Naked Lucid Dreams and Nightmares

I thought of this one based on the two lucid dreams I have had yesterday and today and I sort of combined the ideas into one single idea when originally I was going to have it be two separate stories. Originally it was just going out to be really short and he wakes up realizing it's a dream but then I thought of this whole elaborate thing about some woman using occult magic as a way of trapping him naked in his own dreams which I though is an interesting concept and I think that it worked really well. So this is another story with a speculative twist that involves CFNM of menses primarily), embarrassed nude male, naked in public, only one naked, embarrassed nude female and CMNF.

I can't believe my luck but I had two really intense lucid CFNM dreams two days in a row!

First from yesterday: I have to say this is one of my most prolonged lucid dreams involving CFNM and it was really great and definitely a memorable dream because it both contained nudity and lucidity. I forget with the first part was but then I just remember I felt I was in the hallway at school where I realized I was naked.
Actually first I remember the dream starts off where I was in gym class where the teacher was lecturing all of us that if we end up late to class again we would be in big trouble. But I walk out of gym class and into the hallway where somehow that alerted me to the fact that I was in a dream. I have actually noticed that being an unfamiliar hallways and stuff seems to have triggered lucidity in a couple of recent dreams so maybe that is something worth taking note of.
As soon as I am in the hallway I decide to get naked and I see a really attractive looking Indian woman in the hallway. I get naked when I see her and she has a really happy look of excitement and astonishment on her face to see me naked like that so at least it was a pretty positive reaction.
I continue walking through the hallways and then I find myself in an office full of what looked like a lot of older women and everything but women of all different ages but again mostly women. They were all clearly looking at me and everything like that and most of them were covering their mouths because they were completely astonished to see something like that. I am getting so excited that at that point I drop my clothing on the floor figuring the hell with them! Up until that point in the dream although I was naked I was still carrying my clothing around with me and everything I guess so that I could put it on later but I continued thinking it was a dream, so what did I need them for? I pretty much just discarded my clothing there.
From there I go into the specific office where I see a woman reading the book My Life by George W. Bush. I think that actually is a real book and I usually can read the titles of books or read writing in dreams but when I have lucid dreams like that even that seems to be more clear. As I am not a fan of George W. Bush it's weird that a book like that would appear in my dreams but I think it was supposed to signify that that was sort of an older conservative woman and she was probably rather shocked seeing me naked but I think that she was pleased as well and everything like that.
From there I run out of the office and into the hallways which is full of women and men but mostly women and everything like that. I see the elevator openings so I decided to get in the elevator with these other three women. It looked like to older ladies who were just shocked by everything. But then they looked like a younger black woman who looked like she was wearing a police officer's uniform. That got me worried that she would arrest me for going around naked and everything like that. But then I once again remind myself that it's a dream so there is no consequences or anything to this but she seems like she is smiling and excited as well. The funny thing even though that I was running around naked and having an exhilarating time was that during all of this I was still covering up my junk with my hands to most of the dream because I was still super incredibly embarrassed! So it's weird that these feelings even carryover when you know it's a dream and that these aren't real people.
I was really enjoying it and wanting to draw it out more but I started thinking of the fact that it was a dream and was wondering how much longer it would last and as I started wondering about that I think I opened and closed my eyes again and that seems to always spell the end of the lucid dream so I was disappointed that it ended there. But it was still really vivid and exciting and everything like that.
But once again I am super glad to say that I had a really sexy lucid dream involving CFNM and it seems like these are actually becoming more common. Whenever I do go lucid there is often an excuse to get naked in my dreams like that so that I can experience my fetish and everything. Unfortunately in a lot of these dreams it seems like there is predominantly women around so that always makes it more exciting because I can't really control who I see in dreams as most of these people aren't even real people.
I do think that perhaps one of the things that trigger this dream was the fact that once again I slept really deeply and everything like that and I was thinking about a story before I went to sleep that I plan to write one day about a guy being sentenced to being naked for a year. So I think those two combination of things was what triggered the dream and I can happily say I'm very glad about that. I look forward to hopefully more lucid dreams involving CFNM in the future.
