An Accidental Glance of a Naked Man

I was inspired to write this one by a thread that came up on the CFNM Village Board where a guy was asking a question about how he could "accidentally" set up situations where he could be seen naked by dressed women, and as many people in the thread pointed out that's just sort of like a creepy thing, it is also not an accident if you plan it. So I conceived of this idea of a story of a guy who plans to be seen "accidentally" naked by his girlfriend only for it to blow up in his face, leading to a really humiliating CFNM situation involving multiple women. Enjoy!

 An Accidental Glance of a Naked Man
"I am telling you it's the perfect plan," Manwell said. "You see since I am staying with her for the entire weekend I will take a shower at her house while she's gone, and then I will walk out of the shower like I can't seem to find my clothing or something like that, then she will just happen to walk in on me and catch me naked and she will be overcome with passion and want to make mad passionate love to me. It's the perfect plan and I don't think anything could possibly go wrong."
    "This is the kind of idiotic plan where somebody says it can't possibly go wrong right before it goes horribly horribly wrong," said his friend Carlo.
    Manwell shook his head. "You're just being totally cynical, she is going to get an accidental glance of my hot naked self and is going to drive her crazy and it's going to make it the most memorable night of my life as well as hers."
    "You know when it's an accident that implies that it wasn't thought out and planned out in extensive detail before hand. In fact I think doing this wouldn't be considered to be an accident, in fact a lot of people would probably find it really creepy to expose your naked self on an unsuspecting woman. I really think you're going to end up embarrassing yourself if you go through with this idiotic plan of yours."
    "Ye of little faith, you'll see this is going to go completely perfect, and I don't see how anything could possibly go wrong."
    "Well have fun, I look forward to hearing how it goes horribly wrong the next time I see you."

    Manwell knew that Maria would be home really shortly, so he knew that was when he would have to come out of the shower and just happen to accidentally run into her. He quickly started drying off in the shower and threw his clothing in the other room like he didn't expect her to come home and catch him naked walking around the house.
    As Manwell was standing naked in the bathroom he knew that it was almost time to have his little "accident" in front of Maria and then see her being driven wild and mad with passion for his naked body.
    He could hear the door opening and that was when he knew it was time to make his move. He closed his eyes and smiled as he walked out confidently into the living room completely and utterly buck naked.
    "Manwell!" Maria said as suddenly he heard a loud amount of giggling.
    "Maria, I didn't think you're going to be home so soon!" Manwell said as he opened his eyes to see that Maria was standing there with about eight other women, all of whom were standing there with their jaws dropping and one of them holding up a camera phone and snapping a picture.
    "Manwell, why are you naked?" Maria asked as he suddenly found himself feeling very very awkward as he started covering himself up and blushing.
    "I guess I misplaced my clothing and I didn't think that you would be home for a while," Manwell said as he stood there feeling increasingly awkward by the moment as all of Maria's friends stood there smiling. "Who are all these people? I thought that we were just going to have a quiet evening together."
    "I thought that we could have that quiet evening together tomorrow, I totally forgot that I scheduled a meeting of my women's book club at my house this week."
    "Hey Maria this was a great idea for you to promote the fact that we were reading the book Striptease," one of the women said as all of the other women began clapping, whistling and cheering.
    At that moment Manwell just wanted to crawl into a hole and die, because he felt he was about to pass out from embarrassment. Suddenly his plan to be accidentally seen naked by his girlfriend to inflame her passion had blown up in his face.
    "Told you so," he heard Carlo say as an image of Carlo's head floated by.
    "Shut up Carlo!" Manwell said standing there and uncovering his genitals to swat at the invisible head of Carlo as all the women continued staring at him, still giggling and pointing and laughing. When he realized that he was uncovered he quickly covered himself again with his hands.
    Maria then suddenly had a wicked smile. "Hey you guessed it, I told Manwell to come out here completely naked so that we can talk about the place of nudity in society. So I am sure that you will all enjoy having Manwell standing around naked all evening while we discuss our book, won't they Manwell?"
    Manwell gritted his teeth and couldn't help but feel the goosebumps going over his flesh as he could see every single eye in the place on his naked body, and he could see from the stern look on Maria's face that she had him basically in an awkward spot that he couldn't escape from. "Of course," he said as he realized it was going to be a very long evening.

    "So how did your idiotic plan go?" Carlo asked him the next day.
    "Well she definitely saw me naked," Manwell said.
    "And did it inflame her passion?"
    "Absolutely, it was probably the sexiest night of my life! It was certainly the most memorable night of my life anyway, just like I said it would be."
    Carlo raised his eyebrow at him.
    "What, you don't believe me?" Manwell said shaking his head. "Why on earth wouldn't you believe me?"
    "Well you haven't met my new girlfriend yet, but last night she went to a book club and she said that it was the most interesting book club that she ever had attended," Carlo said as he brought up a picture of Manwell  naked with all of the women at the book club looking incredibly uncomfortable like he was about to die of embarrassment. "That was more of you than I ever really wanted to see."
    "What else did your girlfriend say?"
    Carlo smiled. "She said it was never more easy to keep her eyes focused on the book rather than what is uncovered!"


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