The Naked Carwash Competition

I have my latest story now this one involving male and female nonmutual nudity. The story concerns a carwash competition between a sorority and a fraternity where in order to raise money to keep their sorority and frat houses open they decide that they will have a nude carwash competition between the men and the women and whoever wins the loser will have to be the naked servants to the winners. So basically it's a competition of the sexes while they are completely buck naked!

I am very happy with this one as this is one of my longer naked stories and I think that I only have one more that I am going to write and then I am going to complete this collection and any that I have after that I'm going to put in future collections because my collection of naked stories is now up to over 200,000, words and by the time I am done adding all the author notes and introductions and the final story I plan to write it will probably be over 220,000 words which is pretty large for a collection of embarrassing nudity erotica! But it just shows that it's a favorite topic of mine. Enjoy!

The Naked Carwash Competition
"I have no idea how we are going to raise enough money to keep our sorority going," Katie said as she looked over the numbers.
    "Are you saying that we should just give up?" Gloria asked.
    "I have kind of an idea but it's a bit controversial and I know that you might not be fully on board with it," said Zoey.
    "Why wouldn't we be on board with it?" Katie asked.
    "It's just I know that you are strongly against the sexual objectification of women and that it goes against your feminist principles and everything, but I was thinking that maybe we could do a naked carwash," Zoey said.
    "Did you say naked carwash?" Gloria asked.
    "That's exactly what I said," Zoey said as she began blushing.
    "Look at you you're already blushing!" Katie said. "Are you saying that you would actually get naked and wash someone's car like that?"
    "Hey a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do," Zoey said still blushing.
    "I don't know if I like this idea," Katie said. "You really think that we should get naked and wash people's cars in public where everybody can see us?"
    "Well unless we come up with some money really soon I don't think that we are going to be able to afford this sorority house," Gloria said. "So unless you have any better suggestions I think that we're going to have to take it off, suck it up and wash some cars."
    "But a naked carwash?!" Katie said shaking her head. "Something about that seems kind of sexist."
    "Not necessarily, it's more sexy than sexist," Gloria said. "There's nothing shameful about the female body, you are saying that all the time."
    "Well yeah," Katie said. "Of course we shouldn't be ashamed of our naked bodies, you know I'm totally against body shaming."
    "Then why shouldn't we do it?" Zoey asked.
    Katie stood there for a moment trying to think of what to say before shaking her head. "I don't want to get naked in public!"
    "Hey guys I just googled something and I found out that we can make a real killing washing cars naked," Gloria said as she looked at a website. "These women say that they had a naked carwash and that they made thousands within a week or two. People will pay good money to have their cars washed by attractive naked girls, and I think that we are all pretty attractive if I do say so myself."
    "It's not the money, it's the principles," Katie said. "The people who will pay us money are men who are exploiting our bodies."
    "Or are we sexual conquerors who are exploiting their wallets by exploiting how a little bit of skin is enough to make them pay us big time," Gloria said.
    "I just really don't want to get naked in public!" Katie said. "There is absolutely no way you can convince me otherwise. I am not going to stand around naked washing cars so a bunch of horny guys can sexually objectify my naked body. There is absolutely no way you are ever going to convince me otherwise, no ifs, ands or buts about it, do you understand?"
    Gloria and Zoey looked at each other and then looked at Katie.

    The next day Katie, Gloria and Zoey were standing there naked holding soapy sponges in their hands.
    "Not one word, not one fucking word," Katie said as she stood there blushing along with Zoey.
    "I have to admit that I feel really uncomfortable right now," Zoey said.
    "Well suck it up and get used to it," Gloria said as she started shaking her tits around.
    "I'm sorry that we're not exhibitionists the way you are," Katie said.
    Gloria laughed. "You girls should be, you have nice bodies, granted not as amazing as mine, but you should show off the goods. I am sure that we will be making a ton of money."
    "And being sexually objectified by a bunch of horny disgusting men," Katie said as she folded her arms over her breasts and shook her head.
    "Look I'm sure that not every guy who goes to a naked carwash is necessarily going to be some type of horny chauvinist pervert, maybe they just want to admire the female form," Zoey said.
