Our Holiday As Naked Christmas Trees

 Greetings once again already and Merry Christmas! I ended up thinking of this good idea for a holiday story involving embarrassed nude women. Basically I was watching a TV show and this woman (Sabrina) described a Christmas tree as being naked, and then I thought, hey there's a crazy idea for a concept, a naked Christmas tree, and from there the story pretty much just flowed and I am glad with how it turned out. This is a holiday story involving embarrassed nude female and male, naked in public and CMNF.

Our Holiday As Naked Christmas Trees
"I really do need some type of job for the holidays," Sabrina said to herself shaking her head. She knew that there was no way she would be able to afford any type of Christmas presents for her friends and family now that she had lost her job just around the holiday season.
    "How about this, all you have to do is be a Christmas tree," said her friend Hillary as she pointed to an ad in the paper.
    "How on earth does somebody be a Christmas tree?"
    Hillary shook her head. "I honestly don't know, but they are paying $2000 for a single night of it, so whatever it involves to be a Christmas tree it sounds like it's a very lucrative job offer. Come to think of it for $2000 I could be a Christmas tree for one night, why not?"
    Sabrina looked at the ad and shook her head. "Look I'm sure that they are paying us $2000 to be a Christmas tree this probably some type of terrible catch. And why is the job only available to women?"
    "I don't know if there is a terrible catch but whatever it is for $2000 it's probably worth it. I say that we should check it out."
    "I guess it can't hurt to try," Sabrina said and the two of them called to set up a job interview for being a Christmas tree.

    "I should admit right off the bat that neither of us has any experience being a Christmas tree," Sabrina said as they sat down at the place to be interviewed.
    The interviewer looked them both over and smiled. "Well you are both very attractive women, so I think that you will make perfect Christmas trees."
    "So you are saying that we got the job?" Hillary asked.
    "Yeah, the people we're holding the Christmas party for love blondes and redheads, so I think that you will make excellent Christmas trees," the interviewer said as he shook their heads. "I will give you the address and you just report for work and we will tell you everything that you need to do to be the perfect Christmas tree."
    "Well that was certainly easy," Hillary said as they walked out of the office. "All they did was take a look at us and they said that we were the perfect Christmas trees. Although given that I have no idea what being a Christmas tree entails I don't know if that should be taken as a compliment or some type of insult."
    "You mean like when people say that I am a dumb blonde," Sabrina said. "Like you are the perfect Christmas tree, because a Christmas tree just stands there like an idiot and doesn't do anything. I do kind of feel that this sounds like a weird job. I mean it couldn't be a very intellectually demanding job to be a Christmas tree I am guessing. The fact that they just gave us the job based on our looks alone should raise a red flag, but I suppose if it's just posing as a Christmas tree there's nothing bad about that. For $2000 I can spend one night standing around dressed up like a Christmas tree."
    "You think it's going to be some type of weird costumer we have to wear a costume like some type of Christmas tree costume or something?"
    "I have just as little experience being a Christmas tree as you do, we will find out when we get there. But for $2000 I am sure that whatever it is they are probably paying us excessively for what should probably be easy work."

    That Christmas Eve the two of them arrived at the address that they were given. They went into an area where they saw a whole bunch of other women, all of whom looked rather attractive they thought, lined up and smiling.
    "Are you here for the Christmas tree job?" a man said as he came over to them.
    The two of them nodded and he directed them to line up with all the other women. That was when a man came out dressed as Santa Claus.
    "Excellent, you all look like you will make excellent Christmas trees," the man dressed as Santa Claus said. "My name is Karl Meriwether the third and I am your wealthy host this evening. You have all been selected because you have been deemed worthy of being Christmas trees at our party. Now if you'll come back with me we will get you in your Christmas costumes."
    Sabrina and Hillary looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders as they followed Karl to the back area along with all of the other women.
    The man dressed as Santa Claus, otherwise known as Karl, looked them over and smiled. "Well we have a great selection of Christmas trees this year, so I want you to all get undressed and we will give you your costumes."
    Sabrina raised her hand and Karl pointed at her. "You want us to just get undressed right here in the lobby? You don't want us to maybe go to a dressing room?"
    Karl laughed. "Well if you are shy you certainly have picked the wrong job deciding to be a Christmas tree."
    Hillary raised her hand. "Didn't you say that we would be getting costumes?"
    Karl nodded. "As soon as you are all completely undressed we will give you your Christmas tree costumes."
    "So you are saying you want us all to just get completely buck naked right now?" Sabrina said shaking her head. "I knew there would probably be some terrible catch to this job."
