Lady Godiva Races in the Kentucky Derby

Here's another story involving a confident naked woman making a bet that she can win the Kentucky Derby in order to get a guy to ride around naked if he loses, which takes a surprising twist when she decides to run the race naked like lady Godiva. I have to say am pretty happy with the way this one turned out as it is a story involving a confident naked woman using her nudity in order to make somebody else humiliated!

Lady Godiva Races in the Kentucky Derby
All of the other jockeys started whistling and hollering at Guenevere as she walked over to the stables wearing her tight jockey outfit.
    "Hey hey hey baby," said Larry, the four-time champion of the last four races in the last four years. He swaggered over to her with a confident look in his eye. "If you look that good in that tight outfit imagine how you'd look with it off!"
    "You men are all pigs," Guenevere said shaking her head. "Just because I'm a woman you have to sexually objectify me. I just came here to race horses just like everybody else. Just because I'm the only woman doesn't mean you have to give me shit for it."
    "But I'm just saying it would look nice to see you naked, maybe wrapped around my arm after I win the Kentucky Derby."
    "Well unfortunately you're not going to win the Kentucky Derby this year, as I am going to prove that you do not need an excessive amount of testosterone to be a champion Kentucky Derby winner."
    "Care to make a bet on that?" Larry said as he licked his lips and ran his fingers together.
    "What kind of bet?"
    "If I win the race I want you to take a naked photograph with me, with you sitting naked with me with my arm wrapped around you as my arm candy."
    "Don't do it, this guy is a sleazebag and male chauvinist pig, you don't want to give him the satisfaction," said Marissa, Guenevere's close friend.
    "And what about when I win?" Guenevere asked as she put her hands on her hips and looked at him.
    "What do you want, me to take you out to dinner?" Larry said.
    "If you're asking me for a date the answer is no. I think you should put your money up where your mouth is. When I win the Kentucky Derby I want you to ride around on your horse naked around the entire course showing yourself naked to the entire stadium."
    "Well you have yourself a bet young lady," Larry said as he shook Guenevere's hand. As she walked away he simply shook his head. "Crazy bitch!"

    "How could you have made a bet with that sleazebag?" Marissa asked as Guenevere was preparing her horse for the race. "What if you lose, you will have to pose naked with that jerk!"
    "What about when I win? He will have to eat his words and parade himself around naked in front of the entire world."
    "But can you even do that?"
    "Did you just recently hear, public nudity is now legal?"
    "I haven't seen anyone walking around naked."
    Guenevere shook her head. "Neither have I, but you have to figure that the majority of people are too shy to do that. Just because they can doesn't mean most will."
    Marissa shook her head. "I know that I certainly wouldn't do something like that, going around naked in public like that!"
    "But aren't you always going on about how women shouldn't feel ashamed of their bodies and body positivity and all of that?"
    "Well yeah, but I don't want to go around naked and have everybody see me! That would be humiliating. I mean maybe if I had a body like yours, that would be a different story. I can't believe you have never done modeling."
    "Actually I did do a little bit of modeling for a little while, but I try not to talk about it too much because I want people to take me seriously as a jockey."
    "I wish I had guts, if I looked like you maybe I actually would go around naked, in fact I would ride the whole race naked and if I did I bet that all of those guys would have their eyes bugging out of their skulls and they would end up losing the race. You can make like some type of bold feminist statement by boldly displaying your nudity."
    "Yeah that would be pretty funny," Guenevere said as she scratched her head.
    "What is it, you have that look in your eye?!"
    Guenevere put her arm around Marissa. "My dear friend I think that you have just given me the most brilliant idea in the history of racing."
    "What are you talking about?"
    "Just watch and see!"
    "I really hope you're not about to do something really stupid, are you?"
    "I certainly hope not!"

