Who Gets Dressed in a Fire?

I just sort of woke up with this story idea a few days ago and thought that it was a result of a dream, although looking at my dream journal I see no such dream recorded. But anyway the main idea was that I always thought about how embarrassing it would be if you had a fire and had to run outside naked and didn't even have time to get dressed. I figured that there would be lots of people who would actually try to get dressed even in the middle of a fire, and then from there I just thought, what if someone did an experiment with that where everyone is sleeping naked and then apparently the building is on fire. This one is a pretty unique idea and I am pretty happy with the way it turned out. This one has a lot of embarrassing male and female nudity for those who like both types equally, mostly focusing on embarrassed nude in public situations. Enjoy!

Who Gets Dressed in a Fire?
Robin looked at all of the people who volunteered for the experiment and was pleased. There were at least a dozen people, six women and six men, an equal number of each who had agreed to volunteer not knowing what they were getting into.
    "Well thank you for showing up," Robin said. "As you know I cannot really disclose a lot of details about the experiment because if you knew about the details of the experiment that would affect the outcome and render the experiment pointless."
    "It seemed like an easy 50 bucks," Charles said. "Kind of a weird experiment though. I am really wondering why you want us to sleep in this apartment building all in separate rooms but without any access to our clothing all night."
    Robin nodded. "Again I can't tell you the parameters of the experiment. All I can say is it's vital to the experiment that you all go to bed naked and have no clothing available in the room with you."
    Linda shook her head. "I agree though this sounds like a pretty weird experiment, but hey for 50 bucks I can sleep naked in an apartment building for a night, as normally I would be paying that much to stay in my own apartment at night, with or without clothing!"
    The participants all nodded and mingled for a while as Robin looked over all of them. She felt that the experiment might be morally questionable, but she was really interested to see the outcome.
    "Why do you think that we have to get naked when we go to sleep tonight?" Linda said.
    Charles shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know but I don't care, for $50 I can sleep naked for one night. Well anyway sleep well."
    "You too," Linda said as they went their separate ways and went to their separate rooms.
    Their beds were comfortable so most of the participants in the experiment were able to sleep really well until around three in the morning when all of the sudden alarms started going off.
    "What's going on," Charles said as he peeked out from his door not wanting anyone to see him completely naked.
    "Everybody the experiment has been canceled, we have to get out of the building right away because there is a fire," Robin said.
    "Well quick give us our clothing," Linda said as she peered out through her door and motioned with her hand.
    "There's no time, it is a fire, everybody has to get out right now!" Robin said.
    "Wait you expect us to leave the building without any clothing?" Clarissa said as she peeked out from another door.
    "Would you rather stay here and burn to death?" Robin said. "Now come on, everybody out of the building, right away!"
    Everyone started slowly walking out into the hallway completely naked and looking really embarrassed about it and struggling to cover up.
    "I can't believe it, this is so embarrassing," Linda said as they ran out onto the streets where a large crowd had gathered to see what was going on. As soon as Linda saw all of these people from the neighborhood she quickly covered up her breasts with one arm and her genitals with another.
    "I hope we still get our $50," Charles said standing there with his hands likewise covering his genitals.
    "Linda what is going on?" said Jack, a friend of hers from the neighborhood.
    "Oh my God Jack!" Linda said as she began blushing profusely.
    "Why are you naked?" Jack asked.
    "It was part of an experiment," Linda said. "An experiment that apparently went horribly awry."
    "I can't believe that we are standing out here naked on the street," Clarissa said struggling to cover herself up.
    "Hey you don't look bad dressed that way," George said as he came over with his hands between his legs.
    "Then why don't you remove your hands if you find this so funny?" Clarissa said.
    "George, good God what is happening," said Laura, one of his neighbors.
    "Oh God Laura, this is extremely awkward," George said as he began blushing.
    All of the participants in the study sort of found themselves gathering around in a circle trying as best as possible to cover themselves up and hide behind one another as people from the town all started gathering around with many pointing and laughing.
    "I'm never going to be able to live this down," Linda said shaking her head.
    "Hey it's not so bad," Jack said as he put her arm around her, causing her to practically tremble with embarrassment.
    "Easy for you to say, you're not standing buck naked on a city street!" Linda shouted.
    "Hey take a picture of me with my girlfriend here," Jack said as someone took a photo of him with Linda causing her to scream.
    "You delete that photo right now!" Linda shrieked.
    "You know this was the worst possible time for this experiment to take place," Clarissa said.
    "Yeah, I mean what are the chances," George said. "Hey shouldn't there be like fire engines here by now?"
    "Yeah what gives," Linda said as she tried to stand and hide herself behind a mailbox.
    "Nice ass," some guy said as he was walking by and clicking a camera phone.
    "Kill me now!" Linda shouted.
    "Hey there are worse things that could have happened," Clarissa said as she laughed. "I mean this is an awkward situation but at least we are all alive and safe and everything. You know I don't even think I am that embarrassed." Clarissa began waving to people across the street.
    "Clarissa are you okay?" Andy said as he walked up to her.
    "Oh my God Andy!" Clarissa shouted as she struggled to cover up and began blushing. "What are you doing here?"
    "Hey I just happened to be in the area and then I saw you standing on the street corner buck naked with a whole bunch of other naked people, so naturally I had to see what was going on," Andy said with a big smirk. "Is this like some type of naked protest or something like that?"
    Clarissa just sort of awkwardly smiled. "Yeah it's an antifur protest."
    Andy looked between Clarissa's legs. "Antifur? It doesn't like like you are antifur from the way you keep your-"
    "Hey stop staring!" Clarissa said as she put her hands back between her legs.
    "Where are those fire engines," George said as he looked around.
    All of the naked participants in the survey started looking around and they saw no sign of fire engines coming in any direction, but they did see a whole lot of people that they knew who just happened to be walking by.
    "Wait a minute, something here seems suspicious," George said. "There are no fire engines coming and it seems like we all fall ran into people that we knew who just happened to be in the area. Doesn't anyone else find that strange?"
    All of the naked people started talking among themselves and pointing at Robin who suddenly started feeling nervous.
    "Oh it looks like the jig is up," Robin said as she blew a whistle. "Everybody I have an announcement to make. I hope you won't be angry with this little experiment, but this was all part of the experiment. The fact is there was no fire. The entire purpose of the experiment was to see if you would willingly leave the building knowing that it's on fire even if you had to leave naked and how you would react to that. I had always questioned how some people would stop to get dressed even when their house was on fire, and I guess I wanted to test how far people would take that. And to make the experiment even more interesting we found lots of people who knew you by going through social media and we paid them $50 each to just happen to be in the area at around this time."
    "You manipulative bitch!" Linda shouted. "You humiliated us for an experiment, that's terrible!"
    "But we still get our $50 right?" George said as the others looked at him causing him to shrug his shoulders. "Well I figure that after all of this we deserve to at least get paid for the experiment."
    "Well if the experiment is over you had better give us our clothing back right now," Linda said still hiding behind the mailbox.
    "I'm sorry if I upset anyone," Robin said shaking her head. "But you have to admit it was a pretty funny experiment, and I realize you are angry, but is kind of hard to take you serious when you are crouching naked behind a mailbox because you find the whole experience embarrassing. But you were all such good sports about this so I'm going to go back into the building and I am going to get your clothing right away, and don't worry you will all be paid an additional $50 for your inconvenience."
    "Inconvenience, you have us naked in public!" Clarissa shouted as all of the others nodded and shouted in agreement.
    "Don't worry I have your clothing all locked up in the apartment," Robin said as she started walking towards the building as a blaze of flame shot up out of the windows and seemed to be raging out of control.
    "Oh my God!" Clarissa shouted. "I thought you said that there was no real fire."
    Robin shook her head. "There wasn't any real fire! Oh wait a minute, whoops."
    "What do you mean whoops?" Linda shouted still crouching behind the mailbox.
    "You do realize that we can all still see your ass by going behind the mailbox right," George said as Linda glared at him causing him to back off.
    "I think I know what caused the fire," Robin said. "This is going to sound extremely contrived and ironic, but the whole purpose was to fake a fire so you would have to leave the building without your clothing. But then I put your clothing in the closet and I think that I threw it on top of that heater and, well I guess your clothing must have caught fire and, well my bad. But I promise you that I will pay to replace all of your clothing."
    "But what are we supposed to do about clothing right now?!" Clarissa shouted as everyone chanted yeah in solidarity with her.
    Robin sort of laughed nervously and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm afraid I didn't plan for the contingency of an actual real fire taking place. But hey these things happen, no need to cry over spilled milk right? You understand guys, right?"
    Robin started slowly stepping backwards as the dozen naked men and women started circling all around her and surrounding her.
    "Get her!" Linda shouted as they all dove on top of Robin and began tearing off her clothing.

