The Day He Moved in with a Nude Photographer

 This was kind of inspired I guess by the end of my last story involving CFNM where they took some pictures of him naked while he was sleeping, but someone pointed out how that was problematic because it was nonconsensual. But I thought of this story around the same time as it involves a shy and uptight guy getting a female roommate who is a confident sex positive feminist and nude photographer specializing in photographing the naked male form, and more specifically specializing in photographs with a CFNM theme. Enjoy!

The Day He Moved in with a Nude Photographer
Johan had to admit that he was nervous. He had never had a roommate before, let alone having a female roommate, so he was hoping that the whole situation wouldn't turn out to be awkward. Johan tended to be shy around women, particularly women he didn't know, but he was hoping that his roommate would be a person who was easy to get along with and that the situation wouldn't be too intimidating for him.
    Johan arrived with his things at his new home and when he arrived at the door he was greeted by an attractive young Asian woman with thick glasses that she was adjusting, as well as a long ponytail.
    "Hi I am Johan," Johan said as he extended his hand. "I think that we are now roommates. You are Tanya right?"
    The woman took his hand and shook it and smiled. "Yes I am Tanya, it is great to meet you, why don't I show you around the place as I am sure you will find it accommodating."
    Johan followed her inside the house and closed his eyes for a moment out of natural nervousness. "I have never had a roommate before but I assure you that I am a perfect gentleman and I do not want to do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable."
    Johan opened his eyes and everywhere he looked from wall-to-wall seem to be pictures of naked men, as well as statues and sculptures of naked men. In fact it wasn't just images of naked men, but the men seemed to be with lots of well-dressed women in most cases.
    "In case you are wondering I am a nude photographer who specializes in the naked male form," Tanya said with a smile. "I hope that having lots of pictures of naked men doesn't make you feel uncomfortable or threaten your masculine ego."
    "No not at all," Johan said but he had to admit that he was already feeling rather embarrassed by the whole situation after less than a minute of being in his new home and knew that he was probably blushing.
    "You're blushing, it does make you uncomfortable, doesn't it!"
    Johan shook his head but he knew that she probably could tell that he was lying. "No it's okay, there's nothing wrong with nudity or pornography, it's fine if you like looking at pictures of naked men."
    "I don't consider what I do to be pornography, I consider to be art. The naked male form has a long history in art. Besides I am sure that you will probably want to put up all sorts of naked photos of women and Playboy calendars and whatnot in your part of the house and I have nothing against that."
    "But I wasn't going to do nothing like that or anything," Johan said as he scratched his head and was feeling increasingly uncomfortable.
    "Of course there is absolutely nothing wrong with a naked female body either, I have nothing against nudity, and I feel that everyone should be positive about their body. The naked female body is also a great work of art and a thing of great beauty. I just happen to prefer taking pictures of naked men."
    "Well hey good for you," Johan said with a laugh while still looking increasingly uncomfortable.
    "I'm not going to take naked pictures of you without your permission if that is what you are wondering. I fully respect your privacy and autonomy as an individual and I hope you will do the same for me."
    "Well like I said I always try to be a gentleman and I certainly wouldn't try to peek at you naked or anything like that."
    Tanya laughed. "I am quite fine with my body and I feel the female body is nothing to be ashamed of, nor is the male body to be anything ashamed of. In fact I don't mind walking around naked sometimes when it is warm out, but if that bothers you I suppose that it probably would be more prudent if we both wore clothing around the house."
    "Yes, I think the clothing is kind of a social necessity," Johan said, although he had to admit to himself that he wouldn't mind seeing Tanya walking around the house naked, but he also had to admit that he would probably feel uncomfortable with that. He wasn't exactly sure how to handle these situations, and truth be told is that he had never actually been naked around anyone before other than in the locker rooms in high school, and even that tended to make him feel a little bit uncomfortable.
    "A shame isn't it?" Tanya said as she shook her head.
    "What's a shame?"
    "We live in a society it is so hyper- sexualized that you can't have any depiction of nudity without people immediately reducing it to pornography and sexually objectifying the human form, rather than seeing it as a beautiful work of art. If everyone were able to walk around naked all the time it would desexualize the human body and make it more acceptable for people to feel good about their bodies. Sexual objectification would end and probably lots of rape and sexual violence as well and we would live in a more harmonious and egalitarian world without repression and fear."
