Naked Catwalk Training School

I wrote this story last night inspired by a clip that I saw a couple of days ago where these women were trying to get naked for a catwalk and this guy got naked in order to show them how to do it and I thought that that would make for a funny story, where a guy is trying to train these women to get naked on the catwalk and they force him to get naked instead, and I think that it worked out extremely well. Originally it was just going to be a really short one but then it blossomed into this whole thing where once again the women get the drop on a guy and force him to be naked when he was expecting to see them naked. 

Naked Catwalk Training School
Marcelo was looking forward to meeting the women who would be posing for him on the catwalk in a short amount of time and they had to start training right away.
    "Hello ladies I am Marcelo and I will be your coordinator for your walk on the catwalk," Marcelo said. "Why don't you all come forward and introduce yourselves?"
    "Hi my name is Juliana and I have been a model for four years now," Juliana said as she smiled. She was a very well proportioned Hispanic woman with really long hair.
    "I'm Amy and I have been a model for three years," said a small Asian girl as she smiled and nodded.
    "I'm Christina and I have been a model for five years now," a busty blonde woman said.
    "And I'm Angelique and I have been a model for six years now," a tall and very fit looking black woman said as she ran her fingers through her long black hair.
    Marcelo smiled. "You are all very beautiful women and I am sure that everyone will enjoy seeing you doing your thing on the catwalk."
    "I have been looking forward to it, but so far nobody has given us our outfits yet," Christina said as the three others nodded in agreement. "I would really like to know what I'm going to be wearing when I am strutting my stuff on the catwalk. I like to be able to plan what I'm going to be wearing long in advance so that I can get used to wearing it and posing in it and everything."
    Marcelo laughed. "Well I think that your outfit for this one is one that you have been wearing for a long time, so there should be no problem with that as I assure you they all fit you perfectly."
    "But how could you know that?" Amy asked. "I mean even if you are familiar with our history of modeling and everything like that I don't think that you would know something that we are wearing every day. There's no outfit that we wear every single day!"
    "Oh my God you're not actually talking about," Juliana said as she shook her head.
    "About what?" Amy asked.
    "You want us to get naked don't you?" Angelique said as she shook her head.
    "Naked, but I'm not a nude model!" Amy said.
    Marcelo scratched his head and looked mildly embarrassed. "I thought you all knew that this was going to be a naked modeling show. You were all recommended to me specifically because everyone thought you had the bodies for it. Are you telling me that none of you beautiful ladies have ever done any nude modeling before?"
    All of the women shook their heads and started looking at each other nervously.
    Marcelo smiled and shook his head. "Well I suppose this is kind of awkward then. But hey there's a first time for everything isn't there?"
    "I don't think I can get naked on a catwalk like that," Amy said as she shook her head as several of the other women nodded in agreement with her.
    Marcelo shook his head again. "In case you weren't informed your pay would be quite substantial."
    "How substantial?" Angelique said as Marcelo wrote a number on a piece of paper and handed it to her causing her eyes to practically bug out of her head. "This is for all of us?"
    "That is for each of you," Marcelo said as all of the other women looked at the figure on the paper and looked up at him with their jaws dropping. "Still want to drop out now?"
    "But we don't have any experience being naked," Christina said.
    Marcelo laughed.
    "What's so funny?" Christina said as she put her hands on her hips. "Just because I'm blonde doesn't mean I'm some type of idiot."
    "I would never assume something like that," Marcelo said as he shook his head. "I know that you are all intelligent young women and that you have minds as well as bodies, but for this job it's your bodies that people want to see. You say you have no experience being naked, but don't you get undressed and take a shower every day?"
    "Yeah, but not in public!" Christina said. "You want us to walk naked across a catwalk in front of an entire audience of, how many people was it?"
    "I think the auditorium holds a couple of hundred people at least," Marcelo said. "And of course we will be videotaping and broadcasting it live."
    "Live?" Amy said shaking her head. "I don't think that I can deal with being naked in front of hundreds of people or potentially thousands on television, which will then probably find its way on the Internet and be out there forever." Angelique came over and put the paper with the amount they were each going to be paid in front of Amy's face and she shook her head in frustration. "Dammit!"
    "Look ladies getting naked in front of people is no big deal," Marcelo said. "I will help you to get over it, as of today this is your first class of naked catwalk school!"
    "Naked catwalk school!" the women all exclaimed simultaneously as they looked at each other before looking back at Marcelo who simply nodded in agreement.
    "We will practice getting naked, first individually, and then as a group," Marcelo said.
    "Look being naked with all of them isn't going to make this any less embarrassing," Amy said as she looked at them. "No offense intended or anything like that."
    Juliana nodded. "I kind of have to agree with Amy. I've never gotten naked in front of an audience before and just being naked with a bunch of other women isn't going to make it any easier."
