Preview of Naked Corona Chapters 1-3

I've got a special treat for you all as I have published my longest novel about embarrassing nudity so far to date, so now I am going to share with you a sample of the first three chapters in hopes that you will buy it. It seems that on the paperback edition page there isn't a description of the book but I sent a message hopefully they will correct that for me, but in the meantime here are all the details and a link to where you can buy it on Amazon. Enjoy, and if you like it please give it a five-star review on Amazon and on good reads and tell as many people as you know about it, because every little bit helps. I also have several other full-length books and story collections that I am gradually getting around to reading and editing and publishing, so hopefully there will be more of this in the future, but until then enjoy my latest offering, Naked Corona! Naked Corona Paperback – January 27, 2023 by Mr Arthur Pemmington (Author) Stephen and Jill were just ordinary every day...