    "Wow, all that just from taking off our clothes huh," Johan said with somewhat nervous laughter.
    Tanya shook her head. "It is not a joke, it is true that there is a definite link between sexual repression and sexual violence. The societies that are the more open ones about sexuality and nudity are the ones with the least sexual violence. People should be more open about their bodies, but I can understand it in this society it still makes people uncomfortable to see a naked male body or a naked female body, so for the sake of propriety I will conform with society's prudish and repressive standards and I will stay dressed around the house."
    Johan wasn't exactly sure how to respond. "Hey whatever you want is fine with you. Naked, dressed, whatever, do your own thing. Not that I want you to go around naked and stare at you or anything like that. I mean –"
    Tanya laughed. "Good Lord I can see that society has worked its inhibitions on to you. This is exactly what I'm talking about. A man and a woman can't just have a rational discussion about the benefits of going around naked without it being made somehow awkward, as though we should feel ashamed of our bodies or to be seen naked by each other. Just being seen naked by each other doesn't mean you have to have sex, sometimes it's good to be naked without any sexual context whatsoever. Let me guess, you have probably never even been to a nude beach have you?"
    "I'm not much of a beach person."
    Tanya laughed. "You should try it sometime, although with your light-skinned Scandinavian complexion you might burn easily. I just know that I can't get the fully perfect tan that I want while having to keep all of my clothing on."
    "You do have a nice tan," he said as she smiled.
    "Thank you, you should try it sometime as well, you might even like it. But I can see that I am already making you uncomfortable, so I think that for now it is probably best that both of us keep our clothing on."
    "Whatever you think is best." Johan once again felt that it would probably be nice to see this attractive girl walking around the house naked, but he knew that he would also get an inevitable erection and that that would be too awkward for someone that he had to share a house with that he didn't even know.
    "Great, I will help you get unpacked and get settled," Tanya said.
    The rest of the day went by uneventfully. Johan couldn't help but feel a little bit strange though that he was now in a house with this attractive woman and tons of pictures of naked men that she had taken herself, once again naked men who seem to be surrounded by lots of well-dressed women.
    Later that evening as it was getting late and Johan was getting ready to go to sleep he couldn't help but stare at some of Tanya's pictures on the wall. As he was doing so she came up behind him.
    "So what do you think of my art?" Tanya asked with a big smile on her face.
    "It's interesting," Johan said.
    Tanya shook her head. "I know it is making you uncomfortable and I can take them down if you want."
    "No, it's your house as well as mine and I don't want to tell you to take down this art that you have worked so hard on."
    "You know admiring the naked male form doesn't make you a homosexual. I know that many men feel that if they look at a picture of a naked man that that automatically makes them a homosexual, of course there is nothing wrong with that, but you shouldn't feel that your masculinity is so fragile that it would threaten your sexuality by simply seeing images of other naked men."
    "I am not homophobic or anything, it's just I don't –"
    "I have pretty good gaydar and I could tell right away that you are heterosexual, no gay man that I have ever talked to about my naked portraits feels as uncomfortable as you do right now, I can feel the sexual tension basically radiating off of you. It is clear that you have never been around a woman who is so open about sexuality and the human form and that probably intimidates you as a man."
    "And there is nothing wrong with that of course," Johan said.
    "No of course I was not accusing you of anything like that. I can tell just from talking to you that even though you are uncomfortable about this topic that you are one of those genuinely nice guys, not one of those guys who pretends to be nice just to get into a woman's pants. If you were trying to get into my pants you wouldn't have been so uncomfortable about the idea of me walking around the house stark naked. I can see that you genuinely respect women and the way you have been deferring to me shows that you have a healthy attitude, but probably because of the culture in which you are raised for men to be stoic that you probably have a hard time letting loose. Your reticence to having me walk around the house naked doesn't have anything to do with you feeling you wouldn't be able to control yourself, but everything due to the fact that you have probably been trained to view women as sex objects and you feel uncomfortable viewing me as such feeling that I might find that threatening. I will tell you that I do not feel threatened by a man seeing me naked or even in a sexual context, in fact I would take it as a compliment."
