The Naked Girl and The Swan

 This was inspired by a story that I heard on the news that I think they mentioned it on the Colbert show or something like that, or The Daily Show, and I looked it up online and everything like that and I thought this would make sort of a funny story. Basically I saw this story about this woman went to all of this effort to save the swan and I just got the weird idea, wouldn't it be funny if a woman did that completely buck naked! So this is sort of a more humorous naked story for my collection I suppose that I am happy with how it turned out as I think this is sort of a nice sweet sort of story. So I'm pretty happy with this story because I thought this is one of the nicer more lighthearted nudity stories about an animal lover embarrassing herself to heroically save an animal, and it was all inspired by a true story that I decided to make sort of a weird crazy naked story! If you are interested in the story that inspired this story you can read it at among other places.

The Naked Girl and The Swan
Lida looked at herself in the mirror and immediately felt self-conscious. She didn't feel that she was ugly but she didn't have the perfect body, and the thought of going outside naked made her feel increasingly self-conscious. She had heard about the new laws allowing for public nudity but she didn't think that she was bold enough to make use of them herself. She figured that even though it was now legal that very few people would take advantage of something like that, no matter how nice the weather was.
    "On the other hand the only way I could get a full tan from a sunny day like this is if I went out completely naked," Lida said as she looked at her naked form in the mirror and spun around.
    Although she was still feeling self-conscious she figured if she just kept to the isolated trail through the forest the chances that anyone she knew seeing her were pretty slim. She realized that she might be taking a risk, but she figured that the odds are of her encountering anyone who might recognize her and seeing her naked were infinitesimally small. She figured she could probably go around naked without even encountering another single human being.
    "Okay I'm going to do it," Lida said as she walked outside and started heading towards the entrance to the woods completely naked. For a moment she thought that she should maybe bring her cell phone in case something happened, but then she figured if she was going to be completely naked where would she keep her cell phone? She didn't really want to bring her purse because that might end up blocking the sun and ruining her tan. She shook her head figuring that she probably wouldn't be out very long anyway.
    As she first started jogging through the woods she was worried that she would end up seeing someone, but as she jogged for several minutes without seeing any signs of anyone else she thought that she was probably just worrying too much. It was pretty great knowing that in this isolated area she could probably jog around naked with out anyone seeing her or gawking at her.
    As she felt the morning sun on her face and her skin she started to feel invigorated and wondered to herself why she hadn't done this sooner? The new laws had only been in effect a short time but they were around long enough that she felt like she could have taken advantage of them long before now.
    After about a half hour without seeing anyone she was beginning to feel on top of the world. Not only was she getting a full body tan but nobody had caught her in the act. She felt like she was getting away with something even though what she was doing was perfectly legal.
    "You know this is just really the perfect day and I don't see how anything could possibly ruin it," she said when all of a sudden she noticed something up ahead. "What's that?"
    Lida continued walking until she could see more clearly what was in the distance. It looked like a beautiful swan sitting right near the lake, but she had to admit the swan didn't look like it was doing very well. In fact it looked like it was positively sick.
    "Hey what's the matter little guy," he said as she approached the swan and could tell from its lack of responsiveness that it wasn't doing very well. "You look like you are really sick. I should get you some help."
    Lida looked around but she just remembered that she was now a good long way from home and by the time she got home it might be too late to help the swan. She went to reach for her cell phone but then as she patted her naked thighs she remembered that she left everything at home.
    "Oh great the one time I really could have used a cell phone and I don't have one with me," she said shaking her head looking at the swan which was looking up at her with sad eyes. "Come on don't look at me like that."
    Lida knew that it wasn't very far to the animal clinic if she went right into the city. But she didn't feel she had time enough to go home, get dressed, come back and get the swan. But she couldn't walk into the city naked! Sure it was still technically legal but in the city she would encounter lots of people. It was one thing to go jogging naked through the woods in an area where you could go for miles without seeing another single living soul, but going through the city streets where there were dozens, if not hundreds of people on every city block, people with cell phones with cameras in them, there was no way she could do that.
    "I'm sorry I just can't do it," she said as she started walking away from the swan before it made sort of like a coughing noise behind her stopping her in her tracks. She turned around and looked at the creature, it was sad and pathetic -looking, and she was trying to rationalize to herself leaving it behind, and that she felt it might not survive one way or the other, but she knew if she didn't do anything that she would feel guilty about it for the rest of her life.
    Slowly she went over and she picked up the swan which was fairly listless in her arms, and she could feel like it was still alive and breathing, but if it didn't get itself to a veterinarian pretty soon it wasn't going to last much longer, she was sure of that.
