His Weekly Nude Apology at the Women's Center

 Hi again. This story was inspired by a question on the Naked Experiment message board (https://community.nakedexperiment.com/forums/topic/would-you-rather-caught-naked-edition/#post-6716) “Would you rather never be aloud to were clothes for the rest of your life, or be forced to make a public appearance in the nude every week for five years?” My response was I guess the later because never being allowed to wear clothing would be extremely embarrassing, and at least the nude public appearance would just be weekly, even if it were for a long time.

I have to admit that after answering that question it really stuck in my head. It didn't really seem like a logical scenario, but then most of the scenarios or a lot of the scenarios in my stories aren't realistic either. But I thought it would be a really good idea to make a story based on that. Initially I thought it was just going to be a really short to the point story but then I got really carried away and in just two hours I had written over 6400 words, so this makes it one of my longer embarrassing nudity stories, but I just kept thinking of all these great ideas to go with it and it just kept getting longer and crazier. Luckily I never suffer from writers block and the story pretty much just flowed out of me as soon as I started. I hope that you enjoy this really detailed and perhaps unrealistic CFNM story. Some suspension of disbelief required!

His Weekly Nude Apology at the Women's Center
"William Butler you have been found guilty of taking nude pictures at the women's locker room at the women's center and uploading those pictures to the Internet," Judge Ellie said as she shook her head in disapproval as several women in the audience did likewise. "But I believe in creative sentencing, so in addition to having to be put on probation and paying a fine, I am also going to exercise my authority as a judge to sentence you to an apology tour."
    "An apology tour Your Honor?" William asked.
    Judge Ellie nodded. "Yes, for the next five years, for one hour every week you will be forced to go down to the women's center and read your apology to all of the women that are there and then stay on stage for another hour as a form of public shaming."
    "Well I suppose it could be worse," William said to his lawyer.
    "I'm not finished," judge Ellie said with an evil and menacing smirk. "But while you are on stage after you give your apology you will be standing on stage completely naked for anyone who wants to come and watch."
    "What?!" William said as he stood up in court as he heard several women giggling and pointing at him.
    "Simply standing on stage wasn't a form of public shaming in my view. The way I see it for you to be publicly shamed you have to be in a similar state to the women that you were spying on. You shamed those women by forcing them to be viewed by the world naked against their will, so now as per my authority the same will be done to you. Once a week for the next five years you will spend one hour completely naked on stage, where you will read an apology to all the women in the audience and then stay on display for another hour completely buck naked."
    "This is entirely unorthodox!"
    Judge Ellie nodded. "Maybe so, but under the new creative sentencing powers that I have been bestowed with it is perfectly legal. If you fail to appear naked each week, barring some type of unforeseen emergency circumstance such as a hospitalization or something along those lines, you will be immediately arrested and spend the rest of those five years in prison."
    "This is outrageous! You can't force me to appear naked on stage in front of a bunch of gawking women."
    "What's the matter Mr. Butler, does the idea of being publicly exposed without your consent bother you? If so maybe the learning process has already begun. Court is dismissed!"
    William turned to his lawyer Craig Aldrich. "Can she actually do this?"
    Craig nodded. "I'm afraid so, it was new and controversial but it passed in this state by a slim majority. So now creative sentencing is a judge's prerogative. It is felt that the best way to rehabilitate criminals is to teach them a lesson by putting them through what they have put others through if possible."
    "This is outrageous, this is the work of feminist liberal extremists. There has to be some way we can find some way to fight against this. I thought you said you would get me off."
    "Well hey you can't win them all, it looks like you will be getting a lot of people off, lots of women anyway who will enjoy seeing you completely naked." Craig began laughing and snickering.
    "That's it you're fired as my lawyer!"
    "I should've seen that coming, that's what she said!" Craig said as he laughed and started walking away.
    William shook his head. "I don't know why I ever picked that guy as my lawyer."
    "I look forward to seeing you at the women's center," one of the women in the court said as she winked at him, grabbed her stomach and began laughing as she walked towards the door.
    "Well shit," William said as he slumped back down in his chair and put his chin in the palms of his hand.

