Her Own Personal Naked Shopping Assistant

 I thought of this one last night when I was looking at one of the other stories I had on my list where I was going to have a plot element where this woman has a female companion who she forces to be naked to humiliate her, and although I will probably write that story and have that as just a scene in a larger story that maybe I will turn into a novella, I thought it would be kind of funnier if I had a woman who got her husband to have to be her naked assistant while she was going on a shopping spree, as it seems like the ultimate situation of a woman getting a man to do her bidding. I felt it would be better getting a woman to get a man naked like that because shopping is sort of like a stereotypical female thing, and getting a nude man to help her with that seems like the ultimate triumph for her. I also thought that the contrast of having to be naked while you are helping somebody shop for clothes is like the ultimate contrast and I think that it worked really well in this story. 

Much like a lot of my CFNM stories this involves a clever woman who tricks a horny guy who wants to see her naked into him being the one naked instead. This is pretty much a purely CFNM story involving nude in public and only one naked and embarrassed nude male as well. Enjoy!

Her Own Personal Naked Shopping Assistant
"Hey Amber did you hear about the new law," her husband Wayne said with a smirk.
    ""No, what new law is that?" Amber said.
    "I read that now in this city it is totally completely legal to go around completely and utterly buck naked."
    "Well how about that, I guess that means that you're going to go walking around buck naked all the time aren't you?"
    "No, I was kind of hoping that maybe you would."
    She laughed. "In your dreams, what a typical male fantasy, you want me to be going around in public with you fully dressed while I am completely naked as your arm candy, your trophy wife. Well keep dreaming buddy."
    "What's the matter, afraid to go naked in public?"
    "Are you?"
    "I wouldn't say afraid, I mean I wouldn't go running around naked in public because that would just be completely and utterly humiliating."
    "Well now you can see why I'm not going to do it, so keep dreaming. Anyway I am hoping to go shopping with my girlfriends this weekend."
    "Shopping again, we aren't made of money! Didn't you just go shopping with your girlfriends last weekend? It seems like all you ever do is go shopping, like the world economy will crash if you don't have your weekly shopping spree."
    "Well there's going to be like a really big sale and everything."
    "Dammit Amber we don't have an endless supply of money here. It seems like there's a big sale every single weekend. I just can't condone this reckless spending when we already have lots of bills to pay."
    Amber suddenly smiled. "Hey do you want to make a bet?"
    "What type of a bet?"
    "Well I want to go on a shopping spree this weekend with all of my girlfriends for the big sale, and you want me to be naked in public for you. The way I see it that seems like the perfect basis for a bet."
    "What exactly are you getting at?"
    Amber smiled. "I say that we set up an online poll and people will vote on which one of us should win. If you win I will go out naked with you on a naked date in public where you get to stay dressed and parade me around to all of your idiot macho ass friends. However if I win I want you to come shopping with my girlfriends and I and be my personal shopping assistant, but I want you to do it completely buck naked!"
    Wayne laughed. "Oh come on you're joking, you don't really mean that do you?"
    "Do I ever really joke with you about this? You know that I am a woman of my word, but I mean if you're chicken or you don't think you're man enough to do it or something I totally understand."
    "Come on seriously, you would really risk the possibility that you would have to be naked in public as my own personal naked wife so that everyone will be looking at me and saying look at his hot wife on his arms?"
    "Sure, but you have to put your naked ass on the line as well, meaning if you lose you have to be willing to spend all day in public completely naked carrying around all of my things for my girlfriends and I. I just don't think you have the guts, I don't think that you're man enough to deal with that type of situation."
    "You know there's no possible way you can win. You know if you put up an online poll saying hey would you rather this guy be the naked servant to his wife or would you rather this guy have his naked wife going around on his arms, you know that more guys are going to say then say hey, we definitely want to see this guy have his hot naked wife on his shoulders. You're never going to find as many women who want to see some guy being the naked servant to his wife like that. Don't you know anything about the sexes?"
    Amber smiled. "So you think that women are basically just asexual and that I can't get as many votes as you? Well if you are really that confident then why aren't you going to accept the bet? If you really think it's that much of a sure thing that you're going to win then isn't this the opportunity of a lifetime to have your ultimate fantasy come true? But again of course if you don't want to put your naked ass on the line because you know in your heart of hearts that there is no possible way you can win, well then I totally understand, and I'm not going to pressure you into doing something when you know that you don't have a chance of winning, far be it."
    Wayne laughed as he shook his wife's hand. "You my dear have a bet. I would say that you should start picking out what you are going to wear except you will be wearing nothing, so it's a pretty easy decision! For once I won't have to wait for you to spend a half-hour getting dressed before we go out, and that will certainly be worth my while."
    Amber smiled. "Well Wayne let the best man or woman win, and don't worry I intend to! I really really think you're going to be sorry about this."
    Wayne shook his head. "Poor naïve Amber, you really think that you're going to get more women who want to see me naked in public than guys that want to see you naked in public. Guys are just much more motivated by nudity. This is going to be the easiest bet that I have ever won. And when I do win I'm going to film the entire thing so that we can treasure the memory forever."
    Amber smiled. "Well I didn't even think about filming it for posterity, that would be funny to watch with my girlfriends again and again and again over and over so that we could savor the moment for the rest of our lives."
    Wayne shook his head. "I really hate to see you get your hopes up like this because I feel bad about how crushed you are going to be when you lose. I don't think that you truly understand the motivation of a lot of horny men wanting to see a woman naked in public."
    Amber posted that poll and set an automatic time for the polls to close.
    "You know what, just so we won't be stressing about this all week let's agree that we are not going to look at the poll until the poll is already over," Amber said. "We can send links to the poll to people but I don't think that we should check it until the week is over, we should just try not to think about it and treat it like it's not even there."
    Wayne shrugged his shoulders. "I suppose that is okay."
    "Promise me you won't cheat."
    "Scouts honor," Wayne said as they shook hands. "This will make it more exciting at the end of the week when you see how much I have walloped you."

