A Wolf in No Clothing

 Here's my latest. This is mostly a CFNM story but it's also a werewolf story and it focuses on the fact of the awkward fact that when a person transforms into a werewolf they rip out of their clothing. So this deals with a guy dealing with the awkward aspect that after transforming into a werewolf he finds himself naked, and how one of his female friends takes advantage of the situation for her own pleasure and amusement, but then gets her own comeuppance. The story contains CFNM, CMNF and only one naked as well as naked in public. I hope you enjoy!

This would actually make a pretty good story to include in a collection of mostly serious werewolf stories that I was writing under my real name, but seeing as this is mainly a fetish story focusing on that aspect it will just get published under my pseudonym that I use to publish all of my kinky naked erotica!

A Wolf in No Clothing
"I can't believe about all of these animal killings and everything like that," Laura said as she shook her head. "People think that there is something like a wolf going around and killing all these animals in the local area. Luckily it hasn't attacked any humans lately, but I am kind of concerned. A lot of my friends were really frightened by the wolf and I just feel we have to do something to stop this monster."
    "But how do you know it's a monster?" Chris asked. "Wolves are generally not violent and they don't harm anyone most of the time. Humans are a greater threat to wolves than the other way around."
    "I know, but just the very thought that there is some type of monstrous wolf going around, how can anyone really be relaxed knowing that? I just wish that there was some way to stop this wolf."
    "I still don't think that it's fair to treat the wolf like it was just some type of violent rampaging monster, it's not like it's some type of actual monster."
    "You mean like a werewolf?"
    "No of course not, we all know that werewolves aren't real."
    "I don't know, maybe werewolves are real. I keep an open mind about these type of things. There's just something that I always kind of wondered but you're probably going to laugh and think I'm some type of pervert."
    Chris laughed. "Me think of you as some type of pervert, never! Why would I think that you are a pervert for believing in werewolves? You aren't a Twihard Twlight fan are you?"
    "Team Jacob all the way, " she laughed. "But it's not that I believe in werewolves that makes me sound like a pervert, it is the fact that the thing I keep thinking about is that if a dude turned into a werewolf then when he came back into human form, well he would be naked wouldn't he?" Laura tried not to giggle.
    "So that's what you think of when you think of werewolves? There is this man who actually has the ability to transform into a wolf, the possibility of shape shifting, and all you can think is, hey that guy's going to be naked after that!"
    "Well he would wouldn't he?"
    "Of course I would, I mean of course he would," Chris said as he covered his mouth.
    "Did you just say of course I would?"
    Chris shook his head." Of course not, why would I say that I was a werewolf?"
    Laura smiled. "Oh my God you are a werewolf aren't you? You know you can't lie to me Chris, I know that you are totally a werewolf. Come on I'm one of your closest friends, you have to let me in on the secret."
    "Okay fine I'm a werewolf!" Chris said throwing up his hands in resignation. "But you can't tell anybody, it's my deepest darkest secret, and it's quite humiliating."
    "Humiliating because it means you get naked?" Laura said once again trying hard not to giggle but failing miserably as she put her hands in her mouth.
    Chris couldn't believe this. "You know when you someone reveals to you that they are a supernatural creature that turns the foundations of rational society on its head and probably causes you to have to rethink your entire view of reality, and you automatically think about the nudity."
    "Hey if I said I was a werewolf wouldn't you be thinking the same thing?"
    "Well if you were a werewolf and I hadn't been a werewolf myself I would be thinking, how do you become a werewolf? How do you deal with being a werewolf?"
    "What do you do about your clothing when you become a werewolf? I'm sorry, I'm just curious! I mean have you ever transformed back from a werewolf and found yourself naked in public or in some type of really embarrassing situation?"
    "Sort of," Chris said as he was blushing.
    "You're blushing, you're embarrassed to admit that you end up getting naked when you are the werewolf!"
    "Well yeah, if you were just running around the neighborhood as a wolf and then when you finally transform back you are just naked and confused in the middle of nowhere you probably be embarrassed too!"
    "But I don't think it's safe for you to be going around running around as a werewolf."
    "Well it's not exactly like I have much choice, when the moon is full I am going to become a werewolf whether I want to or not. Generally I get undressed before I feel the transformation coming and then I just kind of hope that I come out of it and nobody sees me."
    Laura shook her head. "No no no, this won't do, you could end up hurting someone as a werewolf! I can't just keep your secret and let you potentially hurt someone. You have to do something about this."
    "Like I said, there's not much I can do about it."
    Laura shook her head. "I think I have a solution. Just into the woods a little way there's this old abandoned barn. I could lock you in the barn when you become a werewolf and then I can stand guard and when you are done I can let you out, not to mention give you your clothing back!"
