Painting Professor Pete

I hope that everyone enjoys the following story but I should warn you this is a more mean-spirited sort of revenge nudity story. It concerns a professor who is taking advantage of his female students sexually and how they get revenge on him by forcing him into a humiliating CFNM situation. What starts out as a CMNF story quickly turns into a reverse situation where a character gets his just desserts. So if you like those stories that involve people getting their comeuppance, then this one is probably one that you will enjoy.

Painting Professor Pete
Prof. Pete was a teacher of classical studies and was well known to have taken advantage on many occasions of his female students at the University.
    "Is this the only way I can pass your class," Mina said as she slowly got undressed and covered up her body with her arms. She couldn't believe that she was getting naked for her professor like that, but it was the only way she felt she could get a passing grade. She knew that she shouldn't allow him to take advantage of her like that, but she was rather desperate because if she didn't get a good grade in that class she could end up losing her scholarship that she needed to get through college without being saddled with massive debt.
    "You have a beautiful body, you shouldn't be ashamed of it, it's like a classical work of art, like a Greek statue," Pete said as he looked over her and moved her hands away from her body so that he could see her more clearly as he licked his lips.
    "Let's just get this over with," Mina said as she felt herself blushing, as this whole situation was extremely humiliating.
    Mina stood there as her professor started taking all sorts of pictures of her before he sat down and began jerking off. At one point he took her hand and put it towards his genitals so that she could help finish him off. When she was done she felt completely disgusted with herself.
    "Please can I get dressed now?" Mina said as she started shaking. "It's really cold in here."
    Pete put his hands on Mina's breasts and began caressing them. She slapped his hand away but he grabbed her hand and put it down at her side and continued having his way with her until he was satisfied.
    "Well I have to say that what we did today was definitely some real A+ work," Pete said as Mina quickly got dressed and got out of there so she could get home and take a shower to wash off all the feelings of self-loathing at what she had done.

    "You should go to the University about this," her friend Alexandra said. "That is pure sexual harassment and everything like that. Hasn't he ever heard of the me too movement?"
    "If I go to the University I would have to admit that I willingly submitted in order to get a better grade and they would probably expel me or something," Mina said shaking her head. "It's not like I am totally innocent here, I am also in the wrong, and I don't want to lose my scholarship."
    "I think that he would get in a lot more trouble than you would," Hannah said shaking her head." But I'm not surprised, I have heard a lot of girls around the campus have said that he has done this to them. They are getting a bad grade and then he has them pose naked for him and he takes all sorts of pictures and gropes them and everything, and then forces them into silence. It's just not right. Even if you agreed to it he still used his position of power to coerce you into that situation."
    Mina shook her head. "I don't want to get in trouble myself but I wish that there was some way I could get revenge on him, some way I could get really bad revenge on him."
    "Why don't you try blackmailing him," Alexandra said. "Why don't you take some videos of him doing this to you and then threaten to go to the University with it, or even worse find out if he has a wife and threaten to go to her with that. If you can blackmail him then you can pretty much force him into anything that you want."
    Mina shook her head. "I don't know, this all sounds so elaborate, and what if he catches me in the act?"
    "But the only way you're ever going to get back at this creepy pervert is to find some way to blackmail him and then perhaps publicly humiliate him," Alexandra said as he started smiling. "And I think that I have just the thing for you to get back at him."
    Mina looked skeptical but she sat down. "I'm listening."

