Naked under the Table at the Bachelor Party

 Here's my latest one. I have been sick lately so I haven't written that many fetish stories because when I am sick and recovering I focus on more serious stuff that I publish under my own name but now that I am feeling better I am getting horny again so I have resumed writing the stories. This was one I just thought of off the top of my head and decided to go with it. Originally I thought it was just going to be a couple of lines long and be really short but then it really ended up being fleshed out into a full-blown story. This is one that involves naked in public, only one naked, cfnf and CMNF. Enjoy!

 Naked under the Table at the Bachelor Party
Bethany was getting changed in the bathroom at the beach house and went to reach for her clothing when all of the sudden she noticed it wasn't there.
    "Amanda did you take my clothes?" Bethany said as she noticed her friend had suddenly disappeared along with her clothing. "Amanda I'm going to kill you!"
    Amanda always liked to play jokes like this on Bethany and they had sort of a back-and-forth thing where they would try to constantly prank each other, often involving embarrassing situations like this. As soon as she realized her clothing was missing she started immediately running out of the bathroom and looking around the corner where she saw Amanda waving her clothes in a mocking matter.
    "Amanda get back here right now!" Bethany said not wanting to leave the bathroom. But she could see that Amanda was running towards the door and her only chance to get her clothing back was to grab her before she got out of there.
    Bethany started running naked after Amanda who walked out of the door of the beach house and she was about to run out after her when all the sudden she heard voices, male voices.
    "Oh shit the bachelor party!" Bethany said as she saw the door opening. Realizing she couldn't make it to the bathroom in time she quickly ran for the nearest table and dove underneath it hoping that the tablecloth would sufficiently cover up the fact that she was under there.
    Her heart was pounding but she was pretty sure that none of the guys saw her, but she also knew that Amanda had already made off with her clothing and that now she was basically stuck under the table for who knew how long? She could hear the guys talking and walking into the room and she knew that she could never live it down if this bunch of horny yahoos ended up seeing her naked, she would just die of embarrassment.
    As she stood there on her hands and knees crawling around underneath the table she was relieved to see the tablecloth went all the way down to the floor and sufficiently covered her up and that the table was long enough that if she stayed in the middle of the table hopefully none of the guys would accidentally hit her with their foot or something like that and notice she was there.
    As she sat there crouching naked underneath the table she also thought to herself how long does a typical bachelor party last? She realized that she was probably in for a very long night.
    She tried to listen in on all the conversation of the guys and most of them sounded like they were opening beers and wondering when the stripper was going to arrive.
    "Let's eat some pizza," one guy said and she was pretty sure that it was Steve, but it might have been Mike. As soon as he said that all of the guys started piling onto the table and she saw a bunch of legs going underneath the table, so she made sure to stay perfectly still so that she wouldn't accidentally brush up against any of the guys.
    As she was kneeling there naked she had to admit that this was a very uncomfortable pose and the idea that she would be stuck like that for hours was not very appealing. She also noticed annoyingly that she had to go to the bathroom because she didn't get a chance to go before Amanda made off with her clothing.
    After what she estimated was probably about a half hour she was beginning to feel extremely uncomfortable in the position that she found herself in, and she was also feeling extremely chilly because of the draft coming in from the breeze outside. She was just glad that at least it was the summer and not the middle of winter.
    "When are the naked chicks going to arrive?" one of the guys complained as she heard him chug a beer. She had to resist the urge to giggle at the thought of the fact that there was a naked girl just inches away from his legs and the guy had no idea. Something about the fact that she had managed to go into stealth mode and that she was there completely naked but not one single guy had the slightest clue started to make her feel like she was crafty, almost that she was invincible.
    "Don't worry I'm sure that the strippers will be here soon enough, or at least one stripper anyway, I couldn't afford a whole lot of them you know," said Evan, the one for whom the bachelor party was being held. "How about this, let's play a party game called who's the girl you would most like to see naked?"
    "I think Stacy," one guy said.
    "No Amanda, she was really hot and she left just before we arrived, did you see the tits on her," one of the other guys said.