Then today: I can't believe that for the second day in a row I had a lucid CFNM dream and at pretty much the same time of day as well! I am not even sure where to begin with this one. First I was with this hot black woman named Angela that I think comes to see me and was looking around my place and everything like that and she made me think of my character from my novel of the same name. I felt that she was really socially progressive and everything that I liked and seemed to like reading and books and everything like that as well. But then I saw that she seemed like she was writing up some type of report on me and while she is doing that I am looking at some books on the floor, including one about dragons, and I was thinking that those were library books and they were due back in a couple of days, I think on October 6th. She starts writing up or typing up a report on me involving my alien abduction experiences but she didn't seem to think that I was crazy for having them.
I forget how the dream transitions to the next part, and dreams don't really make any logical sense. But somehow I am then at her house where I see her father and what I guess is her little brother but they were completely white so I guess either she was adopted where they were step parents or something like that but they didn't look anything like her. But her brother was really crazy and running around and she gets him to go away and everything like that so that we can be together privately without her family intruding because I think that her father was extremely controlling and probably didn't approve of her having relationships or something like that.
Then she starts sitting down on some steps and starts getting naked for me but I say that she doesn't have to feel like she has to get naked for me but I will get naked for her. She starts acting like she felt she had done something wrong but I said that I just wanted to get naked for her and she seems like she is excited by that.
So then we go into this little room that looks really cramped and everything and she sort of lies down on the floor and is covered in blankets but I can see her face and everything like that. I started getting undressed and then I stand there naked as she watches me and then I waved my genitals over her face so that she can see them really good and then turn around so she can see my ass and her eyes keep staring at me like they are bugging out of her head and she seems like she is really enjoying it and everything like that.
This goes on for quite a while and everything but I gradually start to realize that it is a dream and I realized that I want to draw it out as long as possible and everything. So then I sit down naked on the bed and patted with my hand like I wanted her to sit down next to me and everything like that I am still naked and maybe pat me on the back or something like that. I really wanted to make this keep going and going but I think the more I realized it was a dream the harder it was for me to keep it going and everything like that.
Eventually though everything starts to go dark and I see myself opening and closing my eyes in the dream itself which often ends up ending the dream and that what was more or less happening. But when I woke up on my couch I felt like a tingling and excitement and I definitely had a strong erection and it was a really sexy and intense dream overall and I really enjoyed it.
But I was totally amazed because that's the first time I think I have had two lucid CFNM based dreams two days in a row like that when usually these dreams are very rare. But I think because I have been really tired lately and I also gave myself the mental suggestion to have a lucid CFNM dream like I did last night. So I think that just giving yourself the suggestion can really make this happen but whatever it is I was doing it right and I hope that this continues. Since the only way I get to experience my fetishes in my dreams I might as well make the most of it!
Now here is the story so I hope you enjoy it.

Naked Lucid Dreams and Nightmares
Arthur fell swiftly asleep and soon found himself back in his high school gym class.
    "Now students if you find yourself late more than three times that is a guaranteed detention," Mr. McCormick the gym teacher said.
    "I really hate gym class," Arthur said to himself as he walked out into the hallway only to realize that the hallway looked unfamiliar to him and that was when he realized that this couldn't be real. "I must be having a dream, a lucid dream, a dream that I totally control."
    As Arthur started walking down the hallway he saw a really hot Indian woman standing in the hallway looking at him. He began to feel self-conscious at the woman looking at him, but then he thought to himself why should he, this was a dream wasn't it?
    Arthur began to snicker as he slowly started undressing and stood there holding his clothes in his hand while completely naked as the Indian woman opened her mouth wide and put her hands over her mouth and began giggling and pointing at Arthur. Arthur had to admit he felt incredibly embarrassed seeing this woman pointing and laughing at him, so he immediately started running down the hallway carrying his clothing and holding it in front of himself.
