Which Type of Male and Female Protagonists Do You Prefer in CFNM Stories?

I posted this question on the CFNM board (CFNM Village) and I am interested in getting some feedback about it from anyone who might be reading this blog. Basically I like to hear which type of men and women you prefer in CFNM stories?

I noticed that I tend to have two general types male protagonists in my stories as far as my CFNM stories go. One is a swaggering jerk who basically is used to exploiting women but then ultimately gets his comeuppance and shows that he is not as comfortable with being naked as the women are, where once again it shows that women are actually the ones who have thicker skins when it comes to being naked compared to guys.

The other type of male protagonist in my stories is more like me, where he's a genuinely nice and shy guy who nonetheless finds himself in the humiliating situations where women have the upper hand over him, and while he cringefully finds the experience excruciating is just sort of going along with it and being differential to the women, which is exactly the way I would be. I like the fact that the guy basically doesn't really deserve to be in a humiliating or embarrassing situation but because the women are enjoying it or because it benefits the women in some way he kind of goes along with it and just sort of endures the humiliating and embarrassing situation for their benefit. There is something sweet about that IMO.

To me the idea of being dominant over women or putting them in a humiliating situation would just be difficult for me because it's so unnatural to my nature, so it feels more natural for them to be the ones in control. I feel more comfortable being the one humiliated by women in a situation like that than being the one humiliating them. I feel like guys who don't deserve it but put on a strong front rather than lash out at the women is sort of a strength of character on their part, just sort of accepting the women's control of the situation without malice.

My question here for everyone is what type of protagonists to you prefer, the swaggering jerk who gets his comeuppance, or the genuinely good and nice guy who in spite of the fact that he is respectful of women and everything ends up in the humiliating situation and just sort of grins and bears it? I am definitely more of the later but I like both stories because in either case women end up getting the upper hand and things turn out in their favor.

And my next question is rather than which protagonists you prefer, which one do you think describes you more? And which ones do you like seeing in stories more?

And going along with that I will be asking which type of women do you prefer in CFNM stories?
Like with my male protagonists I think that the female protagonists come to me in about 3 types of women in general in my stories.

I think the first is a woman who is herself rather shy and perhaps submissive, perhaps not,  but who is herself sort of uncomfortable with being naked or her body but she enjoys sort of playfully enjoying the fact that the man is naked and it makes her start to feel better and more confident about herself. She sort of more than nice sympathetic type of woman who is kind of kind to the guy but still enjoys having the upper hand over him. She is the most sympathetic type.

The next type of woman in my stories is the more malicious type who is just a total bitch who loves getting the upper hand of the guy and loves being malicious cruel and just utterly humiliating him or getting revenge on him. She is sort of the avenging bitch kind of type, although in most cases that might not be a fair description because in most cases she has genuine reason for wanting revenge, so even if she does deserve the revenge she is kind of monstrous about it though and likes just making the experience for the guy as excruciating as possible.

Then there is a third type which sort of overlaps to some degree with the other type of women and can be kind of combined with her. But it's basically the woman who is boldly unashamed of her nudity and the fact that she is so confident and comfortable being naked makes the guy feel really uncomfortable about his own nudity. Basically she is boldly and arrogantly naked and the guy has no way of using her own nudity against her because she is not bothered by it, and the guy himself might be himself so shy and submissive that having her being naked actually puts her in the dominant position. And in some cases the woman might be bold about being naked yet still enjoys being dressed because it gives her a feeling of power.

So the question is what type of female protagonists you prefer to see in a CFNM story? And which type of women would you prefer to be in a CFNM situation with?

I personally can't decide as I feel I like them all equally. I think a little bit of meanness or vengeance were CFNM is a really exciting situation. I also do like the idea of the guy being sweet and making women feel better about herself. But I also like the idea of a woman who is boldly unashamed about her nudity because a woman like that would make me feel really intimidated if I was the one naked, especially if she gets to keep her clothing on!

And for any women reading this blog which woman do you think best describes you?

As a general question going along with all of the above you prefer one-on-one CFNM where it's one dressed woman with one naked guy or do you prefer a situation where several women gang up on one naked guy?


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