Simon's Night at Nude Yoga Class

I guess I am really on a roll with these naked stories. So for the third night this week I had a story that was just sort of inspired by a dream I had, in this case with me just sort of waking up with the idea, as I often do sometimes. This one starts out as a story involving mutual nudity of men and women and eventually turns into a CFNM story halfway through involving an embarrassed naked man, naked in public and only one naked. Enjoy!

Simon's Night at Nude Yoga Class
"Hey Simon," Brenda said as she came over jogging. Simon thought that she looked really great in that skintight bodysuit.
    "Oh hey Brenda, how are you today," Simon said as he waved at her. He had to admit he was always somewhat shy and self-conscious around her because he had such a huge crush on her.
    Brenda smiled. "You know just jogging around and getting my exercise and everything like that. But I always feel self-conscious wearing this skintight jogging outfit."
    "You shouldn't, you look absolutely stunning in it, and you have nothing to be embarrassed about, that's for sure."
    Brenda nodded. "I realize that, and I think that I am having a breakthrough in overcoming my body image issues. It's all because I started taking these yoga classes down at the Y and they're making me feel really good about myself. There is no criticizing the human body and everybody can just sort of work out together and feel really good about their bodies. We don't have to feel self-conscious about being on display or anything like that."
    "Well that sounds really great, it sounds like a really feel-good experience."
    "Yeah, I will probably go home and take a shower, but then I think that I will probably head down to the Y and probably wear this outfit again once I have finished washing it, although it's not as though they have a strict dress code or anything like that. Maybe you should come by or come with me or something like that, you might find that you like it."
    "I don't know, I've never tried yoga before, I don't want to look silly doing it in front of a huge group of people or anything like that."
    "Oh don't worry, it's a really nice and accepting group and everything like that. I mean it's mostly women and everything, but everybody is welcome regardless of gender or sexual orientation or identity."
    Suddenly Simon thought of the implications of this. A whole large group of women wearing those skintight yoga outfits doing all sorts of bending and stretching and everything like that. That was indeed something that he would like to see.
    "You know Brenda maybe I will take you up on your offer. You know what, sign me up for your yoga class."
    "Great, I am sure that you will love it."
    "Hey I can even drive you, would you like me to pick you up later?"
    "That sounds absolutely lovely, I look forward to seeing you then."
    Simon was elated. He wasn't sure if this actually constituted a date or not, but going to yoga with Brenda was definitely something that was making him excited. A good way to see her in that skintight little outfit along with a whole bunch of other women. It was going to be great.

    "I hope that is not going to seem odd or out of place for me to be there since you said it was mostly women," Simon said as they pulled up at the Y.
    Brenda shook her head. "No not at all, in fact we were trying to get men to join but not all of them want to follow the rules and everything like that. It's like as soon as they hear the rules they get discouraged or something like that. But making this whole experience coed I think is a really good idea, as everybody should be able to feel positive about their bodies in an acceptingmixed sex environment."
    "Sounds great, let's go," Simon said as they got out of the car. "I have to admit I don't have a yoga outfit so I hope the fact that I just sort of dressed casually won't be a problem."
    Brenda laughed. "Oh I don't think that you're going to have a problem with that, it's very casual, a very relaxed attitude, as I said. Nobody is concerned with what you are wearing."
    The two of them walked into the Y and soon came across the yoga class as Brenda informed the instructor that they had a new member among them.
    "Well it looks like we have a new member today, our first guy as well," Mrs. Featherstone, the yoga instructor said. "Welcome Simon, I hope that you will enjoy it here and that you will follow all of the rules. We don't have many rules here. All we ask is that everybody be respectful and not make any negative comments about each other's bodies and just relax and have fun."
    "You know that sounds pretty good, I don't think I will have a problem with that," Simon said.
    "Excellent, now let's get started everybody," Mrs. Featherstone said. "Everybody get undressed and put your clothing in your lockers and we can begin."
    Simon raised his hand.
