The Naked Sleepwalker

I just sort of thought of this story spontaneously off the top of my head. This one perhaps requires a fair amount of suspension of disbelief, even though it doesn't contain any crazy speculative elements like a lot of my stories do. I don't know if a person would actually stay in a trance that long while sleepwalking, but I figure that at any rate someone somewhere in history has probably sleepwalked naked and got themselves into awkward situations, probably not as awkward and extreme as the situation of my protagonist in this story, but I still think that it was a pretty good story involving only one naked, naked in public, CMNF, ENF and cfnf.

The Naked Sleepwalker
"I don't know, I just can't sleep lately," Julia said.
    "Last night after you fell asleep you started sleepwalking," said Janet, her friend and roommate. "You just sort of were wandering around the hallways in a trance."
    "That's funny, I don't remember anything about it," Julia said as she shrugged her shoulders.
    Janet shook her head. "Well I gently walked you back to your bed and you fell asleep again but you were totally in a trance and had no idea what was going on."
    "How embarrassing, but at least that that's probably the worst that could happen. I mean sleepwalking is probably pretty harmless in most cases, and I am sure that it won't happen again."
    "Maybe you should go to a sleep specialist or something like that who can help you. You wouldn't want to do anything really dangerous or embarrassing while sleepwalking."
    Julia shook her head and waved her hands dismissively. "Don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing, it's probably just a one time thing and I am sure that it won't happen again. Just the same I am pretty tired, probably as a result of sleepwalking, so I think I'm going to turn in early tonight."
    "Okay but if this continues I think that you should really consider getting some professional help."
    Julia went into her bedroom and began waving a fan. "I think the real reason I can't sleep is because the damn air-conditioner is broken," she said as she walked over to the air-conditioning unit. "I guess I'll just have to make do with the fan," she said as she brought the fan over and turned it on as she laid on top of her bed feeling all sweaty.
    Julia tossed and turned but she found that she could not get to sleep. Finally she stood up and shook her head and began getting undressed. "You know normally I wouldn't sleep naked but it's too damn hot to be wearing pajamas when the air-conditioning isn't even working."
    Julia folded her clothing neatly and left it at the foot of her bed and laid down on the comforter. She still felt rather hot and uncomfortable, but with the fan blowing directly on her naked flesh she was at least feeling a little bit more cooled down and eventually managed to get to sleep.
    Sometime in the middle of the night Julia suddenly woke up, once again in a trance, and began walking naked through the hallway. She poured herself a glass of water and while she did that she could feel a nice breeze coming in from the window outside.
    Still walking in her trancelike state she went to the back door, opened the door, and walked out into the backyard. She felt a lot cooler and more relaxed feeling the nice breeze on her naked flesh. She then opened the backyard gate and started walking out into the streets.

    Later that night Janet woke up to discover that someone had left the door open. She shook her head. "I keep telling Julia do not forget to lock the door at night because we don't want anyone to break into the house and rob us or rape us or something like that. We don't have a lot of crime around here but we still shouldn't leave the door unlocked while we are sleeping. I don't want to wake her up but I feel like I should give her a reminder. Maybe I will just let her sleep."
    That was when Janet noticed that the door to Julia's room was open, so she decided to go in to see if she was awake, but she didn't see anyone in the room.
    Janet shook her head. "Where could Julia have gone in the middle of the night?" That was when she saw Julia's clothing folded neatly at the foot of her bed and picked it up. "Apparently without her clothing on. Oh no, she couldn't be, could she?!"

    But at that moment Julia was still walking down the street still completely naked as people started going to their windows and noticing. It was still not that late and a lot of people were still up.
    "Holy crap, it's that hot neighbor lady, and she's walking down the street completely naked!" Rex said as he went to the window with his binoculars as he got his camera phone and began taking pictures.
    "No way, this has to be some type of a trick," said Ned, his friend and roommate.
    "What should we do?"
    "There's a hot naked woman just walking around the neighborhood, obviously we have to follow her and see what she is up to!"
    Rex and Ned soon walked out onto the street with their camera phones recording and live streaming everything that Julia was doing.
    "To all of our thousands of followers out there in Internet land this is not a trick, right now I am actually following and live streaming an attractive naked woman walking down the street," Ned said. "I have no idea what she is up to but we intend to follow her on her journey and see what happens. Stay tuned everyone!"

    "Julia where are you?!" Janet shouted as she ran into the backyard. "I have a really bad feeling about this. If Julia is sleepwalking who knows where she could possibly go. And if she is sleepwalking naked that would be humiliating! But maybe I am overreacting. It's the middle of the night, well maybe not the middle of the night, but early in the night, how much trouble could she possibly get into in the middle of the night? I am sure that she is probably fine."

