My Night As a Naked Secret Santa

I don't know if it's a bit early for a naked Christmas story, but I thought of this one off the top of my head and I really liked the concept and wanted to write it right away, figuring that it was a pretty unique idea for a story, and I am just happy the way it flowed from start to finish and how it ended as well. This is mostly a CFNM story with an embarrassed naked man, an only one naked situation but also contains a little bit of CMNF. Enjoy and have a happy naked holiday!

My Night As a Naked Secret Santa
"I can't believe that this was totally okayed," Scott said.
    "Well it was," Mike said. "The office said that as long as the women were comfortable with it there could be something like a naked secret Santa, and the response from the women was an overwhelming sense of excitement and enthusiasm. Besides it's going to be completely anonymous, so whoever ends up being selected to be the naked secret Santa will be wearing a Santa Claus beard and hat, so nobody will know who the naked guy is."
    "I think they can make an educated guess," Scott said shaking his head.
    "Well you don't have to participate in it if you don't want to, but all of the guys thought that it would be kind of a fun thing to do for all of the ladies."
    "Yeah but only one guy is going to end up having to strip naked for every woman in the office! And there are a lot more women in this office then there are men."
    "But there are 15 guys in the office, the way I see it you only have one in 15 chance of being picked as the naked secret Santa. But if you don't want to do it no one's going to force you to do it if you are uncomfortable with it. We just thought it would be sort of a nice thing to do for all of the women and they all seemed really excited about it."
    "So what exactly does the naked secret Santa have to do?"
    "Well essentially you would just distribute all of the other secret Santa gifts to all of the women, you know but doing it completely buck naked in a Santa Claus beard and red Santa hat, you know to preserve the secret part of it."
    "But I still think that the women might manage to figure it out somehow."
    "Well you are not going to talk the whole time, that's the entire point. By wearing the beard and the hat and not saying anything nobody will know for sure who it is. I am sure that people will probably speculate, but as long as you have that beard and hat on no one's ever going to know for sure."
    "Okay fine I will do it, I want to be a good sport and don't want to let the women down, since it's nice to do something for women around Christmas time. Besides the odds are it will be somebody else anyway."

    Later at the end of the day.
    "And our naked secret Santa is," Mike said looking at Scott trying hard not to smirk.
    "Seriously?" Scott said. "I feel that this whole thing was rigged."
    "But we just put names in a hat, it wasn't like we voted on who was going to be the secret Santa," Mike said. "But I guess if you don't want to be a team player and do it –"
    "I'll do it, I'll do it," Scott said waving his hands. "I'm just saying that the odds of this happening, why am I just not surprised?"
    Mike smiled. "Hey I would do it, but I wasn't the one who got picked and everything like that." Mike smiled as he held up the Santa beard and hat. "So do you want to get dressed in your costume now?"
    "It looks a bit drafty," Scott said, but now he couldn't help but laugh. It was kind of funny he had to admit, and at least the ladies would get a thrill out of it, it wasn't like they would ever know it was him.
    Scott quickly went behind the curtain and got changed into his costume and all of the guys couldn't help but snicker and laugh.
    "Hey Santa I can see your sack," Mike said as he burst out laughing and pointed at Scott's genitals.
    "I've got my sack right here," Scott said as he threw the sack full of presents over his shoulder. As he was standing there naked wearing a Santa Claus beard attached to a hat with a little ball on the end of it and carrying a huge sack full of presents over his shoulder, he had to admit that he had never felt more ridiculous in his entire life.
    "Well Santa get your naked ass out there into the office and start distributing those gifts," Mike said as he laughed and pointed at Scott who simply shook his head and slowly approached the door to the office. "What's the matter, getting cold feet?"
    "My feet aren't the only thing that's cold right now," Scott said realizing that he probably had obvious goosebumps from the cold. He continued to hesitate before he took a deep breath, sucked it up, opened the door and walked out into the office to see about two dozen women all screaming and clapping.
    "Yea, Santa is here, are we on the naughty list Santa?" Claire said as she began whistling and hollering. Scott had to admit that he always had a real major crush on Claire, and he couldn't help but feel nervous at the thought that maybe she realized it was him.
    "Ho Ho Ho," Scott muttered before coughing into his fist remembering that he wasn't supposed to say anything and that he didn't want to give away his identity.
    "Well it looks like Santa is happy to see us," Marissa said as she pointed at Scott who suddenly realized that to his great humiliation this whole experience had given him a huge throbbing erection that was pointed right at her.
    "This is the best Christmas ever," Karen said as she started laughing. "Maybe Santa will let us sit on his lap!"
    "If Santa Claus has room in his lap with that thing dangling off of it," Deborah said, as she couldn't help but giggle and point.
    Scott suddenly found himself paralyzed with fear, as he had never found himself more humiliated. But then he thought to himself that he was completely anonymous, that was the secret part of secret Santa. None of these women had any idea that it was him, how could they?
    As soon as he realized that there was no way they could ever confirm with 100% certainty that it was him he suddenly started relaxing a little bit, his erection even subsided a little bit, at least until Claire bent over giving him a good look at her cleavage.
    Once again taking a deep breath, Scott simply went around quietly distributing the gifts to the women, who all smiled and struggled to repress the urge to burst out laughing as a naked Santa Claus went around handing them each gifts from his sack until it was basically empty. That was when he realized that he only had one present left and started looking around to see if there was anyone who hadn't gotten one yet.
    "Hey Santa Claus I haven't gotten any yet," Claire said as she waved to him with a huge smile on her face.
    As Scott stood there directly in line with Claire, he once again became instantaneously erect and found his heart pounding out of his chest with excitement. He felt almost paralyzed again, like he could barely move. He reached into his sack and pulled out the last gift and slowly started walking towards Claire, his legs now shaking as much with fear as with excitement.
    He had almost made his way across the room holding the gift in his hand, when all of a sudden his hands started shaking and he dropped it and it fell to the floor with a thud. Now he felt extremely awkward because not only was he a naked Santa, he was a clumsy naked Santa, and he had dropped the gift right in front of the woman that he had the hugest crush on.
    Not sure exactly what to do he slowly started reaching down to pick up the gift as he heard women whistling and shouting nice ass, when he then noticed that Claire was also likewise reaching towards the present. As he was coming up he felt his hat, which was attached to his beard, hit Claire underneath her chin causing it to fall right off.
    Scott froze as he realized that now he was completely uncovered. Strangely enough he never felt completely naked as long as he had that beard and hat on, even though the ladies could see all of the interesting parts of his anatomy, but now his identity was exposed, exposed for every single woman in the office to see. He would never be able to live this down. He would have to leave the office forever and find a new job, and he was just starting to really like it there a lot.
    As he stood there holding up the gift and pushing it towards Claire, she took it from his hands, slowly bent down, picked up his hat and beard and put it back on his face as she walked away, smiled and winked at him.
    He couldn't believe it, Claire had just saved his life. Sure she knew he was Santa Claus, but none of the other women in the office had seen his face because he had his back to them, all they saw was his ass!
    Very slowly Scott turned around and faced all of the other women who started clapping and cheering and whistling once more. Scott simply waved to them, picked up his empty sack and hightailed it out of there as all of the women started going crazy with excitement.
    "Well it sounds like you got a pretty big standing ovation," Mike said as he closed the door behind him. "So how was it?"
    Scott started to feel wobbly and that was when he fell down on the floor and passed out.
    Mike shook his head as he looked at the other guys. "I am not homophobic or anything but if you think I'm going to perform mouth-to-mouth on a naked Santa Claus you've got another thing coming!"

