Designated Stripper

Greetings again. I have been sick a lot this month so I haven't been writing as many naked stories but I think that I am going to include this one as the final one in my first collection. I am happy to say that this was the one that I was always intending to be the one to end the first collection with which is now over 212,000 words! So I basically wrote the equivalent of a Stephen King novel all just about stories of embarrassing nudity. It took me a long time to read and edit all of those but I am just about finished, so hopefully I will have it published sometime next month just in time for Christmas for any kinky friends you have who like stories about embarrassing nudity, many with a supernatural or science-fiction twist!

This one also involves a speculative twist and is set in sort of a crazy world where people don't get to choose their own careers but have them assigned based on an aptitude test. This concerns a really hot Asian woman who hopes that she will get a prestigious job only to realize that her assigned career is stripper. What starts out as an ENF (embarrassed nude female) story ends up becoming a CFNM (clothed female, nude male) story in the second half with a great twist ending that I think just made it the perfect one to end my first collection on. Enjoy!

Designated Stripper
Amy had been looking forward to this day for a very long time. She had just turned 18 recently and taken her aptitude test that would determine what career she would be assigned to for the rest of her life. She didn't really like the idea that someone would have a career assigned to them by the state, but that's the way things were going and she was confident that with her extremely superior grades and her many talents that she would probably end up having some type of prestigious career as a businesswoman or a research scientist, or something else that would make her proud to tell her friends and family about.
    "Amy Chang," her career counselor said as she ushered Amy into the office. "Hello Amy my name is Miss Marigold and I am here to tell you what your aptitude test has determined will be your lifetime career."
    "Well I studied really hard and you know I have lots of extracurricular activities at school and everything so I'm really hoping that I will get a really good job, something that allows me to use my mind and exercise my creativity."
    "We like to think that every job lets you use your mind and exercise your creativity, but the aptitude test is basically perfect in determining what a person will be best at, so not everybody always gets what they want. What exactly were you hoping to have?"
    "Well I'm a very strong independent woman so I was kind of hoping maybe I would be a businesswoman or I would be one of those women who is a pioneer in the sciences and leads the way for other women."
    Miss Marigold smiled. "Well I think that you will be happy to know that the career that has been chosen for you is one that is dominated by women."
    "Well I know that the sciences are technically dominated by men but I was kind of hoping that I wouldn't be stereotyped due to my sex and gender."
    "No I think that the career that has been chosen for you will be very validating of the fact that you are an attractive young woman."
    "Well thank you for saying that I am attractive but I don't want to be judged by my body, I want to be judged by my mind."
    "Well I suppose you will be judged a fair amount by your body in this line of work."
    "Okay miss Marigold please, just cut out the suspense and give me my permanent career assignment."
    "Well okay but I'm not sure if it's exactly what you were pining for," miss Marigold said as she handed Amy an envelope with the result of her career aptitude test.
    "An erotic artist!" Amy shouted. "What the hell is that?"
    "Well it's a kind of technical term, more specifically you're going to be a stripper."
    "A stripper!"
    "Congratulations," miss Marigold said with a big smile on her face.
    "But I don't want to be a stripper! This has to be a mistake."
    "Oh the test never makes a mistake, it determined that you are absolutely perfect to be a stripper."
    "This can't be right! How on earth did they determine that I would be perfect as a stripper? I spent all of school studying and getting good grades and I even won the science fair. I was hoping that I would go into the sciences or be a pioneering businesswoman."
    "Yeah but the thing is that we have lots of really brainy Asian girls in the sciences so being really good at science didn't really set you apart."
    "But I had my heart set on being some type of a scientist."
    "Well I wanted to be First Lady but instead I am counseling people on what careers they are having and you just happened to be having a career as a stripper. It's actually a pretty easy job and you get to retire at a young age so you will have lots of time to spend to yourself in your later years."
    "But how on earth could they determine that I, of all people, should be a stripper? In fact I am extremely bashful, I don't even like showering in gym class with the other girls and I always try to wrap a towel around me. I don't even really wear revealing clothing as I feel too self-conscious about it. In fact I don't even wear a bikini!"
    "Well the determination of your career isn't entirely about your mental achievements. The fact is like I said you are a very attractive woman and only an extremely attractive woman has the aptitude to be a stripper. Also there aren't a huge number of Asian strippers and Asian strippers are highly prized. There are a lot of people out there who really like Asian girls, specifically they like them completely naked and dancing around."
    "But I never even took dance!"
    "No but it shows that you have an extreme aptitude for gymnastics which mean that you would be very good and very talented on a stripper pole!"
    "This can't possibly be right, let me take the test again, there must have been an error."
    "I'm sorry but you cannot have the test readministered, your result is final and indisputable. The test is never wrong. Don't worry I am sure that you will get used to it and you will enjoy being a stripper."
    Amy was going to argue further but miss Marigold handed her a paper showing her where she was to report for her career assignment after the weekend was over.

