His First Night at CFNM Class

I have to admit I haven't updated in a while. I still haven't gotten around to publishing my big collection of naked stories or my x-ray vision novel, but I'm going to try to do that soon I hope. It's just such a pain in the ass to do that process and everything so I always think of excuses not to, but the sooner I get it out there the sooner people can buy it, so I should really put more effort into that. I probably have about nine things I want to publish right now, seven of which I will publish under my real name, two of which I will publish under the pseudonym that I use for this blog.

I ended up writing my first naked story since November last night. I have pretty much used Designated Stripper as the last one to complete my collection and then I was going to publish it and then I never got around to it. But then I guess I lost interest in writing my embarrassing naked stories for a couple of months. But now I'm again on like a huge fetish binge where I can barely think about anything else, so I started writing these type of stories again, and I might end up writing a full-blown novel about an alternate world where the corona virus, rather than killing people, makes them allergic to clothing! That one might end up just being a short story but we will see what happens.

In the meantime here is another CFNM story. This was inspired by a discussion I had on the CFNM Village Board where someone was wondering if CFNM could be educational, and thought of the possibility that maybe there could be like a class taught about CFNM to educate people about it. I thought that that would actually make a pretty great idea for a story and I am really happy with how this story came out. This is my first story in the next collection of naked stories so this one won't be published in book form for a while. I think I'm going to try to get the collections up to about 100,000 words before I release them because the last one is over 200,000 words, which is quite massive for a book about embarrassing nudity stories, like Stephen King length.

But anyway I hope you enjoy this story about a guy going with his girlfriend to a late night class about CFNM and finding that, as the only guy there, it's going to be quite embarrassing when he realizes that they have a very strict dress code, or undress code rather! Enjoy!

His First Night at CFNM Class
"Hey Steve," Rebecca said as she ran over in her jogging outfit.
    "Hey babe how's it going," Steve said as he kissed Rebecca. He had to admit he loved the way she looked in that jogging outfit as it was so formfitting that he could practically see everything, it was almost like she was naked or something.
    "Nothing particular," Rebecca said as she started blushing and scratching her foot into the ground and looking away.
    "If it's nothing then why are you blushing," Steve said as he smiled. "Come on, there's nothing that you have to be embarrassed about with me."
    "I know Steve, you're one of the really nice ones and everything like that. It's nice that I finally met a guy who is really progressive and liberal and feminist and everything, and who is willing to share his feelings and let himself be vulnerable, which is exactly why I think that you would probably have no problem with the idea that I was going to suggest."
    "What idea is that? And why are you blushing when you are thinking about it?"
    Rebecca couldn't help but look down as she twiddled her thumbs before looking up at Steve. "Well I kind of thought that maybe we could take this class at night."
    "Well that's nothing to really be blushing about. What type of class is it?"
    "Well it's sort of like this female empowerment thing, you know like girl power and all that stuff."
    "And you thought that I would feel awkward attending just because I am a guy? Come on babe, you know I'm not like that, I don't feel weird about being pro-women's rights and everything like that. If you want me to go to some type of female empowerment class with you I'm totally willing to go, even if I do end up being the only guy there."
    "You will, great?!" Rebecca said as she kissed him. "The only other thing is that it's kind of like an adult class."
    "But what do you mean by it's an adult class?"
    "You know, adult."
    "It's not some type of a sex thing then is it?"
    "No, it's just all about female empowerment and everything like that, nothing necessarily sexual about that. I mean I'm sure that they will probably bring up sexual issues and I guess it's just that we all have to be really mature and adult to go to it."
    "It's okay, I already said I would go."
    "Thanks, you're the best," Rebecca said as she hugged him tightly. "It's tonight at 8 o'clock and don't worry I'm sure that it will be really interesting for the both of us."
    Steve smiled as Rebecca started jogging off. He was glad that he could do something that would make her so happy and make her feel good about herself, as he knew that Rebecca sometimes had issues about her body, although looking at that tight ass as she jogged away he had no idea why she would have body issues. If anything he was much more self-conscious than she was and he had some difficulty admitting that sometimes.

