The Naked Fashion Show

 Hi again, today I have a story involving mutual male and female embarrassing nudity with a little bit of CFNM exclusively in parts. But for most part this is a story with both types of nudity with most people being dressed but a few people being naked in public. It was inspired by a video that I had seen of people doing sort of like a naked fashion show where they were pretending they were modeling clothing while being totally naked like in the Emperor's New Clothes, which I have also referenced in previous stories, and I thought that would be a good idea for a story. You can watch that video at

I have to admit that the character names and everything though partially came from the TV show Saved by the Bell which I just sort of randomly thought of when I started writing the story itself after it had been on my list for about a month. There was an episode of that TV series where the main character Lisa tried to have a fashion show that was ruined by the character Screech being jealous of the fact that she was falling in love with Zack, and I didn't really follow that exact type of plot line, but I did use the basic premise of a woman named Lisa trying to get her friends to be in a fashion show for, except in this case they were both naked!

So if you have ever watched that show you will probably now end up thinking of those characters naked in this story as you are reading it now that I mentioned that. Anyway I hope that you enjoy and that thinking of those characters will add to the enjoyment of the story rather than diminish it.

The Naked Fashion Show
"We are so glad that we can help you with your fashion show Lisa," Kelly said as she and Zack arrived at Lisa's studio.
    "I have to admit I never saw myself as ever being a fashion model," Zack said. "I mean Kelly, she's hot, but me a fashion model, I just don't really see it ever happening. I don't think anybody wants to see me modeling clothing as I don't really think that I am that attractive."
    "Oh he's just being modest," Kelly said as she kissed Zack on the cheek.
    "I'm not being modest, I'm just kind of shy about the idea of modeling all sorts of clothing in front of people like that," Zack said shaking his head. "What type of clothing are you going to have us be wearing? Kelly was telling me a little bit about it but she wasn't really very clear on that part."
    Lisa smiled. "Well first off I would just like to say thank you for being good friends and helping me with my fashion show. Secondly you don't have to worry about modeling lots of different types of clothing, this fashion show is a little bit more abstract than that."
    "Abstract, in what way?" Zack said raising his eyebrow. "I have never heard of an abstract fashion show. Are we going to be wearing some type of forms of modern art?"   
    Lisa sort of smiled and couldn't help but smirk.
    "I know that look, you're up to something aren't you," Zack said.
    "I don't want to be suspicious or anything but I have to admit the idea of an abstract fashion show, I have no idea what that even means," Kelly said as she shook her head. "I hope that whatever you intend for me to wear doesn't make me look fat."
    Lisa smiled. "I don't think there's any chance of that, if anything this it is going to make you look really really skinny, as light as a leather, like you are wearing nothing at all."
    Kelly smiled. "Well I like the sound of that. So where are our outfits?"
    Lisa smiled again. "You see that's where the abstract part comes in. Your costumes aren't going to be quite so literal."
    Zack looked at Kelly before looking back at Lisa. "I am afraid that I don't follow you and I think that Kelly is kind of on board with me on that regard. What do you mean our costumes won't be literal?"
    Lisa laughed.
    "What's so funny?" Zack asked as he folded his arms looking like he was getting annoyed and frustrated with the situation.
    "Well I actually don't have any outfits for you to try on," Lisa said. "Again I mean in the most literal sense of the word anyway."
    "How exactly do you have a fashion show with nothing for us to wear?" Kelly said scratching her head.
    Lisa wasn't exactly sure how to break it to them but she decided she had better come out with it. "Well it is like I said, like you are wearing nothing at all, cause it's sort of a naked fashion show."
    "A naked fashion show!" Zack and Kelly said looking at each other before looking back at Lisa who was sort of smiling coyly.
    "Well have you ever heard the story of the Emperor's new clothes?" Lisa asked. "Well basically everybody could see that the Emperor was naked but they all sort of pretended that he was wearing this fabulous outfit and everyone just sort of went along with it. I guess what I am saying is that this fashion show is more along the lines of performance art."
    "So wait, you are saying that we aren't actually going to be wearing anything, like at all?" Zack said as Lisa smiled and nodded.
    "Well you said you didn't want to wear something that would make you look fat," Lisa said as she laughed as Zack and Kelly looked at each other nervously.
    "Well yeah I didn't want to wear something that was going to make me look fat, but I was thinking that I didn't want to wear anything that was too revealing either, and I have to say that wearing nothing is extremely revealing!" Kelly shouted.
