Get Naked for Feminism: the Naked Men's Women's March

I thought of this story like a week or two ago on fetlife where I asked the question if there was a women's march involving naked men to march in solidarity with women whether people would actually go to that. Then I thought to myself that would make a really good idea for a story, and I finally got around to writing it tonight after being sick for most of the week. It figures when I always have a really good story that I want to write right away something always gets in the way like that.

But the story was kind of personal seeing as I am a real progressive type of feminist ally and everything like that and it made me think would I get naked for my female friends as they got to stay dressed. The three women in the story are directly based on three women that I know who are also very progressive and would probably find this whole situation highly amusing.

All in all I am happy with how this story turned out and I hope you enjoy it too. But the question for anyone reading this is if there was a CFNM themed women's march do you think you would attend and do you think that you would attend naked?

Get Naked for Feminism: the Naked Men's Women's March
"It seems there is going to be another women's march this weekend," Kirsten said. "Does everybody think that they are going to be able to go?"
    "Well if I can get some time off at the hospital I think that I should be able to attend," Carolyn said.
    "I'll definitely be going," Bonner said. "I haven't missed one yet. Are you going to be there as well Steve?"
    "Hey you know I am up for it, I'm a total feminist ally and everything," Steve said.
    "You're one of the good ones," Kirsten said as he patted Steve on the back with an evil looking smirk on her face.
    "Why are you smirking?" Steve asked.
    "Oh no reason," Kirsten said as she continued smiling.
    "So what is the theme of this women's march, protesting the president's sexism, reproductive freedom, equal pay?" Steve asked.
    Kirsten was showing Carolyn and Bonner the advertisement and they were both wide in the mouth and suppressing giggling.
    "What are you laughing about?" Steve asked.
    "Nothing, it is just the theme of the next women's march is sexual objectification," Kirsten said still smiling. "The main point of the protest will be to protest the sexual objectification of women by men."
    "That sounds like a worthy cause," Steve said as he couldn't help but notice that Kirsten was wearing a very revealing top that was highlighting her cleavage.
    "You say as you are scoping out my cleavage," Kirsten said.
    "Sorry it's just you are wearing a really revealing top," Steve said as he blushed and looked away.
    Kirsten shook her head. "No I don't think there's anything wrong with a little bit of sexual objectification, it keeps things interesting. It's just this is a protest against the constant sexual objectification of women all throughout society. The fact that I am wearing a revealing top doesn't mean that you should always be sexually objectifying me. Now I know you can help but take a little bit of a peek, and I know you're not one of those guys who is just relentlessly sexualizing women at every turn, but it makes a good point."
    "Yeah there's nothing wrong with showing a little bit of skin here and there," Carolyn said as she exposed her bellybutton.
    "I have to admit I feel a little bit self-conscious showing too much," Bonner said. "It's just a little embarrassing when you are wearing something too revealing."
    "I guess the idea of when you go to the march this weekend is that you are going to dress down and not wear anything too revealing," Steve said.
    The three women couldn't help but stare at Steve and burst out laughing.
    "What is so funny, I feel like you are all in on some type of joke that I am not in on, it's rude not to let me in on the joke," Steve said.
    Kirsten shook her head. "I suppose we should let you in on the joke. We were laughing because you are talking about us wearing revealing clothing but that's not the idea of this march, it's not the idea of this march for us to wear revealing clothing."
    Steve nodded. "Of course the idea is to take attention away from female sexual objectification, I don't see why that is so funny."
    "Oh just let him read it already," Carolyn said as she grabbed the paper and gave it to Steve. "Go ahead, read it out loud!"
    "Get naked for feminism," Steve said as he started reading the pamphlet. "For men who are allies of feminism come to this latest women's march to protest sexual objectification at the first naked men's women's march. Naked men's women's march?"
    "Keep reading," Carolyn said as she pointed to the pamphlet with a wide smile.
