How Bigfoot Stole My Clothes And Made Me the Most Famous Naked Guy on the Planet

I guess I am still on a nudity kick so I am writing lots of stories right now, incidentally the novel that I am writing under my own name contains a lot of embarrassing nudity but I wouldn't consider that novel to be erotica, so that is one I will probably publish under my own name. This honestly is one I could have published under my own name as well accepted very explicitly embarrassed nudity erotica. Basically this is a CFNM story involving Bigfoot and I think it's rather quite hilarious when you combine those two elements and I think it really works very well so I hope you enjoy it. How Bigfoot Stole My Clothes And Made Me the Most Famous Naked Guy on the Planet James knew that people thought he was crazy for believing in Bigfoot but he was determined that he was going to prove that Bigfoot was real, no matter what it cost. So that weekend he decided he would spend the weekend in the woods where there had been Bigfoot sightings recently. He decided he would camp out and ho...