    He had to admit it was kind of absurd that he knew he was in a dream and yet he was still feeling embarrassed by being naked. This was supposed to be his fantasy and yet even in his dreams he couldn't overcome his inhibitions, so he clutched his clothing tightly as he continued walking down the hallway as he saw lots of men and women sort of looking at him with looks of shock on their faces and pointing at him.
    "Hey," Arthur said as he waved at the women who started clapping and smiling and a few burst out laughing.
    Arthur could see as the dream was progressing so was the location. He started out in his high school gym and then was in an unfamiliar hallway, now he was in another unfamiliar hallway that didn't even look like it was in the school anymore.
    Even though it was a dream he figured that maybe he should ask someone where he is or where he could go. Then again it was a dream so it didn't matter that much, because eventually he would wake up from it anyway. Nonetheless he decided to go into the office to see what was going on.
    As Arthur walked into the office all of the women in the office looked up and began staring at him with many covering up their mouths and trying to suppress the urge to giggle and laugh, but most of them were unable to resist the urge, and soon the entire room was looking directly at Arthur and laughing in hysterics.
    Arthur could feel himself blushing as he held his clothing tightly to his body and sort of waved sheepishly at the women. He wanted to ask them where he was and try to get some type of idea of what was going on, but the awkwardness of the whole situation was leaving him tongue-tied.
    "Dammit it's just a dream, you shouldn't be so damn embarrassed!" Arthur said as he held up his clothing before defiantly tossing it to the side and continued walking through the office. He was trying to feel confident as he walked naked through the office but he had to admit even knowing that this whole thing was a dream he couldn't get over the feelings of awkwardness and humiliation that this was provoking.
    Arthur walked through the office waving at all the women who waved back at him, and a couple of them blew him kisses as he smiled. At this point he noticed that he had a huge obvious erection as all the women were pointing at him and laughing, and a couple were clapping.
    He started to wonder why no one was asking him what was going on, but he figured that dreams didn't follow any type of internal logic. He shrugged it off and continued walking through the office, not sure who he should ask about what is going on. He thought maybe he would wait for one of the women to actually ask him what he was doing, as he was suddenly the central focus of attention, with nobody doing their work in the office and everyone staring at him, and a couple taking pictures with their phones.
    Once again he began to feel awkward and embarrassed by the whole situation in spite of the fact that he knew very well that it was a dream. He continued walking until he went to the office in the back where he saw a woman reading a biography of George W. Bush.
    Well he is certainly not my favorite President but maybe I can ask this woman what's going on, Arthur thought to himself.
    Arthur was about to say something when the woman slowly lowered the book as her eyes grew wide like they were about to bug out of her head as she covered her mouth, dropped her book, began stomping her feet and burst out laughing like she was practically having a seizure.
    He thought to himself that this woman most likely was probably of a conservative bent and probably not used to seeing a naked guy in her office like that, but then again she was just a woman who was created by his dreaming mind, so it wasn't like she was even real, so any biases or preconceived notions he had about her would just creations of his own mind as well.
    As the woman continued laughing and smacking her hands on her knees and stomping around her office Arthur felt increasingly uncomfortable with the whole situation. Something about the way she was reacting was making him feel self-conscious again, even though he still kept telling himself full well that he was dreaming.
    Slowly and awkwardly he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him to once again find himself in the main office area, where all of the women were again staring at him, many with big smiles on their faces and covering their mouths and giggling.
    Arthur had to admit that although this was his dream and his fantasy, the whole thing was becoming incredibly awkward by the moment and he suddenly felt an overwhelming desire to put his clothing back on. He ran over to the part of the office where he threw his clothing when he came into the front of the office but he saw no sign of it.
    "Excuse me but have any of you ladies seen my clothing?" Arthur asked as he started looking around and covering up his genitals with his hands.
    All of the women simply sat there staring at him, pointing and laughing. This made him feel increasingly frantic to look for his clothing, but as he looked all throughout the office, running up and down, still completely naked with his junk flying back and forth, the laughter of the women growing louder by the moment, he didn't find any sign of his clothing.