    Amy decided that she would go see her friends who were waiting to hear the good news.
    "Are you going to be the woman who cures cancer or who lands us on Mars?" her friend Britney asked.
    "First why don't you tell me what you got," Amy said not wanting to admit the truth.
    "Well it looks like I am going to be a businesswoman!" Britney shouted.
    "You, what type of business sense do you have?" Amy asked.
    "I have like ideas and stuff," Britney said as she blew a bubble with her gum and popped it.
    "I'm going to be a scientist," said Kim.
    "And I'm going to be a heart surgeon," said Chandra.
    Her three friends all looked at her as she began to slink down in her seat.
    "So what did you get?" Britney said blowing another bubble with her gum. "I mean you're like smart and stuff so I'm sure that whatever you got was probably highly prestigious."
    "Yeah what did you get?" Kim said smiling. "If I managed to get scientist you must have gotten something really great."
    "Hey what do we have here," Chet said as he grabbed Amy's envelope.
    "Give that back!" Amy shouted as Chet began playing keep away and opened her envelope.
    "A stripper!" Chet said as he began laughing. "I can't believe it, the brainiac got stripper!"
    "Amy is that really true?" Chandra asked.
    "Read it and weep," Chet said as he threw the letter down on the table.
    "Like that's totally cool, you're so lucky," Britney said. "You get to be naked at work all day and everyone's going to be attracted to you."
    "But Amy's bashful about getting changed in the locker room," Chandra said. "How is she supposed to go around taking off her clothes in front of large numbers of people?"
    "That's what I said!" Amy shouted.
    "Well this is really cool, you're extremely hot so I will have to check you out at work sometime," Chet said.
    "Don't you even think about it!" Amy shouted. "I think I would just die if you saw me naked."
    "Hey you can't deny the customer service, it's your job to get naked for people," Chet said. "And it's my job to enjoy that."
    "What exactly did you get Chet?" Kim asked.
    "Well I didn't get my results back yet but I am from a political dynasty and a very rich family," Chet said. "For all I know I might be a senator or even president of the United States. I am sure that it will be something really prestigious."
    "But you're an idiot!" Amy shouted.
    "Well rich idiot does kind of qualify him to be president," Chandra said.
    "That's how we end up getting the jobs we do, the entire system is run by rich idiots," Amy said. "They probably didn't even look at my test scores and saw that I was a genius, they probably just looked at my body and said, hey I think I would like to see her naked, let's make her a stripper!"
    "I know it's awesome!" Chet said as he laughed. "Well I guess I will see you at work Amy."
    "How am I ever going to live this down," Amy said as she rubbed her face in her career assignment paper.
    "Hey being a stripper is probably lots of fun," Britney said as she popped another one of her gum bubbles. "I always thought that I was really hot so I was kind of thinking that maybe I would end up being a stripper, I didn't really think that you would be a stripper. Well you are pretty hot Amy, so you should feel good about that. Not that many people are hot enough to be strippers and yet you managed to qualify. You should be proud of that."
    "I wanted to cure cancer or go to Mars, I didn't want to swing around naked on a stripper pole!" Amy shouted.

