Naked Zoo

 I came across this story on my list a couple of days ago that has been on my list for a while and I thought that it was a great concept. I pretty much wrote it spontaneously based on one line of plot description and I am glad with where I went with it. It takes the crazy idea of a naked zoo, where people can go to watch people in a zoo like atmosphere casually going about daily activities completely naked as a way of normalizing nudity. Then I turned it into an awkward situation between two platonic friends of the opposite sex who end up working together naked. I hope you enjoy this as it involves CMNF, CFNM, CFNF, ENF, ENM, only one naked and mutual nudity. For a good variety of nudity of both sexes some mutual and some nonmutual, so I hope you enjoy this story which has a good variety of naked situations! 

And if I hurry maybe I have time to write another naked story before the night is over!

Naked Zoo
"I would really like to know where you are getting all of this money all the sudden," Tom said as he was sitting around with his friend Chrissy, a platonic friend that he wished was something more, but he would be too shy to tell her that.
    "I just got a high-paying job is all, it's kind of a private thing, and I don't really think it's the type of job for you," Chrissy said trying to change the topic.
    "What are you in the CIA or the FBI or something like that, if not then why all the secrecy?"
    "It's nothing like that, it's just, well it's kind of an awkward thing and it's just kind of weird."
    "Weird how?"
    "Look I just don't want to talk about it, it's just really kind of embarrassing and I would rather just not talk about it, can you understand?"
    "I guess so, but I still don't understand what is so strange about a job that you can't really tell anyone about it."
    "If you knew what it was you would understand why I felt awkward talking about it. Let's just try not to think about it, it's a really well paying job, it's just something very private, can we just leave it at that?"
    "I guess so, I don't want to pry into your personal affairs such as money, money is a very intimate thing and I guess it was rude of me to start asking about it. I just know that I could really use a good high-paying job right about now, so if there any openings at your job I feel like I could really use a recommendation."
    Chrissy looked almost like she was blushing.
    "Why did you just blush right now?" Tom asked suddenly intrigued.
    "It's not that you wouldn't qualify for the job, it's just it's a job I don't think that you would enjoy. I know that you are a very private type of person and a job like this, let's just say it leaves you really raw and exposed."
    Tom was really intrigued about what type of job Chrissy had and was starting to wonder if she was maybe a stripper or something like that, but he figured that he wouldn't qualify to be a stripper, so it was probably something less tantalizing. But he figured that he should just put it out of his mind.

    "Come see the naked zoo?" Tom said a few days later as he saw an advertisement for a new place that had opened in town. He thought it must be a joke but he read it over and over again. Apparently there was a new thing called a naked zoo, not exactly a strip club, just a place where you can go to watch naked people going about their daily activities, like you would watch animals in a zoo.
    Tom was going to throw the advertisement away but he had to admit he was intrigued. There was nothing wrong with seeing naked people, even though unlike a strip club they advertised ordinary people being naked. That means the type of people you wouldn't necessarily want to see naked or pay to see naked.
    However his curiosity ended up getting the better of him so he decided that he would buy a ticket to the naked zoo just to see what it was all about.
    He gave his tickets at the gate and soon he went into the zoo where he saw all sorts of people behind bars, not unlike animals, but they seemed to be just sitting around on couches watching TV, with a very noticeable difference that they were naked, completely and utterly naked, and just going about their daily activities as though they weren't sitting there in some type of zoo being watched.
    "I have to say this is the weirdest concept I have ever come across," Tom said scratching his head. "A naked zoo, how about that? I mean I've been to strip clubs before but this is something else altogether. I wouldn't say it's wholesome but there is something about it that's just like, I mean it's nice seeing naked people, but something about it isn't necessarily sexual. It's just very like casual nudity I guess."
    Tom went up and down looking at all of the displays. They had a family that was sitting naked on the couch watching television and eating like it was nothing unusual, seemingly ignoring the fact that dozens of people were standing there just watching them and even taking pictures of them naked.
    He then went to another display that showed people in a restaurant, except everybody in the restaurant was naked. The waiters, the waitresses, the customers, even the manager, they were going about running a restaurant but with the notable exception that none of them were wearing clothing, and they were doing this for an audience.
    Tom was beginning to think of this was like some type of weird performance art. The nudity wasn't necessarily meant to arouse you, even though he had to admit that a lot of the women were attractive, otherwise he probably wouldn't stick around. There were naked men as well but he wasn't really that interested in them. But something about just these naked people casually going about daily activities trying to ignore the fact that they were naked, it was kind of interesting, not necessarily in a sexual way, just interesting in general.