    "Actually you know who I would really like to see naked, you know that girl Bethany?" one of the other guys said as some of the other guys started making agreeing noises.
    "Oh yeah that Bethany, she's one hot little potato, I would love to see her take it all off!"
    Bethany was pretty sure that that guy was Clark and she felt like gagging at the thought of him seeing her naked.
    "Yeah Bethany is pretty hot, I wouldn't mind having her put on a little strip show tonight, too bad she's not here," Evan said and Bethany had to admit that she was rather flattered, as Evan was rather cute, even though he was getting married tomorrow. And she couldn't help but struggle to suppress laughter at the fact that he had no idea that she was just inches away completely sans clothing.
    "I totally agree I would love to see Bethany just twirling her stuff on the catwalk or something like that," another guy said.
    "Actually I saw her skinny dipping once," said Jerome and Bethany practically stood up and banged her head on the table when she heard that. She couldn't believe that that pervert got a glance of her when she went skinny dipping that time. She always thought that he was a pervert and that he had seen her, now she knew and she was furious.
    She continued listening in on the conversation about all the guys saying how great it would be to see her naked. She couldn't believe that she seemed to be everybody's favorite and she found that alternatively both flattering and also mortifying. Certainly there were a lot of guys there that she thought were rather attractive, but there were also lots of creepy guys that she wouldn't want to be seen naked in a million years by.
    "I guess it's too bad Bethany's not here," Evan said. "But let's toast to her, to Bethany, the woman that everybody here wants to see naked!"
    Bethany knew that by now she must be blushing but fortunately nobody could see her underneath the table. She also was getting rather annoyed over the fact that she really really needed to go to the bathroom but that she was basically trapped where she was.
    She continued to crouch down underneath the table and she could feel some beer dripping through the table down on to her through the tablecloth. She could hear that the guys were getting drunk and rowdy as they began playing poker, but at least they had stopped talking about her, although she was somewhat disappointed that she thought this was a great opportunity to hear everybody's secret thoughts.
    Suddenly Bethany felt something in her nose. She needed to sneeze! She began trying to concentrate with all of her might not to sneeze but carefully balancing herself on one hand she put her finger up to her nose and muffled a small sneeze.
    "Did somebody sneeze?" Jerome said.
    "I don't think so, did somebody sneeze?" Evan asked.
    Now Bethany's heart was beating rapidly, more rapidly than before even. Had she just given herself away? And the fact that she sneezed didn't really help the pressure in her bladder.
    The guys continued muttering until they dropped the conversation about who sneezed and Bethany figured that she was in the clear. They continued playing their poker game without incident but she could see that they were getting more drunk and rowdy by the minute.
    "When is the stripper going to arrive?" Clark asked. "I want to see some hot naked chicks!"
    "I'll call the agency to see what is taking the stripper so long," Evan said as he began dialing a number on his phone and inquiring about the stripper. "I understand, well I am very disappointed. Well I'm sorry everybody but it seems like the stripper can't make it."
    "A bachelor party without a stripper, that's lame!" Clark said.
    Bethany once again had to suppress laughter at the idea that all of these guys were completely in the dark about the fact that there was a naked woman right underneath the table and they had no idea, and she was hoping that they would continue to be ignorant of that fact.
    Finally as the night seemed like it was almost over and as Bethany's bladder was about to explode, all she could think about was how much she was going to freaking kill Amanda the next time she saw her. But then she didn't have to think that much longer when all of the sudden she heard a voice.
    "Hey you guys how is your bachelor party going," Amanda said as she walked into the room.
    "Hey are you the stripper?" Clark said as a lot of the guys began laughing.
    "Sorry Clark, but you won't be seeing me naked anytime soon," Amanda said. "I just think I left my cell phone here. Sorry to interrupt your fun."
    "We're not having any fun, we didn't even have any naked chicks," Clark said. "Also I suck a poker."
    "Hey have any of you seen Bethany?" Amanda said. "I kind of left her here before and I haven't heard from her since I left."
    Now Bethany was getting really nervous, did Amanda have any idea that she was only a few inches away? She could see Bethany's high heels from underneath the table and she was trying hard not to breathe heavily even though she was now more nervous than ever before.
