The Emperor Knows He's Naked

I have to admit I'm getting back into writing these naked stories again. After not writing any for a couple of months I'm suddenly back on the kick for these type of stories. This was one that I thought of the other day where I joked what if the Emperor in the Emperor's new clothes actually knew that he was naked and was enjoying that feeling, and that nobody could acknowledge it. So originally that was going to be the basis of the story and I thought it would be really short probably more satirical than erotic and featuring exhibitionism instead of embarrassment, but then when I went down to write it, then I thought of this more fun idea of a party game based on the Emperor's new clothes incorporating CFNM, where basically you have this guy get naked and the whole premise is that all of the women are seeing him naked, but to win the game they have to go the longest without acknowledging the fact that he is naked.

So I like the fact that I was able to take the real story of the Emperor's new clothes and turn it into a party game. I have to admit that it would be a very fun game to play but I would probably be just as awkward, embarrassed and uncomfortable as poor George! Still would love to play it though, that's for sure.

I also wrote another story that's not CFNM on a similar theme called The Empress's New Clothes which is an ENF story that I am including in my first collection of naked stories that I will hopefully get around to publishing soon. But for now I hope that you enjoy this new story about the Emperor knowing that he's naked!

The Emperor Knows He's Naked
George was looking forward to his party that weekend but he had to admit that he had not really thrown many parties before and he thought that his party was getting kind of dull. He was glad that a lot of attractive woman showed up for his party but at the same time he didn't know how to spice things up.
    "So does anybody know any party games," George said to all of his guests, hoping maybe some of them would have some idea of a game that could perhaps spice up this party, which was extremely lackluster. He sure as hell knew that he didn't have any ideas. As a socially awkward person even having a party was a big step for him, but he felt that he was failing miserably at the attempt.
    That was when Maria, one of the most attractive women at the party that George was too shy to talk to alone, suddenly developed a really wicked smile.
    "I think that Maria has an idea," Miranda said. "I know that look in her eye, she has a wicked evil idea too."
    "Is that so Maria?" George asked. "Well sure I would love to hear it if you have a good idea for some type of party game."
    Maria smiled as she looked at George. "Well if you guys are game I have sort of an idea for an adult kind of party game, although you might find it a little bit risqué."
    "Risqué you say," George said. Now he was really intrigued.
    "I have to admit it's more of a game for the ladies than the fellas, but if you guys aren't afraid I definitely think this would be a very fun game. You guys aren't afraid, are you?"
    George looked at several of the other guys there and they all sort of just shook their heads because they didn't want to seem like they were cowardly in front of all of the attractive women, who amazingly showed up at the party despite the fact that it certainly wasn't a very impressive party. But George was hoping that whatever game she had in mind would change that.
    "What type of game did you have in mind?" George said.
    Maria smiled again. "A really fun game, I don't know if you've ever heard of it, it's not very well known. Have you ever played the Emperor's new clothes?"
    George looked at the other guys who all seemed to shrug their shoulders and shake their heads before he looked back at Maria. "No, I don't think any of us have ever heard of that game. How do you play the Emperor's new clothes?"
    Maria's smile grew wider by the minute. "Well it's a very simple game and a very fun game. Are you familiar with the story of the Emperor's new clothes?"
    George nodded. "Yeah, basically you have this Emperor who is a real idiot who is tricked into getting naked and thinks that he is wearing his clothing, and then he parades around naked as though he is dressed or something like that."
    Maria nodded. "That's right."
    "Okay now I'm confused, how do you make a game out of that?" George said as he felt his heart suddenly racing.
    Now Maria looked like she was practically beaming with excitement. "Well basically all of you guys will draw straws and the one who draws the short straw is the Emperor!"
    "Wait, what was that?" George asked as he scratched his head.
    Maria nodded. "That's right, the one who draws the short straw is the Emperor and they have to take off all of their clothing for the rest of the party. But here's the interesting part, we all have to pretend that the Emperor is wearing clothing. Anyone who laughs or acknowledges the fact that the Emperor is naked is disqualified from the game, and the last person to manage to keep a straight face gets to shout out that the Emperor isn't wearing any clothing and wins the game."