    Johan was impressed, this woman was like probably a closet psychologist by night. She could read him like a book and he had to admit that that was making him feel even more uncomfortable, so he thought that maybe it would be better to try to shift the topic away from him.
    "So if you really feel that women should be comfortable with being naked and everything, how come all of the women in your portraits with the naked men keep their clothing on?" Johan said as he pointed to one of the paintings. "I have been looking at them and I have noticed that there seems to be a very distinct pattern."
    Tanya smiled that he picked up on that fact and nodded. "Yes I definitely have a pattern here, I like to make a feminist statement about male vulnerability."
    "Male vulnerability?"
    "Yes, what do you see when you see all sorts of advertising and things on billboards and all of that nature designed to sell products? I'll tell you what you see, you see lots of scantily clad, half dressed or completely naked women. Society wants to depict women as submissive and hyper- sexualized, even more so for Asian women like myself, and men as always in charge and in control. It is very rare that you see a man being left vulnerable and exposed while the woman still manages to be the one who looks poised, confident and in charge of the situation. Only a man who is really secure in his masculinity could allow himself to be vulnerable and exposed to a woman like that under such conditions."
    "So the fact that I wouldn't want to pose naked means that I'm not secure in my masculinity?"
    Tanya shook her head. "I didn't quite say that exactly. You are not one of those insecure guys who is always comparing himself to other men or always trying to get the one up on women to prove himself. In fact I feel you have a really healthy masculinity and a sensitive nature, and I think that you would probably actually be perfect for one of my portraits if I didn't think that you would die of embarrassment being seen naked by a sexually confident woman."
    Johan started to swallow deeply as he seemed to see that she was picking up on the fact that he was probably inexperienced sexually.
    "I can see that I am making you feel uncomfortable again, so maybe it's best that we retire for the night," Tanya said as she patted him on the shoulders. "I have a busy day tomorrow and I will be taking lots of photos in my studio."
    "Well hey, I won't disturb you while you are taking your photos, you seem like you are really professional and everything. And looking at all of these portraits I can see that you really take your job seriously and do a lot of credit to your subjects."
    "Thank you, and if you ever reconsider I think I could really do something that will highlight the tightness of that ass of yours," she said with a smile before laughing. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I hope that you sleep well tonight as the first night in your new home is sometimes uncomfortable. But if you need anything let me know."

    Johan found his first night in his new home brought a restless sleep. He couldn't help but think about the idea that Tanya had seen and photographed dozens if not hundreds of naked men, and he had never even seen a woman naked except in pictures, and not ones as artistic as the ones that Tanya produced.
    The next morning he woke up and Tanya was already in her studio with a do not disturb sign on the door. Johan had to admit that he had an insane curiosity about what exactly she was taking pictures of in there. After a couple of hours the door finally opened and out came a rather muscular man wearing nothing but a speedo and a bunch of attractive women wearing revealing bikinis.
    "Thank you everyone, that was a wonderful session," Tanya said as everybody started leaving.
    "Hey can I ask you something," Johan said to the man in the speedo, feeling a bit weird talking to him seeing as he didn't know him and he wasn't wearing a whole lot of clothing.
    "Sure, I am Aaron by the way," the man said shaking his hand.
    "Johan," Johan said as he looked at the man. "So did you really get naked in there and let her take all sorts of pictures of you?"
    "Of course I did, nothing to be ashamed of. Tanya does very good work and I admire her as an artist."
    "I never implied that there was anything shameful or wrong about it. I'm just wondering, so you get your picture taken by her while you are completely naked with all of these other women who get to keep their clothing on the entire time?"
    "Yes, that is right. Why?"
    "Doesn't it feel kind of weird to be naked around all of those attractive women when they get to keep their clothing on?"
    Aaron smiled and laughed. "This is exactly what Tanya is always trying to fight against. Sometimes it isn't always about us. We are so conditioned to see women as sexual objects that the idea of a man being the one naked while the women gets to stay dressed is seen as almost like some type of weird kink or some type of fringe thing, whereas the opposite is just considered natural normal and the way things have always been. Tanya is trying to change these perceptions of the way we view men and women, particularly male and female bodies, and I am very happy to be a part of that."
    "But you don't feel embarrassed at all about being naked?"