    The next day Amy woke up dreading her first day of work but she was hoping that maybe it wouldn't be as bad as she thought. Sure it wasn't going to Mars or curing cancer, but how bad could it possibly be?
    "Are you the new girl?" her boss Mr. Thompson said as he looked her over and took her career assignment and looked at it. "Well you are hot, I can see why they picked you for this prestigious job." Mr. Thompson began sneezing and wiping his snot on his shirt which looked like it had lots of barbecue stains on it.
    "What do I do?" Amy asked.
    "Get undressed and get on stage, it's fairly simple," he said as he motioned for her to take her clothing off.
    "The thing is I'm a little bit bashful," Amy said as she hugged herself.
    "Some people like a bashful stripper, makes them more vulnerable," Mr. Thompson said. "Now get your naked ass on stage!"
    Amy stripped down to nothing and suddenly felt extremely self-conscious but managed to force herself on to stage.
    "Just picture you're taking the first steps on Mars," she said as she walked out on stage to the sounds of whistling and hollering. "That's one small step for woman, one giant leap for womankind."
    "Shake that ass bitch!" someone said as he threw some change at her.
    Amy started dancing around on the stripper pole and found out she actually was rather acrobatic but she couldn't help but feel absolutely humiliated by the fact that everyone was getting to see her naked. She knew that she probably had goosebumps from blushing and she cringed as all the people made sexually objectifying comments on her body.
    She wanted to feel confident and think she was doing a good job and she actually was making pretty decent money, but at the same time it was just mortifying that anyone who wanted to could just come in and see her naked.
    Then towards the end of the day the person she dreaded most came in with his entire posse.
    "I told you everyone, Amy's a freaking stripper!" Chet said as he walked into the strip club as all the guys with him began clapping and whistling.
    "What do you want Chet?" Amy said as she tried covering herself up with her hands.
    "I just want to be able to see the goods like everybody else," Chet said as he smiled and laughed. "So come on now, dance around naked for me!"
    Chet held up some dollar bills and Amy began gyrating on stage as Chet and all of his friends went completely out of control. She tried to fight back tears but she found this to be the most humiliating moment of her life and she didn't know how she could ever go out in public again, knowing that anyone could come see her naked whenever she wanted and there was nothing she could do about it.
    At the end of the day Amy was so relieved to be able to wrap herself in the warm embrace of her clothing again that she never wanted to take them off.

    The next day after work Amy went to have a drink with her friends.
    "It was awful, Chet was there with all of his chauvinistic jock buddies and I had no choice but to gyrate around naked on stage for their amusement," Amy said as she slumped down in her seat.
    "Wow that must really suck," Britney said as she popped her gum. "I had fun doing business today. I mostly just sat in a meeting and I fell asleep."
    "I'm researching a cure for Parkinson's disease," Kim said.
    "And I'm researching new methods of helping to treat heart disease," Chandra said.
    "I want to go to Mars more than ever now," Amy said. "Not just because it will be a better planet but because I never want to show my face in public ever again."
    "Well well well if it isn't the naked girl," Chet said as he came by laughing loudly.
    "Shut up Chet!" Amy shouted.
    "Hey Chet did you get your career aptitude results yet," Kim said. "I highly doubt that you got president of the United States."
    "I got something great, so great that it's classified and I can't even tell you," Chet said.
    "Which is a fancy way of saying that you probably got janitor or some horrible job that you're ashamed of," Chandra said.
    "You're just jealous because I get to see you naked whenever I want," Chet said as he pointed at Amy and laughed.
    Amy got up and left not wanting to take Chet's abuse any more. She didn't know how she was ever going to tolerate this for the rest of her life. She even thought about moving to a town where nobody knew her so that at least she wouldn't run into anyone that she knew while she was gyrating around naked on stage.

