The Naked Slut Walk

 I guess I was really in a mood for nudity, so here's another one. This one is sort of like a semi-sequel to my get naked for feminism CFNM story except this is the one about a naked slut walk, so it is once again a story about female sexual empowerment through nudity, but sort of the opposite where as this time it's about women being naked in public and marching against sexual objectification. The story contains naked in public, CFNF and CMNF. Enjoy!

The Naked Slut Walk
"Slut, whore, cock tease!"  one the men shouted as Holly walked down the street whistling and catcalling at her because she decided to wear a miniskirt that day.
    "Why don't you take it all off you tramp!" another one of the men said as he whistled and started howling like a dog.
    Holly ran home in tears until she got back to her dormitory where she collapsed on her bed crying.
    "Holly what's the matter?" Tara asked.
    "A bunch of guys were catcalling me on the street just because I decided to wear a miniskirt, I'm never going to dress like this again ever!" Holly said.
    Tara sat down and put her arm around her. "Don't listen to them Holly, they are just disgusting sexist jerks. The problem is with them, not you. If they can't handle a woman wearing a miniskirt that's their problem."
    Holly wiped away her tears and shook her head. "It's not just that though, you know I have been groped and my ass has been pinched, and my last boyfriend said that I was a worthless whore and slut just because I slept with another guy once, even though we supposedly had an open relationship and he had slept with a whole bunch of other girls. I'm just glad I got him to delete those pictures of me naked because he was going to use it as revenge porn."
    "Hey, there is nothing wrong with being a slut," Nina said as she walked into the room in an even shorter miniskirt than Holly. "Personally I think that there's a lot of pride in being a slut. If a man goes around sleeping with lots of women they call him a player, but if we do what they do they call us a slut. But I don't think there's anything wrong with being a woman who owns her own sexuality and enjoys having sex."
    Holly shook her head. "When I was walking down the street in my miniskirt some guy said that I should just take it all off."
    "Maybe you should," Tara said. "I bet that would cause his head to go spinning! He probably wouldn't even know how to respond if you actually did do that."
    "I'm not going to strip naked in public!" Holly shouted. "They would probably try to grope me even more if I were completely naked."
    "Not if you were in a group," Tara said. "We could get naked with you. In fact we could have an entire group of women, an entire march of women, marching naked down the streets! That would really give those guys something to talk about."
    "Yeah, slut pride!" Nina said as she slapped Tara five. "I really like that idea. As long as we get in ordinance we can march through the streets naked and it's perfectly legal. Many women have staged slut walks throughout the world as a way of protesting, but we could be the first ones to have one that is completely 100% all naked! That would make it like 1000 times better! It would be the world's first fully naked slut walk."
    "Wouldn't that just be giving the guys what they want though?" Holly asked.
    Nina shook her head. "No, the guys say all sorts of terrible things about women, saying that we were asking for just because we were wearing a short skirt or because we were showing too much cleavage. How we dress shouldn't matter, we should be able to walk down the streets totally stark naked even if we wanted without having to worry about being harassed by a bunch of perverts."
    Holly shook her head. "It still sounds like giving the guys exactly what they want."
    Nina shook her head. "No the idea would be we march naked down the streets and show the guys what they aren't getting any of. We will march down the street as a naked army, a naked sisterhood in solidarity, and all those guys will be too intimidated to challenge us. You'll see guys are the real pussies, they wouldn't be able to handle a naked army of women marching down the streets. It would be a form of naked solidarity and we would let them know that just because we were naked didn't mean that they were entitled to our bodies. There is power in numbers you know and naked can be a powerful position and not just submissive because we would be boldly flaunting our nature as sexual beings without shame and they would just have to stand there and take it."
    "But this all sounds rather extreme," Holly said.
    Tara started moving her hands up and down weighing the pros and cons. "I can kind of see both points of view on this, but I kind of like the idea of a big naked march! I that we can get a whole lot of women who are tired of being sexually objectified by men to march down the streets showing that we aren't ashamed of our naked bodies and that they can't make us feel bad about our naked bodies."
    "Yeah but I do feel bad about my body," Holly said. "I feel bad about being cat called and whistled at when I walk down the street. They make me feel dirty, like I am promoting all sorts of perverted thoughts in their heads."
    "But that should make you feel good about your body!" Nina said. "Seeing a bunch of guys going all crazy over my naked body and then not letting them have any, it's the ultimate form of flaunting what you've got."
    Holly looked at herself in the mirror. "But I don't think that I have all that much to flaunt. I mean I'm not a supermodel or anything like that."
    "Well you got those guys all hot and bothered, so you must be pretty damn attractive from their perspectives," Tara said. "I think we should do it, I think we should organize all of the women on the campus to sign up for our naked slut walk!"
    "I mean our university is pretty liberal and everything, but I think that is really taking it pretty far don't you think?" Holly asked.
    "It's a matter of freedom of speech and freedom of the ability to walk down the streets without being harassed," Nina said. "In fact we could get lots of women from all around the city, not just the college, but make it an entirely citywide thing or even a national thing. If it was a citywide thing the college would necessarily have to associate themselves with it, and there is nothing that can stop us from going to it on our own. I think that we should start this, I think we should start our campaign to launch the world's first-ever naked slut walk!"
    "I'm in on that!" Tara said as she slapped Nina five as the two of them looked at Holly.
    "I'm not going to stop you or anything, but I just don't feel comfortable with participating in something like that," Holly said shaking her head.
    Tara and Nina sat down on both sides of her and put their arms around her and hugged her.
    "It's okay, we know you had a hard time about this," Nina said.
    "Yeah we will march in your honor," Tara said. "You can stay home and stay dressed and there is nothing wrong with that as well if that's what really makes you feel good. Me on the other hand, I look forward to walking down the streets completely buck naked! And the great thing is that I can use my nudity and say it's just like this big feminist statement, but really it's just an excuse for me to parade around completely in the buff without feeling any shame!"
    "Hey there's nothing more feminist than not feeling ashamed of your body just cause guys feel that you should," Nina said. "And it will be great, it will be like that naked man march that we had a few weeks ago where we convinced all the guys to get naked while we got to stay dressed, and we just watched them stand there all uncomfortable being naked. It was totally a hoot. I told my boyfriend if he didn't do this he was a prude and that he was antifeminist and everything and guilted him into it, and it was great seeing him naked and blushing the whole way. Guys are the real shy ones, not us, we're used to having our bodies judged and oggled. He was blushing through the whole thing, totally passive, then when we got back to his place we had like the hottest sex afterwards, where I totally rode him cowgirl style until the sun came up and he came like there was no tomorrow! All you have to do basically tell all those guys who says they are allies that they are doing this progressive feminist thing and that they are doing this great thing, and they would feel really bad or not progressive if they didn't get naked, so they all totally got naked! Well now it's our turn to get naked!"
    As Tara and Nina ran off to start planning their grand naked slut march Holly looked at herself in the mirror in her short skirt. She had to admit that those guys made her feel really dirty just like her last boyfriend did. Maybe she really was showing too much skin, maybe not as much skin as Tara and Nina intended to do, but enough that she felt bad about it. She didn't even think that she looked all that attractive but she figured that she must have been dressing in a way that was provoking those perverts to have disgusting thoughts about her, and she didn't like that thought at all.
    "Oh well, I just wish I could feel as good about my body as Tara and Nina do," Holly said. "But I doubt in any universe that they're ever going to get something like a national naked slut walk movement going on. I mean who on earth is going to participate in that?"