    "Yes Simon, is there a problem?" Mrs. Featherstone said.
    "Yeah I don't have a yoga uniform or anything like that to get dressed into."
    Mrs. Featherstone smiled and laughed. "I don't think that that will be a problem here."
    "What do you mean, you just told everybody to get undressed."
    Mrs. Featherstone nodded. "Of course, we all get undressed at naked yoga."
    Simon swallowed hard. "Did you say naked yoga?"
    "What's the matter Simon," Brenda said as she walked over completely stark naked causing his jaw to practically hit the floor.
    Simon was practically in a trance as he stared at Brenda before snapping out of it and shaking his head. "You never said that this was naked yoga!"
    Brenda laughed. "Well I told you we didn't have a strict dress code, I guess I should have been more specific. I thought that you knew that the yoga classes here at the Y are basically all naked yoga classes."
    Simon felt practically ready to faint as he stood there standing in front of a completely naked Brenda who looked even better than when she did in that skintight uniform.
    "You know I think that if it's okay with everyone maybe I will just, you know, stay dressed and everything," Simon said.
    Mrs. Featherstone shook her head. "I'm sorry Simon but I am afraid that is not how things work here. It's not clothing optional, it's no clothing, that's why we call it naked yoga. You can't exactly do naked yoga if you keep your clothing on now can you? Besides clothing throws off your energy and can diminish your Chi, and you certainly wouldn't want that, now would you?"
    "You don't have to be shy Simon, everybody's here is going to keep to the rules of not criticizing anyone's body aren't we," Brenda said as all of the women started nodding.
    Simon was trying to control himself but the fact that he was now in a room full of lots of beautiful naked women was making him think that this had to be a dream, and he almost felt like he should be pinching himself.
    "Well we are about to get started, so if you're not going to get undressed I am afraid that I will have to ask you to leave," Mrs. Featherstone said. "We can't have somebody staying dressed at naked yoga. A lot of other guys had problems with that rule as well. A lot of them came to naked yoga thinking that they would just see lots of naked women and criticize or gawk at our bodies and everything like that. But then as soon as everyone told them that they had to get naked as well they just sort of bolted."
    "Don't worry I know that Simon is a really polite and respectful individual and he is nothing like that, right Simon?" Brenda said.
    Simon could feel all the eyes of the women staring at him in a way that felt very intimidating. He knew that if he refused to get undressed and bolted out of there he would never have another chance with Brenda, and all those women would be thinking that he was just some type of creepy pervert. Plus he really wanted to stay and see all of the naked action!
    But then he thought of the idea of getting naked in such a public way with all of these attractive women was making him feel butterflies in his stomach.
    "So what is going to be," Mrs. Featherstone said giving him the stare down. As he looked around at all of the naked women standing there impatiently, some tapping their feet and holding their hands on their hips and a couple shaking their heads, Simon knew what he had to do.
    "Do you need help getting undressed?" Brenda said.
    "No, I think I can manage," Simon said as he very slowly started stripping out of his clothing and knowing that he must be blushing very deeply. He also knew that he was getting rather aroused by the whole situation, so he held his clothing in front of his crotch as he went to his locker to put them away. He didn't have a lock to put on the locker but he figured that no one was going to steal his clothing, seeing as everyone else there was female.
    He was reluctant to walk over with his obvious erection standing out like a sore thumb in the crowd of naked women, and he could see that several women were trying hard not to giggle and laugh cause all eyes were on him.
    Mrs. Featherstone couldn't help but smirk as well but she shook her head. "Now ladies let's be mature about this, Simon there is nothing to feel embarrassed about, it's a purely natural response and I know that you didn't mean anything offensive by it. Now come on people, let's come here to do what we did, let's do yoga!"
    Simon couldn't believe that he was now standing naked in a room full of about 20 women who were all likewise naked and doing all sorts of stretching and body movements. Strangely enough he started going along with it and it felt really natural.