    "It is still better than being the only one naked I suppose," Amy said.
    "How come it's always the women have to get naked at these type of things," Christina said shaking her head.
    "Hey that's what people want to see, and you have to give the people what they want," Marcelo said. "So shall we begin practicing? Why don't you all start by stripping down to your underwear?"
    The women all looked at each other rather uncomfortably before looking back to Marcelo.
    "Come on ladies, it's not quite as intense as being naked, we will start off easy, something skimpy like underwear isn't all that much different than wearing a bikini, and you have all done bikini modeling," Marcelo said as the women sort of looked at each other and very reluctantly started stripping down to their lingerie, but all looking extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed. "There, was that so hard?"
    Amy shook her head. "Easy for you to say, all you have to do is stand there and watch us get undressed!"
    "And now you are almost completely undressed, so you just have to go a little bit further and you will be there," Marcelo said. "It's really not that hard!"
    "If it's not so hard why don't you get naked then," Angelique said putting her hands on her hips and nodding as everyone else nodded in agreement.
    "Me," Marcelo said as he pointed to himself and laughed.
    "What's so funny?" Juliana asked.
    "Well I'm not the person who has to get naked on the catwalk, you all are," Marcelo said shaking his head.
"Why would I get naked?"
    "Well you said it's not so hard," Angelique said. "And if it's not so hard then why don't you just get naked to show us how easy it is?"
    Marcelo laughed again and pointed to himself. "You're serious? You want me, you really want me to get naked?"
    "You said it was easy, and if it's so easy then it shouldn't be a big deal for you to get naked so stop being a little bitch about it," Angelique said. "What do you say girls, do you want him to strip?"
    All of the women started cheering and hollering as Marcelo looked at them all uncomfortably, gulped deeply and seemed to be picking at the collar of his shirt nervously.
    "But I am the one who trains the models, this is highly unorthodox," Marcelo said.
    Angelique shook her head. "I knew it, he's totally afraid. It's fine when we have to get naked but when he gets naked look at him, he is actually shaking at the legs."
    "But I just don't feel that it would be appropriate –" Marcelo began saying.
    "Take it off!" Amy shouted as all the other girls whistled and hollered and started chanting take it off.
    "Silence!" Marcelo said as he waved his hands and clapped them together to enforce his authority. "Let us stop playing these silly games or you girls will never be ready to get naked on the catwalk."
    "If you don't get naked, then we don't get naked," Angelique said as she looked at the others who nodded in agreement.
    "What about all the money?!" Marcelo shouted. "Are you telling me that you would honestly walk away from all of that?"
    "Better to walk away with our clothes on than walk down the catwalk with them off," Christina said as all of the girls slapped her five and whistled and hollered.
    Marcelo shook his head and folded his arms across his chest looking as defiant as possible. "You are not seriously telling me you're going to walk away from all of that money, which I know many of you desperately need. This is a full-blown mutiny and I am not going to stand for it."
    "Yeah but if we don't appear naked on the catwalk you don't get paid either," Angelique said as all the other women nodded in agreement.
    "Okay let us walk out of here with our clothing on then," Christina said as she waved the others out and they started picking up their clothing and getting dressed before starteing to head for the door together.
    "Wait!" Marcelo shouted, realizing that they were serious.
    "Did you change your mind?" Angelique asked as she folded her arms defiantly and started giving him the stare down.
    "Ladies please, it's just not appropriate for your instructor and trainer and manager to get naked in front of his students like that, what would people think?" Marcelo asked.
    "Come on he's not going to do it, let's get out of here," Christina said as they started walking towards the door again.
    "Okay!" Marcelo said biting his lip realizing that the woman had him over a barrel.
    "So you gonna do it, you gonna take it off?" Juliana said with an evil smirk.
    "If you want us to take it off you have to take it off first," Angelique said as the others stood there with their arms folded across their chests nodding in agreement. "Well, we are waiting."
    "Just give me a minute," Marcelo said as he turned his back towards them and tried to think of some way out of this situation, but as he turned and looked at them he knew that he wasn't getting out of it.
    "What's wrong, for something that you said was no big deal you seem to be making a really big stink about it," Angela said as all of the other girls started clapping.
    "Okay I'll do it," Marcelo said as he slowly took off his shirt and stood there bare chested.
    "Not bad, just a little bit more," Angelique said with a wink.
    Marcelo then stripped down to his underpants and started covering himself up. "Okay I did it," he said as he stood there blushing.
    "Oh no you didn't," Angelique said. "There is still the matter of those underpants."
    The other women began giggling as Marcelo shook his head.
    "Hey I only made you strip down your underpants to start with," Marcelo said.