    "I wonder where Guenevere is, she probably is so intimidated by me that she dropped out of the race," Larry said.
    "Yeah she's probably too afraid of losing the bet and having to pose naked with you," said Gregory, his good friend as he stood there with his jaw-dropping.
    "What are you looking at Gregory?" Larry said as he turned around and his jaw dropped as well.
    "Hey boys," Guenevere said as she slowly walked over completely buck naked.
    "I think that I am dreaming," Larry said as he began to drool. "Either that or you have completely lost your mind! Is this you saying that you have conceded to the fact that I am going to win and that you want to take the picture with me now before I win the Kentucky Derby?"
    Guenevere laughed. "No, quite the opposite actually. In fact I am so confident that I don't even feel I need to race with any clothing. I am not afraid to show my body in public, I have a pretty nice one!" She turned around to give them all a good look before standing there with her hands on her hips smiling.
    Everywhere people were gathering around and taking pictures as a million phones were making that picture clicking noise.
    "Let's just see if you can keep your eyes on the prize instead of off of my beautiful naked body, because when I win this contest is going to be your naked ass riding around for everybody to see, and I don't think that you're going to feel as comfortable about it as I am."
    Larry and Gregory looked at each other shaking their heads.
    "This has to be some type of a joke," Larry said. "But naked or not, I'm not going to let her distract me from winning this contest."
    "You should try to cover up your boner too," Gregory said as he pointed to Larry, who was spouting a pretty large erection.

    As all of the racers got on their horses all of the guys were staring directly at Guenevere, in fact the whole stadium was staring at her.
    "Well it seems that we have someone pulling a lady Godiva today," the announcer said. "Is this to support the new public nudity laws, is it a publicity stunt, is it some type of statement? Frankly I don't care, I just can't wait to see this race as I am sure it will be interesting!"
    It didn't take long after that for the race to begin with all of the horses charging off. Guenevere started off pretty decent and quickly took the lead. All of the men behind her were staring directly at her ass.
    "Don't let her distract you," Larry said as he tried to focus on getting ahead of her. But as he continued staring at her and her naked ass bouncing up and down on her saddle, all he could think about was having his way with her and having her pose naked on his shoulder.
    The race continued and Guenevere held a steady lead with several others bombing and falling out of the race because they got distracted looking at her naked body.
    "I have to catch up to her!" Larry said, but he couldn't take his eyes off of her ass, which was hypnotizing him. In fact it was hypnotizing him so much he didn't see where he was going and he accidentally started going right towards the wall. He stopped his horse at the last moment but he was thrown right off of his horse and went sliding across the dirt.
    "It looks like we have a winner, our very own lady Godiva, Guenevere!" the announcer said as she crossed the finish line.

    Later as they were awarding the prizes and they put a wreath of flowers around Guenevere's horse she stood there proudly posing naked with him.
    "It looks like your horse is wearing more than you are right now," a reporter said. "Why did you decide to race naked? Were you trying to make a statement?"
    Guenevere smiled. "Yes my statement is this, if you really want to beat a bunch of men in a race a little skin goes a long way, because they don't have enough blood to run their brains and penises at the same time. If the guys could really concentrate on the race rather than staring at my ass they would be standing here right now, but instead I am standing here in all of my naked glory."
    That was when Larry stumbled over, still covered in dirt and filth.
    "Well well well," Guenevere said as she nakedly started striding towards him in a real confident way. "It looks like I won after all! You may have gotten to see me naked but you're not going to see me naked and posing with a picture for you. However there is that little matter of our bet."
    "Come on, you're not serious," Larry said. "Look I'm standing here completely filthy and defeated, haven't I been humiliated enough?"
    "Well not quite enough, you should take off those clothes so that they can be washed! Of course if you are too proud or too afraid that people are going to laugh at you I would fully understand, as long as you publicly admit that you are unwilling to be a good sport caused you are ashamed of your body."
    "Make him take it off!" Marissa said as she walked over and hugged Guenevere.
    Everyone started chanting for him to take it off. Larry slowly and reluctantly stripped down to his birthday suit and stood there covering himself up and blushing profusely.
    "Now for the loser's victory parade!" Guenevere said as Larry gritted his teeth and got on the back of his horse and started riding around as everybody started laughing and cheering.
    "You know I think that they preferred you," Marissa said.
    "You know I think they did," Guenevere said as she laughed. "Look I just won a big prize, so why don't I treat you to dinner for giving me this great idea in the first place."
    Marissa shook her head. "Why don't I treat you to dinner instead, for having the bravery to go through with all of this. Besides even if you won the grand prize I don't think you have any money on you right now."
    "I don't have anything on me right now!" Guenevere said as the two of them started walking off together arm in arm as Larry continued his victory lap while everybody whistled and hollered.
    "Best victory ever," Guenevere said as she laughed.


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