    Two months later.
    "I can't believe it, we got a whole national movement going of naked slut walks to protest against female sexual objectification," Tara said. "I have to say this is the most impressive thing we have ever done. Who would have ever thought that something like this would ever get organized in such a large scale? They are actually calling today naked slut day!"
    "Yeah but isn't this all just sort of an excuse for men to just objectify us further," Holly said. "I mean the naked men's march was a different thing, that was kind of funny in how we got all those guys naked and let them experience being the ones on display for a change. But a bunch of naked women walking through the streets, that's not going to convince guys that we aren't sluts, that's just going to be like their own personal porno show."
    Nina shook her head. "Holly you are totally missing the point, the point is that by getting naked and marching together we are showing that we are not ashamed of our bodies, and what would guys think of our body doesn't matter, and that they aren't entitled to our bodies just because we are naked. Sure lots of guys will enjoy seeing us parading around naked, but at the end of the day we don't have to give them anything. They will go home by themselves and masturbate alone to thoughts of what they can't have and that frustration will be a very satisfying feeling knowing that we got them all hot and bothered but didn't have to sleep with them or anything."
    Holly shook her head. "I guess I just don't see things the same way as you do. To me walking around naked in public would just be putting me on display and opening me to even more harassment and catcalling."
    "It's not the same though," Tara said shaking her head. "You see this is going to be a big movement where we are going to have thousands of women naked all at once and that will totally intimidate the guys. Sure they will watch us naked and they will probably enjoy it, but at the end of the day it's about us taking our sexuality and owning it and showing that we are not ashamed of our bodies and that we are proud of our bodies."
    Holly continued shaking her head. "I'm sorry guys, I guess I just don't feel the same about my body the way you do. I wish that I could just walk down the streets naked and not let it bother me, but it does."
    "That's totally okay Holly, we understand what you went through and we wouldn't want you to be triggered or bothered by anything that's happening," Nina said. "We can understand if you want to stay home."
    "I don't know maybe I will come just to watch," Holly said blushing. "I mean not cause I want to see naked girls or anything like that, you know just as a show of solidarity."
    "What, are you telling me that you can't see me naked without having a little bit of bi curious feelings of curiosity stirred up," Tara said shaking her head and moving her hands up and down her body. "Frankly I'm insulted!"
    The three of them began laughing as they all hugged each other.
    "Thanks for understanding you guys, I really hope that you have fun parading around naked, I guess I'm just a little more uptight about my body and being called a slut and everything," Holly said.
    "We're taking back the word, slut is a form of empowerment, not a form of dehumanization," Nina said. "But again we totally understand and we look forward to seeing you in the audience. We will waive to you."

