Hey Everybody There's a Naked Girl on Campus!

I think that this story that I thought of today was an ironic dream that I had on my birthday, but inspired this story that was probably a result of me thinking about the story I wrote last night before I went to sleep.

Last night I had the following dream: I guess this is my only dream today but luckily it was an exciting birthday suit birthday dream and worth highlighting! Maybe I'll even turn this into a story tonight before I get back to work on my novel because I really liked the concept.

I can't recall the precise starting point but I seem to be outdoors and there were a bunch of people naked, mostly women. Then for some reason I felt that I was female and that I was naked along with all these other naked women and it was really awkward and exciting though. I just got the feeling that large numbers of people, particularly women, had been rendered naked and go to another naked woman and I asked her if she has seen any clothing. I walked around through this college campus dying of embarrassment at being seen naked by all of these others, including lots of girls that I felt I knew on the campus. I ended up on someplace where the people were on the floor cleaning the floor on the hands and knees and completely naked and that was where I woke up.

But the whole dream was really hot and exciting and everything like that so it least I had a good dream for my birthday seeing as it was the only dream that I remembered tonight. It was probably influenced by the fact that I went to sleep last night I was thinking a little bit about the story that I wrote about the guy naked at college (Get Your Picture Taken with a Naked Guy).

So from that basic idea I ended up writing this story and I am pretty pleased with it because it turns out because it has a broad spectrum of embarrassing naked situations involving CMNF, cfnf, ENF, ENM, CFNM, naked in public and only one naked. So it has naked situations all across the naked spectrum of gender and sex, as well as different types of nudity, so it works on many levels and I hope you enjoy it as well.

Hey Everybody There's a Naked Girl on Campus!
"I can't believe it, a new decision by the campus has decided to allow students to walk around naked on campus whenever they want, as forcing them to wear clothing would be forcing on them a lifestyle choice that may not be comfortable for them," Steve said. "This is the greatest thing ever!"
    "Why, are you planning to start about completely buck naked, that would be fun to see!" Charlie said as she snickered.
    "What, no, of course not, why on earth would I do that?!"
    "I don't know, you seem pretty excited at the prospect that they were going to allow students to runaround completely buck naked on campus, I figure that you probably wanted to take it all off."
    Steve laughed. "No of course not, I would die of embarrassment if I was naked on campus."
    "Then why were you so excited about the campus nudity announcement? Oh wait a minute, I know what you are thinking."
    "What are you, a mind reader, okay what am I thinking?"
    "You are thinking that if they allowed nudity on campus that every single girl on campus is going to think, hey why don't I just strip naked and walk around strutting my stuff? Is that anywhere in the ballpark?"
    "Actually yes, maybe you do have mind-reading powers. I'm thinking of a number between one and 100, what is it?"
    "No, 37, but damn that was close, I think you really are a mind reader!"
    Charlie shook her head. "No I am not a mind reader, I just know how guys think in general. You are thinking that just as soon as everybody is allowed to go naked that every single woman campus just wants to naturally become a stripper. Do you have any idea how unrealistic that is?"
    "I'm not saying that every single woman is going to become a stripper, but I'm kind of hoping that all of the hot women will be taking it off though."
    Charlie laughed. "Believe me Steve, hotties like me aren't going to just start stripping naked just because we can. In fact you'll be lucky if you find one single woman on the entire campus who wants to actually make use of this new freedom to go naked."
    "Why not?"
    "Well if you were a woman I think that you would realize that if you walk around naked in public you are going to get a lot of unwanted attention from men. Would you really want to be walking around campus having every single man leering at you and snapping pictures and everything?"
    "Well I guess I hadn't thought of things that way. So I take it you're not going to get naked then?"
    "What do you think?"
    "I'm guessing no."
    Charlie clapped her hands. "Amazing, and you're not even a mind reader, how on earth did you ever figure that out and make that amazing stretch of logic and deduction?"
    "Is there anyway I can maybe convince you to get naked on campus?"
    "Yeah, if you go around naked on campus for a week I will go streaking across the campus one time."
    "No way!"
    "Which is exactly why I made the offer, because you won't do it for the same reason I won't, you don't want everyone staring at your naked body, although I am sure that as many women won't be staring at a naked guy as guys would be a naked woman."
    "I'm still hoping that maybe some women will partake, maybe a sort of a protest against, I don't know clothing or something."
    "Don't get your hopes up buddy," Charlie said as she patted him on the back. "Now it's time to get to class."
    Steve and Charlie started walking to class when all of a sudden someone shouted out someone's naked.
    "I knew it!" Steve said as he looked over in the distance to see a fat naked guy running around holding two beers.
    "Well that must be so disappointing for you," Charlie said shaking her head. "Disappointing for me too because that guy is so not attractive at all. Now if the star of the football team decided to make use of the nudity then I would just be as excited as you are by the prospect of naked ladies. But of course that's not going to happen. The people you want to be seeing naked are the people you will never see naked. It's the people you would rather blind yourself than see naked who will be taking advantage of it, just like I told you. I'm telling you Steve don't get up your hopes that you are going to see lots of naked women strutting about campus anytime soon, especially this gal."
    Steve found himself frustrated as he sat through class trying to picture all of the girls in the class deciding to spontaneously strip naked knowing that it probably wouldn't happen, no matter how hard he concentrated. But he figured if Charlie could read minds maybe he could spontaneously cause people's clothing to disappear. But after trying numerous times, he realized he probably should have given up after the first try. Also he was getting kind of a headache.
    After class was over Steve ran into his friend Mike.
    "Hey Steve you want to get wasted?" Mike asked.
    "Don't you think it's a little early in the day to be getting drunk on campus?"
    "I am hoping that maybe if I drink maybe some hot women will drink and they will lose their inhibitions and decide to make use of the public nudity statute."
    "Well I suppose I could just have one beer," Steve said as he opened a beer and began drinking.