    "Hey hey babies!" said Neil as he pulled up in his car with his fraternity brothers Dutch and Zack.
    "Let's see some tits!" Dutch shouted.
    "I'm more of an ass man, so shake it sisters!" Zack shouted as they all began hooting and hollering and pounding their hands on the dashboard of the car.
    "Kill me now," Katie said as she shook her head. "I don't think I can do this."
    "Do you want to give up the sorority," Gloria said. "Just try not to think about them eye humping your body, or think about it as a compliment."
    "That's the attitude girls, listen to sugar tits here," Zack said as he pointed at Gloria.
    "Who are you calling sugar tits," Gloria said as she got up right in his face.
    "Whoa calm down, don't be that stereotype of the angry black woman," Zack said.
    "Oh you don't want to see me angry," Gloria said.
    "Then I guess you don't want our money," Neil said.
    "God dammit," Gloria said as she looked at Katie and Zoey. "Come on girls we have to do this, just try to do it as quickly as possible and try not to think about it."
    "Let's try to be professional about this," Katie said as she took their money, put it in the box and dipped her soapy sponge into the bucket and began washing the windshield of their car.
    Zoey and Gloria started washing the other sides of the car as the men sat there with their eyes practically bulging out of their heads. As they watched the naked women go up and down there car, their breasts jiggling mere inches away from them they all found themselves drooling and becoming erect.
    Finally they finished washing the car.
    "Are you going to give us a tip?" Katie said as she stood there with her hands on her hips tapping her foot.
    "Here's a tip, shake those tits more," Zack said as he high-fived Dutch and Neil.
    "You guys really are pigs," Zoey said.
    "You know you looked good blushing the entire time," Neil said with a smile. "You have no idea how many likes it is getting on my live feed to the Internet." Neil held up his camera phone.
    Zoey began shaking a little bit but she shook her head. "You know what, thanks for the free publicity."
    "What are you guys going to be doing to raise money for your fraternity," Gloria said.
    "Not getting naked like a bunch of stupid sluts," Dutch said as the three of them laughed and high-fived each other again.
    "But that is just because you know that you wouldn't have the guts to do it because you know that no one would show up," Katie said as Gloria and Zoey high-fived her.
    "Are you saying that people wouldn't pay to see this magnificent physique," Neil said as he pointed to himself.
    Katie got right up in his face. "That's exactly what I am saying. You guys like to see our bodies on display for you but when it comes to guys getting naked we know that most of them would weep like little babies being naked in public."
    "But that's not true," Dutch said. "We just have self respect, unlike you whores."
    "So what were you going to be doing for your fraternity fundraiser again?" Katie said as she still stood there defiantly.
    The three guys looked at each other and looked back at her with blank looks on their faces.
    "Ha that's what I thought," Katie said as she smiled and nodded at Gloria and Zoey who nodded right back.
    "Hey we will think of something, we don't have to go parading around naked like a bunch of dumb girls," Neil said as the guys nodded and high-fived him once again.
    Katie looked at Gloria and Zoey and then looked back at Neil trying to be as confident as she could despite the fact that she was completely buck naked and the guys eyes were still bulging out of their sockets.
    "I guess you guys are just chicken," Katie said. "You are afraid to get naked in public because you know that everyone will just laugh at you."
    "That's not true," Zack said as he continued nodding at the guys who nodded back.
    "Why don't you prove it and put your money where your mouth is," Katie said.
    "What are you talking about?" Neil asked.
    "Well we have some room here and we can share this space," Katie said as she pointed to the lot where they were washing the cars. ""Why don't you guys show up in the buff and wash cars and we will see who gets more customers, the gentleman or the ladies, although I decline to call chauvinist pigs like you gentlemen."
    "You want us to get naked?" Dutch asked as he looked around to his two companions who were starting to look decidedly uncomfortable.
    Gloria nodded. "Yeah exactly like she said, we will make it a contest. Whoever can raise the most money by the end of the week wins."
    "What do we win?" Zack asked.
    "I don't know what do you want," Zoey asked.