    For the rest of the week Wayne sat around struggling to keep his promise not to look at the poll. He knew that his wife would be mad if he looked at the poll, but he was also extremely confident that he was going to win. He posted a link to the poll on some of his favorite porno websites and then figured it was pretty much a done deal.
    Finally at the end of the week it was time to check the poll.
    "I can't believe how excited I am," Wayne said as he set up a video camera at the other end of the room.
    "What exactly are you doing?" Amber asked.
    "The look on your face when you realize that you're going to have to be naked in public tomorrow, that is so priceless, that is almost even better than what is going to happen tomorrow, well okay maybe not, but it is still gonna be pretty damn priceless in and of itself."
    Amber shook her head. "Whatever you say Wayne. Are you ready?"
    "Just a second," he said as he adjusted the camera so that it was looking directly at Amber's face as he gave a big thumbs-up. "Okay I'm ready!"
    Amber clicked so that they could look at the poll as Wayne had a big smile on his face that suddenly started drooping down as Amber started beaming.
    "Well how about that, now if that's not a photo finish," Amber said as she looked at the poll. "It looks like my 11,475 votes beats your 10,787 votes."
    "No, that can't be right, there's no way that could possibly be right, I demand a recount, stop the steal!"
    Amber shook her head. "No recounts, the poll closed exactly a minute ago. I'm afraid that you lost, you lost the bet, and now you're going to lose those pants!"
    "But how, how is that even remotely possible? I mean I posted it on like three really big porno sites. Honestly do you even look at porn?"
    "I may have posted it on a site or two or 20. But I mean I didn't stop there."
    "No way, men are of course way more horny than women, there is no way that you could have possibly beat me, it's just not humanly possible that more women on a porn site or even a lot of porn sites would all vote for me to be naked rather than you be naked."
    "But I didn't stop at just porno sites, I sent out some chain letters, I went to a bunch of shopping websites who thought that the idea was just totally beautifully hilarious, because I mean what woman wouldn't love to see her husband in a situation like that? Men maybe horny my dear, but women know how to network, we are very very good at it. This thing went pretty viral pretty quickly."
    "I can't believe this, there is no possible way that this could be happening."
    "Your response right now is teaching me a lot about global politics, but it's also teaching me more about how motivated women can be at getting to the polls when they really want to show up a man full of arrogance and ego like that. Anyway I guess we should get undressed and go to bed, you might as well get in some practice for tomorrow!"
    Wayne was in a state of shock as he reluctantly got undressed and got in bed with his wife.