    Rex and Ned continued following Julia down the street as various people took pictures of her and whistled and hollered.
    "She looks like she is some kind of a zombie or something," Rex said.
    "I think that she is sleepwalking," Ned said as he continued holding up his phone as he watched as all of his likes and followers were rapidly increasing by the minute.
    Rex shook his head. "A sleepwalking naked chick, now I've seen everything, and I have to say from here the sight looks pretty good!"
    "She definitely has an amazing ass, but I think I should try to get some video of her from the front as well."
    "Hey I have a phone as well, why don't I film the front and you film the back and we will both be live streaming so that people can see both of these views of her at once."
    "You're a genius, that will get us even more followers for our channel!"
    The two of them continued to follow Julia as she walked down the street and more and more people started coming out of their houses and following Julia to see where she was going. Eventually Julia went to a convenience store and walked in through the door.
    "Welcome, we are open all night and, holy shit it's a naked chick!" Ronald the cashier said as Julia walked into the store and started going up and down the aisles.
    "Don't we have a policy of no shoes, no shirt, no service?" Bertha said as she shook her head.
    Ronald shook his head. "I believe that we shouldn't discriminate against anyone based on their clothing or lack thereof. Just because she is an attractive naked chick doesn't mean that she doesn't deserve service just like anyone else."
    "I don't know, how do we know she isn't trying to steal something?"
    "Steal something, but where on earth would she hide it? Are you suggesting that she's going to shove stuff up, well you know."
    "I don't know, I think that we should just keep an eye on her."
    "Well you will get no argument on me against doing that," Ronald said as he walked up and down the aisles following Julia as she filled a basket with various snacks and drinks.
    Bertha shook her head. "Guys, they see one naked chick walking around and they drop everything."
    "Holy shit it's a hot naked chick!" Crystal said as she dropped one of the bottles of juice she was going to put on the shelf.
    "Not you too, I didn't know you were a lesbian!" Bertha said shaking her head.
    "I am not a lesbian exactly, but I'm bi curious enough to find this interesting and exciting!" Crystal said as she went over to see Julia.
    "I guess I'll have to be the one to clean this up," Bertha said as she looked at the shattered bottle of juice on the floor as she simply frowned and shook her head looking at Ronald and Crystal, both practically drooling as they went over to Julia.
    Finally Julia started walking towards the counter as Ronald started running back towards the counter but Crystal beat him there.
    "I'll get this one," Crystal said as she smiled at Julia. "Will that be all today ma'am?"
    Julia held up her basket full of snacks and sodas as she put it down on the counter.
    "And how will you be paying for that, I don't really see a purse or a wallet on you anywhere," Crystal said as she giggled and covered up her mouth.
    "Hey if she can't pay for it she's going to have to put it back," Bertha said.
    "Hell, I'll pay for it!" Ronald said.
    "Hey, you never paid for anything for me before," Bertha said.
    "Well you've never come to work naked before," Ronald said with a perverted smile.
    "And I'm not going to, so get that idea out of your head right now!" Bertha said.
    "Don't worry she's with us," Rex said as he and Ned came over and handed Ronald their credit card.
    "That's okay it's on me," Ronald said as he handed them back the credit card. "The way I see it seeing her naked in the store was all the payment I needed. You guys are lucky that she is with you!"
    "We are filming her for our video channel on the Internet," Ned said. "We are trying to get her from all angles."
    "What's your channel, I certainly want to subscribe to see how this ends up!" Ronald said.
    "Me too!" Crystal said smiling awkwardly.
    Rex and Ned gave the name of their channel to everybody in the store as they continued walking down the street with Julia, now carrying her bag full of treats in front of her.
    "I can't believe that she hasn't woken up yet," Rex said. "Maybe this is wrong, maybe we should wake her up."
    Ned shook his head. "No, they say you should never wake up a sleepwalker, as they could become violent or disturbed. We will just have to wait for her to come out of it on her own. Besides it's not like she is hurting anyone and we are here to make sure that she doesn't hurt herself."
    They continued following her until she walked into the all night amusement park. As Julia started walking through the park people started turning and looking at her. Ned and Rex followed her through the hall of mirrors, which got them a good shot of her at all sorts of different angles that they never thought possible.
    By now everybody in the themepark was dropping everything to see what Julia would do next.
    A Carney came over and shook his head. "You know normally we have a policy of having to wear clothes at this amusement park since we are family friendly, but hell she's hot, so we can waive those rules!"
    "I can't believe how many new followers we are gaining," Rex said as he smiled and nodded at Ned who smiled and nodded back.
    As they continued to follow Julia through the park a couple of mothers covered up their children's eyes and started dragging them away, while a couple of the children's fathers started following Julia as their wives tried to pull them away.
    Finally Julia got in line for the Ferris wheel and took a seat directly between Rex and Ned as people just started staring at them and cheering as she went to the top, when all of a sudden the Ferris wheel broke and stopped moving.
    "Oh great it looks like we are stuck up here," Ned said shaking his head. "But hey if we have to be stuck up here at least we are stuck up here with a naked chick!"
    Rex nodded. "Yeah I suppose this is a minor thing to go wrong, as long as nothing else goes wrong I don't see what could be the problem."
    As all of the loud music started playing that was when all of the sudden Julia rubbed her eyes, stretched her arms and began yawning. That was when she started rubbing her arms because she noticed that she was cold.
    "Well looks like the air conditioner finally started working again," Julia said as she looked to her right and looked to her left. "Wait a minute, where the hell am I!?"
    Rex smiled and waved. "Hi!"
    Julia screamed. "What am I doing at the top of a Ferris wheel, and why am I completely naked?!"
    Ned shrugged his shoulders. "We don't know why you are naked, but we decided to follow you around, you have gotten us so many followers for our Internet channel, in fact you're going to be famous now."
    "Really I'm going to be famous, wait a minute, famous for what?" Julia said as she covered her breasts with her arm and crossed her legs and put her other hand between her legs.
    "You're that sleepwalking naked chick," Ned said. "Everybody loves you!"
    "Oh my God this is a nightmare, I'm going to just wake up all of the sudden!" Julia said as she held up her bag of snacks and treats from the convenience store in an effort to hide her nudity.
    Rex laughed. "You already just woke up, and now you woke up to discover that you are a famous naked chick!"
    "Stop recording that!" Julia said as she grabbed his Internet device and threw it off the side of the Ferris wheel before grabbing Ned's and doing similar.
    "But you are going to ruin the ending, no one's going to know how it ends," Ned said. "Don't you want to be famous?"
    "It's going to end with me smacking you upside the head if you don't get me down from here right now!" Julia shouted. "Now I want both you to look straight ahead and not at me, right now!"
    Ned and Rex did as she said but still tried looking at her out of the corner of their eyes.
    Rex shook his head. "Sorry but the Ferris wheel broke, we are kind of stuck up here. But don't worry I am sure that they will get us down soon and it will be no big deal."

