Get Your Picture Taken with a Naked Guy

I've got another one! I have to admit this one's a little bit similar in basic concept to my nude photographer story, The Day He Moved in with a Nude Photographer. Once again this is sort of a situation where a kindhearted guy, but who is also still a horny typical guy, basically gets in an argument with his girlfriend over nudity and, being one of those clever women who knows how to trick men into situations where they will get naked, basically tricks him into getting naked for a charity event and making him eat his words. This one contains CFNM and only one naked and naked in public. Enjoy!

Get Your Picture Taken with a Naked Guy
"I just think it's totally ridiculous how no matter where you go in the media you can see images of women barely dressed or completely naked," Wendy said.
    "Is this because you took that women's studies course all of the sudden?" William said. "You know there is nothing wrong with naked women, lots of us like seeing naked women, it doesn't mean that we hate women or that we are misogynistic or anything like that."
    Wendy shook her head. "No I don't mean that at all, of course there's nothing wrong with naked women, no one should be afraid or ashamed of the naked female form, it's a beautiful work of art. I am just saying that society is completely biased in favor of the heterosexual male gaze. You don't see naked men in every movie and television series and magazine cover."
    "Okay granted you are right that society definitely caters to heterosexual men, and as a heterosexual man myself I suppose I am guilty of being on the privileged end of that, but it's a matter of supply and demand. The fact is there is just more demand for naked women than there is for naked men."
    Wendy shook her head again. "No, it's just not a matter of supply and demand, it's just the fact that all these naked women just sexually objectify us and make us nothing more than entertainment for horny men. There is this whole industry of peddling female flesh and you just don't see the equivalent for men. It is like women are expected to be naked on demand all the time, but men never have to worry about being sexually objectified or seeing their naked image wherever they go."
    William shrugged his shoulders. "Again I am not necessarily disagreeing with you or anything but what are you going to do about it? That's just the way society is and you can't really change society overnight. Look if there was some way that I could help to even the playing field for women who enjoy seeing naked men I would totally do it, but there just isn't."
    Wendy suddenly smiled as a really wicked thought occurred to her. "Would you be willing to put your money where your mouth is?"
    William suddenly felt a sinking feeling of nervousness in the pit of his stomach at those words because he knew that when Wendy had an idea she almost always followed through with it. "What exactly do you mean by that?"
    Wendy picked up one of William's CDs and on the cover of the CD was a man well dressed and surrounded by lots of naked women hanging on his shoulders and kneeling at his feet. She held up the CD to his face.
    "So what is this?" William said. "It's just the cover of a CD, it's nothing to get upset about."
    "You think all of those women feel comfortable being completely naked and just shaking their flesh around some totally dressed guy like that? You don't think that maybe they feel a little bit self-conscious or uncomfortable?"
    "I mean they agreed to take the photo and be on the cover of this music CD, so I would have to assume that yes, they probably are very comfortable showing off the goods. The way I see it if you agreed to take a job like that where you are going to take off your clothes for money you can't get upset if people are going to sexually objectify you, as that's pretty much the entire point."
    "So you see nothing wrong or unusual about a man who is just surrounded by tons of beautiful naked women wherever he goes decked out and display like trophies or objects? There's nothing about that that bothers you or makes you feel the least bit uncomfortable?"
    William knew that Wendy probably was scheming something up, but he had no idea what was going through her head at the moment, so he simply shook his head. "No I guess I am just totally comfortable with naked bodies like that."
    Wendy nodded. "Thank you William for being completely honest with me. You know I think that you are actually right. The fact is if women are willing to get naked and be on the cover of a CD they shouldn't feel bothered or uncomfortable by being naked and having their image all over the place where anyone in the world can just go and see it at any time. You know you have really given me a lot to think about. On an unrelated matter my sorority is having sort of a women's empowerment drive yo raise funds for our sorority, and I know that you are one of the good guys who is all enlightened and stuff, so of course I am sure that you will be willing to help out for our charity fundraising event right?"
    William nodded. "Sure you know that I am with you all the way. I sometimes joke that maybe sometimes you are too radical, but I know that you have good intentions and everything like that, and I want to help you with all of your endeavors."
    Wendy nodded, smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "That's why I love you William."
    "So exactly how will you be raising funds this year?"
    "Actually we haven't formally decided yet, and we have to put it to a vote, but we have a couple of ideas floating about."
    In fact Wendy didn't want to admit that they didn't have the slightest idea how they were going to raise money this semester, but all the sudden her mind was buzzing with ideas. But she didn't want to give herself away, so she tried to maintain her composure and avoid seeming too excited, because she knew that she didn't have the world's best poker face.
    "Well whatever it is let me know and I will definitely be there to help you with it," William said as he kissed her and left.