    "Yeah, and you said it was totally not a big deal," Christina said. "It looks like it's more of a big deal for you because you are not used to prancing around in your skivvies. Now we want to see the whole thing, the full Monty!"
    All of the women began shouting and cheering again as Marcelo stood there looking like he was about to die of embarrassment.
    "Okay, just give me a minute," Marcelo said as he put his hand up.
    "Oh quit being a pussy," Angelique said. "Here I'll help you."
    Marcelo tried to put up a fight trying to block Angelique from pulling down his underpants but while he was blocking her Christina came up behind him and pulled them right down, stepped on them, and pulled them out from under him.
    The woman practically went into hysterics as Marcelo stood there completely naked covering up his junk with his hands and blushing intensely.
    "What do you think ladies, not bad right?" Angelique said as all the women nodded in approval.
    "Okay you've seen me naked, now let me get dressed and we can get back to training you girls!" Marcelo said.
    Angelique put up her finger and began waving in his face. "Oh no no Mr. naked boy, first we are going to train you. You said it's no big deal to be naked or to be the only one naked with all eyes on you, now are going to put that to the test."
    "But haven't you humiliated me enough?!" Marcelo asked.
    "Why would you be humiliated, you said it's no big deal to be naked in front of others to get to keep their clothing on is it?" Christina said with a big smirk on her face.
    "It's different for a guy!" Marcelo said as the women started making crying motions towards their eyes tht said cry me a river bitch.
    "No doubt, you aren't used to being naked in front of a bunch of women who get to keep their clothing on," Angelique said. "You're used to seeing us naked all the time, well now it's your turn to be naked. You want us to walk naked on the catwalk, well and I want you to prance around for us."
    "How long?" Marcelo said his voice sounding increasingly nervous.
    "Well I think we've got the night free," Juliana said checking her watch as all the women began cheering.
    Marcelo began to panic and started looking over at his clothing as he started slowly inching towards them, when out of nowhere Christina came in, swooped down and picked up his clothing and threw it to Angelique, who threw it to Juliana, who ran out into the hallway.
    "Where are you going with my clothing?!" Marcelo asked as he ran to the door before remembering he was completely stark naked and out in the hallways where there were lots of attractive women who get to keep their clothing on.
    Marcelo stood there trembling at the legs as the three woman blocked the doorway that was his only escape, not that he could escape now that he was sans clothing.
    After a minute or two Juliana came back into the room with a big smile on her face.
    "What did you do with my clothing?" Marcelo demanded, now getting quite angry.
    "I have hidden it in a place where you will never find it, or at least where you will never go to get it," Juliana said.
    "I demand you tell me where my clothing is right now!" Marcelo shouted.
    "Okay fine I'll tell you," Juliana said laughing. "I put your clothing in that room where all of the swimsuit and lingerie models are practicing right now. Now you could go get it, but it would mean running naked through the hallways and running naked into a room full of sexy lingerie models who would get to see you totally in the buff, if that is what you would like."
    "You can't do this to me!" Marcelo shouted.
    "Well if you want to get your clothing back, and if you want us to do this whole catwalk thing, we are going to show you what it is like to be the only one naked in front of a big audience," Christina said.
    "Yeah but this isn't really a big audience, four women," Amy said shaking her head.
    "But it's big enough!" Marcelo said now bright red with embarrassment.
    "Well okay, I suppose we should keep this a more formal affair," Angelique said. "And you are supposed to be training us. So why don't you show us how to walk down the catwalk naked, seeing as you are already dressed for the part?"
    The women began snickering as Marcelo started walking up and down the catwalk that he had placed in the room.
    "And hands off of your junk, we don't get to cover up so neither do you!" Juliana said as all the women clapped and laughed and whistled and hollered as Marcelo went back up and down the catwalk, striking all sorts of sexy poses but looking humiliated the entire time.
    "Hey don't look so embarrassed, strut your stuff!" Angelique shouted.
    Marcelo continued walking up and down the catwalk feeling slightly more confident as he tried to forget the fact that he was naked in front of a room full of beautiful women. In fact as he got used to it he didn't mind it as much, and all of the encouragement he was getting from the women made him feel a little bit better about himself. He never thought he had the body of a model, even though he trained models himself, and he was starting to feel rather good about his body.
    Finally the night seemed like it was almost over and Marcelo couldn't believe that he spent the entire night naked while trying to instruct a bunch of women how to do a naked strut on the catwalk through example.
    "Any question ladies?" Marcelo said as he stood there naked still trying hard not to blush.
    Angelique put her arm around him. "I'll hand it to you, you put your money where your mouth is. You kind of showed us that you could do the thing that you want us all to do and I think that that took guts. You're a better man than I thought you were and I give you full kudos. You are pretty good at teaching naked catwalk school!"