    Chris seemed to be acting like the whole thing was really awkward but he sort of grudgingly shook his head.
    "Look Chris it's either this or I will tell everybody your secret, I can't have you endangering people by becoming a werewolf. So the way I see it you have two options, I can tell everyone that you are a werewolf, or you can go to the barn in the middle of the woods. Now what's it going to be?" Laura stood there with that defiant hands on her hips stance that let Chris know she meant business.
    "Okay okay I will go to the barn, but you have to promise that you're not going to tell anybody about this. Promise me Laura!"
    "I promise," Laura said trying not to smirk too much.

    The next full moon.
    "Here it is," Laura said as she walked into the barn and stretched her arms out indicating how long the barn was.
    "Oh this place looks pretty run down," Chris said. "I know it's supposed to be an abandoned barn and everything, but it looks like there are lots of cracks in the wood, like anyone could just come in and sneak a peek."
    Laura laughed and shook her head. "Come on Chris we are in the middle of nowhere and I am promising you that no one's going to bother you. Now I'll go outside the barn and you get undressed and hand me your clothing."
    "Why can't I keep my clothing with me inside the barn so that I can change right back into it once I am no longer a wolf?"
    "How do you know that your wolf won't get the clothing and tear it to shreds or something like that?" Laura said shaking her head. "The safer thing for you to do would be to get undressed inside the barn and hand me your clothing and I will just stand outside and stand guard so that nobody bothers you during, well you know."
    "If you say that time of the month I swear," Chris said shaking his head.
    "Trust me, nothing is going to happen and I promise that I will not sneak a peek," Laura said crossing her fingers behind her back.
    Chris looked rather awkward but reluctantly nodded and pointed to her to go outside of the barn. Once he had gotten undressed he handed her his clothing and closed the barn door behind him. As he stood there naked inside the barn he had to admit it was rather chilly and he felt really awkward and vulnerable. There he was trapped in the middle of the nowhere completely buck naked and there was a girl just outside the barn who knew that he was naked inside of the barn. He never felt more trapped in his entire life.
    "Okay I'm going to be do the right thing and I am not going to look," Laura said fighting every urge in her body. "I guess I had better just check to make sure he's okay though." She started walking towards the barn door before stopping herself and shaking her head." No, you promised that you would be a lady and that you weren't going to take a peek at him." She sat there holding her shirt in her hand and twisting it around trying to resist the urge. "You know I will just one quick look just to make sure he's okay, and for no other reason."
    Laura gently tiptoed over to the barn and looking through one of the many cracks in the barn door she got a good view of Chris standing there naked and rubbing himself for warmth. She had to admit that he seemed so incredibly attractive in that vulnerable situation like that. She had never seen a guy completely naked like that before, certainly not while she was standing outside comfortably dressed against the cold night air.
    While Laura was getting a good look at Chris all the sudden she practically jumped up in terror when her cell phone began buzzing in her pocket, and she realized that she had gotten a text message from the girls at her sorority saying that they were going to go to a strip club. She read one of the messages saying that it was okay if she didn't go though because they know she's a big prude when it comes to naked guys and stuff like that.
    "Shows what they know," Laura said as she prepared to text them back that she was busy at the moment. But then something came over her. Deep down she didn't want to believe that she was a pervert, or at least if she was she kept it to herself anyway, but she had to admit just seeing Chris completely naked in the barn like that had her heart racing and she swallowed deeply as she began texting back.
    What would you say if I said I had a naked guy trapped in a barn in the middle of the woods, she texted to her friends who all responded with sarcastic comments that there was no way that that was true.
    Meet me here and I will prove it to you, she texted back immediately feeling guilty. The full moon wasn't for a while now but they made sure to get a head start and everything, so she was hoping that they would arrive just so they can get a quick peek at Chris before he made his transformation.
    "How's everything going in there Chris?" Laura asked.
    "It is pretty chilly, how long until the full moon is fully up?"
    Laura checked her watch. "Still not for a while."
    "I'm beginning to think that maybe I should have kept my clothing on until I thought it was closer to the full moon. It seems to be taking a long time tonight and I wonder why?"
    That was when Laura suddenly noticed something. She remembered that it was daylight savings, so that meant that the entire moonrise was about an hour off. She thought that she couldn't possibly be luckier because now she had Chris completely trapped in the barn with his clothing outside and her friends were on the way.
    She couldn't help but feel extremely guilty at this betrayal of trust, but the thought of all her friends realizing that she had a naked guy as her prisoner would certainly give her a lot more credibility with them and they would never mock her as being a prude ever again.
