A Naked Examination

Hey everyone, happy holidays! This story doesn't have a Christmas theme like the one that I added last month, but this one was yet another one that was based on an awkward naked dream that I had about a week ago as follows: I remember that I was going to the doctor with my mom for a doctor's appointment or some type of follow-up checkup or something along those lines. I remember that when I am called back to the doctors office their were three female doctors or psychiatrist to have me completely undressed while they are all wearing the smart -looking business suits and skirts and everything like that. I found the entire situation to be really exciting but also very embarrassing and intimidating. I remember that they asked me a whole lot of questions but like usual with most of my dreams I can't really recall dialogue very well.

After I was done being examined by these women I was put into a waiting room area where I saw women of various different ages while still naked, and all of the women were staring at me. I think one woman was a woman with her daughter and I think that she was trying to cover up her eyes or maybe keep her away from the something like that, but the majority of the people there I think were older women or something along those lines.

Finally I am called back again and this time there was an even larger group of women who see me naked before they end up taking my vital signs and everything like that. Then when I am finally done though I get my backpack or blanket and stuff as well as food and then I start going outside looking for my mom's car but I am not sure if I was still naked at that point. It just sort of ends while I am looking for the car.

I was originally going to have the story follow the dream more closely where he ends up being put in the waiting room completely naked with all of the dressed women but I figured that that wasn't really very realistic, and for a while I thought maybe I should make his doctor turn out not to be a doctor at all and just someone tricking him, but I didn't think that was very realistic either, so that I went into a different direction with the story and just made about a guy getting a really embarrassing naked exam by his high school crush, which I felt was like the perfect revenge for what he had done when younger. So it's another case of embarrassed nude male, CFNM, only one naked, naked in public and a story where a person just gets their comeuppance in general. Enjoy!