    "In order to protest the sexual objectification of women men are encouraged to come to the march completely naked alongside their dressed female friends and supporters. Wait, so all the guys are supposed to come completely naked?!"
    "Yeah!" all three of the women said at once as they burst out laughing.
    "But wait I thought the whole idea of the march was to protest sexual objectification," Steve said shaking his head. "Wouldn't the idea of all the men coming completely naked be promoting sexual objectification?"
    "But that is the whole idea, the whole idea is that women are sexually objectified all the time but men never are, so this would like sort of turn the tables," Bonner said.
    Steve shook his head. "To me that seems like the whole thing is just reversed. It's just sort of a reverse sexual objectification though, isn't that just as bad?"
    "Now you have to put it in context, that's the whole point," Carolyn said. "The whole idea is that it's wrong to sexually objectify women, so by sexually objectifying men we're pointing out how absurd it is to do the same thing to women all the time."
    "I don't know, it almost sounds like it's just some type of plot by all the women to see lots of naked men," Steve said.
    "You're not proposing some type of global feminist conspiracy are you?" Kirsten said.
    Steve pointed to himself. "No of course not, you know I'm not one of those guys, I'm just saying that this whole thing sounds like, I don't know I can see that they are trying to make a serious point but it seems like it's just an excuse to turn the tables and get all the guys naked."
    "Well I mean I can understand if you don't want to do it," Bonner said. "I just thought that you were an ally and everything."
    "Of course I am an ally, you know that I'm totally in support of all this stuff!" Steve said feeling really defensive. "It's just –"
    "I guess you are afraid to be naked in public," Kirsten said. "I mean it's not like you would be alone, I'm sure several thousands of others will show up naked and you probably won't stand out at all."
    "Well we would totally understand if you don't want to do it, as that's really intimidating to be naked in public like that," Carolyn said.
    "Well would you all get naked in public?" Steve said, trying to turn the question around on them.
    "I mean if it was a good enough cause I wouldn't have a problem with that," Kirsten said. "So sure if there was a good cause I wouldn't mind getting naked and showing off the goods." Kirsten put her arms behind her head and stretched making her revealing top even more revealing as she pressed her cleavage together, which Steve couldn't help but look at. When she turned around and saw Steve staring Steve turned the other way and she laughed.
    "Yeah I think I could totally get naked if the cause was right," Carolyn said.
    "But the great thing about this march is that we don't have to get naked this time, you do!" Bonner said as she poked Steve in the nose and smiled.
    Steve couldn't help but feel really self-conscious as he stood there blushing as his three female friends stood there staring at him.
    "But it's okay, you don't have to though," Kirsten said. "Like I said we would fully understand as it takes a lot to get naked in public like that, and we know that you're not a natural exhibitionist."
    "That's for sure, you don't even like to take your shirt off at the beach," Carolyn said.
    "We were having a lot of fun at your expense but we don't want to force you into doing anything you're not comfortable with," Bonner said.
    "Well I, it's just that, can I think about it for a while," Steve said as he scratched the back of his head and sort of squirmed around uncomfortably.
    "Sure, it's not until the weekend, so take your time in deciding, I realize it's a big decision and a lot to ask," Kirsten said.
    "I mean I could go to the march and wear clothing can't I?" Steve asked. "I mean the nudity isn't mandatory is it?"
    "Well no, but that's kind of the whole point," Carolyn said. "The whole point is that you guys put yourself in that uncomfortable position that you always put us in."
    "When did I ever put you in a position where you are pressured to get naked in public to make some type of a stance?" Steve asked. "Isn't there a way to prove that you are a progressive feminist ally without having to get completely buck naked in public?"
    "Well you have never made us get naked in public, but guys are always looking at women all the time and watching us in objectifying clothing, so this is sort of like turning the tables and taking it up a notch," Kirsten said. "Since you always get to see us in scantily clad clothing we get to see you completely and utterly naked! It wouldn't be in the spirit of the event to come dressed."
    "I really gotta think about this," Steve said as the three of them nodded.