    "Hey William do you want to go out this weekend, I've got tickets to the big game?" William's friend Horace asked as he opened a beer.
    "Dammit, I have to do my court thing," William said.
    "What court thing?"
    "Oh I got one of those crazy liberal feminist judges who wants to creatively sentence people and now I have to give an apology every week at some type of women's center where I was caught videotaping the women in the locker rooms in the showers."
    Horace shook his head. "What is this country coming to? Oh well too bad, you're going to be missing a great game."
    Once Horace left Williams slumped down in his chair. He then began thinking to himself how he was going to manage to do this. He had never been naked in public before, and the thought of appearing naked on stage in front of a group of anyone, let alone a bunch of women who get to keep their clothing on, was terrifying to him.
    "Stupid bitch judge!" William said as he went to the mirror and looked at himself naked. He wasn't that bad looking he thought, but the thought of being naked in public was humiliating. He figured that was probably the judge's entire point, she wanted to publicly humiliate him the way he had supposedly humiliated those women. He didn't think it was quite fair though, sure maybe what he did was wrong, but he thought it was just harmless fun. Besides he just uploaded a couple of pictures to the Internet, it's not like those women were having to appear naked on a catwalk for his amusement. But he figured that there was no way out of it and if he didn't appear he would go to prison, and he certainly didn't want that.

    That weekend William arrived at the women's center. As he parked his car in the parking lot and looked at the women's center he could see that it seemed like the parking lot was quite full, and he started pounding his head against his steering wheel. "Fuck fuck fuck!" he said before slowly getting out of his car and walking towards the entrance.
    "I'm here for my court ordered apology," he said as the woman at the entrance smirked at him and pointed him down the hall.
    As he walked into the room he could see that it was filled with perhaps dozens, if not hundreds of women, who all looked in his direction as pretty much the only man in the room. Several of them began smiling and pointing and laughing, they must know exactly why he was there.
    "Up on the stage," the police officer said as she pointed to the stage. All of the women's eyes seemed to be following him as he took to the stage and looked over the audience. "Well are you going to apologize?"
    William nodded and reached for the microphone but the police officer shook her head. "What is it?"
    "I believe that you have to get undressed first," the police officer said as she smirked. "Your hour-long apology doesn't begin until you have removed every article of clothing from your body. Failure to do so will result in your immediate arrest."
    William practically bit his tongue off, he was furious. Reluctantly he slowly started undressing as all of the women started cheering and clapping. He immediately began crouching behind the podium as he began blushing profusely.
    The police officer waved her baton motioning for him to come out from behind the podium. He covered his junk with his hands but the police officer motioned for him to remove his hands as he stood there and suddenly became erect causing all of the women to point and laugh.
    "You can begin any time," the police officer said as she sat in a chair with a big smile on her face.
    "I sincerely apologize to all of you," William said as he began shaking and felt like he was going to faint.
    "What are you sorry for?!" one of the women in the audience shouted.
    "I am sorry that I spied on you in the locker rooms and the showers, it was wrong of me to violate your privacy like that and I sincerely hope that you forgive me," William said as several women nodded and a couple made some feeble attempts at clapping, but not many. One woman he could hear whistling in the background causing several other women to laugh and clap.
    "Okay your hour begins now," the police officer said as she pressed something on her watch, a timer presumably.
    "What do I do now?" William asked as he shifted around awkwardly and uncomfortably on the stage.
    The police officer shook her head. "You just stand up there on public display so that everybody can see your humiliation."
    "Can I at least sit down?" William asked as he stood there rubbing his arms because he was feeling cold.
    The police officer shook her head. "I'm afraid not, it is required that you remain standing and on display from every angle for any woman who wants to see. At no time may you conceal your body with your hands or by standing behind the podium or in any way you might think of concealing your nudity."
    "I can't believe this, this is outrageous, this is completely and utterly humiliating!" William shouted.
    "That's the point!" a woman shouted back as everyone began clapping with thunderous applause.
    He heard the clicking of camera phones go off.
    "Hey they aren't allowed to take pictures are they?" William shouted.