    "So one of us has to get naked then?" George said feeling like his heart was practically in his throat at this point. He had to admit the idea of getting naked at a party, especially in front of everyone like that, was really intimidating. And he didn't really like the prospect of getting naked with these other guys around. Then he thought to himself that there were seven other guys at the party, so the odds are that he would draw the short straw were probably relatively slim. And he didn't want to say no to Maria because she would think that he was a coward.
    "So what do you say boys, wanna play a game?" Maria said as she licked her lips.
    George looked at the other guys who were sort of scratching their heads and looking down at their feet and looking decidedly uncomfortable, as he knew he probably was as well.
    "I guess they're all too frightened," said Christina. "I knew that they wouldn't be up for a game where none of us get naked. And this was such a fun game at my bachelorette party."
    "We're not afraid, are we guys?" George said, while at the same time choking back his own fear. Quite frankly he was terrified. He sort of rolled his eyes at them and they all sort of halfheartedly began nodding.
    "Great, I'll get the straws!" Maria said as she ran into the kitchen and came back with seven straws all sticking up out of her hand. "Who wants to go first?" She held the straws out in front of George and he knew that that was like a direct challenge to him and that he would look like a coward if he didn't draw first.
    "Okay I'll go first," George said. "It is my party after all."
    Trying to grab the straw without his hand trembling with fear was difficult for George but he didn't want to seem like a coward in front of all these attractive women, so he grabbed a straw as the rest of the guys lined up after him and drew straws of their own.
    "Okay boys let's see them, whip them out," Maria said. "You're straws I mean, we will only be seeing one of you whip out the good stuff, whoever gets the short one."
    All of the men held out their straws in front of Maria and that was when George realized to his horror that he had drawn the short straw.
    "Well well well, all hail Emperor George!" Maria said as all the women giggled. "Well you drew the short straw, so I hope that you don't have a short straw in your pants, but I guess we will all find out in a moment won't we?"
    All of the women began laughing and George needed all of his self control not to start trembling at the legs.
    "He's not gonna do it," Miranda said." I knew all these guys were chicken."
    "No wait, I'll do it," George said. "It is my party after all and I agreed to it, so I am going to be a good sport."
    "Well, we are waiting," Miranda said as she started putting her hands on her hips and tapping her foot with impatience.
    "Okay okay, just give me a minute," George said as he slowly took off his shirt as the woman began smirking.
    "But remember the rules everyone, if you acknowledge the fact that he is naked you have lost the game," Maria said.
    "He's not naked yet, he didn't even take off his pants," Lily said. "So technically it doesn't count until he is completely naked right?"
    Maria nodded. "That's right. The game doesn't begin until he is completely totally utterly buck naked! The second George is completely naked though anyone who acknowledges the fact that he is naked, or makes any reference to the fact that he is naked, or who is clearly laughing over the fact that he is naked is disqualified."
    George continued getting undressed until he was completely and utterly down to every last article of clothing on the floor. He knew that he was already blushing profusely but he couldn't help but feel a slight tingle in his loins and he could feel himself growing hard.
    All of the women were smiling but he could see that they were controlling themselves.
    "Dude you have a boner!" his friend Roy shouted as he pointed at George. "We didn't need to see that!"
    All of the guys started bursting out laughing and pointing at George's groin, making him feel really awkward and uncomfortable.
    "And just like that all of the guys are already disqualified!" Maria shouted.
    "I knew they wouldn't be mature about this, I totally called that," Miranda said. "You're all disqualified already."
    "You guys have no discipline," Lily said. "At least we are used to playing this game, so we have a little bit better self-control."
    Bob shook his head. "You know this isn't really are type of game anyway, we really didn't need to see this much of our friend George. Hey guys who wants to go in the other room and watch the game?"
    George stood there and could feel the goosebumps forming all over his body, and he could also feel that he was as hard as a rock and he was staring right at Maria, who he could clearly see was smiling but seemed to have incredible self-control.
    "Well ladies I guess this is just a game between us now," Maria said as all of the women nodded.
    George tried covering himself up a little bit before looking at Maria. "So what happens now?"
    Maria smiled again. "Like I said the game continues until only one person is left who hasn't acknowledged your nudity, which I am not acknowledging now, just reminding everyone of the rules. But until then let's just treat this like a normal regular party."
    "Seriously?" George said as he stood there covering up his hands with his genitals and shaking at the legs.
