Witch Marks

I wrote this story last night and this is another one of my stories that has a historical setting to it, as it takes place in colonial times or medieval times. I originally thought of this story back in October around Halloween, so I was probably reading about the supernatural and witchcraft and whatnot and historical accounts of how when a woman was accused of witchcraft it would be used as an excuse to strip her naked and examined her body from marks of the devil, which of course was just a way for men to see women naked in an officially sanctioned way, and that is where I came up with the idea for this story. I just randomly thought of this idea I had when I was reading about witchcraft again in a history magazine last night and thought of it on my list and thought I might as well write it now while I am thinking about the topic.
This is mainly a CMNF story with aspects of ENF and only one naked with a little bit of CFNM at the end because I always like it when a character gets his comeuppance via supernatural means, so like many of my stories has a minor speculative twist. But this is mostly a story involving embarrassing female nudity that I hope you will enjoy!

Witch Marks
William Proctor watched every day as Sarah Good came out to feed her chickens and milk the cows. She always came out wearing her traditional Puritan outfit which left much to the imagination, and William Proctor had a very twisted imagination.
    "That woman gives me more impure thoughts than anyone else," he said as he watched Sarah milking the cows and picturing that she was doing something else similar to that but much more sensual and perverted. Then he would splash himself with some cold water. "I must get these impure thoughts out of my head as it wouldn't be befitting a man of my station to have such fantasies."
    But have such fantasies he did. He couldn't look at Sarah without picturing her completely without clothing, every inch of her body on display as God made her, and as far as he was concerned God made her pretty well, so what was underneath must be even more enticing to the eye and equally corrupting to the spirit.
    "That woman is bewitching, she has made a pact with the devil to try and tempt me," William said as he paced back and forth in front of his fireplace that evening. That was when the thought occurred to him, he was in the head witch hunter in the community. It would be unbecoming of him as the witch hunter to accuse her of witchcraft, but if someone in the village of good standing in the community were to accuse her of bewitching them that would fall perfectly into his plans and allow him to fulfill his desires.

    "That Sarah Good is quite beautiful is she not," William said one day to Henry as Sarah went about her daily routine of feeding the chickens and milking the cow.
    "A woman like that could promote impure thoughts and I would rather not be bewitched like that," Henry said. That was when William realized that this was his opportunity.
    "Are you saying that you feel that Sarah Good has cast some type of hex on you?"
    Henry shook his head. "No, I don't think that it's a hex, but I am having carnal thoughts about her and such thoughts can only be from the devil can they not?"
    William stroked his chin and smiled. "Yes indeed, but who was the person who makes deals with the devil?"
    "Are you really trying to say that you think that she is a witch?"
    William pointed to himself. "No I am not saying such a thing. I think that what you have to ask yourself is it you who is sinning with your impure thoughts, or is she the one who has bewitched you and filled your head with such perverted and ungodly images? If these thoughts are yours then you are the one who is committing a sin and your soul will be in peril. However if it is she who bewitched you then you are not at fault and you are not guilty of any such sin that you need to repent of."
    Henry looked at Sarah once again, and as he did so he had to admit that her heaving bosom was making him uncontrollable. He knew it was wrong to feel that way, but as he saw her look at him and make eye contact with him it seemed like she was wiggling her nose or making some type of mysterious motion.
    "I think that you maybe you are right," Henry said as he rubbed his eyes and looked at her once again. "She just made some weird twitches at me and my head was filled with all sorts of lustful visions."
    "Would you like to formally make an accusation of witchcraft against her?"
    Henry nodded. "You know that I am a good and godly man and that I would never have such thoughts unless somebody else had put those thoughts there by using her evil charms and casting a spell upon me. This can only be the work of a devil."
    William smiled. Now he had exactly what he needed to formally charge Sarah with witchcraft.

