The First Time They Saw a Naked Boy and a Dressed Girl

I thought of this story independently several months ago and then I thought it would be the perfect ending for a novel that I just completed writing the other day. I recently just completed a novel called Two Girls, a Naked Guy and the End of the World, about a world where a global pandemic wipes out the human race, but among the survivors the last man on earth finds he is allergic to clothing and now is living with two women who enjoy the fact that he is stuck naked all the time and the fact that he is really shy about it.

This story takes place in the same universe and I thought would make a good bonus story for my novel as to what type of society might develop in a world where all the surviving men are allergic to clothing. Originally I was thinking this would be a big examination of that type of society but then I thought it worked better as sort of an awkward first meeting between dressed girls and naked boys as they journey into adulthood together with their first meeting in a CFNM type of society. Enjoy!

The First Time They Saw a Naked Boy and a Dressed Girl
"Today gentlemen you will be meeting women of your own age for the first time," said Prof. Bonnard. "For many of you this is going to be an unusual experience as you will find it odd to see these women wearing clothing, which is something that as men you have never experienced for yourselves. As you knew in the past before the great plague men used to wear clothing as well all the time as well but that changed. Now all men seem to be born with an allergy to clothing and there are many who would say that we are in a better world for it."
    Jordan raised his hand, reluctantly at first.
    "Yes Jordan," Prof. Bonnard said as he pointed to Jordan.
    "Are we going to get to see them naked?" Jordan asked as several of the other boys laughed and snickered.
    Prof. Bonnard smiled. "Probably not when you first meet them, no. As you know in the past men used to sexually objectify women all the time and spend an excessive amount of time trying to see them naked. But then the great plague came and that changed everything because now it was men who were naked all the time and women who got to remain dressed. This put women in a position of authority which they were retain to this day. As many of you know some women cannot take men seriously seeing as we cannot wear clothing because it is felt because we lack clothing we lack seriousness and authority. Many of them see us as little more than flesh toys there for their amusement, but if you hold yourself with dignity and not let it bother you I am sure that the women will respect you as human beings."
    "But if they can wear clothing and we can't doesn't that kind of make them more powerful than us?"
    Professor Bornnard shook his head. "That is all in the mind. If you believe that clothing gives you power it gives you power. So if you believe that the women getting to wear clothing gives them power it will have that effect on you. But remember it's all just in your mind."
    Jordan looked up and down the line at all of the other naked boys his age. Most of them hadn't been seen naked by members of the opposite sex who they weren't related to or vice versa, and Jordan had to admit that he felt really intimidated at the idea of being seen naked by a girl his own age. He had been seen naked his entire life but he had never been seen naked by a girl his own age before.
    "No doubt now the girls are being given a similar speech before they are to meet all of you," the professor said as he shook his head once again. "God only knows what they are being told."

    "Now girls today you are going to be seeing boys of your own age naked for the first time," Mrs. Perry said as she walked up and down the rows of girls all dressed in their best attire. "Now as you know the fact that you are dressed gives you power and authority. There are some who say that that authority is simply all mental, but the mental effect of wearing clothing cannot be underestimated. In the time before the great plague men would have women dressed really scantily clad and that would give them power over us by turning us into sex objects, subjected to the male gaze. There were strip clubs and nudity bars and all manner of ways in which men sexually objectified women but now that has changed. Now we are the ones who wear the pants, so to speak, so we are the ones who have all the power."
    Cordelia raised her hand.
    "Yes Cordelia," Mrs. Perry said.
    Cordelia couldn't help but suppress a smirk. "So are we going to get to see everything just out on display like that?"
    Several of the other girls giggled and laughed as they looked at each other before Mrs. Perry raised her hand to silence them.
    Mrs. Perry smiled. "Now girls I expect you to all be extremely professional. Remember you are the more modest sex and your clothing gives you authority and dignity. Now naturally it's going to be hard to not giggle and laugh when you see all of these naked male creatures just sort of stumbling about. But do not fear, trust me they will be far far more intimidated by you than you are by them. Remember if at any point you start to feel apprehensive, remember you are the ones wearing the clothing and you can see everything and they can hide nothing from you."
    "But how are we supposed to respond to a naked boy?" Cordelia asked still trying to suppress laughter.
    Mrs. Perry smiled again. "Don't worry I am sure that natural instincts will take over. Now remember girls I expect all of you to behave in a dignified and refined manner. Now it's only natural that you are going to feel some strange new feelings when you see the boys, that's only natural, but remember they are feeling just the same towards you, except you have the advantage in that you can conceal, but they cannot. Remember that at all times, if it ever happens that you feel intimidated by them just remember who is wearing the pants, or the skirts as the case may be. Now are we all ready to finally meet the boys?"
    The girls all smiled and nodded each exchanging wicked glances towards one another and a couple were licking their lips.