    "Why, you don't like people taking pictures of you naked without your permission, I hope that you appreciate the irony and the poetic justice then, that is kind of the point," the police woman said as the women continued cheering and snapping pictures.
    William stood there and stayed mostly still trying to pretend that he was somewhere else, but the constant laughing of the women and the constant sound of camera phones going off were making him just want to crawl into a hole and die, cause at least dead in a hole he'd be covered up. Finally his hour was up and he was able to get dressed and get off of the stage.
    He couldn't wait to get out of there and immediately went into the parking lot where he started pounding his head against his steering wheel again causing his horn to go off. "Fuck fuck fuck!" he shouted.
    It was by far the most humiliating night of his life and he couldn't believe that he had five years of this ahead of him. With 52 weeks in a year that meant that was about 160 appearances, 160 hours of naked community service. How many women would end up seeing him in that span of time? And the fact that it was being advertised made it even worse, meaning that more women would come to see him humiliated as word got around.

    Once he got home he decided to call a different lawyer to see if maybe he could get some type of an appeal, but according to the law there was no possibility of appeal. They thought maybe with good behavior he could have his sentence reduced, but it looked like he was in it for the long haul, so he had better get used to it.
    Not wanting to be humiliated by his appearance he decided that he would start going to the gym. While he was at the gym however he couldn't help but notice that a woman was staring at him. He could swear that he knew her from somewhere before, and that was when he noticed it, that was one of the women that he saw at the women's center, one of the women who seemed to be very vocal about enjoying his situation.
    Normally he wasn't one for confrontation, but as she continued looking over at him and smirking and laughing occasionally he could take it no longer, so he decided to confront her.
    "What are you laughing at?" William said as he went over to her. "What, are you stalking me or something?"
    She laughed.
    "What's so funny?" William demanded.
    "It's a free country, I can come to the gym if I want," she said as she folded her arms defiantly and looked at him with an intimidating stare that made him start feeling self-conscious and probably blushing as well. Normally he wouldn't feel so intimidated by a woman, but the fact that she knew what he looked like naked was making him feel intimidated in a way that he had never been intimidated before.
    "I thought it was a free country, but apparently freedom doesn't include privacy," William said. "I recognize you from the women's center."
    "Ironic that you are complaining about a lack of privacy after what you had done."
    "But this is completely outrageous, I have to appear naked in public as punishment for spying on people in the locker room? That has to be the most ridiculous law that I have ever heard."
    She smiled. "How many times do you have to appear at the women's center?"
    "Never you mind."
    "Well however many times you have to appear I intend to not miss a show," she said as she snorted and began giggling.
    "What did I ever do to you?!"
    "Really, are you really asking that? You don't even recognize me do you. Maybe it's because I am wearing clothing. Tammy, Tammy Titty Queen as you used to call me in high school."
    William couldn't believe it, it was Tammy, the girl with the biggest breasts in high school that he used he always tease every day because she refused to go out with him, and on a couple of occasions he groped her, and he also looked at her in the girls locker room. He was always a bit of a voyeur even back then.
    "Titty Queen Tammy!" William said as his jaw dropped.
    Tammy nodded as she put her hands behind her head and that really caused her breasts to stand out for some reason. "And I remember everything that you did to me in high school. And believe me you aren't going to be seeing these titties anytime soon, but I have a feeling that I'm going to be seeing a lot of you, in fact I think that a lot of our high school classmates will be very interested to learn about your predicament."
    "Tammy that was ages ago, you can't still be bitter about that can you? Besides titty Queen was kind of like a compliment, who wouldn't want to be known for having big tits?"
    "I don't know, you could ask the same thing about what guy wouldn't want to be known for being publicly humiliated naked, it's all a rich tapestry. At any rate though I have a lot of friends on social media, and I have stayed in touch with a lot of people from high school, a real lot, and I'm thinking a lot of people will fly in just to see this, William Butler naked in public, it's the perfect poetic justice. I really love this new creative sentencing. Judge Ellie is actually a personal friend of mine and she told me about you. I bet you don't remember her either, that nerdy little girl that you always called tiny titty Ellie?"