    Lisa frowned. "So you're saying you don't want to be participants in my fashion show?"
    "Lisa I'm not usually one to criticize these type of artistic endeavors, but I don't understand how you can have a fashion show without any actual fashions to model," Zack said.
    "Well this fashion show is more like a work of art, basically I will describe the clothing that you are wearing and you will pretend that you are modeling it as though you were actually wearing clothing," Lisa said. "It's sort of like a way of building intrigue. People will see you modeling the invisible clothing and that will sort of make them think, wow I would love to see that outfit!"
    "Well I would certainly love to see the outfit on me too, instead of going completely buck naked!" Zack said. "I have to say this is the craziest thing I have ever heard of."
    "Well let's try to keep an open mind," Kelly said.
    "You intend to model naked clothing, which is to say no clothing," Zack said. "I'm sorry but that's not a way to build intrigue, covering up, that's a way of building intrigue, having everything out on display like that, that leaves nothing to the imagination!"
    Lisa shook her head. "But that's where you're totally wrong, it leaves everything to the imagination! You see if you aren't wearing any actual clothing but you are modeling the clothing as though you were wearing specific fashions, well that will get people to imagine what it would look like and then they will order the clothing based on the fact that you are modeling it, or not modeling it, or you are modeling it without modeling it, if I am making sense."
    "I don't know if you've been making sense for a while now," Zack said.
    "Don't you see it's building up a mystique around you," Lisa said. "Imagine I am describing this elegant outfit that you are wearing and you are standing up there completely naked modeling it as though you were wearing it. People will see you feeling so confident even without wearing it such that they can only just imagine how amazing they will feel when they are wearing it. They will end up ordering it sight unseen."
    "I don't know, I think that if I saw somebody standing up there buck naked and they said would you like to buy my outfit I would say I already had a copy, in fact it was sort of a birthday gift!" Zack said laughing.
    "So you're not going to do it?" Lisa said frowning and looking like she was about to cry.
    "Can we just talk by ourselves for a minute," Kelly said as she motioned Zack over. "Come on Lisa really needs us to come through for her, this fashion show, it's a big thing for her, her entire future career prospects could be hanging on it."
    "Look I want to help her as well but I am not sure if her prospects are really that good if her idea for a fashion show is a fashion show without clothing," Zack said whispering as he looked over at Lisa and smiled. "Are you honestly telling me that you want to get up there completely and utterly buck naked in front of an audience pretending that you are modeling clothing that you aren't even wearing?"
    Kelly began blushing. "I had to admit that it wasn't my ideal situation, but Lisa is our good friend, we can't let her down like this."
    "So you really intend to get up there completely buck naked and that doesn't bother you at all?"
    Kelly continued blushing. "I wouldn't go that far, but you know sometimes you have to be brave and do something to help out a friend. So although I don't really relish the idea of getting naked on stage in front of an audience like that, well I'll do whatever it takes to help Lisa. And if you are a true friend you will do so as well."
    "You know I am very bashful though."
    "You think I'm not! But sometimes you just have to suck it up and do what is necessary to help a friend, and Lisa is our friend and I say that we have to help her, how could we not?"
    "Maybe if we just let her down easily and I'm sure she will understand that it's a big thing to ask to get your friends to go up on stage naked like that."
    Kelly folded her arms and shook her head. "Well Zack I thought you were a better friend than that. I don't really want to get naked but I am willing to do it, and if you are not willing to get up there naked with me, well you're not going to be seeing me naked in private either."
    Zack frowned. "You're kidding?!"
    "No I'm not," Kelly said shaking her head and giving him a very stern look.
    "But this is sexual blackmail!"
    Kelly stood there looking firm, and although Zack could see that she was looking as equally uncomfortable about it as him, he knew that she would be willing to go through with it and that he would look like a complete and utter coward if he didn't.
    "The things I do for friends," Zack said shaking his head and gritting his teeth as he and Kelly went over to Lisa.
    "Lisa, you can count on us," Kelly said.
    Lisa began screaming and jumping up and down as she hugged them. "You guys are the greatest! Now come on let's get you dressed, well you know what I mean." Lisa began laughing as Zack and Kelly looked at each other uncomfortably with their heads over Lisa's shoulders.