    Six beers later.
    "I know I shouldn't have drank all that," Steve said as he sort of stumbled around campus in a daze with everything swaying. He began hiccuping and as things continued to sway and he became more dizzy he wandered over to the bushes and collapsed.
    When Steve woke up he found that something was a little bit strange, something felt different and something felt off.
    "Oh wow I am really hung over," Steve said as he rubbed his eyes to realize that his hair seemed like it was a lot longer than he remembered it. He suddenly grabbed his hair and realized that something was off there for sure. Then he started noticing that he felt different in other ways as well when he looked down and reached between his legs and noticed something very important was missing, at which point he screamed.
    Steve started feeling his body to notice that it was decidedly unmasculine, a lot more curvy than he remembered it, hairless and he also noticed something else as he felt his chest.
    "Holy crap I have boobs!" Steve shouted now realizing that he had a soft feminine voice causing him to cover up his mouth. That was when he turned around to see a guy standing there with his jaw-dropping and drooling. "What the hell are you staring at?! Haven't you ever seen boobs before?" The man continued staring at which point Steve got fed up. "Why don't you take a picture, it will last longer!"
    "Okay," the guy said as he snapped a picture causing Steve to scream before Steve started wandering off and hiding behind the bushes.
    "Okay Steve calm down, something obviously must have gone a little bit strange here because you woke up completely buck naked as a woman on campus," he said to himself. "I guess maybe I should start referring to myself as Stephanie."
    He thought to himself that maybe he should just retrace his steps when he realized that was kind of a pointless idea, because retracing his steps wasn't going to explain how he suddenly became a rather sexy naked woman and lost his clothing.
    As he sat there crouching in the bushes so that nobody would see him that was when he suddenly noticed that Mike was walking by.
    "Hey Mike over here," Steve said as he waved to Mike.
    "Hey, do I know you?" Mike said as he went over to the bushes.
    "It's me Steve, or Stephanie now, it's a long story," Steve said.
    "Is this some type of practical joke?"
    "It's not a practical joke, I just woke up and now I found myself completely buck naked and hiding behind some bushes."
    Mike smiled and licked. "Wait, did you say that you are completely naked?"
    "Yes I am completely naked, but that's besides the point! Now it's very important that we try not to draw attention to me until we can figure out what is going on here."
    "Hey everybody there is a naked girl on campus!" Mike shouted as he moved aside the bushes and pointed at Steve/Stephanie.
    Steve/Stephanie screamed and tried covering themselves up as a whole bunch of other people started approaching and making hooting and hollering noises.
    "I have to get out of here!" Steve said as he bolted realizing that as he was running his breasts were swaying back and forth, so he grabbed them with his hands to try and steady them. "How do you run with these things?!"
    "She's going that way!" Mike shouted as a large crowd of excited men started cheering and running behind him.
    Steve continued running without looking ahead of him as he continued looking at everyone behind snapping pictures and whistling and hollering, when all of a sudden he bumped into Aaron, the head of the football team.
    "Excuse me," Steve said feeling really embarrassed and backing off as he tried covering up his breasts and his nether regions with his hands and found himself trembling with embarrassment.
    Aaron's eyes became wide as he smiled. "There's absolutely nothing to apologize for, this is my lucky day! Do you think that maybe I could have a feel?"
    "Fresh," Steve said as he smacked Aaron and was preparing to get the beating of his life, but Aaron just laughed at him before he began running again. He thought to himself that at least as a woman maybe nobody would want to beat the crap out of him for slapping them, in fact he was kind of worried that Aaron enjoyed that slap across the face, judging by the smile that only grew wider afterwards.
    Steve found himself walking around looking desperately for clothing. He knew that he had some clothing back in his dormitory but that would mean going into the frat house where he would encounter hordes and hordes of shocked horny men.
    "Okay I have to think of a plan B," Steve/Stephanie said as he started running his hands through his long hair and finding it strangely relaxing. Soon he found himself chewing on his new long hair as he looked over and felt his body. "As embarrassing as this is I have to admit a girl could get used to this! I really am freaking hot!"
