Naked Dancing at the Witch's Coven

 Hi again. I thought of this story the other day while I was reading a magazine about the history of witchcraft and someone made a very interesting comment that the reason why a lot of men thought that witches danced around naked was because that most stuff that was written about witchcraft was written by men, and from there I thought it would be an interesting subversion of that and make a good CFNM story where a bunch of women who practice witchcraft trick a guy into getting naked for them. So this is another one of my stories where the women sort of trick a horny guy expecting to see them naked into getting naked for them instead. This one is a CFNM story, but there is a little bit of female nudity later on and a twist ending, like with so many of my stories. I thought that the story would make a good addition for Halloween in case I don't get around to writing any more naked stories before then.

Naked Dancing at the Witch's Coven
"Why would you want to join a witch's coven?" Eric asked. "I mean isn't a witch's coven just for a bunch of lesbians mostly?"
    Fred shook his head. "No you got it all wrong, you are son unenlightened on these matters, although some witches are lesbians not all witches are lesbians, and not all witches are women, some can be men."
    "I still don't understand why you would want to join a witch's coven."
    "Don't you know anything, don't you have any idea what type of crazy kinky stuff goes on at a witch's coven?"
    "Sorry, I'm not exactly that caught up on witchcraft, I know that as a man living in the 21st century I should know all about that stuff as an expert, but I just don't."
    "Well from what I hear at these type of things all of the witches get naked, and they dance around, naked. Did I mention that they are naked?!"
    "Are you sure that that's actually true?"
    Fred smiled. "Well I'm about to find out because I have joined a witch's coven and I am going for my first meeting tonight."
    Eric smirked. "Well I'm sure it will be extremely empowering and that you will connect with your feminine magic and all that stuff."
    Fred shook his head. "You're just jealous that you're not going to get to see all the hot naked women that I am going to see."