    The next day Amy had off she happened to be walking past a place that she hadn't noticed before.
    "A strip club for women?" Amy said as she approached the place. She had never even considered the fact that there must be some men out there who were designated to be strippers as well and suddenly she was curious. She hesitated as she went to open the door as she wasn't really the type of person to go around ogling naked men, but then she figured men went around all day ogling her, so what was she afraid of?
    Amy walked around to see that there were lots of men walking around naked and she couldn't help but notice that not all of them looked like they were swaggering confidently around. Somehow that made her feel better about her own situation, if she was uncomfortable being naked in front of lots of well-dressed men, then these men who are not as used to being naked in front of women must have been even more embarrassed than she was.
    "Well it's nice to know that women aren't the only ones being forced into getting naked for men's amusement," Amy said. "In fact the feminist in me is actually pretty pleased to see that there is an equal opportunity here. People are leveling the playing field by making men take it off for women, so maybe I am looking about this all wrong."
    As Amy got more comfortable it suddenly felt good for her to be dressed around all of these men who were completely buck naked. She could see that she was intimidating a lot of them. Then she saw one man who had a particularly nice ass and she was feeling naughty and couldn't help but walk up to him and pinched that man on the ass.
    "Hey look don't touch!" the man shouted as he turned around before covering up and screaming." Oh my God Amy!"
    "Chet, what are you doing here!" Amy said as suddenly she realized what must be going on and she began giggling. "Oh my God, this is priceless!"
    "Don't look at me!" Chet said as he began blushing profusely and covering up.
    "But you can't refuse service to the customer," Amy said as she got right up in his face.
    "I know but –"
    "But what, you don't like gyrating around like a naked bunch of flesh for women who get to keep their clothing on," Amy said. "I hope I don't have to explain the irony of this to you."
    "But it isn't fair!" Chet shouted as he continued blushing profusely. "Women are supposed to get naked for the men."
    "But actually this is precisely the definition of fair. People like me have to get naked for you but now people like you have to get naked for me. I guess it doesn't feel so good to be on the receiving end does it?"
    "I was supposed to be president!"
    "Hey Mr. President get over here and shake that ass for me!" a woman said as she began clapping and laughing at him.
    Amy couldn't help but notice she saw what looked like tears in Chet's eyes as he walked over to the woman meekly and with his head looking down.
    "Hey lady, leave him alone," Amy said. "You can clearly see he's not comfortable being here. Show a little respect."
    "Why should I," the woman said. "It's nice to finally have the tables turned and force men to get naked for our amusement for once."
    "Hey you wouldn't like it if you were forced to get naked for him would you?" Amy said as she put her hands on her hips and started tapping her foot.
    "Fine if you are going to be so jealous and grabby you can have him," the woman said as she walked away.
    "Amy, you stood up for me, but why?" Chet asked.
    Amy put her hand on Chet's shoulder. "Because I know what it feels like to be uncomfortable being naked on stage. I shouldn't have to tell you that Mr. President. God it's a good thing they didn't give you the nuclear launch codes."
    "Amy please don't tell anyone, I would just die of embarrassment if anyone knew," Chet said as he folded his hands in a begging motion.
    Amy smiled. "But I have to admit I do like seeing a naked man down on his knees begging."
    "I'm not down on my knees. Oh." Chet got down on his knees and continued begging Amy.
    "Get up naked boy," Amy said as Chet gradually got up trembling with embarrassment. "Chet we are both in the same awkward situation. So let's make a deal, if you don't come around and bring all of your horny friends to ogle me at my job, I'll keep your secret and I will make sure that nobody comes to bother you."
    "Deal," Chet said as he shook Amy's hand as she smiled.
    "Hey Chet," Amy said as she stood there looking down at Chet.
    "What?" he asked.
    "Nice junk," Amy said as she began laughing causing Chet to slink away but he looked back at her and smiled as she winked at him.

    From then on they had an unspoken agreement that they wouldn't mention each other's jobs when they were around in public. Chet stopped bringing his friends around to go to the strip club where Amy worked and for her part she didn't tell anyone about Chet's job. It actually started to bring them closer together. Because they were both in a mutually awkward situation there was some degree of mutual respect for each other's privacy.
    But then one day Amy got called into the job offices to discuss the results of her test.
    "You wanted to see me miss Marigold," Amy said as she sat down across from her.
    "Yes I actually do. Let me ask you, how are you enjoying being a stripper?"
    "Well it's not exactly my dream job but I guess that I have gotten used to it."
    "How would you like a somewhat more high profile prestigious job?"
    "What are you talking about?"
    "This pretty much never happens but it turns out there actually was a mixup. You got somebody else's file, another Asian girl named Amy. Your tests must have gotten mixed up. It was her that was supposed to be designated as the stripper rather than you."
    "You're kidding?!"
    "We don't kid about this thing, there was a very major mixup and now we are here to correct it."
    "So you actually mean that I'm going to get assigned a new career?"
    Miss Marigold nodded. "That is correct."
    "Well what is going to be my career!" Amy shouted barely able to contain her excitement. "I'm sure it's probably not going to be as prestigious as what you wanted, to be first lady."
    Miss Marigold smiled. "Not exactly but you're getting warmer."
    Miss Marigold handed Amy the envelope containing her new job and as she opened the envelope her hands were trembling. She slowly scanned the envelope with her eyes and then her jaw dropped and she fainted.