    Later that evening Wendy went to her sorority and proposed her idea.
    "So ladies what do you think of my idea?" Wendy said with a big smile on her face as she looked at all of her sorority sisters.
    Amanda stood up and smiled. "So how does everybody vote? All those who are in favor of Wendy's idea please clap and stand up."
    Everyone in the house stood up and started whistling and clapping and hollering.
    Amanda smiled and nodded. "And the Is have it, we are going with your idea Wendy, and I do have to say I'm quite looking forward to seeing your idea put into motion, really seeing it I mean. I'm just so glad that we will be able to take pictures!"
    Wendy smiled and laughed as he high-fived Amanda. "Well that's the whole idea isn't it?!"

    About two weeks later William had all but forgotten his conversation with Wendy but he showed up at the fundraiser like he promised he would.
    "I'm so glad that you can make it William, as this whole thing is going to be riding on you," Wendy said. "I have total faith in you and I know that you wouldn't let down my sorority sisters and I."
    William hugged her. "You know that I'm there for you babe, whatever you want me to do I am totally willing to do it. So what exactly will I be doing to help you be raising funds this year?"
    "You consider yourself to be an attractive guy don't you William?"
    "I mean I am okay I guess, I don't want to be arrogant or anything, I think I'm basically pretty average."
    "Well I think that you're a hottie, and I am not the only one you know, you are being far too modest."
    "Well I'm glad that you still find me attractive after all this time we have been together. But I am wondering what this has to do with the charity fundraising."
    "Well remember a couple of weeks ago when we were talking about, you know comfort with the human body and nudity and all of that? Well it gave me a really great idea of a way to raise funds for our sorority, a way we can make a whole ton of money really fast."
    All the sudden William found his heart beating faster both with fear and excitement but then something suddenly occurred to him. "Oh yeah about my CD and everything like that, I remember."
    "Yes, exactly, you remember! I remember I said that you are totally right about how people shouldn't feel embarrassed being naked like that."
    Now Wendy couldn't help but smile a really wicked smile.
    "Wait a minute don't tell me," William said. He thought it was too good to be true but what else could she have possibly meant? "Don't tell me that you want me to pose with a lot of naked women?"
    Wendy suddenly burst out laughing barely able to contain herself.
    "What's so funny?" William asked, now really feeling nervous.
    "Well you are actually getting a lot warmer, although in a few moments you might be getting a lot cooler," Wendy said.
    "Out with it already, what is your crazy scheme this time?" William said as all the sudden he looked up at a booth that Wendy was pointing at that seemed to have green screens and a large number of cameras. There was also a big sign above it as well as signs on the floor saying get your picture taken with a naked guy. He practically froze in his tracks as he looked at Wendy. "Oh come on, this has got to be some kind of joke!"
    Wendy was now beaming from ear to ear shaking her head back and forth hardly able to stand still.
    "No way, you really think that, you really want me to?"
    Wendy continued nodding her head and smiling so wide that she looked like an escaped mental patient almost.
    "Honestly Wendy I don't think anyone's actually going to want to pay to get their pictures taken with me," William said trying to find some way out of this.
    "When we posted a picture of you fully dressed in our advertisement on the Internet we got lots and lots of responses, like a real ton. If you don't believe me just look at the line." Wendy pointed to the line leading up to the photo booth and it was stretching off into the distance so that he couldn't even see the end of it.
    "Okay this has to be some type of prank, some type of candid camera thing right?"
    "Well to be fair there are definitely going to be cameras involved, so you are going to be appearing on cameras a real lot today."
    Now William was quite frankly terrified as he saw all of the smiling women in line standing there impatiently.
    "I can't believe that you would make me do this," William said shaking his head. "Can't you get some other guy to do this?"
    Wendy frowned and shook her head. "No, I'm afraid not, everybody came here on the basis that they were going to be taking a picture with you. All of these women already booked their appointments in advance, and if you aren't willing to do it I don't know if we can make our fundraising quota this year."
    "I can't believe this, how could you do this to me?!" William said, realizing that she really had him over a barrel now because he wasn't big enough of a jackass to refuse to go through with it, and he knew that if he didn't go through with it he would never hear the end of it from Wendy, who would always bring up the argument whenever he happened to be looking at images of naked women.
    "Well it was just you were saying how you thought that everyone should be comfortable appearing naked in photographs and everything like that. You didn't seem to think that it should bother anyone, so I thought that you were really on board with it and that you wouldn't have a problem with this. You weren't lying were you?"
    William looked at the long line of women who showed up to get their picture taken with him naked, and he had to admit that it was rather flattering, if not for the fact that he had never been more terrified in his entire life and felt like he was going to faint.
    "You're right I shouldn't have forced you into this situation that's put you in a difficult spot," Wendy said. "I totally didn't respect your privacy and everything like that, and I should have asked you about this first. Maybe I have been a bit of a hypocrite too. If you want though I will just tell all of these women that it has been called off and we will probably think of something else to raise funds like a bake sale or something, or maybe we will offer to make guys sandwiches while completely buck naked."
    "Okay okay, you have guilted me into this, let's just get this over with," William said.
    "You really are the greatest," Wendy said as she hugged and kissed him and started eagerly dragging him over to the photo booth area.
    "So what exactly do I have to do?" William said.
    "Oh you don't have to do anything, you just have to get undressed and we will do the rest," Wendy said smiling. "So do you want me to strip you or can you take off your clothes by yourself?"
    William could absolutely die right now at the power she was exerting over him. Was this what he got for disagreeing with her in an argument? He figured that that was the case, and he suddenly reminded himself why he didn't like to argue with her. But now he didn't want to appear to be a total bastard and a hypocrite he would have to bite the bullet and go along with it.
    "I think I can manage," William said as he looked at the long line of women who were all smiling and a couple were giving a thumbs-up. He gritted his teeth as he very slowly removed his shirt, his shoes and then finally his pants and underpants as all of the women in the line started clapping and cheering.
    "Ladies ladies ladies, let's not be a bunch of animals like men would be, let us show how orderly and civilized we can be as we wait in line patiently to get our pictures taken with a naked dude," Wendy said. "Do you think we can do that ladies?"
    All of the women began cheering and clapping as Wendy nodded and patted William on the back. "Well hot stuff it's all up to you now, go out there and strut your stuff!"
    What followed over the next several hours was the most humiliating and exhilarating moments of Williams life. Women from all over the campus lined up and waited in line, some of them for hours, just so they could have their picture taken with him completely naked.
    "Hey don't I know you from somewhere," William said as a really attractive and busty woman said as she sashayed her way over to the photo booth.
    "Yeah, you are that guy who is always staring at my breasts in sociology class, I'm Penelope, you never learned my name, your eyes were always down here," she said pointing to her breasts. "But hey I guess the tables have turned now, I hope you appreciate the poetic justice of this, cause my eyes are looking straight down!"
    William stood there as Penelope took picture after picture with him. In fact she paid for more pictures than any other woman waiting in line. She had him pose in all sorts of different poses that made him learn just how much he could stretch and twist his body and contort it in every way.
    "One final one," Penelope said as she put her arm around his shoulder and pointed at his genitals.
    "What is this Abu Ghraib?!" William shouted. "You really like pointing at genitals!"
    Penelope nodded and smiled as several other women came up to have their pictures taken after she was done basically creating an entire precious memories photo album of herself naked with William.
    After an exhaustive final shoot where several women posed with William in the exact same pose as the women on his CD, except this time he was the naked one and they were the dressed ones, it was finally all over and William could relax, maybe even get his erection to go down!
    "Wow I have to say that you were totally great out there," Wendy said as she came over and hugged and kissed him as several people standing outside of the photo booth started clapping and cheering and oooing and ahhing as the sounds of flashbulbs went off when he realized that this was Wendy's photograph. "So William how do you feel having done the right thing?"
    "Great, just great," William said before promptly fainting.
    Wendy shrugged her shoulders and giggled. "Don't worry William, I am sure that soon everyone will completely forget about this and you will never have to think about it again."