    That night as he met up with Rebecca down at the University where the course was being held, he couldn't help but notice that she seemed like she was both excited and really nervous.
    "Is something bugging you, you seem like you have ants in your pants," Steve said as they started walking over to the University.
    "No, nothing, I'm just nervous about going to a class and meeting new people and everything like that," Rebecca said shaking her head. "You know how I sometimes get social anxiety and stuff like that."
    "Of course I understand, you know that I'm one of the most socially anxious people around, which is why I am so lucky that I found someone like you."
    "You're the greatest," she said again as she kissed him. "It's just I wouldn't want you to feel awkward or uncomfortable going to this class."
    Stephen laughed and looked at her. "Babe I've already told you, I have no problem with going to a female empowerment class with you. Like I said I feel no shame in being a male feminist and really open-minded and everything. You have nothing to worry about, I won't feel uncomfortable being there, even if I end up being the only guy in the class."
    "Thanks, you really are the best and I think I'm going to owe you really big time for coming to this class."
    "The way you keep really hyping it up I'm really starting to wonder what type of class this is. It is some type of sex class isn't it?"
    "Don't worry you'll see, just try not to freak out if it's a little bit weird."
    "Babe you know me, you know that I like weird. I'm sure that you have absolutely nothing to worry about as I'm sure if you are really happy about this class I am sure that I will be fine with that and that I will love it. You really shouldn't be getting so nervous about it."
    "Good, I'm just so reassured that you seem to be totally cool with everything. That's why I like you so much. You're very open-minded about these type of things." Rebecca grabbed Steve by the hand and led him down the hallway where she saw a bunch of women waiting outside of the door. "Hey is this where the CFNM class is?"
    "Yeah it is," said one of the women standing at the door. "Wow you actually got a guy to come with you, I didn't think any guys would have the guts to show up."
    "Hey my guy is totally cool," Rebecca said as she patted Steve on the back.
    "He must be really brave," the woman said as she couldn't help but smirk.
    "Hey I have no problem with women's empowerment, I fully embrace feminism and I'm willing to be vulnerable around women," Steve said. "It shouldn't have to take an act of bravery for a guy to be able to bear his thoughts and feelings to women."
    "Among other things," the woman said as she couldn't help but giggle.
    Steve looked around and noticed that most of the people, actually all of the people waiting outside the door were women, and most of them seemed to be smiling really wide. It made Steve happy to see so many women feeling comfortable and empowered like that, and he wondered what was so great about this class that made them all so happy.
    "You know I've been meaning to ask you, what exactly is CFNM class?" Steve asked as several of the woman began smirking and giggling.
    "You didn't tell him what the class was about?" the woman said as she put her hand over her mouth.
    "She told me it's all about female empowerment and if there is a little bit of adult material am sure that I can handle it," Steve said as he smiled and pointed to himself. "I'm not shy about adult material, believe me, I'm no prude."
    The woman came over and patted Steve on the back. "Well that's good, because I don't think that prudes would really want to be attending my class."
    "Wait you're the teacher?" Steve said as he looked at the woman who smiled even wider.
    "That's right, I'm Mrs. Granger and tonight I think I will probably be what I am assuming is your introduction to CFNM 101," she said as she opened the door. "Okay everybody into the classroom."
    All of the women poured into the classroom and Steve sat down right next to Rebecca. As he looked around the classroom he couldn't help but notice that he was the only guy there. But that didn't make him feel too awkward, as he knew that there was nothing shameful about a guy attending a woman's empowerment class. He had to admit he did feel like he stood out like a sore thumb though, and he could see several of the women looking at him and kind of smirking. He thought that they should probably be happier that a guy showed up, but he was hoping that he wasn't making them feel uncomfortable or anything like that.
    Mrs. Granger went up to the board and wrote the word CFNM on the board.
    "Welcome class to CFNM 101," Mrs. Granger said. "This is a class that will hopefully empower you to take charge of your sexual interests and maybe even take charge in the bedroom. Can anyone tell me what CFNM means?"
    One woman raised her hand and Mrs. Granger pointed to her. "Yes, and your name is?"
    "My name is Linda and I can tell you that CFNM means clothed female, nude male."
    "Very good Linda," Mrs. Granger said. "We are all here today because we want to learn more about clothed female, nude male."
    Now Steve was starting to feel decidedly uncomfortable, not just because he was the only man in the room, but because it seemed like this whole thing had something to do with men being naked. Was this why Rebecca was worried that he would feel uncomfortable?
    "Just by a show of hands here, who likes to look at porn or look at naked pictures of the opposite sex, because not every depiction of the naked human form is pornography," Mrs. Granger said.
    Steve felt really nervous raising his hand but he noticed that every single woman in the classroom also raised their hands and after he saw that he very reluctantly raised his.
    "There's nothing to be ashamed of here," Mrs. Granger said. "If we had problems with the naked human body we certainly wouldn't be here, now would we? And to the one gentleman in the room, I think if you look around you will see that there is nothing for you to be ashamed of. This might be eye-opening for you, but women like looking at naked men just as much as you probably like looking at naked ladies, and there is nothing wrong with that whatsoever. However, naked ladies is not what this class is about."
    Most of the woman in the class started laughing and Steve thought that he should maybe laugh nervously but already he could feel himself slumping down in his seat.
    "Another show of hands here," Mrs. Granger said. "How many people in this class find that when they are intimate with their partners that they are usually the first one to get naked or maybe even the only one to get naked initially."
    Most of the women in the class raised their hands including Rebeccad and this made Steve feel like he was outnumbered and that maybe he had done something wrong.