    "Congratulations Mdm. President!" Britney said as she, Kim and Chandra all toasted to Amy's new career. "I hope that when you become President you will help business."
    "I hope that you will help fund scientific research," Kim said.
    "And don't forget about medical research," Chandra said.
    "Don't worry I won't, it's right on my to do list after send a mission to Mars," Amy said.
    "We totally have to celebrate," Kim said. "It's not every day one of your friends becomes President of the United States. I mean it would be kind of nice if we could still elect our presidents through actually voting rather than have them assigned for life terms as basically a dictator appointed  by an authoritarian ruling body, but at least this time we will get a competent president."
    "But where should we go?" Chandra asked.
    "I say that we have a really fun girls night out and I know this really great place that I have heard about," Britney said as she once again popped her gum.
    "Where is it?" Amy asked.
    "No no it's a surprise," Britney said with a smile.
    "Well just tell the Secret Service agents where we are going and everything should be fine," Amy said.
    Britney blindfolded Amy and soon they had arrived at their destination.
    "Okay time to take the blindfold off," Britney said as she pulled the blindfold off of Amy's eyes.
    Amy began to look around and she suddenly realized that she recognized where she was.
    "Amy," Chet said as he suddenly became as red as a beet.
    "Oh my God it's Chet!" Britney said. "And as for your information it's Mdm. President to you."
    "Oh my God this is rich, Chet's not a secret agent, he's a stripper!" Chandra said as she began pointing at him.
    "This is the greatest thing ever," Kim said as she pointed and laughed.
    "Kill me now," Chet muttered under his breath as he struggled to cover up.
    "Hey no concealing from the customer," Kim said as she clapped and whistled.
    "Okay that's it!" Amy said. "I think that there needs to be some changes in this country. We need to go back to letting people pick their own destinies. Nobody should be forced to be a stripper against their will. People should be able to choose their own careers and their own path in life, that's what made our country great in the first place. Having been a stripper I know that nobody should be forced to do that against their own will. That is why as soon as I take office I am going to set things right and let people choose their own careers again."
    Everyone in the strip club began clapping and cheering.
    "Thank you Amy, I mean Mdm. President," Chet said as his eyes filled with tears as he started walking away.
    "Hey I wouldn't be a good president if I was a jerk now would I," Amy said as she smiled at Chet.
    "Well thank God for that," Chet said as he started walking away.
    "Hey naked boy where the hell do you think you're going?" Amy said causing him to stop in his tracks.
    "I'm going to get dressed," Chet said. "These women are animals! I mean I thought that guys got really rowdy in strip clubs but you ladies, you're monsters!"
    "I fully understand Chet," Amy said as she shook her head. "But I won't be taking office for a couple of months now, so in the meantime the current laws are going to remain in place."
    "They are," Chet said. "What does that mean?"
    "It means that until then people are going to have to keep doing their jobs like the law says they should," Amy said. "And this is my first night is President-elect and I want to have a girls night out and I don't think that there is anyone I would rather see dancing around naked on stage right now than you."
    Amy stood there with her arms folded as Kim, Chandra and Britney, who was still popping her bubbles, all stood there likewise with big smiles on their faces.
    Chet simply shrugged his shoulders, got back on the stage, still blushing profusely and began to dance. He had to admit that this was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of his life, on the other hand as he looked at Amy standing there dressed in an outfit that probably cost thousands of dollars with her arms folded and looking strong and powerful, he had to admit she looked rather presidential and they probably couldn't have made a better choice.
    "Besides if I had the nuclear launch codes we would be dead in a week," Chet laughed to himself and shook his naked ass for the new President of the United States.


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