    "Rise and shine," Amber said the next morning as she pulled the covers off of Wayne as she stood there holding up the video camera.
    "What are you doing?" Wayne asked as he covered himself up.
    "I am live streaming my day and capturing it for posterity," Amber said with a big smile and thumbs-up. "Now do you have anything that you want to say to our many fans out there in the audience go right ahead. I'm going to go get dressed, I guess you can just stay here and look at the camera since you don't have to worry about that, lucky you!"
    Wayne stared at the camera blankly not having the slightest clue what to say. Amber came back sometime later dressed up and decked to the nines in a really attractive long black dress making it look like she was going to a formal event.
    "Well you sure got dressed up for the occasion!" Wayne said.
    "Indeed I did, I figured if you are going to dress down, way down, I might as well accentuate the difference between us," Amber said as she spun around in her dress. "How do I look?"
    "You look really hot, not as hot as you would look naked though."
    "Yes I do look quite exquisite naked don't I, but too bad our viewers at home aren't going to be seeing that, they're going to spend the day seeing you! What's the matter dear, are you actually blushing?"
    "Do we really have to be live streaming this?"
    "Oh indeed we do, I'm glad that you suggested the idea, I probably would have never thought of that, I guess the female brain really isn't as visually oriented as the male brain, but maybe I will prove that wrong today! But hey if you going to be naked in public you can't really get upset if people just happen to be filming you. But anyway we had better get going because the big sale is going to be starting soon and I want to be there when it starts."
    Wayne gritted his teeth. He knew this was going to be the longest day of his life.