    Once again he smiled and nodded. "Not at all my friend, not at all. You should try it sometime! Well it was nice meeting you, I have to get going, as I have a previous engagement I need to get to."
    "He's great isn't he," Tanya said as she came over to Johan. "He is one of my best subjects."
    "Yeah he seemed like a nice guy."
    "You'll never in a million years believe this but when I first met him he was almost as shy as you, maybe even shyer."
    "Somehow I doubt that!"
    Tanya shook her head. "You know someday I think that maybe there is hope for you yet. I just hope that one day you can be as comfortable with your body as I am about mine."
    Johan smiled and blushed but shook his head. "I wouldn't count on that happening anytime soon!"

    Over the next two weeks Johan gradually settled into his new life sharing a home with Tanya. He had to admit that she was extremely intelligent and interesting to talk to, and he was starting to feel more comfortable with her as time went on and quite enjoyed having her around.
    But only occasionally did she really discuss her work. She seemed to still sense that he was a little bit uptight about these things. He knew he shouldn't be, but he couldn't deny that he had lots of inhibitions and that Tanya maybe had a point about men being conditioned to feel uncomfortable at being left vulnerable. He always saw himself as one of those shy sensitive guys and thought that maybe he could be an artist when he was younger, but the idea of posing naked just wasn't something that he could never picture himself doing.
    That all changed one day when Tanya got a call and put down the phone and looked sad.
    "But what's the matter?" Johan asked.
    Tanya shook her head. "Unfortunately Aaron is feeling under the weather and he can't come in to do the shoot today."
    "Well hopefully he will feel better tomorrow and you can make up for lost time."
    Tanya shook her head. "No, the thing is I have to do my shoot today if I want to complete my portfolio tomorrow and send it in on time for my gallery. And if I don't get my gallery done I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to be able to pay my half of the rent this month."
    "Isn't there anyone else you can get to do this?"
    She shook her head. "Not on such short notice, I need a naked male model here and I need him here right now."
    There was an awkward silence as the two of them stood there staring at each other.
    "Tanya I –" Johan began saying.
    Tanya shook her head. "No Johan, I know exactly what you are thinking right now and I know I couldn't do that to you, look at you, you are already blushing at the moment just at the mere thought of it."
    "Are you sure that there isn't anyone else you could call?"
    Tanya shook her head. "No, I'm afraid it's either I start now or it is just not going to happen."
    "I'm no bodybuilder muscleman."
    "My subject doesn't have to be a bodybuilder muscleman. In fact you actually have a perfect body for the type of thing I was planning to shoot today."
    Johan laughed and pointed to himself.
    "What is so funny?" Tanya asked.
    "Me, the perfect body, I'm a scrawny little weakling! I think that Aaron probably has more muscle in his pinky finger than I have in my entire body."
    "Don't you see though, that is why you would be absolutely perfect! The theme of my photo gallery and portfolio is masculine vulnerability. Aaron was great for that because he was big and muscular and was appearing in a vulnerable state, but you are just as good if not better because you are genuinely shy and vulnerable. But again that's exactly why I couldn't force you to go through with that, it simply wouldn't be nice to put you through that."
    "What are you going to do about the rent?" He wanted to say that he would pay her half of the rent this month but he knew that he didn't have the money, and he didn't relish the idea of suddenly having to get a new roommate and having Tanya tossed out into the streets.
    As the two of them stood there that was when they were interrupted by four attractive women walking into the room and looking at them Johan felt like they were probably supermodels or something like that.
    "What is the matter?" one the women, a tall blonde woman asked. "Aren't we going to do the shoot today?"
    "I'm sorry Inga, but it seems like we're going to have to cancel," Tanya said. "Unless we can find someone to substitute for Aaron I just don't see how we could possibly finish things."
    As Johan stood there feeling the sexual tension radiating off of him to the five women surrounding him he felt his knees starting to shake and his lip beginning to tremble.
    "Oh God dammit," Johan said.

    "Don't worry I will be strictly professional about this," Tanya said as Johan stood there with the four women in their bikinis against a backdrop of the beach. He couldn't help but notice the Tanya seemed to be smiling more than she normally did, and not a professional smile, it was a this is really going to be a lot of fun smile.