    For the next couple of days the upcoming march was all that Steve could think about. He had never been naked in front of his female friends like that before, and the thought of getting naked in public was extremely intimidating. He often had those dreams where he found himself naked in public, and although they were exciting they were always terrifying.
    For their part Bonner, Carolyn and Kirsten tried not to force the issue and were trying not to pressure Steve into doing anything that he didn't want to, but he felt that there was sort of a secret tension between all of them at the thought of what might happen at the march.
    Finally on the night before the march they were all hanging out in Kirsten's dorm when the issue was finally brought up again.
    "What do you think I should wear to the march?" Kirsten said as she started looking to her closet. "I feel like maybe I should wear something really revealing to make a stance, but would that have the opposite effect?"
    "Well I mean the guys are all going to be going naked," Carolyn said. "So no matter what you are going to be wearing it will seem less revealing than what they are wearing, or not wearing as the case may be."
    "Well maybe not all the guys will be going naked," Kirsten said as she looked at Steve briefly.
    "Hey was that a dig at me?" Steve asked.
    "Have you changed your mind, have you decided that you're going to go naked?" Bonner said with a smile.
    "I didn't say that exactly!" Steve said, once again feeling defensive.
    "Hey if he doesn't want to go naked let's not give him a hard time about it," Carolyn said. "I mean I can understand if you are afraid."
    "I never said I was afraid!" Steve shouted. "It's just –"
    "It is just what?" Kirsten said.
    "I've never been naked in front of women before!" Steve said. "Especially not when they get to keep their clothing on!"
    "Really, never?" Kirsten asked.
    "Well maybe once in a doctor's office, and even then I was kind of bashful about it," Steve said. "I want to be an ally and show my support but, well it's really hard to get naked in front of people!"
    "Well you just need to get used to it!" Carolyn shouted as she clapped her hands in front of her.
    "How do I get used to being naked in front of women who are fully dressed?" Steve said as the three of them looked at each other before looking back at Steve and smiling. "Why are you smiling like that?"
    "Well you said you need to get used to being naked in front of dressed women, and I think that right here we have three very well-dressed women, if I do say so myself," Kirsten said as she waved over and then put her arms around Carolyn and Bonner.
    "Wait a minute, you're saying that you want me to get –" Steve said as he pointed to himself as the three of them nodded and smiled. "Right now?" They continued nodding and smiling. "Right here?"
    "Again we don't want to force you into doing anything that you don't want to do, of course if you do want to do it," Bonner said as her face lit up and she put her arm around Steve. "Well I just want you to know that we are all here to help and support you in helping and supporting your female sisters."
    Steve turned around before turning back to the three women who were all standing there and smiling. "You really want me to get naked right here, right now?"
    "Now is as good a time as any," Carolyn said as she smiled and gave a thumbs-up.
    "I don't know, this whole thing feels really weird," Steve said. "I mean we are just, you know, friends and everything like that."
    "Well you know women can look at a naked guy without it necessarily being a sexual thing," Kirsten said. "You can get naked with us and it can be strictly Platonic. I took a nude art class where I sketched lots of naked guys and I was totally professional about it. And I promise that if you get naked I will be totally professional about it right now."
    "I'll be professional about it too," Carolyn said. "I mean as much as possible."
    Bonner sort of smiled and nodded but Steve could see that she was biting her lip a little bit as though she was forcing herself to look as professional as possible about it.
    "Okay," Steve said as he shook his arms a little bit. "I can do this, just give me a moment."
    "Sure take all the time you need," Kirsten said as she smiled and nodded at the other women who smiled and nodded back.
    "Do you think maybe the three of you can just turn around for a moment," Steve said as he indicated for them to turn around with his hand as the three of them did so. As the three of them turned their backs towards him he very slowly started removing his shirt. Then even slower he started pulling down his pants until he was just in his underwear. Finally he pulled down his boxer shorts and stepped out of them. As he stood there staring at the backs of his three closest female friends he had to admit that his heart was racing and he felt almost like he were going to faint.
    "Can we turn around now?" Carolyn asked.
    "Okay," Steve said swallowing deeply as the three woman turned around and put their hands over their mouths in astonishment.
    Kirsten put her hands inside of her mouth and began whistling and hollering as Carolyn and Bonner started doing likewise.
    "Hey I thought you said you'd be professional about it!" Steve said as he kept his hands covering up his genitals.
    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Kirsten said as she grabbed her stomach and stopped laughing. "I just could not resist that."
    "Okay okay, so I did it, I'm totally naked, now can I finally get dressed?" Steve said as he stood there trembling and blushing and covering himself up with his hands.
    "You're going to have to stay naked longer than that at the march," Carolyn said. "You're not going to keep your hands between your legs the whole time are you? The march is all day long you know."
    Bonner nodded. "I agree if you're going to be able to do this at the march you are going to have to remove those hands. So let's play that game, if you're happy and you know it clap your hands!"
    All three of the women began clapping their hands and laughing.
    Steve really rapidly clapped his hands before once again covering himself up causing them all to laugh even more.
    "I'm sorry but this whole thing just feels really really awkward and uncomfortable," Steve said knowing that he was blushing in all directions.
    "I'm sorry we probably didn't make this easy for you," Kirsten said. "You just have to learn how to be casual about it."
    "But how can I be casual about the fact that you can all see me naked right now!" Steve shouted.
    "Just try not to think about the fact that you are naked," Bonner said. "I'll be thinking about it plenty for all of us!"
    "Easy for you to say, you're not naked!" Steve said. "But hey you could all get naked too, nothing wrong with that!" Steve looked at them and smiled.
    Bonner shook her head. "No no, that's not the point of the march, the point of the march is that the men are naked and the women get to keep our clothing on, so that's what you have to get used to. If we got naked it would be so much easier for you to be naked, but with you being the only one naked and the only man naked that makes it more like the march, except you won't be the only one naked at the march."
    "Maybe if we just sat down and watched a movie it would distract your mind from the fact that you are completely and utterly naked," Kirsten said as she started looking through a collection of DVDs. "Anyone want to watch Striptease?! Sorry sorry, it's very hard to resist, I'm only human you know!"
    Strangely enough as Steve sat down and began to watch a movie with his friends like they would often do it started to seem a little bit more normal. It wasn't totally normal because every few minutes he could see that the women were clearly not looking very much at the screen and were looking very much at him, but as the night went on he gradually got more used to being naked. He could never forget the fact that he was naked and that his friends weren't, but by the end of the night, strangely enough, he had gotten used to the idea.
    "I have to admit I'm proud of you, you managed to sit through that entire movie without putting your clothing on," Kirsten said. "Even though I can tell you really wanted to."
    "So do you think that you're going to be able to go to the march now, you know sans clothing and all?" Carolyn asked.
    Steve nodded. "I'll be there, although whether or not I will get naked I still don't know. This whole thing was, well it was interesting to say the least, but it's different getting naked with trusted friends than getting naked in public. But I will show up either way, you can count on that."