    As the naked slut walk march began Holly took up her position on the side and could see that a very large crowd gathered to watch. Although it was saying it was a women's empowerment march she had to admit that most of the people in the audience were men, most of whom were looking at the women like pieces of meat just parading around them and drooling.
    "I guess I just don't get it," Holly said as she shook her head.
    She sat down and she watched as scores of naked women paraded down the streets flaunting their nakedness, many carrying signs saying slut is not a bad word and proud to be a slut and things of that nature. She felt her parents would probably be embarrassed if they even knew she was watching something like this, and she probably had more in common than them than she did with her two roommates, even though she loved them like sisters.
    After a while that was when she saw Tara and Nina marching and waving to her, to which she waved back and smiled as they blew her kisses.
    "Well hey hey hey baby, it looks like the little slut is also a dyke," a man said and she realized it was that disgusting man who had cat called her the other day.
    Holly suddenly felt boxed in and was feeling panicked as all of these men who had harassed her the other day started gathering around her. She wanted to run and get out of there as quick as possible when all of the sudden Nina and Tara were standing right next to her with their hands on their hips and smiling.
    "You guys are just jealous that she has two hot naked friends that you're never going to lay hands upon," Tara said as she and Nina put their arms on Holly.
    "Yet you aren't getting any of this," Nina said as she twirled around and waved her hands up and down on her body and stuck out her tongue.
    "You women are all a bunch of sluts, you think that this is empowering, you're just a bunch of common whores and we are enjoying every moment of you being naked," the man said as his friends nodded.
    As Holly stood there between her two naked friends, seeing that they were standing up for the her despite the fact that they were completely buck naked, and that it wasn't bothering them a bit, suddenly something stirred inside of her and suddenly she understood.
    "I get it now," Holly said under her breath before looking at the guys who had cat called her and smiled. "My friends are right, you guys are just jealous because you know hot women like this are never going to go for you because you're just a bunch of pigs."
    "You're just a slut like your two naked dyke friends," the man said as his friends continued nodding and smiling lecherously.
    Tara and Nina looked at Holly, suddenly worried for her, figuring that this might be a very difficult moment for her to be confronted by her harassers like that. Then she did something that they never would think in a million years they would see Holly doing.
    "You're God damned right I am," Holly said as she began pulling off her clothes until she was standing there naked holding them in a ball. She then threw her clothing at the guys right in their face and smiled. "Go ahead and keep that gentleman, because that's as close to me as you're ever going to get, and that's all of me you're ever going to get. Come on ladies, let's march!"
    Holly locked arms with her two naked friends as the three of them shook their asses in the men's general direction before rejoining the march laughing hysterically the whole time.
    "Wow Holly that really took guts, I have to hand it to you," Tara said.
    "I always knew you were a slut at heart!" Nina said with a huge smile.
    "I'm naked, I'm a slut and I'm proud," Holly said as the three of them continued marching away as the man and his companions stood there holding Holly's clothing and began fighting over it. Holly couldn't help but look, smile and think to herself what losers they were. "And those guys are never getting any of this!"
    And the three of them marched until the end of the parade, and then they marched home naked together, and although people cat called them on the streets all Holly could do was continue to march, to laugh and to smile. She had never felt better to be a naked slut.


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