    "There's nothing to be ashamed of," Mrs. Granger said as she distinctly looked at Steve. "It's quite normal for the women to be the first ones to get naked. It seems like in our society the common practice is that the woman gets naked for the man more so than the man gets naked for the woman. But this class is hoping to change that attitude and hopefully make you a little more comfortable in asking your man to get naked, or for you to get naked for your woman. Well I see we only have one man here tonight and I applaud you for being brave enough to come here and not to be embarrassed about coming to a class that focuses on women wanting to see men naked. What is your name young gentle man?"
    "Steve," Steve said admittedly somewhat sheepishly as he knew by now he was probably already blushing and he was feeling really uncomfortable.
    "Everybody let's give Steve a round of applause for being the only guy with the guts to attend this, which I presume he did at the behest of a woman, am I right?" Mrs. Granger said as she looked at Steve. "Please stand up, who are you here with today?"
    "I'm here with my girlfriend Rebecca," Steve said as Rebecca smiled and waved.
    "Well Rebecca you must be a very lucky woman to have a guy as open-minded as Steve here," Mrs. Granger said.
    "Oh yeah Steve's the best," Rebecca said.
    "Now tell me, when you two are about to get intimate, who is usually the first one to get undressed," Mrs. Granger said. "You don't have to feel embarrassed."
    Rebecca smiled and blushed a little as she pointed to herself as several women in the class giggled. She could see that Steve was blushing as well and everybody else could see that just as clearly.
    "There's no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed," Mrs. Granger said. "You have a very beautiful woman here with a very attractive body, so it's only natural Steve, that you would want to undress Rebecca and see her naked. Here's a question for you however, how often are you naked when she is not?"
    "Well I don't know, I never really thought about it," Steve said as he scratched his head and felt butterflies in his stomach.
    Mrs. Granger nodded. "Exactly, and I think that most people don't think about it. In this society it's common for the man to want the woman prancing around naked for his amusement. There are all sorts of strip clubs where men can go to see women take off their clothing and there's nothing wrong with that. There are also places where women can go to see men strip, but that's not what we are concerned with tonight. Tonight we are concerned with making women feel more comfortable having their man get naked for them while getting to remain dressed themselves. A lot of women have issues with their bodies and by not having to get naked and to be able to enjoy seeing men naked takes the pressure off of them. Do you by any chance have issues with your body or ever feel self-conscious Rebecca?"
    Rebecca nodded. "But it has nothing to do with Steve, he's always been extremely supportive and has never made any derogatory remarks about my body."
    "Like I said, he sounds like he's one of the good ones," Mrs. Granger said. "Let's all give Steve another round of applause."
    As all of the women in the class were applauding and now all eyes were on him Steve had to admit that he felt like he was a deer in the headlights, as he didn't know what was going to happen next.
    "Now Steve I'm going to ask you something and I don't know how you are going to take it," Mrs. Granger said. "But as part of the spirit of this seminar one of the policies of this class is that we have a very strict dress code, or rather undress code as it is."
    "What exactly does that mean," Steve said and now people could see that he was clearly shaking at the knees.
    "It means that the idea of this class is to get women comfortable around naked men and to get men comfortable being naked around women when they get to keep their clothing on," Mrs. Granger said. "So I'm going to ask you to please respect our dress code here."
    "What?" Steve said as he swallowed deeply.
    "She means take it off!" a woman shouted as all the other women in the class began hooting and hollering.
    "Settle down class," Mrs. Granger said. "We're all here to be mature about this. So Steve, I realize this might be a little bit awkward seeing as you are the only guy here, but will you please disrobe for the class."
    A little awkward, Steve thought to himself. This couldn't possibly be more awkward and embarrassing. For a moment he felt like storming out of there but then he looked to Rebecca who was looking at him with sort of a pleading look in her eyes, and he knew that if he didn't do this there pretty much wouldn't be much of a class and he really didn't want to disappoint Rebecca.
    "Okay," Steve said as he slowly took off his shirt and placed it on the floor as several women started whistling and he could feel the goosebumps all over his body.
    "I believe naked involves taking everything off," Mrs. Granger said as she made a motion with her hands for him to get undressed further.
    Steve very slowly took off his socks and his shoes and finally he reached his pants and his hands were trembling. But as he could see all of the women in the class staring at him, their eyes practically glued to his body, he very slowly took off his pants and underpants and put them down on the floor and instinctively covered up his genital area with his hands, as all of the women in the classroom started whistling and hollering.
    "Very good, let's give him another round of applause," Mrs. Granger said as everybody started clapping and cheering and going completely wild. "Normally I would ask for volunteers to come up, but seeing as you are the only guy Steve I guess it's basically you or nothing. Do you think you could come up to the front of the room so that everybody can see you better."
    "S-sure," Steve said now sweating bullets. This was the last thing in the world he had been expecting when Rebecca had said that they were going to a female empowerment thing. But he had to admit looking at all of the female eyes that were staring at him they certainly didn't look like they were disempowered, they certainly were making him feel like they were very firmly in charge of the situation and he dare not protest.
    Steve stood at the front of the room still covering up his genitals and he knew that now he was bright red all over his body and trembling with goosebumps.
    "As you can see class this is what a naked man looks like," Mrs. Granger said as she waved her hands over Steve. "As you can see there is nothing threatening about it as we are all in a very safe space here. And as I think you can see very clearly we have him very firmly outnumbered."