    Karl shook his head. "Like I said if you are shy this is not the job for you, so if you don't want to get naked I suggest that you leave and we will have to find somebody else who would be more willing to do your job."
    Sabrina was about to leave when Hillary grabbed her by the arm. "Did you forget that we already spent a whole lot of money on our credit cards and if we don't get this job we won't be able to pay off our credit card debt anytime in the next decade?"
    Sabrina shook her head. "I am not going to get completely naked in the middle of a lobby where this strange guy dressed as Santa Claus is telling me to get undressed."
    "Don't worry they said that they are going to give us costumes, I'm sure that they don't expect us to be standing around naked all evening, that would just be absurd."
    "I think that we should have expected the absurd when we responded to an ad asking for people who wanted to be Christmas trees. But as much as I hate to admit it you are right, I have already bought tons of Christmas presents that I can't really return based on the fact that I was expecting the $2000 for this job to pay it off. I guess I will just have to hope the costume is not too revealing."
    "Ladies I don't see you getting undressed," Karl said as he came by in his Santa Claus outfit and patted his stomach.
    Sabrina and Hillary looked at each other and very awkwardly and very slowly got undressed until they were standing there naked with a line of about two dozen other women. Hillary and Sabrina had never seen each other naked outside of a locker room before, and they felt weird to be standing there naked in the lobby together and were unconsciously trying to cover themselves up, as they could see that other women in the lobby looked like they were shivering and getting goosebumps as well.
    "So you going to give us our costumes right now?" Sabrina said.
    "In just a moment," Karl said as he clapped his hands and a bunch of men in tuxedo'\s came out and started handing out angel hats with stars on top, a bunch of Christmas lights and two little ornaments shaped like balls.
    "What the hell is all of this?" Sabrina said.
    Karl laughed. "I can see that you have never been a Christmas tree before! Those are your outfits. The angel hat goes on your head, the Christmas lights you wrap around your body, and those two little Christmas ornaments will hang off of your nipples!"
    "That's not a costume, that's pretty much the same as being naked!" Sabrina shouted.
    Karl laughed. "Exactly, you are going to be a naked Christmas tree. This is a party for lots of wealthy men who like to celebrate Christmas each year by seeing lots of hot naked women dressed up in a Christmasy way, but still basically undressed."
    "This is just blatant objectification," Sabrina said. "Literally you are turning us into naked objects for everybody to gawk at."
    Karl smiled. "Do you have a point that you are trying to make?"
    "There is no way I'm going to stand here on display all night as a naked Christmas tree!" Sabrina said as she was about to march away when Hillary grabbed her. "What is it Hillary?"
    "$2000 in credit card debt you will never otherwise pay off anytime soon," Hillary said as Sabrina cringed and stood there and grabbed her costume.
    "Excellent, I'm glad you came around to our point of view," Karl said. "You are going to make this a very Merry Christmas for lots of rich horny men, you should be proud!"
    Sabrina cringed as she looked at her costume but reluctantly put the angel hat on her head which had a glowing star on the top of the angel, wrapped herself in Christmas tree lights and hung the Christmas tree ornaments off of her nipples.
    "So how do I look?" Hillary said as she stood there in her costume completely naked except for a bunch of Christmas tree accessories that didn't really hide anything at all.
    "You look almost as ridiculous as I do, these costumes leave basically nothing whatsoever to the imagination. Can you just promise me one thing?"
    "What's that?"
    "When this night is over I never want this to be mentioned again, ever. In fact never even mention Christmas trees to me again. Just the mention of Christmas trees is going to remind me of this!"
    Hillary laughed. "I see your point."
    "I don't know how you could possibly be laughing at this!"
    Hillary shrugged her shoulders. "I mean this is embarrassing as hell, but what are you going to do? For $2000 I'm willing to stand around naked covered in Christmas tree lights for a few hours. I think you just have to laugh at the absurdity of the situation."
    Sabrina shook her head. "The thing that annoys me is that we are basically just high paid sexual decorations for a bunch of horny rich jerks who could buy and sell our asses, or in this case stare at them, and who basically can just use their privilege to get us to do this."
    "Yeah, for like $2000, that's not bad!" Hillary said as she nodded and smiled.
    "I guess that I am the idealist but even I can't afford my own dignity now, so let's just get this over with and hopefully the time will pass by quickly."
    Karl instructed all of the women to space out a little bit and stand around in the lobby as they waited for the partiers to arrive. Sabrina had to admit that she never had felt more absurd in her entire life and felt really self-conscious standing there naked with all of these other naked women covered in Christmas tree lights and ornaments.