    "God dammit why do I have to be such an animal lover with such a bleeding heart?!" Lida said as she started walking towards the city holding the swan up in front of her trying to cover herself with the swan as much as possible knowing full well that it still left her entire backside on view for everyone. That and the fact that a naked girl carrying a swan would probably stand out more than a woman who was just walking around naked on her own. You see a naked woman walking around carrying a swan and you have to wonder what the hell is going on here!
    As she continued walking through the woods and was approaching the city she kept telling herself that maybe nobody would notice, or that they would maybe they would just do a double take and then forget that they had seen a naked girl running around with a swan that she was using to try and cover up her naughty bits.
    "You know your feathers are really tickling my naked skin," she said as she couldn't help but giggle. "You know I'm doing a huge favor. You have no idea how embarrassing this is for me!"
    As she started approaching the city she started getting cold feet. She started slowing down and her legs began trembling, but then she looked down into the eyes of the swan and realized that if she didn't hurry it would all be for nothing.
    She started picking up her pace and she ran into the city streets where all of the sudden it seemed like all of the eyes in the city were planted firmly on her, with large numbers of people pointing at her and mumbling to themselves and to other people. She could see a couple of them raising up their cameras and probably taking pictures of her, which was making her feel mortified, but she didn't have time to stop and argue with them.
    "The swan, he's sick, or she's sick, I don't really know if it's a he or she, but it's a living creature and I have to help it," she said to all of the people standing and waiting next to her at the crosswalk.
    As she walked across the street several cars started honking in her general direction but she just tried to ignore them as she continued to hold the swan up in front of her, hopefully at least covering up the more revealing areas of her anatomy, even though she heard somebody shout nice ass from behind her.
    "Just ignore them, you are doing a good deed and nothing can take that away from you, you're going to win major good karma points for this," Lida said as she ran quickly down the street as people started turning and doing double takes. With every street that she walked down she saw more and more people looking at her but she tried her best to ignore it and focus on the task at hand.
    She realized that the quickest way to get to the animal clinic was to take the subway, so she went down to the subway only to realize that she had no money.
    "Crap I have no money!" she said remembering that she didn't bring her purse or even wear anything where she could put a wallet in and wondering what she would do now as she looked around. She hated the idea of begging for money under normal circumstances, and she hated the idea of begging for money while completely naked a whole lot more.
    "I guess you really must be broke if you can't even afford to put on some clothing," a guy said as he laughed, causing her to blush.
    She felt like she was practically ready to die of embarrassment because the guy was rather attractive and now he was seeing her completely buck naked. But she swallowed her pride and tried not to tremble too much, as she realized that that was making the swan feel uncomfortable and causing it to go squirming around in her hands, which was just causing the feathers to tickle her naked flesh even more and she couldn't help but giggle.
    "If you must know I am doing this for the swan, he/she seems to be sick and if I don't get him/her to the animal clinic in time I am worried that he/she will not survive," Lida said. "So now you can either give me some money or you can get out of my way, as I don't have time to stand here and be ogled and objectified by you."
    The man shook his head. "I'm sorry, I just guess I was a little bit shocked because you don't see a naked woman with a swan in the subway every day, or ever really."
    "Do you think you can help me?" she said as she held the swan tightly up against her body, still blushing profusely and feeling the goosebumps all over her body.
    "Hey well I never say no to a naked chick, or at least I never have before. Can you just do one thing for me though?"
    "What's that?" she asked, almost afraid to ask.
    "Just me take a selfie with you and the swan because nobody is going to believe this story otherwise," he said as he laughed.
    She really didn't like the idea of anyone having video or pictorial evidence of what she was experiencing right now, but as she saw that everybody in the station had their camera phones out and were recording every moment of this, with many pointing and laughing, she realized that that ship had pretty much already sailed.
    "Fine I'll let you take a selfie with me just give me the money to pay for the subway!" Lida said as the man put his arm around her and took several selfies of them standing there together, with her cringeful smiling and no doubt now bright red with embarrassment.
    Luckily that embarrassing moment didn't last too long, and she soon found herself on the subway in an entirely new embarrassing moment, standing next to the man as everybody on the subway was staring at her as everything got really quiet.
    "Why did everything get quiet," a black man with dark black sunglasses holding a violin with an open case on the floor in front of him said. "I'm blind so I don't know what everybody is looking at."
    "There's a naked girl with a swan on the subway!" somebody shouted.
    The man with the violin smiled and shook his head. "Well there's something you don't see every day, I mean I don't see anything any day, but even before I went blind I certainly never saw that! This is one of those times when I really wish that I could see."
    "There's nothing to see here, haven't you ever seen a naked girl with a swan before?!" Lida realizing that the blind man had just answered that question a moment before.