    As Linda dusted off Robin's red blazer she had to admit she looked pretty good in it and it was actually keeping her pretty warm.
    "I have to say that really does look quite good on you," Clarissa said.
    "Thank you I think it does too," Linda said as she spun around. "Red really is my color. What do you think Robin?"
    "It looks pretty great," Robin said as she crouched behind the mailbox and gave a thumbs-up as she blushed profusely and gritted her teeth.
    "Come on let's get out of here," Clarissa said as she led the army of a dozen naked people, now fully dressed in the clothing that they had taken from the people who were paid to just happen to run into them during the time they were naked during the experiment, and walked away leaving them all naked and glaring angrily at Robin.
    "Your checks will be in the mail, along with your surveys, please take the time to fill them out," Robin said as she continued waving to them while remaining crouched behind the mailbox, ready to die from embarrassment. She shook her head. "Well I certainly didn't see this turn of events, I guess it is poetic justice though, after what I had done. I couldn't imagine this being any more humiliating, but at least it couldn't get worse."
    "Here we have the ringleader of the so-called experiment, Robin Chen," a reporter said as she walked over and put a microphone up to Robin who was still trying to crouch behind the mailbox. "What were you hoping to achieve with your experiment?"
    "Can I answer these questions later perhaps," Robin said as she started shaking with embarrassment. "Also do you think you could edit this part of the interview out?"
    "We are airing live," the reporter said with a smile as she once again thrust the microphone into Robin's face.
    Seeing that there was no getting out of the situation, Robin simply shrugged her shoulders and figured that there was no such thing as bad publicity, and now she could talk about her experiment from the standpoint of a participant, which she had to admit was far more embarrassing than she had ever imagined.
    Robin was about to speak but she was momentarily distracted as she saw Linda, Clarissa and the other people that she had fooled into participating in the experiment waving at her before flipping her off and walking away and smiling.
    Robin shook her head, and as much as she didn't like to admit it, Linda really did look pretty good in her red blazer that she would give anything to still be wearing.


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