    Steve felt almost like he was going to faint but as he looked at Rebecca with a huge smile on her face towards the back of the room he knew he had to do this for her.
    "Now Steve I'm going to ask you a question, how do you feel right now?" Mrs. Granger asked. "I bet you're feeling a little bit vulnerable and exposed."
    "Yeah a little," Steve squeaked out in a barely audible tone.
    "I think it's more than a little bit," Mrs. Granger said as everyone started laughing. "I bet this feels unusual to you, being the only man naked in a room full of beautiful dressed women. I'm guessing this is something that doesn't happen to you every day does it?"
    "Not exactly," Steve said as he struggled to maintain his composure so that he wouldn't faint right then and there.
    Mrs. Granger nodded. "Again it's nothing to be ashamed of and I think you are very brave for doing this. But can I ask you to perhaps please remove your hands from your genitals. There is a certain part of the male anatomy that I know many of the female students of this class could well do to have a closer look at."
    "Do I have to," Steve said.
    "Well it's a free country but in the spirit of the class," Mrs. Granger said as she motioned for him to remove his hands.
    Steve slowly removed his hands and placed them at his side revealing that he was spouting a really raging erection as all of the women in the class started screeching with laughter, and he could see that their eyes were so wide that they were practically bugging out of their heads.
    "Well ladies it looks like he is happy to be here," Mrs. Granger said. "And there's absolutely nothing for you to be embarrassed about, it's only natural to have an erection in such a sexually charged environment. I bet this feels pretty strange to you doesn't it?"
    Steve nodded very rapidly as he could feel his legs practically giving way because of the constant trembling.
    "This is something we do not see very often in society, a man completely naked and vulnerable in front of a group of empowered well-dressed women," Mrs. Granger said. "That is why I said on the brochure for the class that all of the women should come dressed especially nice, but I didn't really care what the men wore to class, since they wouldn't be keeping it on anyway. So Steve I will ask you, how does it feel to be the only one naked in a classroom full of well-dressed women, to be sexually objectified?"
    "It's kind of uncomfortable," Steve said.
    "I think that your shaking says what an understatement that is, but it's only natural to be nervous, as this is probably new and unusual territory for you. But this is good, I think that we are all getting used to the situation. You shouldn't feel bad Steve, I think you can tell from the looks on the faces of the women in this class that they think that you're a mighty hot tamale, so that has to make you feel pretty good and empowered yourself. All of these women are having a good time seeing your naked body. Let's give him another round of applause."
    Everyone began clapping and hooting and hollering and whistling as Steve stood there at the front of the room never more embarrassed and humiliated in his entire life, but as he looked at the back of the room and saw the big beaming smile coming from Rebecca's face it made him feel really good. He couldn't remember the last she looked so happy and bursting with enthusiasm.
    "But I can see from the looks of the women in this classroom that they are all feeling really good and empowered right now," Mrs. Granger said. "And it looks like your girlfriend that you came here with is especially happy. Hey everybody let's give Rebecca a round of applause for bringing Steve here today and sharing him with all of us."
    "Thank you," Rebecca said as she stood up and took a bow.
    "Today's first lesson will be normalizing the naked male form," Mrs. Granger said. "Originally this activity called for everybody to be examined naked by their partner, but seeing as it seems like only one guy was showing up today I'm going to ask something a little bit difficult of you Steve. I'm going to ask you would you be comfortable spending the rest of this class standing up here and letting all of the women come up one by one and examine and feel your body? I feel like most women haven't gotten to carefully explore and look at the naked male body up close, to really get a feel for it."
    Steve was cringing and this was beyond embarrassing, but as he saw Rebecca sitting at the back of the room smiling and practically drooling even, he simply couldn't bring himself to say no. So he simply nodded in agreement.
    For the rest of the class women came up and felt and looked over every inch of Steve's body as Mrs. Granger pointed out the various areas of his body and made some comments on it, mostly positive, which made him feel both good, but at the same time very embarrassed.
    Finally towards the end a woman with really long, insanely long press on nails came and started feeling his body causing Steve to screech with laughter.
    "Well it looks like somebody's ticklish!" Mrs. Granger said as Steve fell to the floor.
    "He fainted!" Rebecca said as she ran to the front of the room.
    "Don't worry I know mouth-to-mouth," Mrs. Granger said as she climbed on top of Steve's naked body causing him to wake up. The fact that he had the teacher of this class now sitting naked upon him with her clothed body rubbing up against his naked flesh was only making him feel even more turned on, but even more embarrassed.
    "Sorry, I am a little bit ticklish," Steve said as all of the women in the class laughed.
    Mrs. Granger helped Steve up and held his arm up high at the classroom. "Let's give him one final round of applause for the evening!"
    Steve still felt embarrassed but he found himself oddly enough taking a bow as everybody roared and clapped and hooted and hollered with laughter and basically just went wild. Then at the end he waved Rebecca up and she hugged him as all of the women in the classroom continued clapping and cheering.
    "Well everybody I guess now we can let Steve get dressed finally," Mrs. Granger said. "But tonight I want to give you all a homework assignment. When you go home tonight or the next time you are intimate with your partner I want you to ask your man to get naked for you without you getting naked for him, you know just so he knows how it feels. Steve I think that you already have done more than enough but I still hope that you will help Rebecca do her homework."
    Steve nodded as Rebecca helped him slowly get dressed. Steve ended up shaking hands with most of the women in the class, who all smiled and patted him on the back, and Mrs. Granger said that they certainly got an A+ for today's class and they looked forward to the next class next week.