    "I've seen a lot of naked chicks and strip clubs before but this is really something altogether different," a man said as he came up to Tom.
    Tom nodded. "Yeah I have never seen anything like this before. I mean it's one thing to go to a strip club where you pay people to take off their clothing, but coming to observe people like some type of a zoo where they are naked, I wonder what the idea is behind that?"
    "Well according to the brochure it's just to see naked people in their natural environment. The people who created this place wanted to take away the sexual stigma of nudity and show what the world would be like if everybody would just go about all of their daily activities completely naked."
    "Yeah but the whole idea is that it's not really natural to see people naked in these daily situations. I suppose that's the point though, I suppose the ideas that they are trying to make it seem normal that you would watch people doing their daily activities naked, like the nakedness was nothing strange, even though I have to say that this is one strange place."
    "You're telling me buddy," the man said shaking his head. "But damn some of these women are really hot. When I heard it was a naked zoo I was thinking that it would probably be lots of butt ugly people and everything like that, but it looks like most of these people actually are fairly attractive, maybe not supermodel attractive, but it's still nice to get to see them naked, you know?"
    Tom nodded. "That it is my friend, that it is."
    "I mean look at that really hot woman right there, the blonde woman with the really big knockers who is cooking at her kitchen stove and just casually going about the fact that she is naked," the man said shaking his head. "It's not exactly the same as seeing her slowly stripping off naked in a strip club, but just getting to see a woman cook naked like that, well hell I would eat up which she is serving any day!"
    "Yeah she has a nice ass," Tom said thinking that she looked vaguely familiar and that was when he realized as the woman turned around that it was Chrissy. They made eye contact at the same moment, and when they did he could see that Chrissy was blushing fanatically and using her hands to try and cover herself up, for the first time looking extremely embarrassed at the fact that people were watching her naked.
    "Hey that one got bashful all of the sudden," the man said as he elbowed Tom in the side as Tom stood there staring with his jaw basically dropping. He could see that Chrissy was looking decidedly uncomfortable so he decided that he would walk away, but they both knew that they had seen each other, they both knew that they knew that Chrissy was a member of the naked zoo, and he didn't know exactly how he would address that fact the next time they saw each other.
    For the rest of the day he avoided going past the exhibit where Chrissy was except for once or twice where he tried to catch a glance at her while being discreet. But he didn't want to seem like he was peeking at her, even though that's the whole purpose of why one would go to a naked zoo in the first place. But it was different when you saw someone you knew. He really let that sink in for a moment, he saw somebody he knew at the naked zoo as one of the, well he didn't want to say animals, but one of the people on display, one of the exhibits, and there was something just really strange about that.

    Tom didn't know how he would address the situation so he had to admit that he was avoiding seeing Chrissy and he felt that she was doing likewise. But then one day he just happened to run into her in the middle of town.
    "Chrissy, hi," he said feeling really nervous and trying to suppress an erection as he remembered what she looked like completely naked.
    "Oh hi Tom," Chrissy said having trouble making eye contact with him and sort of looking away and looking at her feet and he could tell that she was blushing.
    After a moment of silence Tom figured he had better say something critical. "Look Chrissy I think that we both know what each other are thinking right now and we have to address it. We are good friends and I think that we should just talk about it openly and honestly."
    Chrissy reluctantly made eye contact with him but he could tell that she was feeling really embarrassed.
"Okay Tom, I don't want this to make things weird between us."
    "Of course not, there's nothing strange about you working in the naked zoo," Tom said as a couple of people looked at them and he lowered his voice. "Sorry I didn't mean to draw attention to us. But it's just, well wow, I mean how did you come to work at a naked zoo like that? I mean who had even heard of a naked zoo before this place came to town?"
    "Let's go someplace where we can be alone," Chrissy said as they went to the park and sat down on a bench.
    "I just want you to know that I wasn't intentionally staring at you when I was at the naked zoo, I mean I was just kind of curious what it was and when I saw you, well –"
    "I know, I was just as shocked to see you there. I guess I wasn't expecting that somebody I knew from town would actually go to the naked zoo and end up seeing me there. I guess it is sort of easy to be naked on display like that when it's people you don't know, but when it's a good friend like that, well you know." Chrissy was clearly blushing again as she was twiddling her thumbs and looking really nervous and uncomfortable.
    "Look I don't want this to make things weird between us, like I said. There's nothing wrong with working in a naked zoo, in fact I think that you were doing a pretty good job."
