Naked Run

 I guess tonight is a two for one night, although the story I just posted a few hours ago was one that I actually wrote yesterday and only got around to reading and editing today. This was one that I thought of spontaneously that I actually had thought of several years ago but never got around to writing, but I thought of all the details today. This is another story involving both mutual male and female nudity and embarrassment involving public nudity. It concerns male and female friends who are rivals in a track competition who learn at the last moment that the competition that they are going to be and is a coed event for charity, but is also a completely naked event! Enjoy!

Naked Run
Kevin was looking forward to the big charity run that was coming up. He had been practicing for a long time for it as he was one of the fastest runners on the entire campus. He had managed to get an athletic scholarship based on his prowess with running and he was proud that he could be doing something for charity, as a lot of people apparently were contributing money based on him being one of the fastest runners.
    On the women's side was his close friend but also extreme rival Katrina. Katrina was the only woman that he knew who could keep up with him and a lot of people were contributing money to her as well. If either one of them ended up winning the charity run it would mean a lot of money would be generated based on the fact that they had beaten out the other competitors. The more people sponsoring you the more it contributed to the Children's Hospital if either of them should end up winning.
    "Are you prepared to eat my dust," Katrina said as she saw Kevin doing his daily run of the track. She had come out of nowhere and now was keeping pace with him.
    There was something of a friendly rivalry between them but it could get quite heated at times. Kevin didn't necessarily feel intimidated by a woman who could keep up with him, but at the same time he felt that there was something emasculating if she happened to beat him, which she had on many occasions. They were actually quite evenly matched, so every time they ran together it was always a case of them giving it their all until they had broken a sweat.
    "Only if you're prepared to eat mine," Kevin said as he started running a little bit faster but she managed to keep good pace with him.
    "Well you're going to have to do better than that if you want to beat me tomorrow. You know that we have a lot of people counting on us tomorrow, this is probably going to be the run of our lives."
    "Yeah I heard that there is going to be a lot of media coverage of this event."
    "Want to make it interesting?"
    "How so?"
    "Well in the interest of charity and everything why don't we just be good sports and why don't we sponsor each other? You sponsor me and I'll sponsor you, and I guess whichever one of us wins, well the loser will be paying more to charity I guess. So we will be kicking each other's asses, but we will be doing it for a good cause!"
    Kevin nodded. "I can agree to that, but you had better get your wallet open, because I am going to make you really pay!"
    "In your dreams, there is absolutely nothing that can stop me from running my heart out. There is nothing on earth that can distract me from beating you."
    "Don't be so sure of that, I am as focused as a laser beam, you know that nothing can distract me either."
    The two of them continued running and they basically finished at the exact same time again. At the end of their run they shook hands.
    "Once again we are evenly matched, that's what always makes it the most fun to be racing against each other," Katrina said.
    Once the two of them had finished running they gathered with all of the other runners of both sexes who were looking forward to the fact that it was going to be a coed running event seeing as it was for charity.
    "I am glad that you have all decided to participate in this charity run," Mrs. Belvedere, the dean of the college said. "But there actually has been a big change that is going to draw us a lot more publicity and get us a lot more people to be contributing to this charity run. It resulted in a lot of arguments but in the end we prevailed, so that is why our charity run tomorrow is going to be the first ever all naked run!"
    "All naked run?" Kevin and Katrina said as they looked at each other with shock before looking back at Mrs. Belvedere. They could both tell from looking at each other that they were both quite uncomfortable at the idea, but neither of them wanted to lose face by being the one to admit it to the other.
    "And I would also like to say a special word of thanks and congratulations to Kevin and Katrina, who have gotten the most people to contribute based on them being the favored runners for both the men's and women's teams," Mrs. Belvedere said. "Let's give them a big round of applause!"
    Everybody started clapping as the two of them continued staring at each other before looking back at Mrs. Belvedere before looking back at each other, neither of them knowing exactly what to say. In fact both of them were so shocked by the announcement that for the rest of Mrs. Belvedere's speech they sort of tuned out until it was all over.
    "So I guess that I will be seeing you tomorrow," Katrina said suddenly having trouble making eye contact with Kevin but sort of forcing herself to do so because she didn't want to lose face.
    "I guess everybody will be seeing us tomorrow," Kevin said as they both laughed nervously.
    "Well made the best man or woman win," she said as they shook hands before quickly walking away from each other and heading to the showers.
    As the two of them showered in separate locker rooms they were both having the same thought, how could they spring this shocker on them at the last moment, how could they just say all of the sudden they were going to be running naked like that?