    "That swan isn't looking very good, maybe you should let him rest on the seat," a woman said as she came over to Lida. "I think you will take pressure off the swan and make the swan feel better if the swan can sit down and rest without you pressing him tightly against your body."
    "Well I would but –" Lida said realizing how insane it would sound to say that she would feel embarrassed if she wasn't holding the swan up in front of her naked body in order to cover it up. But she realized that she had to do what was best for the swan, so reluctantly she looked for a place to put the swan down, and a man got up and offered his seat to the swan, so she put it down.
    "Thank you," she said as she stood there now completely naked and exposed with nothing to cover her except her hands which she tried to use to cover her naughty bits, as well as put her arm across her breasts. This had to be the most embarrassing ride of her life and she couldn't wait for it to be over.
    "You know there is some type of really interesting story behind this and I would really love to share it with the world," the woman standing next to her said. "My name is Mindy and I am a reporter and this would make a great story for the paper."
    "I would really like to keep this sort of on the down low and not draw attention to myself," Lida said trying hard not to blush.
    "That's not what I would expect to hear from a woman walking around naked on the subway with a swan," Mindy said. "That's the kind of thing that you do when you really want to draw a lot of attention to you. I bet if I just Googled naked girl with swan right now you have already gone viral." Mindy took out her phone and started looking it up. "Yep, you are already an Internet sensation! So you might as well at least give me the story."
    "Okay I will give you the story later, but right now I have to get this swan to the veterinarian before it dies," Lida said as the subway reached her stop and she and Mindy and several others got off, until now it seemed like she had an entire entourage following, her including the guy who took a selfie with her and even the blind man. Somehow she felt more comfortable about the blind man knowing that he couldn't see her naked.
    "Don't worry I have already called ahead at the animal clinic," Mindy said. "That and a few other things."
    "What do you mean a few other things?" Lida said shaking her head. "Nevermind we just have to get to the clinic right away!"
    They continued running down the streets as they approached the animal clinic as Lida continued cradling the swan in her arms and walking faster with each passing minute.
    "Out of the way people, naked woman with a swan coming through!" she said as she ran towards the clinic and pushed open the door as all of the people inside turned and looked at her with looks of shock, with a few with their jaws dropping.
    "Well I thought I had seen everything but I guess I was wrong," the head veterinarian said shaking her head. "What is the meaning of this?"
    "I found this swan while I was hiking in the woods, and yes I was hiking in the woods naked before you have to ask, and it looked like he was sick, so I figured I had to get here as soon as possible. You think you can help him?"
    "I'll do everything in my power," the veterinarian said as she grabbed the swan from Lida leaving her once again feeling even more exposed than before.
    Lida didn't know exactly what to do next, so once the veterinarian had taken the swan she simply sat down in the waiting room between a couple of people sitting with their various animals and trying to move away from her so that they wouldn't be touching right up with her.
    "Mommy that girl has no clothing on!" a little boy said pointing at Lída and causing her to feel even more embarrassed than all day up until that point.
    "Don't stare Jeremy, it's rude!" the woman said looking at Lida and shaking her head and trying not to laugh.
    Lída felt nervous as she was sitting there waiting for the results until finally the veterinarian came out with a smile on her face.
    "You'll be glad to know that the swan is going to be okay, he is suffering from lead poisoning but I think that because of your heroic efforts to get him here in time that we will be able to treat him. If you had left him alone in the wild he would have surely died. You really are a hero! What was your name?"
    "Lida," she said suddenly feeling proud of herself but once again feeling embarrassed as hell over the fact that everyone was staring at her completely naked body.
    "Let's have three cheers for Lida, the naked swan girl!" the veterinarian said as everyone began cheering and clapping.
    Now she was more embarrassed than ever before and she didn't think that this could possibly get worse. But at least now she could go home and put this whole experience behind her knowing that she had done a good deed and gotten a poor sick animal to safety.
    As soon as she stepped out of the door of the animal clinic there was a whole bunch of people with microphones and cameras standing there waiting for her.
    "These were the other people that you called aren't they?" Lida said turning angrily to Mindy who just smiled and shrugged her shoulders and laughed, so Lída just did the same even though she was blushing like crazy.
    As Lida stood there telling the reporters everything that happened, and no doubt blushing severely the entire time, she had to admit that no good deed went unpunished, and the fact that she would now be forever known as the naked swan girl was proof of that.
    "Is there anything else you would like to say about this whole harrowing ordeal?" Mindy said when Lida had finished her story.
    Then for the first time all day Lida burst out laughing. "Yeah, at least in spite of everything I still got a really kick ass tan!"


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