    "Okay ladies the party is about to begin!" Karl said as he opened the door and a bunch of men in tuxedos came in and started clapping.
    "Well this is a Merry Christmas!" the man at the head of the group of men said. "These are the most lovely naked Christmas trees I have ever seen before. Look how lovely they are decorated."
    That was when Sabrina could practically just die right then and there, because that was when she noticed who the man was, it was Philip Carson, the rich jerk that was always hitting on her in high school and was just a snobby stuck up asshole in general. He couldn't understand why anyone wouldn't want to go out with a rich person like he was despite his total lack of redeeming qualities, and he always resented Sabrina for turning down his advances. She just hoped to God that by all that was holy that he wouldn't notice who she was.
    "Oh God," Sabrina said as Hillary looked at her.
    "What is it?" Hillary whispered to her from a few feet away.
    "Don't you recognize who that is," Sabrina said as Philip walked over and smiled at her. That was when she decided that she would shut up before she made herself stand out in the crowd.
    "Well well well, this Christmas tree certainly has a mouth on her doesn't it," Philip said as he walked over to Sabrina. "What were you whispering about to your fellow Christmas tree? You look kind of familiar, have I seen you before?"
    "Not like this you haven't," Sabrina said before covering up her mouth.
    Philip smiled. "Well well well, if it isn't Sabrina, I thought you look familiar somewhere, I didn't recognize you at first because I guess I haven't seen you dressed, or rather undressed like this before. I have to say it's a really good look on you and I will enjoy watching you this evening. In fact I think I'm going to spend my entire evening admiring the foliage over here." Philip looked down between Sabrina's legs at her unshaven pubic hair which caused her to unconsciously press her legs together, but she couldn't hide anything from him.
    Sabrina knew that by now she was blushing bright red and she was practically shaking at the knees, but she didn't want to make it look like he was getting to her, so she stood there and said nothing.
    "That is good, good Christmas trees are meant to be seen and not heard," Philip said. "Let the festivities begin!"
    Sabrina gritted her teeth as man after man came over by her and took their pictures with her as she just stood there trying not to say or do anything and trying to picture that she was somewhere else, fully dressed and not buck naked at a Christmas party for a bunch of drunken rich idiots.
    Hillary could see that this was just completely destroying Sabrina. She wanted to say something but she wasn't the type to speak up in situations like this, that was usually Sabrina, but now to see Sabrina silenced like that was frightening to Hillary. She could see that Sabrina was paralyzed with complete and utter humiliation to the point where she literally was frozen in place.
    "But everybody this is my favorite Christmas tree right here," Philip said as he drank some eggnog and pointed at Sabrina. He was clearly drunk. "Just look at how perfect it is, look at every little inch of it, every little inch finally on display. You have no idea how many years I wanted to unwrap this present, and now here she is, completely unwrapped and on display. But you know I think that we could unwrap her further, what do you say guys?"
    All of the guys started hooting and hollering as Philip took off the hat, took off the ornaments and took off the lights until Sabrina was now completely uncovered and still standing there still as still as a statue. Philip paced back and forth all around her looking at every inch of her body and feeling it with his hands as she just stood there trying to prevent her lip from trembling.
    "Well well well, all Christmas trees are naked, but it seems some Christmas trees are more naked than others," Philip said as all the guys began laughing. "You know it really is good to be rich like this, every Christmas is a Merry Christmas, but this has to be the best Christmas of all. There is absolutely nothing that could ruin this moment for me. My silent naked little Christmas tree, I have finally gotten to unwrap you at last, and you have nothing to say about it."
    Sabrina had now felt like she had entered another reality altogether. She knew that if she said or did anything that she would probably be expelled and wouldn't get her pay and would never be able to pay off her credit card debt. So she just fought against every fiber of her being and continued to stand there, fighting back tears as Philip continued to feel up her body.
    As all of the men stood there staring at Sabrina on display that was when they started hearing something. Standing next to Sabrina was Hillary taking off her Christmas lights, her angel hat and her nipple ornaments until she was standing there completely naked, standing right next to Sabrina, and looked contemptuously at Philip and turned her head away in disgust.
    Soon all of the other women in the room started taking off their lights, their hats and their ornaments until they were all completely stark naked with no cover whatsoever, and they all started to gather around Sabrina until they had blocked her from view completely.
    "What is this, some type of a rebellion?" Philip asked, realizing he was losing face with the other men who were just sort of standing there nervously and looking uncomfortable, perhaps even more uncomfortable than the two dozen naked women surrounding Sabrina at that moment. "You realize that if you go against the rules we don't have to pay you."