    "No, none of us have seen Bethany, although we would like to see her," Clark said as all the guys began hooting and hollering.
    "Well that's interesting, so none of you have seen Bethany and I haven't heard from Bethany, I sure hope she's okay, maybe we should look for her," Amanda said.
    "No," Bethany said in a barely audible whisper before she covered her mouth.
    "Bethany are you here?" Amanda shouted. "I guess she probably found her way home, although I would be interested into how she got home."
    "But why's that?" Evan asked.
    "Oh no reason," Amanda said, not able to suppress laughter. "Well anyway it doesn't look like she is here so I guess she must have gone home. But if you see her do let me know, as I would be interested to see where she is right now."
    "Take it off!" Clark said as all the guys began hollering.
    "Sorry guys I don't get naked for just anyone," Amanda said. "Well I guess I'll be leaving now," Amanda said as she started walking away and that was when Bethany noticed that as she was walking away the tablecloth was going with her.
    Bethany wanted to reach for the tablecloth but if she began pulling on it and a tug-of-war ensued it would be obvious there was someone pulling on the other side. Before she knew what the entire tablecloth had vanished and she could see that it was tucked into Amanda's skirt.
    "Aha!" Clark shouted as he pointed at Amanda and laughed. "I put the tablecloth into your skirt, you fell for it, you look like an idiot, I couldn't imagine anything more embarrassing than that!"
    That was when Amanda made eye contact with Bethany who was waving her hands as if to say no no no underneath the table.
    "Oh I think I can think of something a bit more embarrassing," Amanda said as she stared directly at Bethany as all of the guys turned to the table.
    "Hey, there is somebody under the table, and it looks like a naked chick!" Clark said as he pointed to the table. At that point Bethany realized that the jig was up so she quickly threw the table up and began running towards the door before she realized that she didn't want to go outside where everybody could see her naked.
    She heard all the guys whistling and hollering as she reached for the tablecloth but Amanda pulled it out of her way and she fell right down on the floor with her ass sticking up straight in the air and everything right out on display.
    All of the guys began cheering and clapping as Bethany very slowly stood up covering herself with her hands and blushing profusely.
    "Well Bethany this is a side of you I have never seen before," Evan said. "It looks like we have a stripper after all!"
    "I'm not a stripper!" Bethany shouted as she stood there trembling with embarrassment before turning and looking at Amanda. "This is all her fault! Give me back my clothes Amanda!"
    "Three cheers for Amanda, and three cheers for Bethany!" Clark said as all of the men began clapping and hollering and she had to admit she did suddenly feel rather flattered, although still mortified beyond belief.
    "Okay guilty as charged," Amanda said as she laughed. "But hey everybody can take a joke, right Bethany?"
    Bethany stood there looking furious at Amanda. "Give me back my clothes Amanda!"
    "But here's the thing, I kind of didn't bring them with me," Amanda said scratching her head. "My bad! But hey no hard feelings, right?"
    Bethany was now trembling as much with anger as with embarrassment as she screamed and dove on top of Amanda as all of the guys began cheering and shouting catfight.

    As Bethany dusted herself off and adjusted Amanda's clothes around herself Amanda stood there completely naked surrounded by about a dozen guys covering herself up and blushing even more profusely than Bethany was.
    "You know your clothes look pretty nice on me," Bethany said as she looked at her new outfit.
    "And I think that your birthday suit looks pretty nice on Amanda," Evan said as he raised a beer and toasted to her as Amanda simply blushed and smiled and took a little bow.
    "Well I guess I might as well get comfortable, who wants to play some cards?" Amanda said as she sat down at the table completely naked covering her breasts with her hands.
    Everyone sat down at the table and smiled.
    "Just don't ask to play strip poker, I'm already a kind of a disadvantage," Amanda said as everyone began laughing.
    And as Bethany sat there next to a buck naked Amanda, with no way out, and no escape, squirming there uncomfortably as the guys took a group picture with her, she had to admit it actually was a pretty nice bachelor party after all.



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