    "Thanks," Chrissy said as she laughed still twiddling her thumbs. "I guess it was actually pretty funny, the way we just sort of ran into each other at that place, you in the audience and me up there all natural so to speak."
    Tom almost blurted out that she was all natural between the legs as well and he hadn't known that she shaved, but he thought it would be rude to address that fact.
    "So how exactly did you end up working at the naked zoo?"
    "Well like you I was between jobs, and then I just sort of came across this advertisement and I was intrigued. Something about their philosophy just seemed like a good idea. I mean I was always a little bit shy but the idea of normalizing nudity, I don't know, it just seemed like, it wasn't the same thing as like if I were going to become a stripper or something. There's something just very natural and organic about being naked on display in the zoo like that. I guess it didn't really become very real to me until all of the sudden someone like you comes along and reminds me that there are actual real world people out there who could be seeing me naked, people that I might run into, you know?"
    "Yeah, I suppose so. But wow, a naked zoo, who would have ever thought of a concept like that?"
    "Yeah," she said still sort of looking at her shoes.
    "Look Chrissy I really don't want to make things really awkward and everything, so if you don't want me to go to the naked zoo anymore I would promise that I will stay away. I don't want to make you uncomfortable about doing your job at work like that."
    Chrissy put her hand on his, the intimacy of that kind of made his heart beat faster, even faster than when he had seen her naked. Somehow the actual physical contact was making it more intimate.
    "Look Tom, you are a good friend, and I know that you certainly didn't intend to run into me at the naked zoo. But you know I was a little bit embarrassed but I guess I have to get comfortable with the fact that people, including people that I might know, might end up seeing me naked. I don't think I can actually do this job if I was as terribly shy as you are."
    Tom had to admit that he felt somewhat embarrassed by the fact that he was really shy about things such as nudity. He felt that somehow made him less of a man that he was uncomfortable being naked, even in a situation like a locker room, but it always made sex rather awkward for him as well. He was one of those people who preferred to make love in the dark.
    "I didn't mean to imply there's anything wrong about that Tom," Chrissy said.
    Tom shook his head. "No, I really think that you're actually quite brave to do a job like that, and to be so casual about it."
    Chrissy laughed nervously. "I suppose it is kind of funny, you go to this place called a naked zoo and then you see one of your friends there on display like that. But honestly I guess when you are doing the job you just don't really think about it. I guess it must be similar to being a stripper, they probably feel comfortable with their bodies. But that's the whole point of the naked zoo, to get people comfortable with nudity. I kind of broke character when I suddenly got extremely embarrassed when I saw you in the crowd like that, and I think that it startled a couple of people. I guess I just have to get used to being naked in public like that all the time."
    "Well for what it's worth I think that you are pretty good at your job," Tom said as they both laughed.
    "Well the money is good, in fact it's real good, so I'm hoping that this job lasts a while, as this is definitely the best paying job I have ever had."
    "I hope this isn't rude but I'm just kind of wondering how much money do they pay you for working at the naked zoo?"
    "It's pretty good, they pay me $2500 a week, plus tips."
    "If you like a particular person and think that they are doing a good job you can leave them a tip."
    "Now I feel rude for not leaving you a tip," Tom said as he reached for his wallet before she stopped him.
    "Tom you don't have to be weird about this. I was a bit embarrassed when you saw me naked but now that I have come to terms with it I actually just think it's kind of funny really."
    "$2500 a week plus tips, wow. I'm almost tempted to ask whether they have any openings at the naked zoo."
    Chrissy laughed.
    "What's so funny?" Tom asked.
    Chrissy shook her head. "Tom you don't even like getting changed in the locker rooms, you're probably one of the most bashful guys that I know. Are you honestly telling me that you would have no trouble just casually going about being naked as people come to watch you?"
    "I'm not saying that exactly, but for $2500 a week plus tips I could certainly get used to it!"
    Chrissy shook her head and laughed. "I just don't think it's the type of job for you Tom."
    "You don't think anyone would pay to see me naked?"
    "Wow, now that's an awkward question to ask," Chrissy said smiling. "Look I didn't mean to imply that you weren't attractive Tom, in fact I think that you are quite attractive, I mean as a friend and everything. It's just you're so bashful I don't think that you could simply get up on stage like that and just take it all off and not let that bother you. You have a lot of inhibitions and this is something where you just have to throw those inhibitions to the wind and say to hell with them!"