    Two weeks later, the first day back at university after spring break.
    "Hey it is the naked guy!" a woman shouted on campus as everyone started clapping and whistling and hollering as he went down the hallway trying sheepishly to hide from the stares and catcalls.
    "I don't think am ever going to be able to live this down," William said.
    "Well hey, who would have ever thought that you would have been one of the biggest viral Internet sensations, well certainly as long as I have been in this university," Wendy said. "You're the famous naked guy and you have inspired similar events throughout the country. You should be proud of everything that you have done."
    "You don't have any idea how hard it is to be in public knowing all of these people have seen me naked," William said until it suddenly occurred to him. "And yes I realize the irony of that statement and once again, as always, you were kind of right. Okay you weren't kind of right, you were completely right. Being the subject of naked pictures where anyone can see you naked anytime is not a comfortable feeling, even though I fully agreed to it and willingly did it."
    "You are still one of the good ones, and trust me I will be very glad to show my appreciation to you later," Wendy said as she winked at William. "Just think of how many people are going to show up when we do this again next year?!"
    "Next year," William said as he swallowed deeply and felt his mouth starting to grow dry.
    "But now I have to get back to class, so see you later," Wendy said as she kissed William and ran off waving at him and winking at him as he waved and winked back.
    "Holy shit I am going to be late for sociology if I don't hurry up myself," William said as he walked into class and that was when he saw her standing there in the class smiling and waving in his general direction. He smiled and waved right back at Penelope, who had a big smile on her face, before looking down sheepishly at his feet and no doubt blushing.
    As William sat down to take his seat across from her he realized he suddenly felt different and he had just realized what is was that was different.
    He laughed to himself before whispering under his breath, in a way that nobody could hear him, "that's the first time I ever looked her in the face."


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