    "I am not a witch!" Sarah said at her trial.
    William had went to several different men and gotten similar corroborating accounts, so it wasn't just Henry who was having impure thoughts about Sarah.
    "Many good and godly fellows who have never been one to have impure thoughts have all independently told me that you have put a hex on them," William said. "Is it true that you cavort with the devil and danced naked around the fire for him?"
    "Absolutely not," Sarah said suddenly blushing. "I am a good and godly woman and I would never do something like go around unclothed, it would be a sacrilege!"
    William walked up and down in front of her shaking his head. "And yet we have many credible accounts from decent and God-fearing men all telling the same story. They saw you look at them and make a twitch with your nose or make some type of similar motion and then suddenly their heads were seized with all sorts of thoughts of ungodly lust and carnality, like you were trying to cast a spell on them to lead them astray, so that you may fornicate with them and with the devil!"
    "I would do no such thing!" Sarah said. "I swear before God that it is the truth and a witch cannot swear before God."
    William continued with his line of questioning as all sorts of different witnesses came forward claiming that Sarah had hexed them. Soon there was an entire line of at least a dozen or two men who had all made similar accusations against Sarah that she caused them to be seized with unnatural lust after making some motions with her face.
    "Well Sarah Good there is one way to prove whether or not ye be a witch," William said as he looked her directly in the eye with a fiendish and perverse smile. "As every good God-fearing Christian knows every witch carries the devil's mark on her body. So in order to prove that you have not cavorted with the devil and danced naked as a perversion of the Sabbath, you will have to be examined by a group of holy and godly men who know what to look for and what to inspect."
    "Please you mustn't, I am a modest woman," Sarah said her eyes now starting to fill with tears.
    William wiped away her tears. "Worry not, for you can trust that all of the men who are examining you are good and godly men who only want to do everything in their power to prove that you are not a witch. Once it has been proven you will be allowed to go free."

    Sobbing Sarah was taken to a small room where William and two other men, George and Calvin, stood before her looking her over as she stood there trembling with fear.
    "Worry not for ye have nothing to fear from us if you are indeed innocent as you say you are," William said as he felt a quickening of his blood and a more forceful beating of his heart as he watched Sarah stand there crying in front of him. "Now we will have to ask you to remove your clothing so that we can search you for marks of the devil."
    "Please, isn't there any other way?" Sarah asked as she looked down at her feet and sobbed.
    "I am sorry but we will make this quick and easy," William said. "Now please remove your clothing so that we may examine you."
    Still crying, Sarah slowly slipped out of her clothing as George and Calvin took it away from her and threw it to the sides. Soon Sarah was standing there naked and covering up her breasts and her genital area with her hands. She was clearly blushing profusely and was utterly humiliated. They could tell from the way her legs were shaking that she was terrified.
    "Please move your hand so that we can more easily examine every special inch of your body to make 100% sure that you do not have any of the marks of the devil upon you," William said as Sarah put her hands at her sides. "That is good, very good child of God."
    William stood there for a moment admiring Sarah in her state of total nudity. He didn't want this moment to ever end, he wanted it to last forever. As he looked at her naked form he could see how easy it was to believe that she was bewitching people or that her beauty had come from a pact with the devil himself.
    William could feel all the blood rushing to his genitals but he had to try to be as professional as possible. Slowly he started examining Sarah, brushing aside her hair and looking all over her face, touching her face and cheeks, which were as soft as velvet.
    Then William started grabbing her breasts and feeling them and examining under them and over them to make sure that she did not have any sign of the witch's teat. He examined her pubic region and asked her to spread her legs so that he could examine her genitals.
    "Please, is it almost over," Sarah said as she continued sobbing, her whole body bright red with embarrassment.
    "Almost," William said as he turned her around and started feeling her ass. He then started feeling the rest of her naked body from the backside, making sure to examine every inch as carefully as possible, touching it, feeling it, poking it and prodding it in every manner possible.
    Then William watched as George and Calvin silently examined her on their own. He watched as they examined her, finding every moment of Sarah's cringing and crying making it all the more exciting. He felt that he was about to explode with passion if this didn't stop right away.
    "Did you find any marks of the devil upon this woman?" William asked as George and Calvin shook their heads, smiling all the way.
    "I found no such mark upon her," George said.
    "Nor I," Calvin said.
    William nodded and smiled. "Just the same I think that we should be very thorough and we should check a second time."
    "Please, have I not yet proven my innocence?" Sarah asked trembling at the legs.
    "Fear not, for if you are innocent you have nothing to fear from us, as it can only help to serve to prove your purity and innocence as a woman of God," William said. "We most certainly want to be sure of this as sometimes the devil can be deceptive and we can miss things that a less godly person would overlook. Now please Sarah stand still and allow me to examine you."
    William once again examined Sarah and then George and Calvin did likewise and then they did a third time. By the time they had finished inspecting Sarah they had been there for nearly an hour or two, probing her every orifice and every inch of her body until they had practically memorized her naked form.
    Finally William knew that he could not continue this any longer without it making him seem suspicious.
    "Please may I get dressed now?" Sarah said barely able to look up or make eye contact with him, so great was her humiliation.
    "Yes you may, you will be happy to know that we found no marks of the devil upon you," William said licking his lips.
    Slowly Sarah got dressed as the three of them watched and then she ran out of there with tears streaming down her cheek. The extent of her humiliation was driving William absolutely wild with excitement and passion. Maybe she was not a witch, but he still felt that she was bewitching him with impure thoughts again.