    The other men started to back off as the naked women looked angry and started gathering around Philip until he was completely surrounded.
    "What is the meaning of this?" Philip said as all of the women dove on top of him and started tearing his clothes off until he was now completely naked in the middle of the room as all of the naked woman stood around him smiling as Philip's tiny penis began to become erect.
    "Well it seems one of us seems to be a little bit more turned on by naked humiliation than others," Hillary finally said as all of the women began laughing. Then soon all of the men in the audience started clapping and laughing as well.
    Philip stormed angrily outside of the room as he gathered up his clothing to the sound of dozens of camera phones going off, and began cursing and shouting about how the party was now over and that everyone should go home.
    As Philip left the room all of the guys turned to the crowd of naked women with Sabrina standing in the center still not saying anything and looking as though she was in a trancelike state, a state of total shock. Then surprisingly all of the men began clapping and cheering.
    The women stood there naked for a while but then started getting dressed as the partygoers started slowly leaving one by one until it was finally okay for all of the women to get dressed. Hillary helped Sabrina to get dressed but the entire time she did so Sabrina hadn't said a single thing.
    "Hey are you okay?" Hillary said as she waved her hand in front of a now dressed Sabrina.
    "Thank you," Sabrina said after a long pause.
    "For what?"
    "For speaking up when I was too paralyzed with fear to speak up for once. You were the one who really managed to keep your dignity, you are the real idealist, not me. I always shout about these things but as soon as I was standing there naked I just completely froze, became paralyzed with fear."
    Hillary patted her on the back. "Hey it's okay, we all get really embarrassed sometime, in fact I don't see how you could not get embarrassed in a situation like that. Believe me I know that I was sure embarrassed and I know that a lot of the other women and there were embarrassed as well. But hey sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Do you think they will still pay us?"
    Sabrina shook her head. "I have no idea, and I don't even care now. I am just glad to be out of there. But at least Philip got his comeuppance."
    "I know, and did you see his teeny tiny little baby penis," Hillary said as she squeezed her fingers together and put a circle around her eye like she was looking at them with a magnifying glass as the two of them burst into laughter.
    The two of them then laughed the entire way home.

    Unfortunately Philip, having suffered the humiliation of his life, wasn't about to pay those women who rebelled against him at his own party, and Sabrina had no idea how she was going to pay off her credit card debt, until one day she was invited to a special event.
    "But what is this all about?" Sabrina asked as she walked into a room where a bunch of men and women all jumped out and shouted surprise.
    "You have no idea what this is about do you?" Hillary said as Sabrina shook her head. "Well after what happened that whole incident with Philip went viral and it turns out there were a lot of people who liked to see a rich jerk like him get his comeuppance. In fact some of his friends from the party admired what we did so much that they felt bad and they decided to chip in some money as well. We started a go fund me page for you, and long story short you might have to stop constantly putting down all of those rich assholes."
    "What are you talking about?" Sabrina said still not exactly sure what was going on.
    Hillary took out her phone and brought up a go fund me page and showed it to Sabrina. "Let's just say I don't think you're ever going to have to worry about being in credit card debt ever again, and that I think you're going to have a very very happy new year."
    Sabrina's eyes were bugging out of her head as she looked at the device. "Is that really the correct number of zeros?"
    Hillary nodded as Sabrina started to grow faint, but before she fainted a guy caught her and she couldn't help but notice him from the party, a really attractive guy that she had been looking at and was especially embarrassed to be found naked in front of.
    "Hey, you don't know me but I am Mark, and I always thought that Philip was a jerk, and I felt really bad what he did about you. And I hope that you're not going to take this the wrong way or anything, but you were definitely the most attractive Christmas tree at the party."
    "Hey what about me," Hillary said as she put her hands on her hips and then began laughing.
    "I was just wondering if you don't think I'm just some type of rich jerk, the type who goes to parties like that, well I would really like to go out with you sometime, whatever you want to wear being fine with me," Mark said as he laughed.
    Sabrina laughed and kissed him before blushing again when she realized that he had already seen her naked. That was when she smiled deviously and whispered in his ear causing him to blush as she then walked away, but not before throwing her coat over an exposed Christmas tree that was on the floor next to her and laughing.
    "What did she tell you?" Hillary said. "Whatever it is it made you blush!"
    Mark laughed. "She said that she would love to go out on a date with me, but then when we did it was my turn to be the Christmas tree!"


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