    "So are you going to take it off now?" Inga asked with a smile forming across her face.
    "I can't believe I'm doing this," Johan said as he slowly undressed and put his clothing on the floor as Tanya came and took it away.
    "Oh my God this is so excellent!" Tanya said. "I couldn't picture a more perfect subject for displaying vulnerability as you are exposing right now!"
    Johan stood there as he posed with the four dressed women in so many different ways and in so many different outfits, and awkwardly he found himself developing an erection, causing the women to try hard to not snicker.
    "I'm sorry, I totally didn't mean for that to happen!" Johan said as he covered himself up. "I'll try to get it to go down."
    "I'm thinking that somebody is liking this in spite of himself," Inga said as the other women sort of smirked and giggled.
    "No this is a great photo opportunity!" Tanya said as she began clicking away at her camera. "Give me more of that!"
    "Do I have to?!" Johan shouted.
    "Yes!" all of the women said simultaneously before they burst out laughing.
    So Johan sucked it up and the next several hours stood there taking picture after picture with these beautiful women who got to keep their clothing on the entire time until finally Tanya had finished.
    "Okay that's a wrap, you all did great today!" Tanya said. "You can all get dressed now." Tanya started laughing as the other women did as well. "Well I mean you can get dressed anyway Johan."
    Johan wanted to put his clothing on right away, but then something came over him and he started talking to the four women, who were strangely enough in a beach setting and yet wearing fur coats as a statement against clothing as a status symbol. In fact he ended up conversing with them for at least a half hour after the shoot was done, almost completely forgetting that he was totally naked.
    "Bye everyone, you were all great," Tanya said as the four women left and waved goodbye before turning to Johan. "Especially you. It was really brave what you did and I will never forget it. I got so many great pictures of your ass too, I told you I would find some way to highlight that feature on you! But the thing I'm most proud of is that in spite of the fact that you were clearly embarrassed you still went through with it, and I am happy to say that think that you are starting to feel a bit more comfortable with your body."
    "Really you think so? As I felt pretty embarrassed throughout the whole thing. What makes you think that I am starting to feel more comfortable about this whole thing?"
    Tanya smiled and tried to suppress a laugh.
    "What is so funny?" Johan said
    "Well just the fact that we have been standing here and chatting for about a half hour or more after the shoot was over and you still aren't wearing anything!"
    Johan quickly covered up his genital region and began blushing again at the reminder that he was still naked as Tanya stood there laughing hysterically.
    The funniest thing though was the fact that she was completely right.

    Two weeks later Tanya's art gallery opened up and they all went to the show to see how it would be regarded.
    "I totally forgot when we were taking these pictures that they would be on display," Johan said as he looked around the gallery to see women looking at pictures of him naked.
    "I think you did a great job," Aaron said as he came over.
    "I hope you're feeling better," Johan said.
    "I was never sick," Aaron said. "Why did you think that I was sick? Tanya told me that she had someone else to do the final shoot."
    Johan stood there with his jaw practically dropping as he turned to Tanya and the four women that he posed with on that fateful day.
    "Hey I knew I would never get you to do it otherwise," Tanya said shaking her head and laughing. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to deceive you, but be honest, aren't you glad at all the attention you are getting?"
    Johan was about to say something when a stunningly attractive brunette woman came over to him with a smile.
    "Hi my name is Roxie, aren't you that guy in all of the pictures?" the woman said with a smile. Johan was about to say something but she continued talking. "I have to say you look absolutely amazing. It's so rare that you get to see a guy in a state of vulnerability like that. You must be really secure in your masculinity and with your body to pose like that, I know I certainly wouldn't have the guts to do something like that!"
    "But you're beautiful!" Johan said. "Tanya just does really good work with what she has to work with."
    "Hey you're not bad looking yourself," Roxie said with a big smile. "How would you like to go to the beach sometime?"
    Tanya put her arm around both of them. "Okay but I think you should go to that beach where you can get the full body tan if you know what I mean."
    "Hey I wouldn't mind going to a nude beach, but I'm not gonna get naked," Roxie said with a laugh.
    Johan looked at Roxie and Tanya and smiled. "You know I think that that's perfectly fine with me, I can't wait to see you there and what you'll wear!"


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