    As Stephen and Rebecca left the University Rebecca frowned.
    "Is something the matter, I hope I didn't embarrass you in there," Steve said.
    "Me embarrass you, after everything you went through tonight!" Rebecca said. "You deserve like a Nobel Prize in nakedness or something like that. I mean if there is anything that I can do for you I certainly owe you one. I had no idea the class was going to be anything like that! I mean I read the pamphlet and everything, but wow! For someone as shy as you that had to be the most intense experience of your lifetime."
    "Believe me it was, but I hope that you enjoyed it and everything. I could tell from the way that you were smiling through class that I think you did, although I'm kind of sad that you are frowning right now."
    "I wasn't frowning because I was disappointed in you, in fact I have never been prouder of you." Rebecca kissed him on the cheek. "The reason I was frowning as I was just disappointed that you had to get dressed!"
    The two of them burst out laughing as they continued walking arm and arm towards the parking lot.
    "So again if there is anything that you want all you have to do is ask," Rebecca said.
    Steve smiled and kissed her before looking her in the eyes. "Well there is one thing I would like."
    "Just name it and it's yours."
    "I am really looking forward to helping you do your homework, hopefully every night from now on."
    The two of them smiled as Rebecca nodded. "That I can do, and here's hoping that for next week's class there is an extra credit assignment!"
    Steve had to admit, so did he.


  1. I can’t wait to read about the next class assignments and how does Mrs. Granger grade the students.


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