    "No, it couldn't be!"
    Tammy nodded and smiled. "Oh but it is. Let this be a lesson to you William, never let it be said that the way you treat people doesn't come back to bite you in the ass. You have always been a leering pervert and voyeur, and now you are really getting your comeuppance big time. You just got to see me a couple of times in the shower in high school, now I'm going to get to see you every single week for who knows how long? I intend to make the most of it, and I know that there are lots of other women who will make the most of it as well."
    "Did I happen to say that I was sorry?"
    Tammy shook her head. "If you're being forced to say you're sorry by the courts I don't take that as counting as a real apology. But believe me you're going to be sorry, I'm going to make sure you're sorry, I'm going to make sure that you are sorry to every single woman in our high school."
    "Tammy please, be reasonable!"
    "I'm just a big breasted bimbo as you used to say in high school, you really expect me to be able to be capable of reason? Actually I am quite capable of reason, you probably didn't notice it about me but I graduated with the highest grades in the entire class, but to you I was always just a pair of tits. But I think now you're going to see how I can use my brains to make your life a living hell!"
    "Don't you dare!"
    "Or you will what?" She once again was standing there tapping her foot with her arms folded in that really defiant way with an evil smirk on her face. "Anyway William I don't want to disturb you as I think you probably want to work out to get that body in shape so that we can all look forward to seeing it at the women's center this weekend. Don't worry I will be there in the front row seat!"
    As Tammy walked off laughing William gritted his teeth because he knew that he had just made himself a powerful enemy, and as a person who graduated in the bottom of his class he knew that she was an enemy that was, as much as he was loath to admit it, a lot smarter than he was.

    The next week when William arrived at the women's center he saw Tammy waiting there with a group of her friends as she waved to him.
    "Hi William, you remember these girls don't you?" Tammy said as she pointed to her friends. "Felicity, Tamara, Georgina, Christina and Angelina."
    All of them waved at William and smiled.
    "Well what are you waiting for, I think that everybody is waiting for your big apology," Tammy said as William grinded his teeth and slowly got up on the stage as the police officer motioned for him to get undressed.
    "I would like to sincerely apologize to all of the women that I looked at and I have to admit that I have been a sexist pig and I think I have really learned my lesson," William said as the audience remained quiet.
    "Shake that ass!" Tammy said as all of the women began whistling and clapping.
    "This is supposed to be an apology tour, not a strip show!" William said practically ready to storm off of stage but realizing that he couldn't.
    Tammy and the other women that he knew from high school all sat in the front of the stage and they didn't take their eyes off of him for a moment. They kept waving as they sat there drinking and putting their feet up on the seats in front of them. They looked so casual and so comfortable, whereas William couldn't imagine himself feeling more uncomfortable. It was one thing when he had to appear naked at the women's center, but now that women that he actually knew were seeing him naked it was even more excruciating.
    "See you next week William!" Tammy said as he got undressed and stormed out of the women's center as she and the other women pointed at him and laughed in hysterics.
    Williams slumped down in his car seat and once again pounded his head against the steering wheel causing his horn to beep. He looked at himself in the mirror and shook his head. "You can do this William, don't let a bunch of dumb women like that intimidate you. They are just dumb bitches with big titties."
    He knew however that that wasn't true. He knew that they were all smarter than him and he hated them for it. There was no way out of his situation and he knew that Tammy would just find another way to humiliate him again and again.
    As soon as he got home he got on the Internet and started looking up Tammy on social media. Much to his horror she was advertising William's situation at the women's center and sending out invitations on an epic scale. He knew that this wasn't going to end well for him.

    Somehow William found some way to endure having to go to his weekly appearances at the women's center. He just tried to picture himself somewhere else, even as Tammy brought more and more classmates from high school as well as more people from around the town. She was really making it very obvious that he was being punished, and now he was being punished additionally by the fact that his punishment was being advertised on a large scale. He was just hoping that nobody he saw in the community and that he had to interact with on a regular basis knew about it.