    Lisa sent Zack and Kelly into the changing room where they got undressed and, well that was pretty much it.
    "Come on out you guys, let's see the outfits!" Lisa shouted.
    Zack and Kelly poked their heads out from behind the door of the changing rooms but they were somewhat reluctant to come out.
    Lisa laughed. "Come on I've seen you guys in the locker room!"
    "You've never seen me in the locker room!" Zack shouted.
    "I guess Kelly never told you about that peek hole that we found in the boys locker room," Lisa said as she cackled with laughter.
    "Lisa that was supposed to be our secret!" Kelly said blushing as she looked at Zack who blushed back at her.
    "Well I guess the cat's out of the bag now, so you might as well come out of the changing rooms," Lisa said as she sort of smiled and snickered.
    Kelly reluctantly came out of the changing room holding her arm over her breasts and her other arm between her legs blushing profusely.
    "Come on out Zack, we're not going to bite," Lisa said still with a big smile on her face.
    Zack sort of gritted his teeth and reluctantly came out of the locker room covering his junk up with his hands blushing probably more profusely than Kelly as he shook his head. "This hardly seems fair, we have one naked girl and one dressed girl and I am the only naked guy here!"
    "Oh don't be a baby," Kelly said admittedly looking at her feet and still blushing.
    "Well I'm not going to get naked, I have to remain professional here, I am the one directing the fashion show, I can't have all the attention being all about me, it's about you, the models," Lisa said.
    Zack shook his head. "That was a really convenient way of justifying you not getting naked with us."
    Zack and Kelly stood there still covering themselves up with their hands and looking really uncomfortable.
    "Come on you guys, we want you to look really comfortable in your outfits," Lisa said. "Why don't you limber up a little bit, show off what you are wearing!"
    "I have never felt so stupid as I do right now," Zack said as Kelly removed her hand from her breasts and started reaching for Zack's hands to pull them away from his junk. Zack was embarrassed when it was obvious that he was sprouting a strong erection, and he thought that strangely enough that it was just as much over the fact that he was naked as the fact that there was an attractive naked woman standing right next to him.
    Lisa sort of covered up her mouth but was having a hard time not laughing as they were both staring directly at Zack's erection.
    "Hey if you're not going to be mature about this!" Zack said.
    Lisa shook her head. "I'm sorry, there is nothing wrong with being excited, you guys are the stars of the show after all!"
    Lisa began having them pose in all sorts of ways as she was describing what clothing that they were supposed to pretend that they were wearing. Zack and Kelly both had to admit that they felt kind of absurd standing up there posing like they were wearing some type of snazzy outfit, when they were actually wearing nothing at all. But strangely enough as they used their powers of imagination and listened as Lisa described what they were wearing, they were almost able to picture themselves as though they were actually dressed, and for a short amount of time they even managed to forget that they were actually completely buck naked!
    "I have to say that tuxedo looks absolutely spectacular on you," Kelly said as she laughed.
    "And that evening gown is just flowing all around your body," Zack said as he laughed back as he put his hands on Kelly's hips.
    Lisa began clapping. "You guys were great, see you almost completely forgot that you are actually completely naked. See I described things so well you could practically see it on you, you could practically feel it on you."
    "Actually after that breeze just blew by I can definitely say I do not feel the clothing on me right now," Zack said as he rubbed his arms as Kelly did likewise as she noticed her whole body was breaking out in goosebumps.
    Lisa shook her head. "That's okay you guys both did great, and I'm sure that when we have our fashion show this weekend you will be spectacular and all eyes will be on you."
    "That's kind of what I'm afraid of," Zack said swallowing deeply.
    Lisa shook her head again. "I'm telling you, you guys did spectacular today, just do what you did here and everything will be fine. Trust me you probably won't even be thinking about all of the people looking at you. They probably won't even be seeing your naked bodies because I am going to describe these outfits in such great detail that they are going to picture you as though you were fully dressed."
    "I sure hope so," Zack said shaking his head.