    "Well well well, it's a naked girl, if only Steve were here to see this, he would be thrilled and would make me eat my words!" Charlie said as she came over.
    "It is me!" Steve shouted as Charlie laughed.
    "Is this some type of practical joke being played on me by Steve, you can come out now," Charlie shouted.
    "But Charlie it really is me Steve, or you can call me Stephanie for the moment, I don't care what you call me, just get me some God damned clothing!"
    "You look really uncomfortable being naked, did you get locked out during a shower or something like that?"
    "No, I just got drunk and I woke up naked and female!"
    "Yeah that is something that happens all the time, nothing to get worried about."
    "But I'm not joking, do you know some way to reverse this?"
    Charlie shook her head. "Sorry, I'm afraid that's not my area of expertise. But if you really are Steve, which I doubt, I hope that you are learning a valuable lesson about being naked and female in public."
    "It depends, if I say I am learning a lesson will that result in me getting some clothing?"
    "Hey it is the naked chick!" Aaron said as he came over.
    "Oh hi Aaron," Charlie said suddenly blushing. "What brings you over here?"
    "I wanted to see a naked chick."
    "You really want to see me naked," Charlie said as she started twirling her hair between her fingers.
    "No I want to see the naked chick naked," Aaron said as he pointed at Steve/Stephanie.
    "Oh, is that so," Charlie said suddenly disappointed that he didn't want to see her naked. "I suppose that she likes all the attention of being naked, in fact she seems like she is a budding exhibitionist!"
    "No, I'm not, I really really really want clothing right now!" Steve said trying to cover himself up as best as possible as he felt goosebumps all over his body from the cool breeze that was blowing.
    "I don't know, I think it looks better on you than it looks on me," Charlie said. "I think that maybe you can stay naked."
    "No, Charlie, please I'm begging you, just give me some clothing!" Steve started crying as he was now blushing like crazy and a large crowd was coming over snapping pictures. He put his fingers in his ears, closed his eyes and desperately was hoping that he would wake up only to see that this wasn't a dream, this was a nightmare!
    Charlie wanted to walk away but that was when she could see that whoever this naked woman was, Stephen, Stephanie, or whatever, she didn't deserve what she was going through.
    Charlie shook her head. "I know I'm going to regret this," she said as she began unbuttoning her blouse as everybody stood there with them in the center of attention with the entire campus watching what looked like was going to be an imminent exchange of clothing.
    Stephen took the clothing that the now naked Charlie offered him and was about to look at her naked as he smiled when all of a sudden he opened his eyes and Charlie, Aaron and the crowd of people that were gawking at them a moment ago were gone.
    "What the hell?" Steve said as he suddenly felt his body to realize that it was no longer curvy and voluptuous. That was when he breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God, that was just a dream, but that was the most embarrassing and exciting dream I have ever had, I'll tell you what! But I am glad that it's over and that now everything can get back to normal."
    However that was when Steve noticed something else, he was completely buck naked and standing right in front of him was Charlie with her eyes bugging out of her head with a big smile on her face.
    "I knew it!" Charlie said as she pointed at him and clapped her hands. "Hey everybody there's a naked guy on campus!"
    As a large crowd of men and women gathered around and started cheering and clapping, Steve got behind Charlie trying to use her body to block the view to him, closing his eyes and sticking his fingers in his ears and telling himself it was all just a dream, it was all just a dream.
    Slowly and carefully however Steve opened his eyes and looked at the crowd around him.
    "Well Steve I stand corrected, there are a lot of women out there and a lot of guys as well who would like to see a naked guy on campus, how about that," Charlie said shaking her head and laughing.
    "It's not a dream," Steve said as he continued staring, smiled and waved sheepishly to the cheering crowd as they began clapping for him.
    He was right, it it was most definitely not a dream, but boy was it one interesting nightmare!


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