A Naked Examination
Gary always felt awkward about getting his annual physical for work but he knew that he had to do it. There was something that was always extremely annoying about having to get undressed in front of some strange man who would then end up poking and prodding you every which way. But there was no way out of it, so he was just hoping that it would go quickly.
    As he sat in the waiting room he couldn't help but notice that sitting also in the waiting room was an attractive woman with huge breasts that he found a hard time taking his eyes off of. He didn't want to stare but she had basically the perfect body and he couldn't help but find himself mentally undressing her with his eyes and almost started drooling.
    "Gary Vogel," a nurse said as she waved him back into the doctors area where he knew he would have to continue waiting even longer. The nurse instructed him into the room and nodded. "Now please get completely undressed and the doctor will be in to examine you shortly."
    Gary always felt really awkward getting naked like that, even if it was for a legitimate medical reason like an annual physical, but he did as told and complied. As he sat there for several minutes feeling naked and alone he noticed it was rather cold in there. Finally he heard a knock on the door.
    "Gary Vogel is that you?" a shapely young woman said as she marched into the room with a big smile on her face causing Gary to cover himself up and blush.
    "Oh hi Chrissy," Gary said now feeling more awkward and uncomfortable than ever. Chrissy was a girl that he had a major crush on back in high school and he always felt guilty about spying on her in the girls locker room through a peephole that the guys had drilled in their locker room. "What are you doing here?"
    "I am here to give you your annual physical," Chrissy said smiling.
    "You're a doctor?!" Gary said.
    Chrissy laughed. "Yes Gary women can be doctors, I know that comes as a shock to you, but it's true. After high school I went to medical school and now I am a fully licensed and accredited doctor, but don't worry I am very professional about what I do, you shouldn't feel the least bit awkward over the fact that you are naked right now just because you knew me back in high school."
    Gary was really cringing. He couldn't believe that his high school crush was now standing there looking over his naked body with a big smile on her face. He never liked getting examined by that elderly old doctor that he normally got, but being examined completely naked by his high school crush, this had to be some type of divine punishment from the universe.
    "No it's great that you're a doctor and everything," Gary said and he could feel all the blood rushing to his genitals. He had never felt so sexually aroused in a clinical setting like that before, so it figured that he chose the worst time to find himself with an unwanted erection.
    "Great let's get this done with," Chrissy said. But please stand up Gary and put your hands at your sides.
    Gary did as she instructed but the fact that he was standing there with a raging erection pointing right at her made him feel ready to die of embarrassment and he no doubt was blushing.
    "My my you look rather red!" Chrissy said as she smiled. "You're not getting goosebumps are you? I hope you are not too cold."
    "I'm sorry," Gary said as he went to cover up his erection.
    Chrissy laughed. "No, I'm totally flattered, it's a perfectly normal biological response, there is nothing to be ashamed about. At least it shows that you have a good healthy working, well you know."
    Gary wanted to bolt right out of the room right then and there and never show his face to her again, but he knew that there was little he could do about the situation except soldier on, so he simply smiled and put his hands back at his sides.
    Chrissy started examining his body and looking over his skin and feeling his body and he could feel his pulse rate quickening and he felt he was probably starting to sweat.
    "Is it normal for you to sweat like this?" Chrissy said feeling his body. "I mean between the goosebumps and the sweat I am starting to wonder if maybe you have a fever. Let me take your temperature again."
    "The nurse already took my temperature."
    "Yes but I think I should get a more accurate reading," Chrissy said as she took out the thermometer, turned him around and shoved it right up his ass before looking at it. "It looks like you don't have a temperature, so I guess everything is fine. You haven't been under any stress lately have you Gary?"
    Gary turned to her and tried to keep a straight face. He wanted to say that he was having a lot of stress being completely humiliated by his high school crush while he was standing there naked in a medical exam, but he didn't want to give her the satisfaction of admitting that.
    "No more than the average person I don't think," Gary said.
    "Well I guess next I had better examine your prostate, this may be a little bit unpleasant," Chrissy said as she started feeling around his genitals, at which point he couldn't help but find himself blowing his load all over the place. "Oh dear."
    "I'm sorry," Gary said now utterly humiliated.
    Chrissy laughed again. "No no, it's a perfectly normal response, I'm almost even flattered. It looks like you have a normal prostate, fully healthy. I realize that you just blew your load but do you have any urine in there as well, because I think that we need to have you take a urine sample."
    "I guess I could go to the bathroom," Gary said as she got a cup out and handed it to him. "So do you want me to go to the bathroom?"
    "You can do it right here, you have to do it in front of me because I have to make sure that you are not doing drugs, so we have to make sure it's your urine," she said.
    Gary tried to go but he found himself getting performance anxiety as Chrissy was standing there staring at him. "I'm sorry," he said again. "But I have some trouble going to the bathroom when I'm being watched."
    Chrissy smiled in a wickedly evil way that just made it even harder for Gary to go to the bathroom because now he was once again feeling all of the blood rushing to his genitals.
    Chrissy then went over to the sink and started running the water.
    "What are you doing?" Gary asked.
    "Sometimes the sound of running water helps people to get things flowing so to speak," she said smirking.
    Eventually in spite of himself Gary somehow managed to produce the urine sample which Chrissy took with a big smile as she held it up.
    "Thank you Gary, you have been a good patient," Chrissy said. "But you know there is something with your skin and I think I want to get a second opinion on it. I'm going to ask some of my colleagues to come in to look at you, so just don't get dressed just yet. Please follow me down to the other room."
    Gary was going to reach for his clothing but Chrissy led him out of the room into the hallway where the receptionist at the desk started looking over in his direction with wide eyes, causing him to feel extremely self-conscious once again as he was led into another small room. A few minutes later Chrissy came back with two female colleagues with big smiles on their faces.
    The two women each examined Gary in explicit detail as Chrissy stood there watching with an almost triumphant look on her face before she waved over her colleagues and sort of discussed something with them in secret before finally turning back to Gary.
    "Well Gary it looks like everything is good, I guess you can get dressed now," Chrissy said as Gary walked out of the room to go back into the other room to claim his clothing. As he was walking down the hall however he saw the attractive woman that he was eyeballing from the waiting room  who got a good look at him and smiled and couldn't help but laugh before bursting into hysterics as she walked down the hallway.
    Gary had never been more humiliated in his entire life, so he quickly got dressed and walked out into the waiting area. As he finished making his appointment for next year's physical he caught one last glance of Chrissy who looked at him and winked.
    Was that some type of self-aware wink? Did she somehow know that he had seen her in the locker room all of those years ago? He knew that he would probably never know, but on some level he felt that she probably did know. He knew he would never be able to live it down and he knew that he would never be coming back to this doctor's office ever again for as long as he lived.
    "What was with that whole calling us in for a second opinion on his skin examination," said Diana, one of the doctors who had assisted Chrissy. "I didn't find anything unusual with his skin at all other than he seemed to be having goosebumps and was overly sweaty.
    Chrissy tried to keep a straight face. "Hey you can never be too careful," she said as Diana nodded and walked away as Chrissy folded her arms and shook her head. "And that will teach you to peek at me in the girls locker room!"


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