    "Hey Laura," Stacy said as she approached with Arlene, Tiffany and Georgina all walking confidently towards the barn with big smiles on their faces.
    "Did I hear you talking to someone else out there?" Chris asked, feeling more nervous than he already was.
    "There's nobody else here, just me," Laura shouted back.
    "Oh my God you've got Chris, you've got him naked in the barn, how on earth did you manage that?" Tiffany asked.
    "Oh this I've gotta see," Arlene said.
    "Wait you guys," Laura said as she put her hands up. "I probably shouldn't have told you to come here."
    "Well too late we are here now and we want to see some flesh," Georgina said as the other women began clapping and whistling. "We could be at a strip club right now so we had better see some naked guys!"
    Laura tried to stop them but they opened the door to the barn as Chris turned around before immediately covering up his genitals with his hands and began blushing profusely.
    "What the hell?!" Chris shouted.
    "Oh wow he looks even better naked!" Stacy said as she began clapping and whistling as the other girls did likewise.
    "You brought your sorority sisters here?!" Chris said now sweating bullets and trembling with embarrassment.
    "Chris this is a side of you I have never seen before," Tiffany said as she giggled. "I have to say though I quite like this side of you, I like what I see, no clothing, it's a good look on you!"
    "Laura you have to get all these girls out of here," Chris said. "It's not safe!"
    "No chance on that, we came to see some naked guys and you are the only naked guy here, so you'll have to do!" Arlene said as she clapped.
    "Laura how could you!" Chris said as all of the girls walked over to him.
    "Hey nothing to be embarrassed about, we're just having some harmless sorority girl fun," Georgina said. "And there's nothing more fun than having a naked guy stuck in a barn in the middle of nowhere for our own private viewing!"
    "You don't understand, I'm a werewolf," Chris said as all of the girls except for Laura burst out laughing in hysterics. "Okay now I guess you are laughing at my claim to be a werewolf rather than the fact that I am naked."
    "Well it is absurd, the notion that you are a werewolf, but I'm still really laughing more about the naked thing," Stacy said as the other girls nodded in agreement and high-fived her.
    "That's your lame excuse for getting naked in the middle of nowhere?" Tiffany said shaking her head. "Is this part of something that your frat brothers are making you do, making you go on some type of naked challenge? If it is bravo, I fully approve and I wish that frat boys would do stuff like this more often."
    "You all have to get out of here right now!" Chris shouted. "I don't think there's much more time before –"
    Chris stopped in his tracks as he could suddenly feel his bones realigning.
    "What's the matter?" Laura asked.
    "My transformation is beginning," Chris said as he started screaming out in pain as he felt his body jerking around in all sorts of directions he would have never thought possible prior to becoming a werewolf.
    "Well go ahead, stretch that naked flesh!" Arlene said as the girls laughed.
    All of the girls stood in a circle whistling and chanting and hollering and pointing at Chris as he fell to the floor on to all fours and they started pointing at his ass and laughing out of their minds. However as Chris's body suddenly became hairier and longer and he started growing a snout they all stopped laughing rather quickly and the scenes of laughter soon turning to screams of terror as they all started running off in all directions, except for Laura who was paralyzed with fear.
    "Nice Wolfy," Laura said as she put up her hand defensively as Chris's will slowly came up to her and gently bit her on the harm causing her to wince in pain before the wolf darted off into the forest.
    Laura shook her head. "What have I done?"
    Laura began to pursue Chris's wolf as far as her legs would carry her. In fact she followed him around pretty much the entire night observing him ripping small animals to pieces while keeping a safe distance until finally the wolf settled down as the sunrise started to come in and the wolf transformed back into Chris, a naked Chris.
    "Chris are you okay?" Laura asked.
    "Do I look okay Laura?!" Chris said as he pointed to himself before quickly covering up his junk with his hands and blushing. "I suppose you don't even have my clothing now do you?"
    Laura suddenly realized that she had left his clothing back at the barn in the woods and shook her head.
    "Chris I hope you can forgive me," Laura said as she reached out with her hands.
    "You can save your sorrys, you can stuff your sorrys in a sack," Chris said when all of a sudden he noticed that Laura seemed to have a bite mark on her arm. "Did I do that?"
    "Oh it's nothing," Laura said as she rubbed her wound. "I guess it's all my fault and I am the one who did wrong to you. So I don't blame you at all. In fact I can understand if you never want to talk to me again after what I did."
    Chris smiled and shook his head. "Laura I should probably be thanking you, although I probably should also be apologizing."
    "How is it that after everything that I did to you tonight that you are the one apologizing?" she said shaking her head.