    Suddenly had a thought, when you throw something away in a dream it wouldn't necessarily stay in the same place. Maybe when you throw something away like that it simply ceases to exist in the dream reality. He didn't know exactly how these special dreams work, but he knew that once something was lost he couldn't necessarily bring it back, so now he was pretty much stuck naked until the end of the dream or until he could find some other clothing.
    The cacophony of laughter from all of the women in the office who were having a rip roaring good time, especially when he bent down looking for his clothing giving them all a good view of his ass, was becoming too overwhelming for him, and now he just felt like running.
    He ran out into the hallway where he saw a bunch of other women who were all staring directly at him with big smiles on their faces, and a couple with camera phones snapping a bunch of pictures of him. He saw that the women were standing in front of the elevator, so awkwardly he stood there with his hands covering his genitals with all of these women who were pointing at him and laughing. He could feel all of their eyes running up and down his body and it was a weird feeling. He knew these women were just a figment of his imagination, but the intensity of their staring was making him feel more self-conscious than, even if he were awake. This dream was getting to be so intense that it was becoming quite overwhelming.
    Finally the elevator opened and he got inside. He didn't know why in particular he got inside of the elevator but he figured that maybe he could get some answers. Normally he would have woken up from a dream by now and he was amazed at how long this dream was continuing.
    Along with him two other women got in the elevator who seemed to be pointing at him and snickering. Soon the elevator door opened again and that was when an African-American woman wearing a police officer's uniform walked in with a big smile on her face and looking really authoritative.
    Arthur stood there covering himself up still and could see that the police woman was staring directly at him looking really satisfied with herself. He had to admit that the constant staring coming from her was beginning to intimidate him, not the least of which because she was extremely attractive, and being seen naked by an attractive woman was even more embarrassing.
    "I hope that I am not committing a crime by being naked in public," Arthur finally said, feeling the situation was getting awkward and that he had to say something.
    The police woman laughed. "No of course not, this is just a dream after all."
    Arthur suddenly relaxed because now he just got confirmation it was a dream from someone else. Then he thought to himself that he had never gotten confirmation that it was a dream from someone in the dream like that before and he found that rather odd.
    "I'm officer Angela by the way," the police officer said as she shook Arthur's hand while he kept his other hand firmly over his genitals, because something about the fact that there was a police officer standing there with him was making him feel more awkward and embarrassed by the whole situation.
    "I'm Arthur," Arthur said smiling before once again feeling awkward silence permeating the entire place, and he could feel the eyes of all three women, he wanted to say undressing him with their eyes, but they didn't exactly have to undress him because he was already undressed!
    "Of course you do know the laws regarding public nudity," Angela said with a big smirk on her face.
    "You said that it wasn't a crime," Arthur said suddenly feeling nervous that maybe he had misinterpreted things.
    Angela laughed.
    "What's so funny?" Arthur said now squirming around and feeling more awkward by the moment.
    "Of course it's not a crime for you to get naked in public," Angela said shaking her head. "But of course you know that it would be a crime if you ever put clothing on in public again, or anywhere else for that matter."
    "Wait, what?" Arthur said scratching his head with one hand while keeping his other hand still firmly over his genitals.
    "That's the law," Angela said nodding as the two women in the elevator with her nodded and smiled. "Once you take off your clothing in public you can never put clothing back on again."
    "You're joking," Arthur said making some awkward laughter, but all three of the women were looking at him with really serious looks, no more lighthearted giggling and staring. "It is a joke right?"
    "Oh it's no joke," Angela said. "It's the law, and believe me it's a very serious law."
    "So if I tried putting on clothing what are you going to do, arrest me?"
    Angela shook her head. "No I don't have to arrest you at all, if you even try to obtain any type of clothing you will find that it's quite impossible. Let me guess, you threw your clothing away and weren't able to find it again?"
    "That's right, how did you know?"
    "Because it's the law," Angela said simultaneously with the other two women who began bursting out laughing and holding their stomachs. "And the law is written into the very fabric of this dream universe."