    But William found himself increasingly awkward when he was out in public. Sometimes he would be at the supermarket and the cashier would sort of be looking at him and he would be wondering, was she one of the women that Tammy invited to the women's center?
    "William Butler, is that you," a woman said as he turned around in the grocery store.
    "I'm sorry have we met before?" William asked as he tried not to stare at her chest, which was rather ample.
    The woman smiled and shook her head. "You probably don't remember me but in high school I had the biggest crush on you. I'm Samantha."
    He vaguely remembered Samantha, in fact he had once referred to her as science nerd Samantha. He never thought that she was all that attractive back then, but back in high school she didn't have the enormous tits that she had right now. She had really filled out quite a lot since high school, maybe even had a boob job or something like that. All he knew was that she was definitely well endowed, and if he wasn't interested in her in high school that had certainly changed.
    "Oh right Samantha, I think I remember now, how nice to see you again," William said as he shook her hand. "You were into science and everything weren't you?"
    "Yeah I guess we ran in sort of different circles, I'm a plastic surgeon now."
    William wanted to ask if she was a boob doctor but he thought he should be more tactful.
    "What type of a plastic surgeon?" he eventually asked.
    "You know just general plastic surgery, all sorts of different things, you'd be surprised at the things that people come in to have done."
    "I'll bet."
    "So what are you up to these days?"
    "Oh this and that," William said not wanting to admit that he was currently between jobs, even though he had an unpaid job as a personal stripper at the women's center.
    "Well hey if you ever wanted to get together sometime I think that it would be great."
    William smiled. "Sure, I would love to get together." He would love to get together and rip her clothing off and make mad passionate love to her, but he wasn't about to say that right there to her in the supermarket and blow his chances.
    "Great, how about this weekend?"
    "That sounds great!" he said before he remembered his court-appointed apology tour. "Actually this weekend isn't good for me. Why don't we go out sometime during the week?"
    "Sure, why don't you call me and let me know when is good for you," Samantha said as she wrote her number down and gave it to him before smiling and waving to him.
    He was elated, there was absolutely nothing that could bring him down right now.
    "Wow science nerd Samantha, she's really filled out since high school hasn't she?" Tammy said as she walked over.
    "Tammy, what are you doing here?!" William said. "You're not stalking me again are you?"
    Tammy laughed. "It's a supermarket, take a guess what I am doing here. But it's amazing the things you will overhear when you are in a supermarket. I bet Samantha would be really interested to know about all the work you are doing at the women's center these days."
    "You wouldn't!"
    "Why wouldn't I?"
    "Please Tammy, maybe we could make a deal?"
    Tammy stroked her chin. "Well given that you're an unemployed loser what exactly can you offer me?"
    "My total and utter abject apology? Appeal to your better nature perhaps?"
    Tammy smiled. "Well there is one thing that you can do for me."
    "I'm afraid to ask what exactly it is?"
    "Well you know a lot of my girlfriends and I always did want our own private stripper and –"
    "I can't believe it, you want me to be your own personal stripper?!"
    Tammy shrugged her shoulders. "Well you could get naked for me and my friends in private, or I could always send Samantha an invitation to the women's center this weekend, and you can get naked for her and a couple of hundred other women. But it's up to you."
    "This is blackmail!"
    "I know, it's lovely isn't it? Here I will give you my address and this weekend after your official duties at the women's center we will get a private show back at my house."
    "You mean this weekend?"
    "Well this weekend, and the weekend after that and the weekend after, how long did you plan to be maybe dating Samantha that is?"
    "You monster, you bitch!"
    Tammy shook her head. "I'm not the bitch, karma is the bitch, and she's going to give you a good spanking! So I look forward to seeing you this weekend, all of you!"
    Tammy wrote down her address as she walked away laughing hysterically. William couldn't believe how she had him over a barrel like that, but there was nothing he could do. He didn't want to be humiliated publicly in front of Samantha, so he would have to give into Tammy's wishes. He figured if he was already being naked in public anyway how much worse could it possibly be to be a private stripper for Tammy and a couple of her friends?