    The guys looked at each other and they conferred secretly as the three woman stood there looking at each other and looking at the guys.
    "I know what we want," Neil said. "We want you bitches to be our personal naked servants. You will come to our fraternity party and you will serve us as naked servants and you will be getting us food and sandwiches. Yes that's exactly, make us a sandwich bitch! We'll have you crawling around naked serving us and we are going to invite every guy in the area and live stream it to the Internet." Neil held up his camera phone. "How do you like them apples?"
    Katie got right up into their faces. "We like them just fine, but what if you lose?"
    The guys looked at each other having not even thought of that question.
    "How but if you guys lose we get the same thing," Katie said.
    "What do you mean?" Neil asked.
    Katie smiled. "I mean when we win you will come to our sorority and be our naked servants, get us sandwiches and you will wash our cars in front of the entire female student body that we are going to invite, and we are going to be live streaming it on the Internet."
    "Geez, really," Neil said as he looked nervously at his two companions.
    "Well I can understand if you are too chicken and know that you're going to lose," Katie said.
    "Hey we would never lose to a bunch of dumb bitches like you!" Zack said as he high-fived the other guys.
    "Okay so it's a deal then, starting tomorrow whoever raises the most money by the end of the week wins," Katie said as she, Gloria and Zoey stuck out their hands and shook the hands of the men.
    "Well we will be seeing you boys," Katie said as she waved to them. "And I mean really seeing you!"
    The three women started high-fiving each other and laughing as the three men started to adjust the collars on their shirts and pulled away.
    Gloria shook her head. "$20 says that they don't even show up tomorrow."

    The next day the three women were standing there naked bright and early that morning.
    "Well I don't see the guys, I think someone owes me $20," Gloria said.
    "Not so fast," Katie said as the guys pulled up. "Well well well you guys actually showed up, I didn't think you would."
    "Of course we did," Neil said as he got up right in Katie's face defiantly.
    "You seem pretty confident right now, let's see how confident you are when you get those clothes off," Katie said as she nodded and smiled at Gloria and Zoey who nodded and smiled back.
    "What are you guys waiting for," Zoey said as she walked over no longer blushing.
    "We're going to get naked, just give us a minute," Neil said as he walked over to his two companions.
    "I really don't feel like getting naked with you," Dutch said. "This whole thing feels kind of gay."
    "But we can't forfeit," Zack said. "I'm not excited about getting naked with you two goons either but if we don't want to end up being naked servants for a bunch of slutty bitches we've just got to bite the bullet and get naked."
    "So who's gonna go first?" Dutch said.
    "What's the matter boys, getting shy," Zoey shouted as she walked over confidently.
    "You looked pretty shy the other day," Neil said.
    Zoey got up right in his face again and smiled. "I got over it, let's see if you will as easily."
    Zoey walked back over and high-fived Gloria and Katie who all stood there with their hands on their hips smiling and looking at the guys.
    "Okay let's do this on three," Neil said. "123!"
    "You guys didn't get naked," Dutch said.
    "Neither did you," Zack said as he poked Dutch in the chest.
    "We're waiting boys," Zoey said as she grabbed her breasts and began shaking them. "Let's see some skin!"
    "This is so degrading," Neil said as he looked back at them. "Just give us a minute, we're working up to it."
    "Why don't you give us a striptease!" Gloria shouted as the three women began clapping.
    "Come on guys we know we have to do this or they're going to win and they are going to humiliate us," Zack said. "So it's either we take some mild humiliation now or extreme humiliation later. What's it going to be?"
    "Son of a bitch," Neil said as he started getting undressed and Dutch and Zack began doing the same until they had thrown their clothing on the ground and the three of them were standing there naked blushing profusely.
    The women all began whistling and hollering and clapping.
    "Yeah take it off!" Gloria shouted as she picked up her wet T-shirt from the floor and began waving it around in the air.
    "Who's blushing now?!" Zoey said as she whistled at them.
    "Stop looking at me," Neil said.
    "You stop looking at me!" Zack said.
    "Both of you guys stop looking at me," Dutch said.