    "Do you think you're going to be able to concentrate on running with Kevin running naked," Beverly, one of Katrina's friends and fellow runners said.
    "Of course, because he's going to be way behind me," Katrina said putting on some false confidence and bravado as she tried not to think about the fact that she was soon going to see Kevin's ripped muscular body completely naked for the first time.
    "Are you sure you're going to be able to concentrate seeing Katrina naked in front of you like that, I'd so get a boner," said Kevin's friend Greg.
    "Of course, because she's going to be way behind me," Kevin said putting on a sense of false confidence and bravado as he didn't want to think about the fact that he was soon going to see Katrina's perfect supermodel body and perfectly symmetrical and rather ample breasts swinging back and forth.

    That night both of them had a hard time sleeping, and both of them probably would have felt some degree of reassurance that they knew that they were simultaneously both as nervous as the other. However they had each convinced themselves that the other person wouldn't have a problem running naked in the public view with everything hanging out, meanwhile they were both dreading it themselves.
    The next day as everybody undressed and went out to the track field there was a feeling of nervousness and apprehension among a large number of people, but the majority of people seemed to be really lighthearted and joking about it and enjoying themselves.
    "Hey Kevin," Katrina said as she sort of walked over awkwardly to Kevin rubbing her body like she was cold.
    "Oh Katrina, hi," Kevin said as he put his hands behind his head and tried to picture all of his fellow male runners naked in the shower as a way of trying to keep himself from getting an instant erection seeing Katrina's perfect body on display like that.
    "So today's the day of the big run," Katrina said sort of rubbing her shoes in the dirt. Shoes were the only things that anyone were allowed to be wearing for the race, and she felt kind of weird to be otherwise completely naked and still wearing her running shoes. However as she could see that Kevin was struggling not to become visibly aroused she thanked her lucky stars that she didn't have to worry about getting a female equivalent of a stiffy.
    The two of them laughed nervously as they were clearly extremely uncomfortable and could barely make eye contact.
    "May the best person win," Katrina said as she shook hands with Kevin as he sort of nodded and smiled but they were both blushing intensely and Kevin felt that he was fighting a losing battle with his growing erection.
    The two of them were both thinking about dropping out of the race, saying that they came down with a sudden cramp, but then they both considered the fact that they would be letting down a lot of people who were putting money on them to win this thing for charity. So in the end they both decided that they couldn't be cowards and they would have to brave the inevitable.
    "Okay runners everybody line up," an announcement said as everybody lined up in several rows of naked people on the track.
    They both felt relieved as they stood next each other at the front where they could see that there were no naked people in front of them to distract them. But they knew that that wouldn't last long and that there were dozens or perhaps even hundreds of naked men and women behind them who would be staring straight at their backsides through the entirety of the race, no pressure there they both thought to themselves.
    "Good luck," Kevin said.
    "Same to you," Katrina said, but looking out of the corner of her eye looked down at Kevin's crotch to see if he was once again erect. She couldn't help but think good luck not getting an erection, and once again thanked her lucky stars that she didn't have such a schizophrenic organ that would reveal how she felt about seeing Kevin naked.
    "On your marks, get set, go!" the announcement said as a starting pistol was fired.
    Kevin and Katrina both took off at breakneck speed, figuring that the sooner they got this over with the sooner they could get their clothing back on and avoid any further awkwardness. For the first couple of minutes they were pretty much neck and neck, when all of the sudden Katrina surged ahead, her breasts swinging left and right straight in Kevin's line of vision. He couldn't help but notice that she also had the perfect ass, like it was sculpted like some Greek goddess. He felt the blood rushing to his genitals as he tried to focus on the race, but he could see that several other men and women were starting to catch up with him. Katrina had a fairly commanding lead, but nothing that he couldn't catch up with. In fact as she got out of his line of view he found it easier for him to pick up the pace not distracted by her gorgeous naked body right in front of him.
    It didn't take long however until Kevin found himself practically right behind her again, her butt cheeks going up and down rapidly and driving him wild with passion that he was trying to control and to focus on the task at hand. But it was kind of hard not to be hypnotized by the perfect rhythm of Katrina's butt cheeks and breasts swinging and going up and down right in front of him.
    Finally Kevin took a deep breath and gave it his all and started running ahead of Katrina who was surprised to see him running past. In fact she was so surprised to suddenly see his ass right in front of her, that perfect muscular ass that she had to admit to having a guilty pleasure of staring at through his shorts when he was fully dressed on a couple of occasions, staring directly in her line of vision. For a moment she lost her concentration as all she could focus on were the beads of sweat down dripping down Kevin's perfect bronzed body.