    Wayne got into the car and she and Amber went around to pick up all of her girlfriends who immediately burst out laughing as they saw Wayne up in the front seat completely naked. The entire drive there he could barely concentrate because of the nonstop giggling of Amber's three friends Tiffany, Sheila and Carly, who were similarly dressed like they were going to a movie premiere, which he guessed that they kind of were and that he was the unwitting star of the show.
    When they got to the shopping center and Wayne got out of the car a whole bunch of people started looking at him.
    "Hi everybody this is my husband Wayne, and he is being a really good sport over losing our bet and has agreed to be my naked shopping assistant for the day," Amber said. "Don't pay him any mind, just treat it as sort of an ordinary day just like you would treat any day where you see a woman's husband walking naked behind her carrying her bags as she goes on a shopping spree!"
    Wayne felt awkward being at the shopping mall, not just because he was naked, but because it was a very female centric environment. The thing that made it worse was that the sale in particular was at all the clothing stores.
    "How do I look in this," Amber said as she came out in a sparkly green dress as she twirled around.
    "You look absolutely lovely dear," Wayne said as he noticed all the women in the store were gathered around and staring at him as he slumped down in his seat.
    Amber smiled. "Are you sure, are you sure it's not too revealing? You wouldn't want me to be showing too much skin now would you?"
    "No, I can think of things that are more revealing than that," Wayne said choking on his words.
    "I know look at that skimpy little thing you are wearing you little slut!" Amber said as all of the women laughed and clapped.
    "Do you think maybe we can get going soon," Wayne said.
    Amber shook her head. "Oh but the day has just begun, why are you in such a rush to get home? I told you we would be out all day, I feel like maybe I should have worn something warmer, oh well too late for that I guess!"
    So for the next several hours they went from store to store as Amber and her friends tried on every piece of clothing that they could get their hands on and modeled them for the entire store, except nobody in the store was really looking at them, all the attention was squarely on him.
    "You know you really are an attention whore," Amber said shaking her head. "It seems like everybody is just focusing on you today, you just have to wear that revealing birthday suit of yours and go flaunting it for the entire world to see, such a clit tease. I have to say though it really looks truly excellent on you, and it's such a bright shade of red!"
    Wayne hated the fact that he was a big time blusher and the fact that his wife was now humiliating him in public was probably turning him as red as a tomato.
    As the day went on Wayne found himself carrying more and more bags, which he felt a little bit relieved about because at least he could hold the bags in front of him.
    "You know Wayne you have been a really great shopping assistant and everything, but I realize that we have given you too many bags to carry," Amber said. "You really shouldn't have to carry all of our bags around all day like that, you must be getting tired."
    "You know it's actually not that much of a problem," Wayne said as he held the bags in front of himself.
    "I don't know, do you think maybe you can carry these bags girls?" Amber asked. "I just feel that since you have been such a good sport about being my naked little shopping assistant that we should give you a break."
    "No I really don't mind," Wayne said.
    "No, I'll carry my own bags," Tiffany said as she took her bag away from Wayne. "We can carry all of this, can't we girls?"
    "Yeah we shouldn't make him carry this in front of him all day," Carly said as she snatched her bag away from Wayne, the one that he was holding right in front of his junk.
    "Yoink," Sheila said as she took her bag leaving Wayne now completely naked and uncovered as all of the women in the store started pointing at him and snickering with some bursting out into hysterics.
    "And now as the day ends I want everyone to give a big round of applause to my husband for being such a good sport as I feel this is a day he will probably never forget, and a day that I feel has probably been a learning experience for him and perhaps all men who are foolish enough to make a bet with their wives that they think that they can't possibly lose," Amber said. "You have anything to say Wayne?"
    As Wayne stood there staring at the camera he simply shook his head.
    "Well I guess we had best be getting home," Amber said as she filmed Wayne walking into the car and getting back in the front seat.
    Very little was said on the car ride home as Wayne just sort of sat there staring off into the distance as though in a state of shock, the only sound the occasional snickering of the three cackling ladies in the back seat.
    Once they had dropped off Amber's three friends they both walked in the door and put down their shopping bags and walked into the bedroom.
    "So Wayne, how was your day?" Amber said holding up the video camera.
    "No complaints," he said still looking like he was in a state of trance.
    "Well then that concludes our broadcast today, and now I think that we are going to do something that's a little bit nasty, but I'm afraid that you will just have to use your imagination for that," Amber said as she ended the live streaming.
    As Amber stood there still wearing her sexy little black dress, and Wayne stood there completely naked, the two of them slowly walked towards each other before Amber dove on top of Wayne, knocking him onto the bed and they started going at it like animals.
    As the two of them lay in bed afterwards, both with big smiles on their faces, Amber turned to Wayne and kissed him on the cheek. "What are you thinking about? Do you think it was all worth it?"
    "Wow, what a woman," Wayne said thing about how they just had the most intense sexual experience of their life. "Now I remember why I married you!"
    Amber got out of bed as Wayne watched her naked ass going up and down hypnotically. It was weird to see her once again completely naked and feeling that they were now an equal ground. Except now after what they had been through he felt that she would always be the one wearing the pants, or the panties, in the family as the case may be. After what had gone on that day he knew that she would always be the queen of the Castle and that he had been deposed from his position of dominance, but he found that he didn't have a problem with that.
    "Oh and don't worry you don't have to pay for all of the stuff I bought today, even though that was part of our bet," Amber said.
    "Why not?" Wayne asked.
    "All the revenue I raised on the go fund me page when I told everybody that I would be live streaming you as my naked assistant for the day, let's just say that I think our financial troubles are over. I hope that you don't find it emasculating or embarrassing the fact that the whole thing that I put you through today probably brought in more money than your job brings in an entire year."
    As Wayne sat in bed looking at his hot wife, contemplating the best sex of their lives that they just had and contemplating the fact that they just made a whole butt ton of money he simply shook his head once again. "Wow, what a woman!"
    "But I do feel bad about how I exploited you like that, so do you think maybe you would like to make another wager?"
    The two of them simply smiled at each other, nodded and kissed one another. They had the feeling that there would be a lot more bets placed in the future.



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