    Fred was really looking forward to his first coven meeting that was in the middle of the forest. There were about a dozen women there and most of them were pretty smoking hot. Fred couldn't help but get excited as he realized that this proved conclusively that the stereotype of witches as ugly old crones was certainly not true. Modern-day witches were hot bitches!
    "Everyone I would like to offer a full welcome to our newest member Fred," said Sabrina. "It is nice to see that a man isn't afraid to explore their feminine side and worship and honor the Goddess with the rest of us. Welcome Fred."
    "But I am really happy to be here, although it does feel weird to be the only guy at some type of meeting like this," Fred said. "But hey I am open-minded about all these things, and I'm totally down with all that getting back to nature stuff, and I totally have no problem with the whole naked thing either."
    "The whole naked thing?" Cassandra asked raising her eyebrow. "What are you talking about the whole naked thing?"
    Fred laughed but could see that all the women were staring at him with raised eyebrows. "I was just saying that I have been reading up on witchcraft and I have heard that at these type of meetings you all dance naked. Isn't that what you do during one of these meetings, dance naked around the fire or whatever? I mean from everything I have read they talk about how witches all get naked and dance around naked all day, naked naked naked!"
    Sabrina shook her head and smiled. "Yes there is a very simple reason for that misconception."
    "What's that?" Fred asked.
    "Because most of what has been written about witchcraft has been written by men," Sabrina said as all the women nodded and smiled at each other.
    "So you mean you don't all get naked and dance around the fire to celebrate the solstice and whatnot?"
    "Well there are some witches covens that do go around and perform magic as what is called skyclad, but ours is not one of them," Cassandra said seeing the visible look of disappointment before suddenly smiling and looking at the other women. "But actually there is kind of one exception to that, isn't there ladies?"
    "What are you talking about?" Fred asked. "You mean there are certain rituals where you do get naked and dance around?"
    Sabrina looked at Cassandra and the other women and smiled. "She is right you know, there are certain rituals that do need to be formed naked in our coven, which is exactly why we are so happy that you have joined us today."
    Fred began smiling and licking his lips thinking that the women were about to get undressed. "Oh really, why is that?"
    "Well in our coven we practice a certain form of magic that does involve one member of the coven having to get naked," Sabrina said.
    "Is it you?" Fred asked as he stared at Sabrina trying hard not to stare directly between her cleavage but failing miserably.
    Sabrina shook her head. "Nope, for the ritual magic that we perform at the solstice, which happens to be tonight, well one member of the coven has to get naked. And for this particular ceremony it is decreed that it has to be a male member of the coven."
    Fred started looking around and started feeling nervous as he pointed at himself. "Wait, are you talking about me?"
    "I don't see any other guys here," Cassandra said as all of the women nodded and smiled, now all forming a tight circle around Fred. "What's the matter, I thought you said you are open-minded and if you didn't have a problem with the whole naked thing? You didn't join this coven with ulterior motives did you? We don't take kindly to people who try to deceive us or try to take advantage of us or disrespect the Goddess like that. And you do realize that as witches we have powers, powers to punish those who do us wrong."
    "Of course not, I only joined with the best of intentions, empowerment and all that," Fred said trying to keep his knees from knocking together.
    "Well good, then let's get empowered!" Sabrina said. "You can get undressed at any time Fred."
    Fred hesitated pulling at the collar of his shirt and now he knew he was probably visibly blushing and perhaps even sweating.
    "What's the matter Fred, nervous?" Cassandra asked. "You wouldn't want us to have to cast a spell on you. You wouldn't want to feel that your clothing was burning or itching would you?"
    All of the women in the circle started chanting something as Cassandra motioned with her hand and Fred found he actually was feeling like his clothing was burning him.
    "Okay okay I'll get undressed, just give me a moment," Fred said realizing that now he had gotten in over his head and he didn't know what he had gotten into. He thought the idea of real witchcraft was crazy but he couldn't deny that now he was starting to feel like his clothing was burning his skin. As it continued to burn he quickly ripped out of his clothing and threw it on the floor.
    All of the women began clapping and cheering.
    "See Fred, doesn't it feel liberating," Sabrina said as Fred stood there covering himself up and blushing.
    "Extremely," Fred said under his breath practically biting his lip with embarrassment. "So now what happens?"
    "Now we dance and perform the ritual of the solstice!" Sabrina said as they all began dancing around with Fred always in the center as they all clapped and cheered, although he couldn't help notice a lot of the women seemed to be smirking and struggling to suppress giggling, which seemed like it was out of touch with the whole formality of a sacred ritual, but he wasn't about to say anything.
    "Oh boy that was a lot of fun, I guess now I get dressed right?" Fred asked.
    "Traditionally the guy stays naked for the entirety of the solstice," Sabrina said.
    "And there is a symbolic burning of the clothing to show that you are shedding all of your ties to the material world," Cassandra said as she picked up his clothing. "I'll get that for you!"
    Cassandra threw Fred's clothing on the fire and it went up in a large blaze as all of the women cheered.
    "Hey I kind of needed that to go home," Fred said now feeling more vulnerable and exposed than ever before.
    "Don't worry, you won't have to be going home for several hours," Sabrina said. "We hope that you really enjoy your first night celebrating the solstice with us."
    So having little choice in the matter, Fred spent the rest of the evening dancing around naked for the amusement of the women in his coven, who were behaving less like it were a religious ritual and more like they were bachelorettes at a strip club.
    "Well this was a great meeting, I hope you and all enjoyed it and I hope that you will all be back next week," Sabrina said as she looked Fred up and down with a smirk as he stood there naked. At this point he couldn't even conceal the fact that he had a throbbing erection. "It sure seems like you had a good time."
    And as Fred stood there trying to cover up his naked erection as he was surrounded by a circle of a dozen witches, he had to admit to himself that the thought of coming back next week and doing it all over again actually was kind of exciting, more exciting than what he was initially expecting when he arrived tonight.
    "I wouldn't miss it for the world, now if you'll excuse me I think I had better be getting home before it gets much colder," Fred said as he rubbed his naked body trying to stay warm.
    As Fred slinked off with his hands between his legs and his ass pointed towards the women, giving them a good view, they all smiled and whistled.
    Cassandra shook her head and looked at Sabrina. "Guys, they'll believe anything and do anything if there is the possibility, however slim, that they might get to see some naked women."
    Sabrina smiled. "I know, and that's why it's too bad he had to leave so soon, as he will be disappointed that he couldn't stay for the next part."
    And with that Sabrina, Cassandra and the other women of the coven stripped naked, got on their broomsticks and started flying around the fire completely skyclad.
    It really was good to be a witch.


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