    Katrina took a deep breath and she gave it her all and soon she was once again neck and neck with Kevin. Both of them knew that they were right next to each other and they felt fortunate that being right next to each other as neither of them was in each other's field of vision. However in the line of her peripheral vision she couldn't help but be distracted looking at Kevin's junk, meanwhile he couldn't help but be distracted by the fact that her breasts were swinging wildly back and forth and that if he were a few inches closer they might be smacking against his naked flesh.
    Charge, they both thought as they ran with all of their might seeing the finish line in the distance and continuing to surge towards it. They continued to be neck and neck and then a strange thing happened, as they approached the finish line they found themselves both grabbing hands and then crossing the finish line together, a perfectly even match as occasionally happened when they were both giving it their absolute all like that.
    "And it looks like we have a tie ladies and gentlemen, the two front runners had a tie, this is going to be wonderful for the Children's Hospital!" the announcer said as everybody in the audience in the bleachers started shouting and cheering.
    The two of them continued jogging and very gradually slowed down and came to a stop before they let go of each other's hands and caught their breath.
    "Good game," Kevin said as he shook Katrina's hand.
    "Yeah, ditto, you too," Katrina said. "I guess it just goes to show you that in a battle of the sexes when we are all naked we are equally matched without all of that clothing slowing us down."
    The two of them laughed as they stood there until it became blatantly obvious to both of them that Kevin had a huge throbbing erection pointing right at Katrina, as he sort of subtly moved his hands trying to block it.
    Katrina could see that despite the fact that neither of them lost that he was completely and utterly humiliated by this turn of events, by this awkward outcome, that once again she thanked her lucky stars that as a woman she didn't have to worry about getting a boner.
    The two of them stood there staring at each other and Katrina could sense how uncomfortable Kevin must be at having a very visible erection, which was probably visible to anyone watching in the bleachers as well, before finally she knew what she had to do. She had to swallow her pride and break the tension.
    Katrina laughed making Kevin squirm around a little bit before she put up her hands." I wasn't laughing at you, I swear. In fact I'm a little bit flattered. You know Kevin for what it's worth, I was distracted staring at that perfect ass of yours just as much as you were distracted staring at mine."
    "I wasn't staring," Kevin said before laughing nervously. "Well okay, maybe a little bit, but I was actually staring at your breasts more than at your ass!
    "As if you could resist," Katrina said as she started flexing and doing some naked posing before the two of them burst out laughing and put their hands on each other's shoulders and found themselves hugging each other.
    After the race was completed and they stood on the winners podium together as medals were placed around their necks, the only other item of clothing they had on other than their running shoes, all they could do was stand there awkwardly smiling and waving as people took picture after picture.
    After the match as everybody went to the showers Kevin and Katrina couldn't help but think how it was funny and somewhat absurd that they still went to separate shower rooms for men and women, despite the fact that they were all just naked together a few moments before and had gotten to see everything.
    After they got out of the showers and after all the crowds had dispersed Katrina and Kevin just happened to run into each other on the track later that evening, just the two of them.
    "Hi," Kevin said still kind of awkward and blushing as he approached Katrina who looked similarly awkward and blushing.
    "Hey," she said sort of rubbing her foot in the dirt around the track.
    "So it was a good match we had today."
    "It certainly was memorable."
    "I guess we are evenly matched after all."
    "Yeah I guess so."
    "You know I bet I could beat you if we had a rematch, you know without all of the people cheering and making a big spectacle and everything."
    Katrina snorted and laughed. "In your dreams."
    "What do you want to bet?"
    "Loser doubles their contribution to charity."
    "That sounds fair. So when do you want to do this thing?"
    "I suppose now is as good as any."
    Kevin nodded as he started walking towards the track before Katrina stopped him. "What is it?"
    "Well if we really want this to be fair I think that we have to run the race again like we did the first time, you know, without clothing."
    Kevin laughed. "Are you serious?"
    Katrina smiled. "I'm dead serious, of course if you don't want to get undressed I suppose that gives one of us an unfair advantage."
    Kevin smiled as he thought of how distracting Katrina's naked body would make him. "Which one of us?"
    The two of them laughed as they realized that if only one of them was wearing clothing that they would most assuredly be the loser, because the person with the clothing would be staring at the naked person and getting distracted the whole time.
    The two of them stood there for a moment before rapidly getting undressed, throwing their clothing to the side of the track, taking their positions and began to run together, and this time it felt more natural than it did when everybody was watching, just the two of them running naked together, both equal at last.


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