The Case of the Dissolving Swimsuits

I guess there's not much to say about this story as it's a relatively short one. This one was inspired by a video I saw of this guy jumping in a pool and his swimming trunks dissolved as part of a practical joke, and I thought that that would be a funny idea for a story. I was originally thinking of incorporating this as a scene in a idea I have for a novella about a bunch of teenagers at summer camp who just spend the entire summer trying to see each other naked. But for now I thought that it was a pretty good story about a bunch of boys who are hoping to see girls naked, only to have the girls beat them at their own game and turn their tables on them, one of my favorite CFNM scenarios. Enjoy!

The Case of the Dissolving Swimsuits
Adam couldn't help but laugh as he picked up all of the swimsuits and replaced them with his latest joke which he thought would be purely hilarious.
    "You replaced the girls swimsuits with dissolving swimsuits?" John asked. "I didn't even know that they made something like that."
    Adam shook his head. "I didn't know they made something like that until I saw it in my joke book. It's perfect though, the girls will put on all of these swimsuits and then when they jump into the pool their clothing will dissolve and they will be left naked in public. They will never see it coming. And the greatest thing is that in never in a million years would they ever get us back for this because they would never think of something so ingenious."
    Adam and John snuck out of the room where he left replacements for the girls swimming suits.
    The girls came back not long after and they found the swimsuits sitting there and shook their heads.
    "They thought that they would get us with the old dissolving swimsuits trick," Jennifer said as she shook her head. "How stupid do they think we are?"
    "Probably as stupid as we know they are," Daphne said as she looked at the swimsuits. "Did they think that we wouldn't notice that our swimsuits don't even look the same? If they really wanted to trick us they should have got exact matches of our swimsuits and replaced them with those. This is just pathetic. How could anyone possibly fall for something this idiotic?"
    "Well two can play at this game," Jennifer said with an evil grin.
    John and Adam quickly got changed into their swimsuits and looked forward to seeing the girls, seeing every last inch of them, exposed and blushing in public.
    "This is going to be the greatest day of our lives," Adam said as John nodded in agreement.
    "Hi girls," John said as he waved to them seeing them in their swimsuits. "Those are some awfully nice swimsuits you've got there, very revealing, although I suspect that they could be a whole lot more revealing."
    Jennifer smiled. "I bet that you would like it if we just went swimming naked, go skinny dipping, wouldn't you? Well fat chance of that happening, so keep dreaming."
    "I don't think we're going to have to keep dreaming for very long," Adam said as he elbowed John who nodded and snickered.
    "What was that?" Jennifer asked as she smiled.
    "I said last one in the pool is a rotten egg," Adam said as he and John dove into the pool. He looked up at the girls who were standing there smiling. "Aren't you girls going to come into the water with us? It's nice and warm you're not going to freeze to death, we promise."
    "Well what do you say girls, should we get in the pool with them?" Jennifer said as they all started diving in the pool.
    Adam and John noticed that the girls were swimming all the way around them, seemingly blocking every single exit from the pool. They both floated there waiting for the girls swimsuits to dissolve but growing somewhat impatient.
    "Shouldn't they be naked by now?" John asked.
    "Maybe they need to swim around some more," Adam said. "Hey do you girls know how to make a whirlpool, everybody start swimming around in a circle."
    All of the girls slowly started swimming around in a circle as Adam and John continued floating there when all of the sudden they noticed something.
    "Dude I have kind of an issue here," Adam said.
    "What is it, I think I have something of an issue as well," John said.
    The two of them looked down and they realized that their swimsuits appeared to be missing and bubbling up to the surface.
    "What's the matter boys, you look like you are nervous all of the sudden?" Daphne said as she started swimming over to them.
    "Oh it's nothing, just keep swimming around in a circle," Adam said as he put his hand up indicating that they shouldn't come over. That was when John and Adam noticed that the girls were going underneath the water and coming up with big smiles on their faces.
    "Do you think that they know?" John said.
    "The boys are naked in the pool!" Jennifer shouted as all of the girls began pointing at them and laughing.
    "I think they do," Adam said as the two of them began blushing.
    They looked in every direction but they saw that the girls were closing in on them and surrounding them from every angle.
    "How come you're not naked?!" Adam shouted.
    Jennifer laughed. "Next time you want to pull the old dissolving swimming suits on us you should maybe give us more credit that we will actually notice that our swimsuits don't look the same. Didn't you even look before you put on your own swimsuits?"
    "Obviously not, or they wouldn't be in this situation right now," Daphne said with a smirk and a laugh.
    "Okay you got us at our own game, now let us out of here!" John said.
    "Well I don't know girls, should we let them out?" Jennifer said as all of the girls started shouting "no" very loudly and laughing hysterically as they continued to circle around John and Adam like a school of hungry sharks moving in for the kill.
    "Well I guess we got ourselves into this, and now I guess we will have to take our lickings like men," Adam said.
    As the girls started swimming around them pointing at them and chanting "naked naked naked" over and over again they were feeling more humiliated by the minute.
    "Hey stop it, this isn't fair!" Adam said.
    "Yeah, cut it out already," John said.
    Jennifer laughed. "Nope, it sure isn't fair is it, and that's why we are enjoying every minute of it, so sit tight boys, you won't be going anywhere for a while!"
    As the girls fenced them in and had plenty of fun going underwater and looking at them one by one, the boys knew that they were basically screwed, so they just sort of grinned and bared it, blushing the whole time and never feeling more awkward and embarrassed and their entire lives.
    "Everybody out of the pool!" the lifeguard said as she blew the whistle as the girls got out of the pool. "You too boys."
    "What's the matter boys, worried that the pool shrunk a certain area of your anatomy," Jennifer said as all the girls began laughing in hysterics and pointing at the boys.
    "Come on boys, everybody out of the pool, those are the rules," the lifeguard said as slowly but surely Adam and John got out of the pool as they covered themselves with their hands as the girls continued pointing and laughing.
    "Okay you humiliated us at our own game, now give us back our actual swimming trunks!" Adam shouted as he could feel the goosebumps all over his body.
    "Hey, where did we put their swimsuits anyway?" Daphne said.
    "Didn't we throw them away?" Jennifer said as everyone began laughing. "Oh right, we gave them to those hungry looking dogs who tore them to shreds!"
    As John and Adam stood there blushing and covering themselves with their hands Jennifer and Daphne went to either side of them and put their arms around them.
    "Don't worry boys, it's only a mile walk to get home, but I think it's going to be a very long walk for the both of you!" Jennifer said as she laughed.
    "And we've got a perfect view of those asses!" Daphne shouted as she burst out into laughter and smacked them both on the ass.
    And with that John and Adam and the procession of girls in their stylish new swimsuits started their long walk of shame back home.


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