    "I'll admit I am a little bit uptight but I think I could let loose for $2500. The fact is I haven't had much luck finding a new job and I have a lot of bills and debt that is piling up. Normally I wouldn't consider a job like this but desperate times call for desperate measures."
    Chrissy shook her head. "Wow Tom, so you are really serious about this then?"
    Tom nodded. "Hey if you have an opening I could really use a job, if you could put a good word in for me that is."
    Chrissy smiled as suddenly all sorts of perverted thoughts started going through her mind. She had never thought of Tom and that way before, but suddenly the idea of seeing him up there all naked and uncomfortable was too much for her to resist. "Okay Tom, I'll see what I can do."
    Chrissy nodded her head. "Of course, that's what friends are for, friends get their friends jobs where they have to get naked in public!"
    The two of them sort of laughed nervously and Chrissy agreed that she would get in contact with him about what was available as soon as she could.

    The next couple of days went by and it felt like time had slowed down. Every time the phone rang Tom nervously picked up thinking that it would be Chrissy saying that she had a job for him at the naked zoo. He tried sleeping naked, but even that felt kind of strange to him, and he had trouble sleeping at the thought that strangers, and possibly even worse than strangers, people that he knew, might see him naked at the zoo. He almost felt like calling Chrissy and telling him that there was no way he could do it, but then he looked at the bills piling up on his desk and he knew that he had no choice.
    Finally he got that call from Chrissy saying that they had an opening and that he should report to the naked zoo for his interview.
    "So what does this interview entail," Tom said as he sat down from an attractive woman with a big smile on her face.
    "My name is Marguerite and I am the owner of naked zoo," Marguerite said. "I have to ask you something Tom, do you find this interview intimidating?"
    "Not exactly, should I?"
    "What if I asked you to conduct this interview completely naked, do you think you would be able to do that?"
    "Why do you ask?"
    "Because that is the interview Tom, if you can't sit here and have a conversation with me while you are not wearing any clothing then this is probably not the job for you."
    Tom felt like his heart just went up into his throat. This attractive woman was telling him to strip naked and just talk to her casually like he wasn't completely buck naked?
    "Do I have to?" He asked.
    Marguerite shook her head. "You know Tom I don't think that this is the job for you. If you can't do something simple as be interviewed naked while a fully dressed woman looks at you that there is no way you can do this job."
    "I can get naked," Tom said as he stood up and Marguerite smiled.
    "Well then, I'm waiting," Marguerite said as she folded her arms underneath her rather sizable breasts and smirked.
    Tom very slowly started taking off his clothing until he was completely buck naked and he could feel the goosebumps on his body, feel that cold feeling of being completely raw and exposed and vulnerable like that. Marguerite then indicated for him to sit down but not to get dressed.
    They talked for a little while, he couldn't even remember exactly what they talked about, but it wasn't about the fact that he was naked, and that was the strange thing about it. Finally the interview was over and she smiled.
    "Well Tom you surprised me, you were able to endure that interview without running out of here completely humiliated, so I think that this is the job for you," she said. "But let's hear what everybody else thinks."
    "Everybody else?" Tom asked as she pressed the button revealing that the mirror that was on the other side of the room was actually a one-way mirror, and now he could see that there was a bunch of men and women smiling and waving at him. He sheepishly waved back at them feeling kind of strange over the fact that all of these strangers had been witnessing him getting interviewed naked by this attractive woman.
    "Congratulations Tom, I think that you've got the job," Marguerite said as she shook his hand and he stood up sort of covering his junk with one hand as Marguerite smiled.
    "So when do I start?" Tom asked.
    "Right now," Marguerite said as she looked him up and down. "You strike me as sort of the domestic sort. I think that you would make a pretty good kitchen nude."
    "A kitchen nude?"
    Marguerite nodded. "Yes I think that that's where I will put you, I will put you in the kitchen setting. Besides you'll probably feel comfortable there, you can work right along with your friend Chrissy who was trying to get you this job. Since you are friends it should be easy for you to get along and work together."
    "What?" Tom asked suddenly horrified.
    "Don't worry somebody will escort you to the kitchen area and I am sure that you will excel at it," Marguerite said with something of an evil looking smirk on her face.
    Tom wanted to argue with her but he had just gotten a job that would quickly be able to pay off all of his bills, so he wasn't about to tell her no. Reluctantly he got dressed and was escorted to the kitchen area where he saw Chrissy who was still dressed and smiling.
    "Tom what you doing here, how did your interview go?" Chrissy asked smiling.
    "I got the job, and apparently I'm going to be in the kitchen with you," Tom said trying not to blush.