    "How will I ever show my face in public after such a disgrace again," Sarah said. "How could anybody think that I was a witch?"
    Tabitha, her good friend, looked at her and smiled. "How would you like to get revenge on him?"
    "But isn't revenge going against the teachings of the Bible?" Sarah said. "Did Jesus not say let he who is without sin cast the first stone and that one should always turn the other cheek?"
    Tabitha nodded and smiled. "I suppose you are right my child, although what they did to you was very wrong."
    "I guess I will just have to try to live with it as best I can," Sarah said as she continued to sob. "But every time I close my eyes I see them looking at me with lust in their eyes, feeling my body, examining every inch of it."
    "You just go to sleep my child, I promise you everything will be better in the morning," Tabitha said trying to suppress a sinister smile.
    As soon as Sarah went away and went to sleep, Tabitha quickly got to work using her book of spells and potions. Sarah may have been innocent of the crime of witchcraft, but little did she know that one of her closest friends was an adept witch capable of casting all sorts of high level spells that even some of the most powerful witches were unable to master.

    When they were in church that Sunday Tabitha sat right next to Sarah as William began giving a sermon on the evils of witchcraft. Tabitha smiled as she knew that any moment now her spell would be enacted and there would be nothing William could do about it.
    "Lust, perversion, witchcraft, these are the sins that are plaguing our small community in ever-increasing numbers," William said. "It is only with people a strong moral fiber ruling can we obtain order and salvation. The pious among us know that sex and nudity and other forms of filth and are all of the devil. That is why it is important to act with moderation and to dress modestly so as not to inflame the senses and lead one down a path of perversion."
    As William continued preaching a sermon Tabitha started to notice, as did everybody else in the congregation, that William began scratching himself all over to the point where he could barely stand still.
    "I have been hexed!" William said as he continued scratching himself until he could take it no longer. He started to rip off his clothing, screaming until he was running around naked in front of the congregation with everybody screaming in shock and pointing at him, some laughing, some shouting in horror, some fainting.
    Sarah couldn't help but try suppressing a smile that came across her face as she saw William get what he deserved. William, the moral center of the community, had now lost all credibility and had humiliated himself publicly and most likely would never give another sermon.
    "What do you suppose happened to William?" Sarah said, trying hard to conceal her pleasure at having seen William dethroned from his pulpit.
    Tabitha simply put her arm on Sarah and smiled. "I don't know my child, but I feel that he shall never again be able to hide his true self frrom the world."
    As the two of them walked home from church Tabitha continued to smile, because even if Sarah didn't know it, her spell of eternal nudity that she had cast upon William was a complete success and he would never be seen clothed by another human being again for as long as he shall live.


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