    The next time Mina was supposed to get undressed for Prof. Pete she decided that she would do what Alexandra said and secretly hide a video camera to videotape the entire thing. If she had videotape of him coercing her into some type of perverted sexual act like that she could at least get it to stop and would be able to blackmail him with the video.
    "Mina what a lovely outfit you wore today, not that I really care about what you are wearing over your body," Pete said with a lecherous smile. "I really don't care what you are wearing, seeing as it's going to be coming off shortly, so let's not hesitate. Your professor needs some sexual release and your young body is so much more attractive than my wife's body, which has grown old with time. She was hot when I married her but she can't compete with a college girl. I'd leave her but then the bitch would take all of my money, and I don't have enough as it is. Never sign a prenuptial agreement with a woman who makes more money than you."
    Mina reluctantly got undressed and stood there as she was ogled by the professor, but what he didn't know was that sitting in her bookbag mere inches away was a camera that was recording everything that he was saying and doing, including his comments about his wife.
    The entire experience was degrading, but she took solace in the fact that she knew she was getting it all on video and she knew that this would be the last time she would have to go through with it. So in some ways the worst stuff that he would do she was hoping that he would do this time, so that it would be even more incriminating.
    "Can I get dressed now?" Mina finally said after she finished jerking him off.
    Prof. Pete smiled. "You always seem so eager to put your clothing on, which is a shame because you look much better with it off. But I guess that that's okay for now, all good things must come to an end."
    You don't know the half of it, Mina thought to herself trying to keep a straight face.