    The next day Steve met up with his three friends to attend the march. As the march began everybody was still dressed.
    "Okay ladies here is the part we have all been waiting for, time for the men to get naked!" a woman with a loudspeaker said at the front of the rally.
    Steve stood there looking at his three female friends and looking at lots of men around him and he could see that not many of them seemed to be getting naked.
    "I knew it, most of the guys don't want to get naked," Bonner said shaking her head as Carolyn stood next to her folding her arms under her breasts.
    "Come on you guys take it off!" Kirsten said. "We always have to feel what it's look like to be subjected to your gaze, why can't you just do it for one day!"
    "Well Steve it looks like you're not the only one who doesn't want to get naked," Carolyn said. "I guess you lucked out."
    As Steve looked around to see his three friends frowning, as well as lots of other women frowning, that was when something came over him. Slowly and carefully he removed his shirt, pants and eventually boxer shorts until he was standing there completely naked.
    "Hey let's hear it for big Steve!" Kirsten said as she whistled and hollered.
    Several other women in the audience began clapping and whistling and several other men started taking off their clothing and began marching arm and arm with their dressed female companions.
    Steve began marching with one arm locked around Kirsten's arm and one arm locked around Carolyn's arm.
    "Hey, where's Bonner?" Steve said.
    "I've got your behind," Bonner said as she smacked Steve on the ass. "Sorry I like looking at your ass!"
    As the men began marching with the women more and more people joined the march and it started getting lots of coverage, and finally a female reporter came over to Steve and his friends.
    "You are the first one who got undressed, what inspired you to do that?" the reporter said.
    "Just a little bit of help from my friends," Steve said as he wrapped his arms around his three friends and smiled.
    "As we conclude our first naked men's women's march I can say it has been a resounding success, and this reporter is glad to say that she got to cover seeing everybody uncovered," the reporter said as she smiled and nodded at the camera.
    "You really were a good friend and ally to do this Steve," Kirsten said.
    "Yeah I am proud of you," Carolyn said.
    "Me too," Bonner said.
    ""Well I could have never done this without all of the help and support from my three closest friends in the world," Steve said. "Now which one of you had my clothing?"
    "Bonner!" Kirsten said.
    "Carolyn!" Bonner shouted.
    "Kirsten," Carolyn said.
    Steve laughed. "Very funny girls, now where is my clothing?"
    "So brave to go naked in public!" Bonner said as she patted Steve on the shoulder.
    "Yeah, you are so brave," Carolyn said as she patted him on the shoulder as well.
    "Three cheers for Steve!" Kirsten said as they all shouted hip hip hooray.
    Steve nodded. "Thank you, now where is my clothing girls? Girls? My clothing? Where's my clothing girls?"
    As Steve kept asking that question he knew that it was going to be a very long and drafty walk home.


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