    "But it's my dream, I control it, it's a lucid dream, so I have total control over this dream," Arthur said shaking his head.
    Angela laughed. "You don't control anything! It's not your dream, it's my dream!"
    Arthur shook his head. "No, this is my dream, and I decided to have a little bit of fun and throw my clothing away, but now I would kind of like to have it back."
    Angela laughed again. "It's funny even in dreams you are shy aren't you? But that's kind of what I like about you. But the fact is that this is my dream not yours, so it follows my rules not yours. Haven't you wondered why you haven't woken up yet? Hasn't this been an especially long dream?"
    Arthur had to admit that this was one of the longest dreams he had ever had and he couldn't believe how long it had lasted. Normally by now the exhilaration and the humiliation of being naked in public like that would have caused him to bolt right out of his dream waking to find himself with a huge erection, much like the one he had to admit he was having now and was having a hard time covering up with his hands.
    Angela smiled and nodded. "Go ahead, if this is your dream try waking up, I dare you!"
    Arthur closed his eyes, which often caused him to come out of the dream and he concentrated really hard about waking up and finding himself in his bed. But when he opened his eyes standing there was Angela and the other two women, both staring at him and smiling.
    "Told you it was my dream," Angela said with a big smirk. "And you know how in dreams you can't really tell how much time has gone by? Well for all that you know this dream could last hours, days or weeks before you finally wake up from it."
    Arthur shook his head. "No this can't be happening, this dream is turning into a nightmare!"
    "No this dream is getting extremely hot!" Angela said as she gave Arthur a smack on the ass as the other two women laughed hysterically.
    "Hey don't do that!" Arthur said, even though he had to admit it was rather arousing. But now he was getting frightened by the fact that he couldn't seem to wake up from the dream like he normally would be able to in a normal dream, and this was most certainly not a normal dream.
    "And I don't like you covering yourself up, so I want you to take your hands away from your junk," Angela said as she waved her baton. "Come on, spread them!"
    "No," Arthur said.
    "Well then I'm afraid I'm going to have to arrest you," Angela said as she grabbed Arthur and handcuffed him behind his back.
    "Hey let me go!" Arthur said as he tried to break free of the handcuffs but realized that there was nothing he could do about it, and now he was even more on display as the elevator opened into a lobby area that seemed to be full of women who were all pointing at him and laughing.
    "You know the penalty for resisting arrest," Angela said as she walked him through the lobby as all of the women continued pointing and laughing and cheering. "It's a naked walk of shame!"
    Knowing that he couldn't wake up from this dream Arthur was dying of embarrassment at the large numbers of women that were seeing him completely and utterly naked and taking pictures. If he was going to find himself stuck in this world all of those pictures out there of him naked were a terrifying thought, almost as terrifying as the fact that he was being stuck naked in public at the moment.
    Angela threw Arthur in the back of the police car and locked the doors. On either side of him were the two women from the elevator.
    "What are you two doing back here?" Arthur asked.
    "We're the tickle twins," they said as they began tickling him causing Arthur to laugh out loud. "It's so easy to tickle a person when they don't have any clothing getting in the way!"
    Arthur found himself in hysterics but finally the women gave him a break and he looked Angela in the front of the police car, who was driving him through town, and he noticed that the police car was completely transparent so that everybody on the streets could see him and was pointing at him laughing.
    "How is this happening?" Arthur asked Angela.
    He could see that she was smiling into the rearview mirror. "I suppose I owe you some type of explanation seeing as there is nothing you can do about it either way. The fact is you are part of my lucid dream."
    "But how is that even possible?"
    "I didn't believe it at first either, but I found an occult book about the art of astral dreaming. Basically it's a form of sophisticated lucid dreaming where you can actually find other people, enter their dreams and pull them into your lucid dream and keep them there as your prisoner in a world that you control. It really is quite exhilarating, much like you probably felt when you first got naked not realizing that you are going to be stuck naked for a very very long time, so I would get comfortable if I was you."