    "Thank you ladies, you know it actually wasn't all that big of a deal after all," Marcelo said. "I mean it was embarrassing at first but I did kind of get used to it. So do you think maybe now you could see your way to giving me back my clothing?"
    "Sure I will go get it," Juliana said as she opened the door and ran out into the hallway.
    Marcelo stood there for a few minutes casually chatting with the other women, and almost forgetting the fact that they were dressed and he was completely naked. Finally Juliana opened the door and peeked in.
    "You have my clothing?" Marcelo asked.
    "What's the matter, getting cold," Juliana said. "Okay come over here and I will give it to you."
    As Marcelo walked over to the door to grab his clothing, that was when he felt the other three women push him out into the hall and slammed the door behind him.
    "What the hell is going on?" Marcelo said as he covered himself up in the hallway. "Where are my clothes?"
    "We thought you could require one more test to show us what not a big deal it was," Juliana said as all of the sudden the hallways filled up with a bunch of lingerie and swimsuit models, all dressed in their sexy outfits but still dressed nonetheless, as they all began clapping and cheering. "Ladies this is our naked catwalk instructor, let's give him a big round of applause for showing us how easy it is to get naked in front of a big crowd!"
    Marcelo was ready to die of embarrassment. He didn't know how many dozens of women were in the hallways, but he recognized several of them. In fact he had trained most of them over the years and he had seen most of them naked, and now it felt very humbling to find himself in the reverse position.
    "Okay ladies, you had your fun, now where is my clothing?" Marcelo asked.
    Juliana put her arm around him. "Well have fun playing scavenger hunt, we have to be going!"
    As the women walked away Marcelo shook his head. "Well I guess I was successful in making them confident, job well done." He turned around to see a group of about six women that he didn't recognize dressed fully normally with big smiles on their faces as he covered himself up, blushed and sheepishly walked away to the sound of their giggling and pointing.
    "Nice ass!" one of the women shouted.

    The night of the big catwalk show Marcelo wasn't exactly sure how to respond. He hadn't seen any of the women since that embarrassing night in question where he had probably been seen naked by more women than he had in his entire life, and many times more.
    "I just hope that they have the confidence to get naked on stage the way I did," Marcelo said, as he realized he never got around to training them to being naked on stage with a full naked run of their own. They seemed to be just satisfied seeing him strut about naked on the catwalk.
    As the four of them came out onto the stage they were still wearing their clothing.
    "And now these four lovely ladies will strip down for us and strut their stuff on the catwalk!" the announcer said as people began shouting and cheering.
    But as Marcelo looked at the stage he saw that they were all standing there hesitantly.
    "Any time ladies," the announcer said as they continued standing there as though paralyzed with fear.
    "Come on you can do it," Marcelo shouted as he got up on the stage with them. Suddenly he saw the eyes of hundreds of people looking at him, men, women, large numbers of people he knew pretty well from the modeling world. He looked at his four trainees and smiled. "Come on girls, you can do this, you know it's not hard."
    As Marcelo stood there looking at the four women still wearing their clothing he couldn't believe what he was about to do. He slowly started stripping out of his clothing until he was naked on the catwalk, and motioning the women forward with his fingers, as he could hear the snap of 1 million cameras going off all at once and he could feel the goosebumps going over his body.
    "Let's do it ladies," Angelique said as the four of them began stripping down, first to their underwear, and then to nothing, and parading up and down the catwalk right behind Marcelo leading them back and forth.
    Everyone began shouting and cheering and Marcelo couldn't believe that he was now on stage completely naked with four naked women and that people were going wild. He felt proud of them at that moment, and he felt proud of himself for getting them there. Then he felt so starkly embarrassed by the fact that everyone he knew was seeing him naked right then and there that he started to get weak at the knees and fall down.

    The next week.
    "So how are the reviews," Marcelo said nervously as he sat in the room with the four women.
    "You are right, we shouldn't have been embarrassed being seen naked in public," Christina said. "In fact people hardly noticed."
    "What do you mean?" Marcelo said.
    "I think that you stole the show," Amy said as she handed him the paper with the headline that he started reading.
    "Naked man steals show from naked women," Marcelo said as he started reading the newspaper. "The women's trainer, seeing that they were feeling nervous on stage, spontaneously got undressed. Rarely do we see a man who is willing to get naked in public like that the way woman would, and many people feel that he is a trendsetter and hope to see more of him in the future, even though we have all seen pretty much every inch of him already."
    As Marcelo finished reading the article he felt himself once again growing weak at the legs before fainting.
    "Oh my God he fainted again, what should we do?" Juliana asked.
    "Let's strip him naked and take some pictures for his portfolio!" Amy said. "He will thank us later."
    "Sounds like a plan," Angelique said as they all kneeled down and began undressing Marcelo.


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