    "Just shut up and let's get to work," Neil said. "I'm not happy being naked with you guys either but we have to beat these dumb bitches or we are going to be their slaves. There is nothing more degrading than a man serving a woman."
    The guys went over and went to their spot advertising naked male carwash while the women stood under theirs that said naked female carwash.
    "Those guys looked decidedly uncomfortable," Zoey said.
    "So did you the other day," Gloria said.
    "True but now I have gotten over it," Zoey said. "Just knowing that those guys are going to be more humiliated kind of gave me a confidence boost."
    "That a girl!" Gloria said as she patted Zoey on the back and turned to Katie. "What about you?"
    Katie shrugged her shoulders. "I'll admit that I wasn't fully on board with this idea, but now I am so eager to beat those chauvinist pigs that I am willing to shake my moneymaker for all that it's worth!"
    "That's the spirit, now let's go out there and win this thing!" Gloria said as they put their hands together and raised them to the air in a group cheer.
    The day started off good with the women getting several customers in a row while the men seemed to be languishing behind.
    "This is ridiculous, how are they getting so many customers," Neil said.
    "I feel cold," Zack said as he rubbed his body.
    "This was stupid," Dutch said.
    "Well we can't back out now," Neil said. "Those dumb bitches got us stuck in this mess and we are going to get ourselves out of it."
    Finally a customer came over to the guys and they saw that it was a fat nerdy girl from the ecology club coming over with her thick glasses. They remembered that her name was Wilma.
    "Is this where all the naked guys are," Wilma said as she pulled up with a smile on her face.
    "Yes, this is the naked carwash," Neil said.
    "Well give me the works," Wilma said as she took out a thick wad of bills.
    "Yes ma'am," Neil said as he took the money.
    "And shake some Dick," Wilma said as the guys began getting to work and she sat there the whole time with a big smile on her face clapping and laughing away.
    "So how did we do?" Zack said.
    Wilma nodded and smiled. "You know you guys did such a great job that I think I'll give you a generous tip," she said as she reached into her wallet and gave them a tip that caused Zack's eyes to light up.
    "Hey if you have any friends let them know about us as well," Neil said. "We could use all the publicity that we can get."
    "Oh I have lots of friends with deep pockets who wouldn't mind getting a naked carwash," Wilma said. "I'll be sure to let them know."
    As Wilma drove away that was when the three guys looked at each other and slapped each other five before feeling awkward about the fact that they were all naked there together.
    "Guys do you realize what this means," Neil said. "I think we found our next pool of customers. Who never gets to see guys naked? Nerdy fat girls. And a lot of these nerds have fairly deep pockets. Now I won't lie, we might not be the most attractive guys in the world, but when this is the only chance someone has to see a bunch of the opposite sex naked, I think we might have hit the jackpot."
    The guys started laughing and smiling and at the end of the day they went over to the women and they added up the totals.
    "Well guys it looks like you are noticeably behind," Katie said with a smile. "And speaking of behinds it looks like your naked asses aren't pulling in as much money as our naked asses."
    "Oh don't worry, I think that that's going to change very soon," Neil said as the three guys got dressed.

    The women were confident that they were going to win this but then the next day things started to take a turn for the worst.
    "Why are the guys getting so many customers all the sudden?" Katie said.
    "I know why, I looked at the advertisement on their website," Gloria said. "They found a demographic that would love to see naked guys all the time. They found that there are a lot of nerdy sexually frustrated girls out there who would pay really good money to have a bunch of naked guys wait on them hand and foot."
    "Well let's not panic," Zoey said. "I am a bit of a nerd myself and I know a large number of geeky guys who would practically give their left arms just to see a bunch of girls naked. I will have to get the word out."

    The next day things seemed like they were more even. They were both getting a large number of customers, primarily from the demographics of socially awkward nerds, the overweight and unattractive and other people who generally didn't get to see the opposite sex naked very often.
    Finally it was the last day of the competition and things were pretty close.
    "Well ladies are you getting nervous, we are up by a couple of hundred dollars," Neil said as they arrived on the final day.
    "We still have all day left," Katie said. "You haven't won yet."