    Scott soon recovered from his total state of shock, quickly got dressed and was eager to get home. He knew that night was the most humiliating night of his life, and yet he had never been horny like he had been at that moment. He started masturbating furiously and instantaneously blew his load and then finally managed to get to sleep.
    He had no idea how he was going to face Claire at the office when they got back from Christmas break. But when he got back from Christmas, the first day back, he saw a little tiny present on his desk. It didn't seem to have any name on it or anything like that, and he didn't see who left it there. He couldn't find Claire anywhere in the office and he was wondering if she felt as awkward about having seen him as he being seen by her, if anything like that were even possible. He was hoping that she didn't quit just because of the whole awkwardness of the situation. Why on earth had he ever agreed to be a naked secret Santa?
    Looking around at the women in the office he couldn't see any obvious signs that any of the other women in the office knew that it was him. The women looked over at him occasionally, but they looked at the other guys as well. He was wondering if they were all sizing the guys up and trying to guess who was the naked secret Santa. But that's when it dawned on him, Claire had never given away his identity, she must have kept his secret.
    "God bless her," Scott said as he opened up the little package which simply had a small note in it. "Meet me at the following location at lunch time if you want a Christmas gift you will never forget."
    Scott wasn't sure how to regard this present, and he was getting nervous as lunch approached. But as soon as lunch approached he went down to the location written on the card and opened the door and closed it behind him. He found himself in a dark room and he felt around for the light switch until he turned it on, at which point he saw that standing there naked, wearing nothing but the same hat that he had been wearing, minus the beard, was Claire with a big smile on her face.
    "Do you like your Christmas gift Santa Claus?" Claire said as she stood there laughing as she looked right between his legs. "Well it seems like once again you are happy to see me, I know that much!"
    Scott wasn't exactly sure how to respond to such an unprecedented turn of events other than to smile. "Well Claire, this is certainly a side of you I have never seen before."
    "What about this side," she said as she turned around and shook her naked ass at him as she smacked it with her hands before she burst out laughing.
    "I think that you look pretty good from any angle," Scott said as she turned back around and he could tell that she was blushing but still smiling all the while. "But isn't it a little bit late for a Christmas gift?"
    Claire shook her head. "Well if you don't want it I'm afraid that you can't exchange it!"
    The two of them burst out laughing as Scott looked at her directly in the eyes with a big smile on his face. "You know I wouldn't even think of it. Merry Christmas Claire!"
    "Merry Christmas St. Nick, and a very happy new year!"
    And as Scott approached the naked love of his life, standing there in front of him, he realized that it was not going to be a good new year, it was going to be the greatest new year of his life.


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