    "Get over here bitch I need another drink," Tammy said as William walked over naked to pour her a glass of champagne as all of her friends, all 18 of them, were enjoying this new bachelorette party of the week that she was subjecting him to.
    "I'm doing this for Samantha I'm doing this for Samantha," William muttered to himself as he walked off as all of the women clapped and whistled.
    "Oh William I am not done with you," Tammy said as she motioned for him to come over. "I want to put my feet up, so I was hoping that maybe you could be my naked ottoman until I need you to get more drinks."
    William had never felt more degraded as he bent over naked and Tammy put her feet up on his naked back. One of Tammy's friends was really annoying and kept coming up and putting her long finger between his buttcheeks and running down his ass crack causing him to jump up.
    The woman all took turns posing for naked photos with William as he continuously got them drinks, and between getting them drinks gave them lap dances, was used as naked pieces of furniture, and eventually all of the women started playing cards on his naked back and ass.
    Finally the night was over. "Later William, look forward to seeing you again next week, seeing all of you!" Tammy shouted.
    As William drove home that night he cursed the fact that Tammy was one of the most popular girls in school, not just because she had big tits, but because she had a very wide social network. But as long as she kept Samantha out of that social network he was willing to endure additional humiliation at the hands of Tammy and her girlfriends.
    Soon it became a regular routine, he would give his naked apology at the women's center, then he would be a personal stripper for Tammy and her friends, and during the week he was free to date Samantha, who he was finding that he was suddenly liking for more than just superficial reasons. He didn't even mind that Samantha wanted to take it slow and didn't want to rush into a sexual relationship.

    "How come you never really want to go out on Saturday," Samantha asked as they were having dinner one Friday night.
    "I just have some stuff that I kind of have to do, sort of like a community service type of thing," William said shaking his head. "I mean it sucks and everything but what are you going to do?"
    "Why'd you have to do community service?"
    "I just had a lot of really bad unpaid parking tickets and minor misdemeanors and stuff."
    "You're not majorly in trouble with the law are you?"
    William shook his head. "Samantha I really like you and I don't want to lie to you, I don't have the nicest past, but I really like you. But I assure you that whatever I did it was a minor thing and I would just rather not talk about it." He didn't want Samantha to know that he was a pervert who was spying on women in a locker room shower, as he knew that that would probably destroy his chances with her.
    "So like what kind of stuff do you have to do for community service, like picking up garbage on the road and stuff like that?"
    "Yeah, something like that." William didn't really want to talk about this and that was when he noticed that a woman at the table across from him was pointing over at him and laughing. He thought he recognized her as one of the women from the women's center. That was when he got really nervous because he didn't want her to go over to them. "Hey maybe we can go back to my place now."
    "Aren't we going to have dessert?" Samantha asked. William didn't want to admit he was feeling really uncomfortable because a woman who had in all probability seen him naked was looking at him from across the room and probably picturing him in the buff.
    "We can get the desert to go, I would just like to spend some time back at my place, you know just the two of us, away from the prying eyes of the public," William said.
    "That sounds sweet, okay we will just get the bill and go back to your place," Samantha said as they paid their bill and got out of there. William could see that the woman at the other table was pointing at him and laughing and it looked like she was whistling with her fingers, but luckily they got out of there before Samantha noticed anything and had a nice evening together back at his house.
    "I like you a lot William but I just don't want to rush into things," Samantha said as he tried to make a move on her. Samantha was driving him crazy with this take it slow thing, but he liked her enough that he was willing to wait for it, which hadn't been true of any type of woman that he had been with before. Generally speaking if they didn't put out after a couple of dates he would give up and get frustrated, but he was finding that he really liked Samantha, he liked her a lot.

    That next weekend when he had to go to his weekly apology down at the women's center he saw Tammy in the front row with her friends like always, eagerly awaiting the extra show that they would be getting afterwords. He began his apology like he did every time but then he practically froze in his tracks as he saw walking into the room was Samantha with a look of shock on her face.
    Samantha walked over to him with her jaw practically dropping. "William, what on earth are you doing here?"
    "Tammy, you didn't?!" William said. "How could you tell her, wellthis is the end of our agreement then!"