    "Maybe not but I think that you should start practicing which naked stance that you prefer to serve sandwiches with," Zack said as the three guys began slapping each other five and going off to tend to their customers.
    "You guys are hot," said Marylin, a morbidly obese girl with tremendous acne and who had never been on a date before said as she paid them. "I'll give you a little bit extra if I can touch it."
    "Touch it?" Neil said. He cringed at the thought of this girl touching his genitals but he shrugged his shoulders. "Hey I have nothing against Dicks for dollars."
    Neil stood there as this girl with her really fat fingers felt his genitals. He felt like now he was in the territory of being like a prostitute but he knew that they had to keep their lead over the girls or they would have to do a lot more degrading things.
    Finally Marylin was done and she threw the money on the floor giving her an opportunity to stare at Neil's ass while he bent down to pick it up. She gave his ass a good slap before she drove off.
    Finally the end of the day was approaching and the guys decided to go over to see how the women were doing.
    "Should we add things up now so that you can concede to us," Neil said as he walked over swaggering.
    "We still have 15 minutes before we have to close for the day," Katie said.
    "Look we know that we are in the lead and I think that we had more customers than you today, so why don't you just give up now," Zack said as he and Dutch joined Neil in defiance. "Making us sandwiches naked won't be as bad as you think it will be, you might even enjoy it."
    "I suppose that we could start adding up the money," Zoey said looking decidedly nervous.
    They started adding up the totals and that was when the guys started smiling.
    "Wow we made $8500," Katie said. "This is going to be more than enough to save our sorority."
    "Well that is quite impressive," Neil said with an evil smirk. "But it's not quite as impressive as the $8550 that we managed to raise. So do you concede victory to the stronger sex?"
    "No this can't be happening, we were so close," Zoey said as she began pacing up and down.
    The three women looked at each other but then they saw a car approaching.
    "Not just yet!" Katie said as she and the other women began cheering.
    As the car pulled up they noticed that it was a gorgeous woman with an expensive looking sports car, clearly designer made handbags and dark black sunglasses that looked like they were imported from Europe.
    "Well well well, it looks like the final customer of the day is a woman," Neil said as he slapped Zack and Dutch five. "It looks like we won after all."
    "Is this the naked carwash," the woman said as she lowered her sunglasses with a huge beaming smile on her face.
    "Why yes it is young lady," Neil said as he swaggered over. "Would you like three hot naked guys to wash your car for you?"
    The woman laughed.
    "What's so funny?" Zack asked.
    "Sorry fellas but I play for the other team," the woman said. "I like tits and pussy, what you've got doesn't do anything for me. And even if I were heterosexual I think I would still have better taste."
    "Well you're still not going to win, we are up by $50," Neil said as he smiled and nodded at his companions who high-fived him.
    "What do you mean you're up by 50?" the woman asked.
    "We kind of got into a contest with the guys here that whoever would raise the most money would win," Katie said.
    "Oh yeah," the woman said with a smile. "What exactly does the winner get?"
    "The winner gets the losers as their naked servants at a big party, and these women are going to be making us some sandwiches," Neil said with a smile as he once again high-fived the other guys.
    "How much did you say that you needed to win this contest?" the woman said.
    "$50," Katie said with a frown.
    The woman reached into her purse and threw some money at Katie. "Here's 200 bucks, make these pigs your bitches, but I want to be invited to that party."
    "Yes ma'am," Katie said as she picked up the money and put it in the women's pile.
    "Now earn your money and shake some tits!" the woman said as she clapped her hands as the three women got to work washing her car. She cheered and whistled the whole time as the three guys just stood there with their jaws dropping watching this rich lesbian crush their greatest dreams.
    "Thank you ladies," the woman said with a huge smile on her face. "I'm Lakisha by the way and I look forward to seeing you guys at the party."
    "I thought you didn't like naked guys," Neil said with anger in his voice.
    "I don't," Lakisha said as she put her dark sunglasses back on and smacked Zoey on the ass. "But I do like to see a bunch of male chauvinist pigs get their just desserts. Save me a sandwich at that party."
    As Lakisha drove away Katie, Zoey and Gloria began cheering, whistling and clapping.