    "Everybody just breathe in and out, nice and natural and everything, just relax," Mrs. Featherstone said, although Simon found it rather hard to concentrate seeing as Mrs. Featherstone was rather busty and didn't seem to be all that self-conscious about it at all. In fact he noticed that none of the women around him seemed to be bothered by being naked at all.
    What was even stranger to him is that as the naked yoga session went on it started to feel really natural to him. Although he was enjoying all of the naked female flesh on display, somehow he managed to get his erection under control and do the breathing exercises and just go along with everything that he was instructed to do. He almost forgot the fact that he was also completely and utterly buck naked.
    As he looked around the room he saw that most of the women weren't even focusing on him, although he did catch a few of them glancing over in his directions with smiles on their faces, which made him have a little bit of a hard time concentrating.
    Eventually it ended with them all sitting Indian style on the floor breathing in and out. Simon tried hard to close his eyes but it was hard to close his eyes knowing that there were tons of naked women around him. Somehow though he managed to drown out all of the exciting thoughts that were going to his head, and once again was able to forget the fact that he was sitting naked in a room full of lots of beautiful naked women.
    "Okay ladies, and Simon," Mrs. Featherstone said. "That concludes tonight's session of naked yoga, I hope that you all feel really good and empowered by it and I look forward to seeing you all next week. Everyone can get dressed now."
    "So Simon how did you like it?" Brenda said.
    It took Simon's full concentration and total willpower to look Brenda directly in the eyes and not look down at other parts of her anatomy.
    "Well it was certainly different, I'll give you that," Simon said.
    "Don't you feel really calm and relaxed and everything now?" Brenda said as Simon fought the fact that he could feel all the blood rushing to his genitals once again. He could see the Brenda's eyes were also wandering to the lower regions and she smiled. "Well it looks like you are little bit excited, but there's nothing wrong with that, it's totally natural."
    Simon covered himself up as he suddenly felt self-conscious again as he and Brenda walked over to the lockers. He was disappointed to see all of the women putting their clothing back on, but he had to admit he had gotten a pretty good look at them, and they had gotten a pretty good look at him as well, but it didn't seem like it was necessarily a sexual thing, it was just sort of a casual event where everybody just happened to be completely stark naked!
    As Simon reached into the locker where he put his clothing he started feeling around to see that something was missing. For a moment he thought that maybe it was the wrong locker, but he remembered it specifically because he didn't put a lock on it. Now he really wished that he did have a lock.
    "Is something the matter Simon," Brenda said, now fully dressed in her jogging uniform. "Aren't you going to get dressed?"
    Simon looked around the room to realize that now all of the other women were dressed and that suddenly started making him feel extremely self-conscious.
    "I seem to have misplaced my clothing," Simon said and he knew that by now he must really be blushing brightly as a red searchlight.
    "Hey Brenda, hey Simon, it looks like somebody isn't all that eager to get dressed," Melinda said smiling at Simon as she gave him a good looking over. "I guess you must really like the naked part of naked yoga."
    "Simon can't seem to find his clothing," Brenda said smiling at Melinda.
    Melinda couldn't help but smirk and tried hard to suppress a giggle. "Wow, that must be rather awkward."
    As Simon stood there naked and wondering what he was going to do next that was when all of the other women started coming over and were staring at him, and a couple were pointing and talking.
    "You know you can get dressed now Simon," Mrs. Featherstone said as she came over with a smile on her face.
    "Simon seems to have misplaced his clothing," Brenda said. That was when suddenly Simon felt overwhelmingly embarrassed like he never had been before. He was able to relax when everybody was naked, but now that he was the only one in the class, and the only man in the class besides, who is naked and all of the women were dressed, something about that made him feel really intimidated.
    Melinda whistled with her fingers. "Listen up everybody, has anyone seen Simon's clothing?"
    The woman all gathered around shrugging their shoulders and shaking their heads. Simon now convinced that as a naked man in a room full of dressed women he must stand out like a sore thumb more than ever, and he knew by now that he was blushing and also aroused by it and couldn't hide the fact.