    "Kind of hard to get comfortable when I can't put on any clothing."
    "Well you should have thought of that before you took them off then, keep tickling ladies!"
    As the tickle twins began tickling Arthur relentlessly time went by in a blur. The dream certainly didn't feel like a dream anymore, it felt like it was full waking reality and he knew there was no way to get up. Normally if he had been tickled that intensely in a dream that would have woken him up, but now that he couldn't escape from it it was almost maddening.
    Finally Angela removed him from the back of the police car and led him through the door of a house as all sorts of women started cheering.
    "I've got another one ladies!" Angela shouted as she led Arthur still handcuffed to her bedroom and sat him down on her bed as she stood there smiling at him. "You don't even know how or why you are finding yourself in this situation do you?"
    "Should I know why I suddenly found myself in a ludicrously insane and impossible situation?"
    Angela shook her head and sat down on the bed next to him and put her arm around him. He wanted to push it away but he actually felt rather comforted by the fact that he was being touched by her, even though he could feel her police officer's uniform brushing up against his naked body and making him feel more awkward.
    "One day while I was on patrol on my job I saw you pointing at me and saying to your buddies, I bet she would look pretty awesome naked, I heard you say. For some reason I remembered you, maybe because I actually found you pretty attractive and was sort of wondering what you would look like naked, to see the shoe on the other foot. You know if you had just been a gentleman and talked to me like a lady maybe I actually would have responded and we could have had a normal type of relationship even. But the fact was you stuck in my head and then I got this interesting little book. At first I experimented with it thinking that it was just ridiculous, but then when I realized it worked and I saw you again with your buddies one day I decided to use my book and pull you into my dream reality. Now you are stuck here until I wake up, but you know in a dream you could be here for years in dream terms while simply sleeping a single night back home."
    "I still can't believe it. But I have to ask, what do you intend on doing with me?"
    Angela smiled. "Do you know why I became a police officer?"
    Arthur shook his head. "No, why?"
    "The strip searches!" she said as she began laughing and looking at Arthur and patting him on the back. "And this is just that times a thousand, so get comfortable, you're going to be here for a very long time."

    Arthur soon realized that in dreams time indeed did not matter and was dictated by the person controlling the dream. It seemed like he was in the dream for several years, several years of constant humiliation of being naked in public with Angela always at his side. Then when they got home it would be private strip shows for all of her friends. And he found that no matter what he did or where he would go he could never find any type of clothing that he could cover himself up with. No matter how far and wide he looked there wasn't a single scrap of clothing for him. The rules of Angela's world were unable to be violated.
    Then one day, while Arthur was chained up to a telephone pole handcuffed to it naked as crowds came to point and laugh and tickle him, during a particularly vicious session of tickling suddenly he woke up and found himself bolting up right in his bed screaming.
    He thought to himself at first that it must have been a nightmare, but it felt like he had been in that nightmare for several years. However when he looked at his clock and his calendar a single night had gone by. He was afraid to go back to sleep that night and did everything in his power to avoid falling asleep.
    Later that day however he knew that he had to go grocery shopping, and while he was in the store that was when he suddenly met eyes with Angela. She was standing there in her police officer's uniform looking at him and smirking, with that distinct look that she was undressing him with his eyes.
    As she smiled and started walking over towards him he took one look, dropped his groceries and ran out of there screaming as Angela laughed maniacally.

    One day Angela went to sleep and when she 'woke up' she found herself naked in the middle of a public place covering herself up with her hands as people laughed at her hysterically.
    "What's going on here," Angela said feeling the goosebumps going over her body as a million eyes looked upon her.
    That was when Arthur showed up dressed in a police officer uniform and holding up a book called The Art of Astral Dreaming.
    "Hey Angela, I found a very interesting book, so get comfortable, this is going to be a long dream and you may even find it's a nightmare."
    That was when Angela looked up at the sky, let out a large ear piercing scream before closing her eyes, telling herself it was all a dream and that it would be over in any moment.
    But she did not wake up.


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