    "George do you think you can get us some drinks," said Penny.
    "Sure, I can do that," George said as he went into the kitchen eager to get away from the stares of all of the women. He couldn't believe the situation he was in. He felt a tightness in his chest that was part excitement and part abject terror. He couldn't believe that the women were maintaining their composure and treating this like it was normal. He was kind of glad that the guys left but now he felt like he was outnumbered completely.
    He went into his refrigerator and got some punch out and poured some glasses and brought it over to Penny as he walked over with his erection clearly visible that he could not cover because he was holding the drinks.
    "Thank you George, this will be very refreshing," Penny said as she began drinking the juice before all of the sudden she started laughing and spit the juice all over him.
    "Penny is out!" Miranda said as all the women clapped.
    "I'm sorry George, I just couldn't help it, seeing you walking towards me with your erection swinging back and forth I just totally lost it," Penny said as all of the other women stood there straightfaced, but he could tell a lot of them were struggling not to burst out laughing along with her.
    "Here let me get you some napkins," George said as he went over to the table and got some napkins and handed them to Penny who began patting the juice off of her dress.
    "Thank you George," Penny said once again sort of giggling.
    "Penny is always the first to drop out," Miranda said. "I don't think she has ever won this game before."
    "I'm sorry but this is just so hilarious," Penny said. "Sorry George I didn't mean to laugh at you like that but, well this is just too much for me." Penny burst out laughing making George feel really really awkward.   
    "I thought the idea of the game was that you not laugh at my nakedness," George said.
    "Well I already did so I'm not going to stop laughing now," Penny said as she started screeching hysterically and slapping her knees and stomping her feet. Penny then patted him on the back and pointed at him. "But hey I will say this much, you certainly don't have a short straw down there."
    As Penny burst out laughing and pointed at his throbbing erection which was growing harder by the minute that was when Felicia suddenly spit up her drink as well and burst out laughing.
    "Felicia is out!" Christina shouted.
    "Dammit," Felicia said as she regained her composure. "I'm sorry but when Penny started pointing at his erection like that it made me think she was like that woman at Abu Ghraib and I just totally lost it."
    "Gee, I hope you don't make me stand on a box with electrodes hooked to my testicles next," George said as Penny fell to the floor and began pounding the floor with her fists.
    Several of the other women started giggling a little bit.
    "You're giggling, doesn't that disqualify you," George said.
    "We were laughing at the comment not at the fact that you were naked," Crystal said.
    "Well good because I don't want to attach electrodes to these boys," George said as he held up his testicles and shook them around causing Crystal to point at him and begin laughing.
    "Okay she's clearly out that time though because she was laughing at his testicles," Miranda said. "It looks like three down, five to go."
    "So does anyone want to maybe play another party game while we are playing this party game?" George said now feeling more awkward than ever but also more turned on than he had ever been in his life.
    Maria suddenly clapped her hands together. "I know, let's play charades! George you can be on my team."
    "Okay," George said.
    Luckily George and Maria didn't go first and that sort of took some of the attention off of him. But as he was sitting down on the couch with all of these dressed women and he could feel the fabric of their clothing rubbing up against his naked body, he had to admit that the whole thing was driving him completely crazy.
    Finally it was his turn to get up. However when he got up he accidentally knocked a cup of juice on the floor.
    "I'll get that," George said as he bent over which pointed his ass right in Lily's face.
    "Shake that naked ass!" Lily said as she smacked him hard on the ass causing him to bolt up and stand at attention.
    "Okay you're definitely out for that one," Christina said.
    "Sorry George I just totally couldn't resist," Lily said. "You had that thing pointed right at me and I could see your balls hanging between your ass cheeks and, well I'm only human here!"
    "Well okay it's our turn," Maria said as she waved George up to the center of the room where he was now once again clearly visible to all of the women in the place.
    George and Maria began acting something out as all of the other women sat there looking at them.
    "Any ideas?" Maria asked.
    "This kind of feels like entrapment," Christina said.
    "How so," Maria said.
    "Because if I tell you he looks like he's a male stripper or a Chippendale's dancer you would say that that was acknowledging the fact that he is completely and utterly buck naked!" Christina shouted as everyone else started clapping.