    "Oh," Chrissy said seemingly surprised. "Well that's nice, at least we will be working together. I guess we should get to work then."
    "Yeah, right, sure," Tom said as all of the sudden Chrissy started casually stripping out of her clothing, neatly folding it and putting it out of the way and smiling.
    "What's the matter Tom, aren't you going to get undressed?" Chrissy said standing there completely naked and seemingly unashamed except for some mild blushing.
    "Yeah, of course," Tom said still in shock that only a few inches away from him was a completely naked Chrissy in all of her naked glory. He had never been standing there naked with her before and in just a few seconds he had neatly folded his clothing and put it with hers and the two of them were standing there naked together. He instantly got as hard as a rock and immediately tried to hide it with his hands but failed miserably.
    Chrissy shook her head. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about Tom, it's only natural if you are not used to being around naked people all the time. I'll take it as a compliment! Now come on, let us get to our places."
    Tom didn't think it was humanly possible to feel a greater degree of sexual tension than what he was feeling at the moment. He felt like it was an invisible energy that was threatening to create a nuclear chain reaction that would destroy the entire planet. And his relationship with Chrissy had always been platonic, and he guessed that they were technically still platonic, but when do platonic friends of the opposite sex happen to get together naked in a kitchen as people watch them?
    Tom tried not to think about the situation in a sexual way, but it was kind of hard when an attractive female friend was naked in the same room as you, while you were also naked, and you are expected to try and just be casual about it. He couldn't get his stiffy to go down no matter how hard he tried, and he thought that maybe that was killing the illusion of casual nudity. But as Marguerite had explained to him there is nothing unnatural about having an erection, and that over time as he got used to being naked it would probably go away. He thought there was a fat chance of that happening.
    But then a strange thing happened, while he and Chrissy were hanging around the kitchen and cooking meals together, as strange as it was, something about it felt almost natural. He could still feel the sexual tension radiating off of both of them like it were some type of supernatural force that was trying to take possession of both of them, but somehow they managed to go about things casually, as though they weren't actually naked, even though it was hard for them to keep their eyes off of one another.
    "Here let me help you with that," Chrissy said as she touched Tom's hand to try and help him with the blender. Once again the intimacy of the fact that she was touching him, touching him while they were both completely naked, even if they were just touching hands, seemed more intimate than the fact that they were actually naked at the moment.
    As the day wore on it actually became sort of normal as they started cooking together, and there were brief moments when even Tom felt that he momentarily forgot that he was naked there with one of his closest female friends.
    "You're actually a pretty good cook," Chrissy said as the two of them sat down and ate the meal that they prepared.
    Out of the corner of their eyes they could see that there were people lining up to watch them but somehow that didn't bother Tom at all, and he didn't think that it was bothering Chrissy either. Neither of them seemed to be bothered until all of a sudden they saw a group of women come up and they could see all of the women were pointing and laughing at them.
    Both of them probably noticed at the same time, it was a group of women that they had known from high school, those girls who tended to be mean and laugh at everybody. But they knew that they couldn't break character or try to be bothered by it, so they sort of gritted their teeth and they tried to interact casually as much as possible as they could see those four women staring and snapping photographs of them.
    Finally the day was over and they were able to get dressed again and awkwardly they both bumped into each other as they went down to retrieve their clothing.
    "Not bad for your first day, eh Tom?" Chrissy said as they got dressed.
    "Hey you were great too," Tom said as he finished getting dressed and pulling down his shirt. "There just was one kind of thing. I don't know if you noticed." That was a lie, Tom knew that she definitely noticed.
    "Oh you mean those four women that we knew back in high school, well forget about them," Chrissy said sort of casually dismissing it with a wave of her hand.
    "Easy for you to say!"
    "What do you mean by that?"
    "They are women that I knew in high school."
    "I knew them as well."
    "Yeah but they weren't looking at you, they were looking at me, they've probably seen you in the locker room and there is nothing weird about it."
    Chrissy shook her head. "Tom if you are really going to do this job you have to learn not to feel strange about these type of things. So a couple of girls from high school saw us naked in the zoo having dinner together, these things happen. Okay to be honest these things haven't happened to me before, but these are the type of things that we have to assume are going to keep happening in the future. I think you should just try your hardest to ignore it."
    Tom really wanted to forget about it but the fact that high school girls had seen him naked, even if it was 10 or 15 years after they graduated, something about that just kind of bothered him.
    "Hey Tom do you think maybe you would like to come back to my place after work today and just sort of hang out like we used to do?" Chrissy asked.