    "It looks like we win by $150," Katie said as she smiled. "But you guys were good sports and worthy competitors, we have to hand it to you."
    The three women put out their hands and the men started shaking them while still frowning and looking down at the floor in shame.
    "But since you guys got majorly burned we are going to be really gracious winners," Katie said as she looked at the other women and they all smiled and nodded and started going over to the guys' car and washing it.
    "What are you doing?" Neil asked.
    "What does it look like were doing, we're washing your car," Zoey said.
    "Why?" Zack asked.
    Zoey got over to them and smiled. "Because this is the last you're going to see of us naked but it certainly won't be the last that we see of you naked!"
    The women began cheering as they smiled and washed the guys' car as they stood there watching mesmerized but also exasperated by everything that they had been through.
    As the woman got dressed they smiled and left the three guys standing there naked in front of their car as they drove off in victory. The three guys looked at each other.
    "I've gotta admit that they did a pretty good job washing our car," Dutch said. "I can kind of see how they won."
    "Dutch," Neil said.
    "Yes Neil?" Dutch said.
    "Shut up and put your pants on!" Neil shouted.
    That was when the three of them noticed something.
    "Hey guys where is our clothes?" Zack said.
    Neil picked up a letter. "Dear boys, we decided to take your clothing with us as you're not going to be needing them, enjoy the trip home."
    "Well at least it's a quick drive home," Dutch said.
    "Um guys," Zack said as he got in the car and found another letter. "It's another letter from the girls, they said I hope that you didn't misplace your keys."
    Neil shook his head. "I don't want to hear a single word on the walk home."

    The guys were pretty humiliated by their long walk of shame back to their fraternity house, especially since they had to go past the girls' dormitory and endure lots of cat calling, but they figured that it wasn't going to be as humiliating as that weekend when they had to go to the girls' sorority house and be their naked servants. But they made the bet very public so if they didn't show up they would never be able to show their faces in public again, which considering they had to show their faces naked in public might not actually be the worst case scenario.
    In the end they decided to suck it up and they attended the girls' victory party completely buck naked just as they promised.
    "Hey let's give these guys three cheers for being good sports about getting their asses kicked by a bunch of naked women," Katie said as all the women in the sorority house began screaming and whistling.
    "You think there is any chance that you ladies will get naked as well?" Neil asked.
    The women all began laughing hysterically.
    "Hey guys get me a sandwich," Lakisha said as she snapped her fingers.
    "I could use a sandwich as well," Wilma said.
    "I don't think that you need any more sandwiches," Neil said.
    "Hey that's not being a very gracious loser," Lakisha said. "Besides I thought that I was going to offer you guys a lucrative business offer."
    "I thought that you didn't like seeing naked men," Zack said.
    Lakisha shook her head. "I don't but I know plenty of people who do. How do you think I got so wealthy? I am the heir to a popular company that produces naked calendars of both men and women."
    "Wow really?" Neil asked.
    "Hey what are you naked boys talking about," Zoey said as she came over dressed to the nines in a fancy evening gown that covered up every inch of her body, as was the case for Gloria, Katie and pretty much all of the women at the party. They did that specifically to make the guys as uncomfortable as possible.
    "I was offering them the possibility of making money as nude male models for a beefcake calendar," Lakisha said.
    "And you didn't ask us to pose for a calendar as well?" Katie said.
    "Well you're no longer that shy are you," Gloria said as she put her arms around Zoey and Katie. "I knew that once you got naked you would realize that you liked it."
    "Do you think that you ladies will get naked tonight," Dutch said.
    The three women looked at each other and looked at the guys before laughing and simultaneously saying, "not a chance."
    "Besides more people wanted to see us naked than see you naked," Katie said.
    "Hey we were pretty close, I bet if we got widespread attention we could probably sell more calendars than you," Neil said.
    Lakisha, Wilma, Katie, Zoey and Gloria all stared at the guys and Katie stepped forward with a big smile on her face. "Wanna bet?" she asked with a laugh.
    The three guys instinctively covered themselves up with their hands and started to blush and slink away as the women all burst out laughing. It was going to be a long and interesting evening.


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