    "And you are right, sorry but I'm afraid you're out," Maria said. "Nobody has any other guess? It was dances with wolves."
    Christina shook her head. "How are we supposed to guess that, it's not like he ever got down on all fours like a wolf?"
    "But you should be glad he didn't because I think you all would have totally lost it if he did," Penny said as she burst out laughing again.
    "And then there were three," Miranda said as she looked at herself and Maria as well as one other woman who had been silent all day named Rachel, who was known to be extremely reserved and stoic. "Although I don't think anyone has ever broken Rachel before. She has a poker-face like you can't believe."
    "Maybe I'm just more mature about this then all of you," Rachel said.
    "No it's probably just because you're a lesbian, so this isn't making it as titillating for you as it is for us, which I think gives you an unfair advantage," Miranda said as she opened the back door allowing a gust of wind to come in and causing George to shiver.
    Rachel shook her head. "My sexual orientation has nothing to do with this, even if I am a lesbian that doesn't mean that I couldn't be cracking up over the fact that you have a guy who is walking around buck naked like it is somehow normal or something like that and who has goosebumps all over his ass!"
    "But you just acknowledge that he was naked!" Miranda said.
    "Wait, what, dammit," Rachel said as she laughed. "You know I wasn't laughing but now I just totally broke the illusion of the Emperor's new clothes. But here's something to consider, I think that the Emperor very well knows that he is naked, don't you Emperor George?"
    As Rachel walked over and got right up in George's face he had to admit that now he was feeling incredibly intimidated. Even though he knew this woman wasn't physically attracted to him the fact that she was acknowledging that he was naked was making him feel a bit uncomfortable.
    "Naked," Rachel started chanting as the other women except for Miranda and Maria joined in.
    George couldn't help but stand behind a potted plant as most of the women started laughing but Miranda and Maria remained straightfaced.
    "I think that someone's kind of uncomfortable about being naked in front of all these women," Rachel said as she walked over to the plant. "You should know George, even though I was straightfaced the entire time, and even though I am not attracted to you sexually, I want you to know that truly I am finding this hilarious from the bottom of my heart. Cheers to you for being such a good sport." She raised her glass to him in a toast.
    "So I guess we are in the final round," George said as now he felt more awkward seeing as almost everyone could now openly acknowledge the fact that he was naked, and he could see all of the women looking at him, pointing at him smiling and laughing.
    Maria grabbed George by the hand. "Don't let them intimidate you, I have to admit that you really have been a pretty good sport about this and one of the best players of this game that we have had so far. I can tell that you are a bit uncomfortable being naked in front of so many well dressed women, but bravo for continuing. We can end the game if it really makes you feel really uncomfortable."
    "No, I don't want to ruin the game for you ladies," George said. "I'm having a real lot of fun."
    Maria smiled. "You know George this is been one of the most fun parties I have ever attended. Maybe we could just go over and talk a little bit, just you and me."
    "I think I'd like that," George said as Maria led him away by the hand.
    Then the strangest thing that ever happened, much to George's surprise, happened. He sat down at the table and he had a really nice long talk with Maria and he found out that they had a lot in common. After a while of chatting he almost forgot the fact that he was naked and was starting to feel really comfortable around Maria.
    Every so often he saw Miranda go by giving him the stare down but without directly acknowledging that he was naked. He felt like she was plotting something. He could see her going over with the other women and as she was talking to the other women the women all burst out laughing.
    "She's not talking about me is she?" George said, once again feeling really uncomfortable about the fact that all of the women were looking over in his direction and practically having a laugh riot.
    Maria shook her head. "Don't worry about her, she's just a really sore, loser so she doesn't want to lose the game."
    "Is talking about the game acknowledging, you know?"
    "Acknowledging what, how well-dressed you are today?" Maria said with a huge smile to which George returned a smile. The fact that she wasn't acknowledging the fact that he was completely buck naked was making him feel really comfortable around her, compared to all the other women who were having a grand time laughing at his expense.
    "You know I think you deserve to win this game," George said still blushing profusely.
    "The important thing is that we have fun, we don't want to make you feel too uncomfortable," Maria said. "Uncomfortable in that excellent outfit that you are wearing."
    George stood up, put his fingers in his mouth and whistled. "Everybody, why don't we all play an interesting game," George said as he walked over to the women who were sitting on the couch all smiling in his general direction.