    "Agreement, what agreement, Tammy didn't bring me here?" Samantha asked as she turned to Tammy who just started laughing at William.
    "Samantha I have a lot that I have to tell you and I don't want to go and lie to you, I like you and I care about you too much," William said. "Do you think maybe we can talk?"
    Samantha got up on the stage and started tapping her foot impatiently with her arms crossed making him feel incredibly intimidated, doubly so because she was doing so in front of an audience of hundreds of women, including Tammy and her friends.
    William took a deep breath and then over the next several minutes started explaining to Samantha in great detail everything that had happened to lead up to that moment. She stood there shaking her head, occasionally stopping to giggle and finally William had finished explaining everything and apologizing again and again to her profusely, frequently going over how much he really cared about her, as all the women in the audience gathered around the stage watching and listening to him as he made his naked confession to Samantha.
    "So that's the story, crazy isn't it?" William said.
    "You know William that is one of the craziest stories I have ever heard and I wouldn't believe it if I didn't hear it right now in front of this audience of hundreds of women as you made this naked confession to me," Samantha said.
    "I'm sorry Samantha, I really am from the bottom of my heart, I wanted to tell you but I guess I was just too embarrassed, can you forgive me?"
    Samantha stood there for what seemed like an eternity but which was probably only a few seconds before nodding and kissing him. "Yes, because you are honest I forgive you."
    All of the women began clapping and cheering.
    "That's the first time I think that you were honestly sorry, that was an apology!" one of the women shouted as everyone started clapping again.
    So for the rest of his hour up there Samantha stood up there with him on stage and they talked about all sorts of things, and strangely enough he wasn't even bothered by the fact that he was standing naked in front of an entire audience of women. For the first time he was actually connecting with a woman that he deeply cared about and he didn't even feel humiliated.
    Finally when he was able to get down and get dressed Samantha frowned.
    "What's the matter?" William asked. "I thought you forgave me."
    Samantha smiled. "Well it's not that, I'm just kind of disappointed that you got to put your clothing back on!"
    William began blushing again.
    "Why don't we go back to my place," Samantha said as she licked her lips.
    "You know I think I would really like that," William said as they drove home quickly to Samantha's house, each in separate cars since they came in separate cars, and soon they walked in the door together barely able to contain themselves.
    "Quick get undressed," Samantha said as she began undressing William and throwing his clothes to the side.
    "Would you like me to undress you now?" William asked.
    "Actually William I don't think I'm quite ready to get naked in front of you yet."
    "What do you mean?"
    "Well I was getting all really hot and bothered seeing you naked at the women's center in public like that, seeing you so shy and vulnerable and humiliated, well I don't know but it was the hottest thing ever! And something about me up their hearing you apologize and watching you squirm around naked while I got to keep my clothing on, it was just the greatest experience of my life. I have never had a guy completely and utterly naked and submissive for me like that in a public situation like that, the power rush, it was extraordinary!"
    "So what exactly does this mean?" William said as he stood there now completely naked in front of the fully dressed Samantha, trying hard but being unable to stop staring at her cleavage and picturing what she looked like naked.
    "Well I don't think I'm ready to get naked in front of you just yet, but I like this current arrangement, I like it a real real lot. So do you think maybe you could wait a little bit longer and maybe just have you get naked for me for a while?"
    At that moment William wanted to tear every stitch of clothing off of her body and go to town on her, which is why the thing he said next shocked him more than he ever thought possible as he nodded. "You know what, I think that I can wait for it, you're worth waiting for Samantha!"
    "Great!" she said as she hugged and kissed him, the fabric of her clothing rubbing up against his naked body and tickling his flesh. Then she stared at him standing there naked in front of him with a big smile on her face. "So how many more times do you have to appear at the women's center?"
    "Every weekend for one hour for the next five years."
    "Wow, that's a major sentence! I love it, I'm going to love every minute of it, and I'm going to be with you there the entire way. It's going to be a very interesting five years!"
    And as Samantha hugged him and he felt her clothing rustling against his naked body once again he thought that she was right, it was going to be a very interesting five years indeed.



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