    The night of the fashion show Zack and Kelly would be lying if they said that they weren't nervous, but as they were waiting backstage in the changing room they had to admit they were starting to get cold feet.
    "Are you guys almost ready, we are just about ready to begin the show," Lisa said as she smiled and gave a thumbs-up.
    "Don't worry we are completely getting dressed," Kelly said as she laughed as Zack laughed nervously along with her but as they looked at each other they could see that they were both blushing and looking decidedly uncomfortable with the whole situation.
    "Great, I will go out and start announcing the beginning of the show and when when I give the signal the two of you come out on stage and start modeling the outfits just like we practiced," Lisa said as she walked out onto the stage.
    "She says that was such a straight face I think that in her heart of hearts she believes that we actually aren't naked," Zack said.
    Kelly smiled awkwardly. "Yeah, she's really into it. And did you see that big crowd out there, I really didn't think that she would have such a packed audience like that."
    "Yeah me neither," Zack said as his knees began trembling. "You know it's kind of a different matter altogether when you have a big audience like that all watching you. I mean getting naked in front of Lisa was one thing, but this, this is something else altogether!"
    "Exactly don't think I can do this!" Kelly said as she put her arms over her breasts and started blushing. "I know I said that I could do it and I was the one egging you on to do this, and I really want to help Lisa, but I am getting some major stage fright right now. I don't think I can go out there completely naked and have all eyes on me like that!"
    As Zack heard all of the people clapping as Lisa was speaking on stage he started to feel a little bit dizzy himself. However then he swallowed deeply and looked at Kelly and put his arms on her shoulders.
    "Kelly, I don't really want to do this anymore than you want to do this, but we promised Lisa that we would do it, and if we don't do it she will be crushed and her fashion career will potentially be ruined," Zack said. "I mean to be fair if people don't get the gimmick and don't think it's really brilliant and smart and everything, her fashion career will be ruined just the same, but at least we won't have to feel guilty about it, because we went out there and gave it our all!"
    Kelly sort of awkwardly smiled and put her hand over her face and began shaking her head. "You are right, we can't let Lisa down, she is our friend and she needs us to come through for her, and I am sure that if we had a lunatic idea like this she would have come through for us. Of course right now she is out there on stage comfortably dressed and all the pressure is on us, but that's beside the point, you are right, we totally have to do it."
    "Oh come on then, let's go," Zack said as he pointed to the stage as Lisa gave the signal for them to go out. "Ladies first!" he said as they both laughed.
    "This is one case where I think the gentleman should go out first," Kelly said sort of hesitating.
    "And now Zack and Kelly," Lisa repeated as the spotlight went on the stage and she motioned for them to come out, like come on what are you waiting for. She looked at them with a pleading look in her eye as she could see that they were both really uncomfortable, and for a moment she was worried that they wouldn't go through with it.
    "Come on it will be okay," Zack said as he offered Kelly his hand, which she took as he walked her out onto the stage as they both waved to the audience who started gasping and making all sorts of ooing and ahing noises as a bunch of cameras began going off. A couple of people in the front row began whistling.
    Zack and Kelly both began blushing profusely as soon as they realized that there was going to be photographic evidence of what had happened that evening. They also noticed that there were TV cameras and they realized that a lot more people were going to see them than just the people in that audience. But they figured that they were already out there and there was no going back now, they couldn't be unseen.
    Once everybody settled down Lisa began announcing. "As you can see Zack and Kelly are wearing a fabulous ballroom ensemble. Look at the way the tuxedo accentuates all of Zack's best features."
    "Like that ass!" a woman in the audience shouted as some people began whistling and clapping.
    "And as you can see the evening gown just flows so naturally and organically around Kelly's hips," Lisa said as Zack and Kelly began dancing like they were in a ballroom together, as Zack spun Kelly around on the stage twirling her naked body back and forth and dipping her.
    Many people in the audience began clapping and as they continued modeling the "clothing" that Lisa was describing they started to lose themselves in the moment. And they could see that aside from a couple of whistles and snickers, the audience was mostly responding positively and seriously.
    Finally they had modeled all of the "outfits" and Lisa concluded the show.
    "Now let's give a round of applause to our fashion models Zack and Kelly," Lisa said as she began clapping and everybody in the audience stood up to give them a standing ovation. "Go ahead take a bow!"
    Zack and Kelly looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and bowed before turning around and smacking each other on the asses to thunderous applause from the audience as they walked off of the stage and back into the dressing room.
    "Oh my God you guys were great, thank you, I am getting tons of orders," Lisa said as she came back a few minutes later. "This is the greatest day of my life. I think you guys are going to be famous!"
    "Famous," Zack and Kelly said as they looked nervously at each other as Lisa continued jumping up and down before running off back onto the stage and taking a bow herself as people continued cheering wildly.
    "Well I never thought that I would get famous this way," Kelly said once again blushing now that everything was starting to hit her about the implications of what had just happened.
    Zack was likewise blushing but he laughed. "Well they say everybody has their 15 minutes of fame, let's hope that ours is perhaps a little more like only five minutes."
    "Do you really think that people are going to forget this that quickly?" Kelly said as the two of them looked out onto the stage.
    "Nope," they both said as they began hugging and kissing each other.
    "Zack I have to say that I am very proud of you as I know that you really didn't want to do this, and then I almost didn't go through with it myself after all the fuss I made about you doing it, but then you had me go through with it and, I just want to thank you for coming through for Lisa. Is there anything I can ever do to thank you for this?"
    "Oh I'm sure I'll think of something," Zack said with a devious little smile.
    Kelly smiled back. "You know why don't I get dressed and we will go back to my place and maybe I will give you another little private fashion show if you catch my drift," Kelly said as she smacked her ass and gave it a little bit of a shake.
    Kelly went back into the changing room and quickly got dressed. Only one of the changing rooms was available at the time so Zack would just have to wait his turn to get dressed. But as Kelly came out dressed she grabbed him by the hand and started pulling him along he was so entranced he didn't even realize that she had led him back out onto stage where people were still standing there as they all started whistling and hollering.
    Zack immediately covered up and began blushing as everybody began clapping and Kelly put her arm around him.
    "And that my friend is how you have the perfect end to the perfect show," Kelly said as she laughed loudly as Lisa gave her a high-five.
    And as Zack stood there on stage with these two gorgeous well-dressed women in front of an audience, completely naked, he simply shook his head and thought to himself, they were right, his outfit really did look great on him!


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