    "What type of game?" Miranda asked raising her eye with a skeptical look.
    "Well ladies I was just kind of wondering, what do you think of my outfit?" George said as all of the woman began smirking and laughing, except for Miranda, who tried hard to remain straightfaced.
    Rachel smiled. "Well it's not my brand of clothing, I prefer something a little bit curvier and not so hairy, but I have to say that red is definitely your color."
    George knew that now he was probably blushing more than ever and all of the other women, except for Miranda and Maria, who were still remaining straightfaced, were getting into hysterics.
    "You know it looks as good as the day it was made," Penny said as she laughed out in hysterics.
    "And it doesn't even have any wrinkles!" Felicia said as everybody started laughing and clapping.
    "I like the fact that you didn't have a short straw," Christina said as most of the women started going crazy.
    "What do you think Miranda," George said as he walked over to her, having his crotch directly aligned with her face.
    "Oh my God get your naked Dick out of my face!" Miranda said as she grabbed herself and fell to the floor in hysterics.
    Maria smiled as she saw that George helped her to win the game as she put her arm around him.
    "Thank you George, and I have something to say to you that I have been really waiting to say to you all night," Maria said as she looked at him with a big smile.
    "What is that?" George said.
    Maria pointed to George with her other arm and shouted. "Hey everybody the Emperor is completely buck naked!"
    All the women burst out laughing stood up and started pointing at George chanting "naked naked naked" over and over again. He had to admit that this was the most embarrassing single moment of his life, having everyone chanting how he was naked and there being no escape.
    "So does this mean I get to put my clothes back on?" George said finally.
    "What clothes, you're naked!" everyone shouted and began clapping.
    George realized that he wasn't going to be getting to put his clothing back on anytime soon, so he just shrugged his shoulders and went along with it. The rest of the party seemed to go buy more quickly and he had to admit that he was having fun, even if it was still the singularly most embarrassing night of his life. But the strange thing was is after he got over the initial shock of it he found himself chatting with the women, and it was almost like he actually was wearing clothes.
    Finally the night was over and George was finally able to put his clothing back on as everyone started leaving. As Maria was getting ready to leave she once again went over to George and kissed him on the cheek.
    "What was that for," George said as he smiled and touched his cheek.
    "Just a sign of respect for the Emperor for being such a good sport about this," Maria said. "Let's just be glad that you were the one who drew the short straw, cause I don't think any of your other friends were as good a sport as you are, which is a shame because they missed out on a whole lot of fun I would say."
    "They have no idea what they were missing," George said. "Cowards and prudes they are."
    "But you know I wanted you to draw the short straw all along, so I guess this was my lucky night. Anyway George this was a really great party and I was wondering if maybe next week you want to come to my party?"
    "Sure I'd love to," George said.
    "Great I'll call you with the details later and I'll see you there," Maria said as she kissed him one more time.
    As all of the women left he went into the other room where the men were still watching the game.
    "Everybody it's the Emperor," Bob said. "And it looks like he's finally put on some damn pants! How was the rest of the party?"
    George simply smiled. "Let's just say it's good to be the Emperor."

    Next week George knocked on the door of Maria's house wondering what type of party game she had planned for this time.
    "George I'm so glad you could make it," Maria said as she led him into the living room where he saw a very large number of women all over the place. He thought that there were probably a dozen or two women and he noticed that there weren't any other guys there. "Everybody this is George."
    George said hi to everyone and went around mingling before Maria clapped her hands and got everyone's attention.
    "Okay everybody we're going to play a really fun game," Maria said. "It's called the Emperor's new clothes."
    "Are we going to draw straws again?" George said feeling very nervous all of the sudden.
    Maria stuck out her hand to reveal that there was only one straw.
    "There's only one straw though," George said.
    Maria laughed. "I know, welcome to the championship!"
    George swallowed deeply. "I don't suppose in the championship that we might do some variation such as the empress's new clothes?"
    "No!" all of the women shouted before laughing.
    George nodded and blushed. "Yeah, I didn't think so."
    But as he drew his straw he thought to himself that he was okay with that, and it was better this way. As he held up the short straw as all of the women smiled and clapped all he could think was that it was really really good to be the Emperor and have everyone acknowledge his outfit.


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