    "Okay boys, go out there and make me proud," Prof. Bonnard said as he opened the doors and the boys walked into the gymnasium where across the other side of the gymnasium the girls walked onto the floor and they all stopped when they saw each other.
    As Jordan some of the girls approaching he instinctively covered up his genitals with his hands and suddenly felt extremely self-conscious. He had not felt like that before. Sure he had been naked with all of his friends all the time but it never felt unnatural. Now that he was naked in the presence of someone wearing clothing, someone of the opposite sex no less, suddenly he felt extremely intimidated. He noticed several other boys doing likewise and several of them appeared to be blushing.
    "My my my it seems your boys are awfully shy," Mrs. Perry said as she clapped her hands. "I guess that means it's up to you girls to make the first move."
    The girls all started looking at each other and giggling and smirking as they slowly started stepping forward in the direction of the boys who slowly backed off, feeling intimidated. A couple of them found themselves suddenly getting erections as they saw the girls approaching in their stylish outfits.
    Jordan suddenly felt seized with panic. All of the sudden he felt like a deer who was caught in the headlights, like a piece of meat on display in some type of butcher and the girls were all just coming up to feed.
    "Hey you, boy," Cordelia said as she approached Jordan with a big smile on her face.
    "Hi," Jordan said raising one hand but keeping the other hand carefully between his legs as he struggled not to blush but knew he was blushing profusely. He also could feel himself suddenly becoming aroused. Although he found this extremely embarrassing something about the situation was making him feel extremely excited.
    "Why are you covering yourself, let me take a look!" Cordelia said with a big smile as she reached for Jordan's hand and removed it from his genital region.
    Jordan stood there cringing and trembling at the legs as he found his penis becoming extremely erect as a big smile lit up Cordelia's face.
    "Oh well I suppose that means you're happy to see me, or be seen by me!" Cordelia said cackling with laughter as Jordan stood there wanting to run but feeling frozen in place. Cordelia put her hands on her hips and looked at Jordan. "Don't you have anything to say to me?"
    "H-hi, my name is Jordan," Jordan said his voice trembling with fear as he shook Cordelia's hand.
    "I'm Cordelia," Cordelia said as she took his hand and shook it back. Cordelia backed away and started looking up and down Jordan's naked body, examining every inch of it.
    "W-what are you doing?" Jordan said as he swallowed deeply and continue trembling.
    "I'm just examining you," Cordelia said. "I've played doctor with some of my female friends before but never with a boy. It's funny seeing your little dangling bits standing up at attention whenever I take a look at them!"
    "C-can I examine you?" Jordan said still shaking with embarrassment.
    Cordelia put her hands on her hips and laughed with her head thrown back.
    "Why are you laughing?" Jordan said.
    "Silly boy, that's not the way it works, it is the women who stay dressed and the men who are on display naked," Cordelia said shaking her head wondering why she had to explain it to him. She had to admit as she stood there standing at this blushing naked boy standing in front of her trembling in fear with goosebumps all over his body she had a hard time taking him seriously. A naked boy was a funny looking thing, interesting to be sure, but comical in its own way.
    "I heard it used to be different," Jordan said as Cordelia continued examining him and looking him over.
    Cordelia nodded. "Yes I heard that the world used to be run by men, kind of hard to believe that you used to run the world when you can't even seem to take being subjected to the gaze of a female. Luckily things are better now."
    Cordelia wrapped her arms around Jordan and put her hands on his ass cheeks and ran her fingernail up and down his butt causing him to shake.
    "What are you doing now?" Jordan asked feeling strange being felt over his naked body by this strange woman.
    "Why I am dancing of course," Cordelia said as she and the other girls all paired up with the naked boy of their choosing and started going slowly up and down the room.
    The women were all brimming over with confidence while the boys all looked decidedly uncomfortable and self-conscious.
    As Jordan looked around at all of the smiling women and all of the blushing men he couldn't help but notice the smirks on the faces of the women, and the subtle laughter that was coming out of most of their mouths.
    Mrs. Perry looked over the girls as they danced with the boys and as she saw the contrast between their naked bodies and the well-dressed women, she couldn't help but think that this was natural and right and the way things were supposed to be.
    "Congratulations ladies and gentlemen, you are no longer boys and girls, you are now men and women, welcome to adulthood and the way things will be from now on," Mrs. Perry said as she clapped and all of the girls simultaneously clapped as the boys all coyly stood there scratching their heads.
    As the girls began snapping pictures with their camera phones of themselves with their dates Jordan went and rejoined the boys as Cordelia went to rejoin the girls. But as Jordan looked over and saw Cordelia and all the girls looking at their pictures on their phones with big smiles, and looking over at the boys with even bigger smiles on their faces and laughing he couldn't help but think that something had definitely changed and that there was no going back.
    And for some reason, as he watched from a distance as the women admired their naked forms he couldn't help but feel somewhat good about that and smiled back.


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