    "Are you feeling okay Simon?" Brenda said. "If I didn't know better I would think that this whole situation seems to be exciting you. I feel like maybe you don't want to find your clothing!"
    Simon had never wanted to put clothing on more than that any point in his life, and now was feeling himself becoming a shrinking violet, the eyes of all the women in the room very firmly on him.
    "Ladies please, I get this distinct impression that maybe Simon is feeling uncomfortable right now we don't want to make anybody feel uncomfortable about their bodies," Mrs. Featherstone said. "Now has anybody seen Simon's clothing?"
    All of the women shook their heads and continued shrugging their shoulders and talking among themselves, but he couldn't help but notice that no matter what they did he never seemed to be able to get out of their peripheral vision. Many of them were chatting casually, but he felt like they were sticking around simply because of the fact that he was naked.
    "Well I don't know what to tell you Simon, but it looks like your clothing just can't be found," Brenda said as she laughed a bit. "Sorry I didn't mean to joke about that, you must feel really uncomfortable and awkward being the only one completely naked in a room full of women, you must feel incredibly embarrassed right now."
    As excited as Simon was he couldn't deny the fact that he was ready to die of embarrassment. He couldn't imagine how this could possibly get more awkward.
    That was when a woman came in holding up a microphone and a cameraman was coming behind her.
    "What's going on?" Simon asked.
    "I am Tisha and I am here to do a feature on this nude yoga class," the woman said with a microphone that she put up to Simon's face. "It looks like you are really in the spirit of it because everybody has gotten dressed except for you!"
    "Simon seems to have misplaced his clothing and we can't find it anywhere," Brenda said.
    Tisha smiled. "Well ain't that a kick in the teeth. Well young man do you have anything to say about this class?"
    The fact that he was now on camera was making Simon feel smaller than ever, he felt like that guy from that movie the Incredible Shrinking Man. At this moment he just wanted to shrink down to nothingness and get out of the spotlight by any means necessary.
    Strangely enough his yoga training came back to him, and Simon took a deep breath before answering. "Actually it's a pretty nice class. This was my first night I can say everybody's really open and accepting. Although right now I am feeling decidedly awkward. You can edit this out later right?"
    "We are live streaming this right now," Tisha said.
    "To a small little group of people?" Simon said now feeling even more nervous and excited.
    "Well we are a humble little operation, so I suppose it is only a small group," Tisha said.
    Simon wiped some sweat from his forehead. "Well that's good to know."
    "I mean now we only have 20,000 followers but I am hoping that that will go up in the future," Tisha said. "Hey do you think maybe we could get a group picture of the entire class?"
    All of the women nodded and smiled but Simon couldn't help but feel once again that this was almost like the universe plotting against him. However reluctantly he agreed and they took a photo of him standing there naked and standing out like a sore thumb, the only naked man in a sea of well-dressed women.
    The camera crew interviewed Mrs. Featherstone for a while but finally they left but still they had not managed to find Simon's clothing.
    "Well I can't go home like this," Simon said.
    "Here I think we have an extra yoga uniform that somebody left here last week," Mrs. Featherstone said as she went to a back locker and pulled out a pink skintight ladies uniform. "It's a woman's large but I think that it should just about fit you."
    Reluctantly Simon got dressed in the pink outfit and walked out of there was Brenda who was smiling the whole way back to the car.
    "Don't worry there is nothing wrong with a guy wearing a pink outfit like that, in fact it's really brave of you," Brenda said. "I hope you don't feel self-conscious about it."
    "Brenda after everything I went through today this is the thing that is making me feel the least self-conscious," Simon said as they started driving home and both had a good laugh about it.
    Mrs. Featherstone watched from the yoga studio as she saw Simon's car pulling away and shook her head as she went to the back closet, pulled out Simon's clothing, looked at it and laughed. "They fall for it every single time, every single time!"


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