    The question caught him offguard. Here they had just spent the entire day together naked trying to act like it was no big deal, and now she wanted to just hang out casually after a day of nonstop sexual tension radiating between the two of them.
    At the same time though Tom didn't exactly want to turn her down so he nodded. "You know I think that would be nice Chrissy."
    The two of them left work and they headed back to Chrissy's house where they started watching TV together. Neither of them were saying that much, they both knew that they had just spent the entire day together naked, and yet neither of them were going to say a word about that. Something about it was nice, to go back to normal after a day of sexual tension like that. It was just two friends hanging out fully dressed doing the things that friends do.
    Until all of a sudden it wasn't.
    "What are you doing?" Tom asked as Chrissy started undressing.
    "Oh I thought that it was really warm in here and everything so I figured, you know what, why not get naked?" she said as she laughed. "I mean if you want to get naked as well that's perfectly fine."
    "You don't think that it would be kind of weird?"
    Chrissy shook her head. "No not really, I mean let's be honest, we spent the entire day naked together at work, why should we feel awkward being naked together after work, that doesn't really make sense now does it?"
    Tom shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. "I guess not."
    "Well then go ahead, make yourself comfortable," Chrissy said as she punched him playfully in the arm.
    "Okay," Tom said as he got up and started getting undressed, all the while thinking how crazy this was that the two of them were now sitting naked on the couch together.
    "The way I see it we have both seen each other naked all day long, so we really don't have anything to hide from each other, and why should we, friend shouldn't be uncomfortable being naked together after we have known each other all these years, I mean that's what the naked zoo has taught me anyway."
    "You know you are right, just two friends sitting naked together on a couch."
    The two of them both sat there naked on the couch for a long time not saying anything as they twiddled their thumbs before they decided to reach for the remote, and at that moment their hands touched each other and they looked each other in the eye and smiled. Tom didn't know exactly what took over them from there, but somehow after spending all day in an endless atmosphere of nonstop sexual tension it was probably inevitable. They went from making out, to finding their way to the bedroom and then making mad passionate love not just once, not just twice, but a full three times before they had been completely worn out.
    Finally it was getting rather late and Tom figured he had better start getting home." So I will see you at work then I guess," Tom said as he got dressed once again.
    Chrissy nodded. "Yep I will see you at work, all of you," she said as she laughed and Tom laughed as well.

    Soon it became a daily work ritual that after they had spent the entire day together buck naked and trying not to go at each other like animals, that they then would go back to Chrissy's house and let loose the dogs of sexual war. Somehow the tension was able to be controlled during the day as long as a soon as work let out they got back to Chrissy's house and made sure to relieve some of that tension.
    Soon the days turned into weeks and before they knew it they got into a steady routine, until one day Marguerite called everybody into her office for a meeting.
    "You have all been loyal and faithful employees at naked zoo, but naked zoo is now going to go on the road as there are lots of other places around the world that need to see that there is nothing weird about nudity," Marguerite said. "Of course if any of you want to travel with the zoo I am more than willing to keep you on."
    Tom and Chrissy discussed things and they had made enough money to pay off some of their long-standing debts. They didn't know what they were going to do for a job after that, but their homes were in the city where they both grew up, and they knew that they couldn't just leave, so they would have to find something else they could do to make money. Luckily they made enough money in the meantime that they didn't have to worry about it right away.
    "So I guess we both have to find new jobs," Tom said as they shared a meal together after the final day of work.
    "Yeah I guess so," Chrissy said.
    As the two of them ate their spaghetti they felt like it was the end of an era. Of course they would still be friends but they wouldn't be in a situation of nonstop sexual tension all day long, so whether their after work ritual would continue the way it had was anybody's guess, but Tom was guessing that it wouldn't.
    But then something happened, something that neither of them expected. As they were eating their meal they saw at the table across from them were those for women from high school who had seen them at the naked zoo pointing at them and laughing.
    "If this is making you uncomfortable we can leave," Chrissy said.
    "No, I have learned to live with it," Tom said as Chrissy nodded and the two of them looked over at the four women who were clearly having a field day pointing at them and laughing.
    "Of course we can always go back to my place," Chrissy said with a wink.
    Tom smiled, because at that moment he realized that their after work ritual that had meant so much to both of them didn't have to end. They would always be friends, coworkers and now so much more, but for one brief moment in time they were just two naked people together at the zoo going about their daily lives as people watched them, and both of them knew that after that there was no going back and that both of them were more than fine with that.


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