I'm being pulled out to the ocean!" Cameron said as he waved his hands. He looked over at Katrina who seemed to be shaking her head and didn't seem to believe him, maybe because he was looking over and waving over in Pamela's direction. He continued waving and shouting for help but he didn't think that Katrina could hear his cries for help.
    As he continued to struggle against the ocean he was beginning to get nervous but that was when he saw Pamela swimming furiously towards him, at which point she quickly reached him, grabbed him and began swimming against the current pulling him along until she had dragged him out onto the beach where she collapsed on top of him and smiled.
    "Thanks," Cameron said as he spat up water and caught his breath.
    "I just hope you didn't find it embarrassing being saved by a woman, particularly while you were completely buck naked," Pamela said as she laughed. "This almost makes me want to become a lifeguard, who knows how many hot naked guys I would get to rescue if that were the case!"
    "Cameron what the hell is going on here!" Katrina said as she walked over looking angry.
    "He was drowning and I saved him," Pamela said.
    "I kept shouting to you and you didn't come to help me," Cameron said shaking his head. "I swear there is nothing going on between Pamela and I, she was just my rescuer and I was the rescued party."
    That was when Cameron stood up and it was obvious that he had a rockhard erection that was pointing directly at Pamela.
    "Well you know what, she can have you, it's obvious that the two of you have been looking at each other all day long," Katrina said as she stormed off.
    Cameron was about to chase after Katrina before he turned and looked at Pamela who was standing there with a huge smile on her face.
    "Let her go, I think it's obvious that you're a lot happier to see me," Pamela said.
    Cameron thought he should be chasing after Katrina and her friends, but at the same time he thought that he actually did have more in common with Pamela. He felt like Katrina was always trying to take advantage of him and trying to manipulate him and didn't take him seriously, always undermining his intelligence, even if she was smarter than him, though he would never lose face and admit that to her.
    "Well I'd be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy seeing you, I mean seeing all of you," Cameron said laughing.
    Pamela smiled wide. "And I'm really enjoying seeing all of you, I mean literally all of you."
    Camera knew that right now he was blushing and was sort of shuffling his foot in the sand and looking down at his feet before looking at her. "So do you think maybe you're going to get naked again and join me?"
    "Nope!" Pamela said with a laugh.
    "What?" Cameron said.
    "I know it sounds really strange and freaky and maybe even a little bit kinky, but I don't know, something about me wearing my clothes and you being completely naked, I don't know, I just really like the feeling, you know."
    Cameron could once again feel all the blood rushing to his genitals and he found himself nodding. "You know the crazy thing is, as smoking hot as you are naked, this kind of feels right."
    "So do you think you would like to spend the rest of the day naked with me, I mean you naked and me in my tight little bathing suit," Pamela said as she snapped the straps of her bathing suit against her body.
    Cameron nodded. "Besides I guess I don't really have much of a choice really."
    "Why do you say that?"
    "Well when Katrina stormed off angrily like that and left me standing here I completely forgot that she still has my clothing and I don't think that she is likely going to give it back after all of this."
    The two of them laughed as they walked off arm in arm. Cameron wasn't exactly sure what he was going to do when it came time for them to leave the beach, but for now as he stood there as the naked arm candy of Pamela as she showed him off on the beach, he had to admit, in spite of everything that happened, he felt like he was just right where he was supposed to be.


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