    Mina went home and she made sure to make copies of the video and have it saved externally so that if anything were to happen to her the video would immediately go out. The next time she was supposed to have a "session" with Prof. Pete she was planning to confront him.
    "Mina, you look so lovely today, what are you still doing wearing your clothing, I am getting rather impatient," Prof. Pete said as she walked into his office.
    "Sorry, not today professor, the fun is over, at least for you anyway," Mina said as she shook her head.
    "What are you talking about?"
    "Last time you weren't the only one recording videos of me naked," Mina said as she took out her device and started showing that she had a video of their last session. "And if you don't do exactly what I say this video will go out."
    Prof. Pete laughed. "You do realize that if this video goes out you will be humiliated as well and will probably be expelled from the University."
    Mina shook her head. "I'm aware of that professor, but sometimes in order to get justice you have to be willing to put everything on the line. Who do you think is going to be in more trouble, me who posed naked for you, or you, who used your power and position as a way to coerce me into sexual acts? The fact is I think that you would immediately lose your job, you would probably be prosecuted as a sex offender and I think that in the divorce hearings with your wife she would decidedly have the upper hand. So the question you have to ask yourself professor, is that are you willing to completely ruin your life, or should we just call this even? Now that I have proof you can no longer coerce me into getting naked for you, but I still want you to give me a good grade."
    Prof. Pete smiled. "What if I decide to call your bluff, I don't think that you are going to willingly destroy your reputation forever just to bring me down."
    Mina smiled. "You act like it's just me professor. The fact is I have asked around the University and I know you have done this thing to a lot of the women here. A lot of those women heard of my plan and they have been recording their sessions as well. So there is the possibility that maybe I will chicken out in the end, but what about the 23 other women, do you think every single one of them is going to stay silent?"
    "You're bluffing," Prof. Pete said shaking his head. "How do I know any of this is true?"
    Mina smiled and clapped her hands together and laughed. "Oh professor I was really hoping that you would ask that. Please come with me." Mina motioned with her finger towards the door as Prof. Pete followed her down the hallway and into a room that was full of women standing behind painting easels. In fact the entire room was filled with what looked like dozens of women.
    "What exactly is this?" Prof. Pete said as he looked around and saw that several of the faces of the women looked familiar to him.
    "Everybody this is Prof. Pete, he teaches classical studies, I think a lot of you know him, but a lot of you don't, but I think that you are going to get to know him up close and personal today," Mina said as she smiled evilly in Prof. Pete's direction. "The fact is that are good Prof. Pete here told me that he would volunteer to be our nude art model. We all need to paint a naked man in order to get a good grade, and it was just so nice of him to volunteer, especially seeing how public this is."
    "There is no way on earth that I am going to be doing that," Prof. Pete said as he took her to the side.
    "Why wouldn't you want to do it professor," Mina said raising her voice. "I think that a lot of these ladies would really like to see you, and if you disappoint them I have no idea what exactly they would do."
    "But this is blackmail," the professor said as he pulled her to the side again.
    "Exactly," Mina said. "Now if you don't want those videos to go to the administration and to your wife I suggest that you take your place in the center of the room and begin removing your clothing right away."
    Prof. Pete looked positively furious. "The idea that a man of my standing would get naked in front of an entire group of women like that, it's just, it's so positively –"
    "I can imagine, forcing people to get naked when they don't want to must be pretty humiliating, nonetheless I suggest that you take it off pretty quickly or those videos I think will go out even faster. The decision is yours professor, but you had better decide right now."
    Prof. Pete could barely contain his anger but he knew that they had him over a barrel and that there was nothing he could do. Slowly and awkwardly he went into the center of the room, looking at all of the women staring at him from behind their easels.
    "Any time now professor," Mina said. "There's lots of people who are eager to get started and it would be rude to keep them waiting." Mina made a motion with her hands that he should get undressed.
    Gritting his teeth and trying not to burst out in anger, very slowly Pete unbuttoned his shirt and took it off as he saw many smiling female faces looking at him with evil smirks. Then slowly he removed his pants and underpants until he was standing there completely naked, blushing and rubbing himself because it was cold.
    Several of the women were giggling and one ran out of the room covering her mouth because she could barely contain herself. Prof. Pete was completely furious as he had never been so humiliated in his entire life, but reluctantly he sat in the center of the room posing naked for all of the women to see.
    "You're looking pretty good professor, you look just like a Greek statue from antiquity," Mina said as several of the other women nodded in agreement, some trying not to giggle, and others looking positively vindictive as they stared at him and began painting.
    "My my what is going on in here," Prof. Anderson said as she walked into the room covering her mouth when she saw Prof. Pete. "Peter, I have never seen this side of you before." She struggled not to giggle.
    "Prof. Pete has decided to be a real good sport and decided to pose naked for us to do our art project," Mina said. "You're welcome to stay if you like. In fact any woman who wants to come in just to watch us as we paint our portraits is perfectly welcome. It's our feeling that art should be done out in the open where everybody can see it, don't you think so professor?"
    Prof. Anderson smiled and sat down as Prof. Pete tried hard to smile at her when he wanted to spit in her face. He was so enraged that he was practically grinding his teeth but he knew that he couldn't let anyone know what exactly was going on.
    As Pete sat there completely naked and wanting to cover himself up he had to admit at the same time as he felt himself covered in goosebumps and blushing that this was getting the blood rushing to certain other areas of his anatomy.
    "The professor has a stiffy!" a woman in the back shouted as many burst out laughing.
    "It is nothing to be embarrassed about, stuff like this happens," Mina said smirking and snickering. "Just try not to break character and keep that pose."
    Pete sat there as dozens of fully dressed women, many of whom he had forcibly had undressed for his own amusement, had now turned the tables on him and were getting very intimately acquainted with every exposed inch of his body. As humiliating as the situation was he couldn't help but find it extremely exciting, and the fact that he was finding this exciting was making him even more furious.
    Finally it was over and Pete felt like he was practically going to faint. Probably over 100 women had seen him naked, and several dozen had painted him naked, including Mrs. Anderson, a woman that he never felt was the type of woman that he would have wanted to see in a state of undress. The fact that she got to see him was something that he would never be able to live down.
    "Well that was a lot of fun wasn't it girls?" Mina said. "Let's give a hand to Prof. Pete, who I think that we are all going to remember for a very long time as these portraits hang all over the University for everybody to see in intimate detail."
    All of the women clapped as some of them began cheering and hooting and hollering as Pete quickly got dressed and ran out of there completely humiliated, unable to even make eye contact with any of the women he once looked at without so much as blinking for extended stretches of time.

    The next day Prof. Pete resigned from his job, quitting forever, and was never seen again, at least not in person anyway, but those naked portraits of him would be forever hanging in the University as a reminder of why you don't mess with a bunch of female artists, as hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


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