    "I don't know how to tell you this, but the thing is there's only one way to save yourself from the curse of the werewolf and that is to bite somebody else and pass the curse on."
    "What are you talking about?"
    "Laura don't you get it, now that I have bitten you I am no longer going to become a werewolf, but you are!" Chris said as he grabbed her. "Well do you have anything to say?"
    Laura stared at Chris for a moment and then she looked down and smiled. "I can see your junk."
    Chris shouted and covered himself up.
    "Well come on let's go back to the barn before anyone else sees you like this," Laura said as she patted Chris on the shoulder just as a bunch of girls went by pointing and laughing and clicking camera phones, to which Chris could just cover himself with one hand and waved sheepishly with the other blushing the whole time. "Well anyone other than just them."
    As the two of them stood there an entire group of women started gathering around and smiling.
    "Well you know some people do crazy things during the full moon," Chris said with a laugh as he covered himself up and stood there blushing and cringing. While all of those girls were gathered around him Laura slowly snuck away, ashamed of what she had gotten him into, and even more ashamed that she was now leaving him alone in that situation.

    One month later.
    "I can't believe that you forgave me after everything that I did to you," Laura said as the two of them walked towards the barn.
    Chris shook his head. "You're one of my closest friends, there's no way I can stay angry at you. Besides, you helped me get rid of my curse, if anything now I am obligated to help you."
    "Well you don't have to smile so wide about it," Laura said as Chris opened the barn door for her and held out his arm welcoming her inside.
    "I'll wait outside, you get undressed and then hand me your clothing," Chris said as he went outside of the barn. Soon after Laura's arm came out of the door of the barn holding her clothing, which he gathered up. "Okay I've got it."
    As Laura stood there naked in the barn and rubbing herself for warmth she had to admit that she probably deserved this, and she knew that Chris was, while forgiving, enjoying every moment of the fact that she was now the one naked in the barn. In fact she fully expected that when she got out of the barn he would be there with a bunch of his frat brothers to give her payback. But she said to herself that if that were to happen that she would just suck it up and deal with it as reasonable payback.
    As Laura started transforming into a wolf and pacing around the barn the time went by pretty quickly and before she knew it she had already transformed back into herself.
    "Laura are you okay in there?" Chris shouted.
    "Yeah I'm totally fine," Laura said. "I have to admit that was pretty freaky and a bit scary but I really feel okay. And I really want to thank you again for being such a gentleman and not using this to totally humiliate me."
    All of the sudden Chris suddenly felt a huge twinge of guilt as he looked at the pile of Laura's clothing that was now a heap of ashes that he had burned while she was in the barn.
    "You think you could hand me my clothing now," Laura said as she stuck her hand out the barn door. "It's awfully chilly in here."
    "Why don't you come out here Laura?"
    "Umm, because I'm completely buck naked!" Laura shouted as she stood there covering herself up and suddenly feeling a sinking feeling in her stomach that maybe Chris wasn't a total gentleman after all.
    "Laura I have to confess something to you, I feel really bad about it but I did kind of want to get revenge on you, so I kind of sort of burned your clothing into a pile of ashes while you were in the barn."
    "Ha ha very funny Chris, now please just give me my clothing," Laura said. "I know that I probably deserve this but I really would like my clothing back."
    Chris didn't say anything as slowly Laura sheepishly peered out from outside of the barn and could see not far away from the entrance of the barn was a campfire with the burned remains of her clothing in it.
    "I see now," Laura said as she emerged from the barn covering herself up and blushing profusely and looking like she was about to cry. She rubbed her eyes figuring that this is exactly what she deserved when all of the sudden she saw that Chris was slowly taking off his clothing. "What are you doing?"
    "Look I destroyed your clothing, it's the least I can do," Chris said as he stood there naked holding out his clothing to Laura. "It was a stupid prank and I really don't want to humiliate you the way you humiliated me."
    "But what about you?" Laura said as she took the clothing and held it up to her to cover herself up.
    Chris smiled blushing at her. "I'm used to it."
    Laura wiped away a tear, went into the barn and got dressed and came out wearing Chris's clothing which admittedly was rather bulky on her and looked kind of silly on her.
    "How do I look?" Laura asked.
    "Better dressed than I am," Chris said to which they both laughed.
    "So now what do we do?"
    "I say that we get home because I think it's going to be a long and drafty walk and I am not dressed for the occasion."
    The two of them walked hand-in-hand away from the barn and as they walked home in the cold night together, goosebumps forming all over Chris's body, neither of them felt the cold all that much because once again they were together and they were friends again, and that feeling was enough to keep them both warm.



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