    Janet was walking by the amusement park when she saw all sorts of news vans driving rapidly towards it.
    "What the hell is going on?" Janet asked.
    A man looked at her with a big perverted smile. "There is some hot naked chick who is stuck at the top of the Ferris wheel with two guys who have been live streaming her on the Internet!"
    "Naked chick on a Ferris wheel, oh my God, Julia!" Janet said as she began running towards the amusement park.
    As Janet got to the Ferris wheel where everybody had gathered around, a fire engine was there with a ladder slowly bringing down Rex and Ned one by one before finally bringing down Julia still completely naked as all of the news reporters gathered around.
    "Everyone in America wants to know, why were you walking around naked at the amusement park and all through town?" the reporter said as she thrust a microphone into Julia's face.
    Julia simply stood there using her arms to cover her breasts and holding her bag of goodies from the convenience store in front of her genital region and pubic area and blushing profusely.
    "Oh my Go,d Julia are you okay? I have been looking everywhere for you!" Janet said as she ran through the crowd and began shaking Julia before waving her hand in front of Julia's face. "Julia, say something!"
    Julia simply smiled awkwardly as she could hear the clicking of tons of camera phones going off and shook her head before turning to Janet. "Okay, I think I'm going to see that sleep specialist after all!"
    Janet put her arm around Julia. "And I'm going to make sure to always make sure the door is locked before you go to sleep!"
    Rex and Ned shook their heads.
    "Damn, now the news is going to get the exclusive on our story, but we filmed everything up until the end," Rex said.
    "Well that will never happen again," Ned said as he and Rex froze as they saw another naked woman walking in a trance down the street.
    Rex rubbed his eyes and looked at Ned before looking at the woman. "Okay now I know we must be the ones who are asleep, because two naked chick sleepwalking in one night, this has to be a dream!"
    Ned smiled. "Best dream ever!"
    "And the wettest I imagine!"


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